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Why Is Sikhism The Best Religion?

May 24, 2008

About five and a quarter centuries ago, Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid the foundation of Sikh religion. The succeeding Gurus raised the palace of Sikhism on this foundation. The Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh Ji accorded the completion and the finality.
Despite its young age, Sikh religion has attracted the attention of the scholars world over. So much so that it is now being counted as one amongst four or five known religions. The main cause of it acquiring such reputation is the unique ideology that our great true Gurus gave us and which is guiding the world in the form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Reverned Gurus preached this religion as a decent way of living life that can give multifaceted guidance in spiritual, social, economic and political fields to a man.
After comparing the ideology of Sikhism with 500 other religions of the world, Mr. H.L. Bradshaw, an American scholar of world religion opines that-
"Sikhism is a Universal World Faith with a message for all men. This is amply illustrated in the writings of the Gurus. Sikhs must cease to think of their Faith as just another good religion and must begin to think in terms of Sikhism being the religion for this new age ... The religion preached by Guru Nanak is the faith of the New Age. It completely supplants and fulfills all the former dispensations of the older religions. Books must be written proving this. The other religions contain the truth but Sikhism contains the fullness of truth .... The Sikh religion is truly the answer to the problems of a modern man."
Some of the merits of Sikhism those have attracted the attention of world's religious thinkers and scholars are discussed briefly in the following paragraphs.
1. Religion-a Way of Living Life. Before the advent of Sikh religion, the concept of religion was confined to the observance/performance of various rites and rituals, doubts and superstitions, hypocricy and blind faith. Hundreds of gods-goddesses, natural forces, animals, trees or stone images were worshipped. To propitate the gods, Yag were performed where men and animals were sacrificed. Penances were performed while living in the jungles and mountain caves. People believed in evil spirits, demons and ghosts and were always fearful of their wrath. To save themselves, they would indulge in various types of worhip and charity etc. A religion had no concern with how a man must live his life, how is he supposed to resolve his difficulties and what are his duties and responsibilities towards the society.
Sikh religion took the 'Religion' out of the rut of disguises, rites, rituals and blind faiths and presented it in the shape of a way of living life. In the spiritual field, Satguru Ji laid emphasis on meditation of One Lord and condemned meaningless doubts, superstitions, hypocricies, a particular style of dressing to project oneself as holy and blind faith. They launched a campaign against the social evils such as caste based distinctions, untouchability, injustice, immoral earnings, corruption, discord amongst the people, cowardice, slavery of foreigners and pitiable condition of women. The Gurus expressed their opinions on the distribution of wealth in the economic field and spread political awareness amongst the people. They organised them to raise struggle against the political oppression. Thus Sikhism made religion capable of leading the people in multi directional aspects of their life.
2. Religious Places (Gurdawaras) : Centres of learning Life Style: The dharamshalas established by Guru Nanak were used for giving practical shape to the Sikh ideology besides worship of God (Naam Simran). People were taught the lesson of voluntary service. Views were exchanged for the raising of an ideal society to remove the caste based and rich-poor distinctions. Institution of Langar was started and common water sources in the form of reservoirs (sarovars) were dug up. People of all castes, creed, religion and· social standings ate meals prepared in a common kitchen, sitting in one line next to each other. The Sarovars provided them with water to bathe. Both institutions helped remove man made chasms in the society. If women were praised in principle, it was given a practical form in the Gurdawaras. They could participate in all activities of a Gurdawara and were at liberty to preach, discharge duties of a Granthi (Holy script reader) as well. Dispensaries, orphanages and home for the physically impaired were made in Gurdawaras. Schools were opened to impart education to the children. The sixth Guru even made them centres of political learning besides the religious teachings. Thus spiritual and temporal might was merged into one. These examples prove beyond doubt that Gurdawaras are the centres of learning Sikh way of life.
3. Faith in One Godhead and Discarding all other gods-goddesses : Sikhism vehemently opposed the incarnation theory and the worship of their idols. Guru Ji even said, "May that mouth burn which says that God takes birth."
So mUkh(u) jato jit(u) kaheh Thakur jon; (Page 1136)
Satguru ji said that people were worshipping kings of a particular time (Sri Ram Chander, Sri Krishan etc.) as incarnations but these incarnations had not been able to
find the ultimate God.

Jugah jugah ke raje ki-ey, gaveh kar(i) avtaari.
Tin bhi ant(u) na paeya ti't ka
kia kar akh(i) veechfiri. (Page 423)

Bhagat Kabir Ji says that he only needs Lord and has nothing to do with god and goddesses. Bhagat Nam Dev Ji is prepared to surrender all gods and goddesses for one Lord, the Supreme.

Jaa jacha taa keval Ram.
Aan dev sia nahi kam. (Page 1162)

Hau to ek(u) Ramaia laiha.
Aan dev badlaavan(i) daiha. (Page 811)

Satguru Ji described the form, omnipotence and all virtues of God in their bani that they advised their Sikhs to worship. In the mool mantr, (from Ek Onkar to Gur Prasad(i) )the primary traits of God have been described.
4. Leadership of Shabad Guru: Sikhism has accepted Shabad (Divine Word) as the Guru. It means knowledge of the Lord that the Gurus had realised when their mind and soul became in tune with the Lord. Their reaiisation has been recorded in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Nanak had proclaimed Shabad as Guru when he said-
Shabad guru surt(i) dhun(i) chela.
(Page 943)
Shabad gur peera gehar gambhira
bin(u) shabadai jug bauraniJg. (Page 635)
The same principle has been explained by Guru Ram Das Ji in the following hymn-
Bani guru, guru hai bani, vich(i) bani. amrit(u) saarey.

Gur bani kahai sewak(u) jan manai,
parlakh(i) guru nislarey. (Page 982)

Guru Sahiban have not accepted the body as Guru. That is why Sri Guru Granth Sahib contains bani of six Gurus, fifteen Bhagats and eleven Bhatts. If the body alone was considered to be Guru, then except six Gurus, no writings of any other great and holymen would have found place in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
5. Building of Character and National Revolution through Naam Simran: It implies singing the glory of His traits and imbibing them in one's mind by constantly remembering them. It can also be called praising the Lord and keeping his memory perpetually in one's mind. The Bhagats sing the glory of the infinite and invaluable virtues of God .and acquire resonance of mind with Him or they virtually merge in Him. Those who meditate on the virtues of Lord also become fearless, without animosity, free from the fear of death, kind, clement, contented, just, seekers of everyone's welfare, protectors of the poor, helpless and refugeless and stand to fight the tyranny and oppression. The vices of lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and many other maladies of mind do not come anywhere near those who meditate on His name. Thus through Naam-Simran, a man becomes possessor of high character, ~uru Says-
Sachi bani soocM hoey.
gun Ie naam prapal hoey. (Page 361)
Jin her(i) japia se her(i) hoey.
her(i) milia kef kefatr. (Page 667)
Where as Gurus raised the character of a man and strengthened his soul through Naam Simran they also raised such an ideal society that was full of divine virtues; that had discarded the slavery of priestly class, bondage of the social values and tyranny and subservience of the authorities/ruling class. The miracle of Naam produced true lovers of God and social reformers from the worthless ritualists, great warriors and military leaders appeared from among the cowards and kings from those who had lived a life of subservience and slavery for centuries. This revolution came about through Naam Simran.
6. A Supreme Method of God Worship-Kirtan :
Raag (Singing) has been used as a supreme method of Lords worship. Where as singing Lords praises produces concentration of mind, the divine virtues also park themselves in the mind of a seeker. He starts getting waves of emotions and love that dye him in the hue of Lord. It was the medium of Kirtan by which Guru Nanak had turned a cheater like Sajjan into a God lover and a preacher. It had melted the solid minds of Kauda Bheel, Noar Shah the witch, Hamza Gaus and Vali Kandhari into wax like soft. Bhai Sadoo and Bhai Badoo were the bards in the court of Guru Angad Dev Ji. The Tenth Master was himself an exponent of Kirtan and was an adept player of musical instruments like Jorhi, Mirdang and Siranda. Confirming the objective and importance of Kirtan, Guru Ram Das Ji says-
Sabhna raagaan vich so bhala bhai, jit(u) vasia man aaey
Raag naad sabh such(u) hai,
keemat kahi n jaey (Page 1423)
7. Principle of Living Emancipation: Sikhism has not promised salvation after death nor has it assured any body a stay in heavens. It has taught to free oneself from the vices encountered in this life and obtain one-ness with God. Explaining this principle of Emancipation while Alive (Jeevan Mukat) are the following lines from Gurbani­

Oh dhanwant(u) kulwant(u) patiwant(u). Jiwan mukat(i) jis(u) ridai bhagwant(u).
(Page 294)
Taj(i) abhiman moh maya phun(i)
bhajan Ram chit(u) (aavao.
Nanak kahat mukat(i) panth eh(u)
gurmukh(i) hoey tum paavao. (Page 219)

Where as Sikhism has rejected the existence of heaven and hell, it has given preference and more importance to mergence with God than emancipation after death.
Kavan nark(u) kia surg(u) bichfJra, santan do-oo radey.
Hum kfJhoo ki kaan(i) n kadatey,
apney gurparsfJdey. (Page 969)
8. Disapproval of Rituals and Brahmanism : For centuries, Brahmans have enjoyed themselves as the most privileged class of society in all spheres of life. They had the sale authority of reading and teaching the sacred scriptures. They would put people into incantations of various Mantras, worship, hold yag and accept charity. Piety, defilement of body on account of birth and death, piety of the kitchen, fasting, observance of good and bad days, visiting pilgrim centres and bathing there, belieVing in hell and Ileaven, faith in ghosts and evil spirits, worship of the planets, caste based division of society, Ashram Dharm (celebacy, householder, living in jungles and ascetic life) etc are various aspects of Brahmanic ideology. They would also indulge in many sacraments, rites and rituals and accept alms.
Satguru Ji and Bhagats vehemently condemned and rejected the Brahmanic ideology and challenged the supremacy of Brahmans. Let us see what Gurbani has to say on it.

Kabir Baaman(u) guru hai jagat ka bhagtan ka gur(u) nahey.
Arjh(i) urjh(i) kai pach(i) mooa,
charauh beydauh mahey (Page 1377)

Simrit(i) sastar bahut(u) bisthara.
Maya moh(u) pasria pasara.
Murakh parheh sabad(u) n boojeh,
gurmukh(i) vir/ai jata hey (Page 1053)

9. All Sikhs are Free to Preach : In other religions priestly class iike Brahmans, Moulwis and certain parsons were authorised to preach. Over a period of time, these people became corrupt, greedy and immoral.
Guru Sahib permitted all Sikhs to perform religious rites as well as do preaching work. Those who were appointed as preachers were also to earn their livelihood themselves. Baba Budha Ji who was appointed Granthi (Script reader) at Harmandir Sahib had to work to earn his two-meals a day. Thus no particular priestly class was created in Sikhism. Even today all Sikhs-male or female are authorised to perform all reiigious rites like service as a Granthi, impart religious discourses, and even participate in administering Khande-di-Pahu/ (Baptism).
10. Religion of Householders: The so called religious people of India have always been preferring spending their lives as ascetics rather than being a householder and worldly man. Fearing the adverse effect of Maya, Jogis, Hindu Sadhoos, Bodhis and Jain hermits lived in the mountains. They would attempt to control their minds and perform penances/worship. Satguru Ji impressed upon people that there was no need to renounce the world. Instead one should discard evil thoughts, vices and ill deeds. Sikh must remain free from the grasp of maya Contd........
May 24, 2008
while living this life to its maximum usefulness, working to earn his livelihood and performing all his mandatory duties. All one need is to hold the apron of Lord firmly.
Nanak Sat(i)gur(i) bheliai, poori hovey jugat(i).
Hasandia khelandia painandia khavandia,
vichey hovai mukat(i). (Page 522)
Sat(i)gur ki aisi vadiaee.
Putr kalatr vichey gat(i) paee. (Page 661)
11. An Organised Religion : The aim of Sikhism was to bring a total revolution in the society. This revolution was badly needed in religious, social, economic and political spheres of their life. Therefore an organisational approach was needed.
To achieve this aim, Guru Nanak commenced the formation of Sangat and appointed preachers. The third Guru Ji established preaching centres (manjian), sub centres (peerhey). The fourth Guru Sahib commenced the system of masand and the fifth Guru established a central religious place by the name of Amritsar. He also gave the Sikhs an exclusive religious and sacred scripture-Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Thus the Sikh movement kept progressing from strength to strength, forming a Sikh society in the process. This was subsequently polished and named as Khalsa Panth by the Tenth Guru Ji. The Khalsa Pan!h gradually became so strong that despite myriad martyrdoms, tyranny, oppressions and holocausts, it became successful in establishing their own kingdom. This organization. even faced the present day challenges with success and glory and made many sacrifices for the protection of its ideology and culture.

12. Supporting Oneness of Mankind : Sikhism vehemently opposed the societal division on the basis of caste, creed, colour, rich and poor and untouchability. It propagated that being children of one God, all are like brothers and therefore equal in all respect. How beautifully has the Tenth Master said-
Ko-oo bhaeo mundia sanyasi ko-oo jogi bhaeo, ko-oo brahmchari ko-oo jati anumanbo.
Hindu, Turk ko-oo Rafzi imam Sari,
manas ki jat sabhai ekai pehcMnbo.
Karta Karim soi Rajak Rahim o-i
doosro n bhed koi bhool bhram manbo.
Ek hi ki seva sab hi ko gurdev ek,
ek hi sarup sabai ekai jot(i} janbo. [Akal Ustat(i)]
13. Respect for Woman : Woman has faced very disrespectful treatment in the field of religion. She has been called-Shudra, fit for admonition, she-wolf, ignorant, shoe of the foot, picture of falsehood, cause of all sins and distresses, killer poison, intoxicating wine etc. She kept serving a man like a maid servant, kept burning on the pyre of her dead husband, kept satisfying the carnal desires of the priestly class as dev dasis. Even then she was sold and bought like animals. Some kept her confined behind the curtain and did not permit her to enter religious places or participate in any religious functions. Some even said that she cannot achieve emancipation.
Sikh Gurus did a revolutionary work by granting woman an equal status with a man. Women had started adopting Sikh way of life even in the times of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described the importance of woman so aptly and beautifully in the cantos of the 19th ode of Asa ki Var. A woman plays a significant role in the life of a man either as a mother, sister or a wife. She is the one who gave birth to kings, emperors, warriors, scholars, philosophers and Bhagats. How can she be called bad or evil ?
So kio manda akhiai jit(u) jammeh rajaan.

Sikhs vehemently opposed the custom of 'Sati' whereby a widow burn herself voluntarily on the pyre of her husband. Women were advised to draw the veil over their faces, The Gurus opposed this practice and also encouraged widow remarriage. The third Guru Sahib appointed women to do preaching jobs. The women in Sikh religion are free to partake Amrit of Khanda-baata and can participate in the battles campaigns on equal terms with iheir Sikh brethren. They had been equally active and effective as rulers and administrators.
14. Langar-an Exclusive Institution: The institution of Langar gives a very distinct character to Sikhism since it is not prevalent in any other religion. This routine has been in vogue since the times of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Where as it satiates hunger of the needy it also removes the distinction of caste, creed, high-low and rich-poor from the minds of the Sikhs. Langar also afford opportunity of service to the Sikhs. Guru Amar Das Ji had institutionalised the tradition and had issued an edict that all those visiting the Darbar must eat in the Langar. Respecting the edict, Emperor Akbar too partook food sitting with common men.
15. Amalgmation of Spiritual and Temporal Life: Love of God and His worship has been well amalgamated with the armed struggle for righteous cause another unique principle of Sikhism. When the tyrants use force to perpetrate injustice and oppression on poor, decrepit and destitutes, they cannot be brought on the righteous path without use of force against them. The Tenth Master has rightly written in Zafarnama-
Choon kar az hama heeltey darguzasht, Ha/a/ ast burdan bfi-shamsheer dast.

It means when persuasions and all other means of resolving an issue fail, it is just to unscab the sword.
Therefore Bhagats of Lord (saints) must become fearless and free of animosity in order to do service to the poor, needy, oppressed and tyrannised by unrighteous elements. He has to be ready to discharge duties of a Sant and Sipahi at the same times.
16. Path of Optimism and Prosperity : To remain in Chardi Kala state of mind is a unique feature of Sikh community. It means one should remain in optimistic state even in the face of adversities and when the conditions are highly unfavourabie. In this state, one remains hopeful and keep struggling to achieve success with infallible faith that God always sides the righteous people. Gurbani has instilled this virtue in the minds of Sikhs. Sikhism is a path of optimism and it is the living example of always looking at the bright side of life. After the martyrdom of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur (1716), clouds of calamity exploded on Sikhs. Royal edicts to put Sikhs to sword had beer, issued. The mobile patrol parties hunted for the Sikhs. Those who were caught, whether young, old, male, female or small babies or children were tortured to death. Many thousands lost their lives in holocausts. Even then they did not accept defeat. They lived in hope of divine dispensation accepting what was happening to them as divine order or His will. They progressed towards their goal even in the most adverse conditions till able to establish a powerful kingdom under the rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. If they lost their kingdom or authority, they took to the path of struggle to restore their glory. They confronted the British Empire and resolutely fought the political injustice in independent India. The barbarity and atrocities that the Sikhs faced in 1984 would have destroyed the morale and confidence of any other nation. But the Sikhs remained in a state of positive and high morale as if all that had happened was part of their lives. They have always been creating glorious and grand history.
17. Harmony Between Religion and Politics: Religion and politics go side by side. They cannot be separated. Guru Nanak had called the rulers of his time as bloodsuckers, butchers and wolves. When Biibar invaded India, he called him 'Jiibar' and had to undergo some period of imprisonment while leading the people against his tyranny. All the Guru personalities imparted political consciousness to their followers. The ever increasing influence of Sikh movement became the cause of martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Guru Hargobind Sahib wore two swords-one of Piri and the other of Miri at the time of coronation as a Guru. He constructed the Akal Takht Sahib, (Throne of the Timeless God) and erected two Nishan Sahib in front of it. He was addressed as Sacha Patishah by the Sikhs and other population. All these events are the proof of the fact that religion and politics go side by side and in harmony with each other in Sikh religion. Guru Gobind Singh Ji had proclaimed that he would make man trampled for centuries into kings-
Jin ki jat aur kul mahi, sardari na bhaee kidahi. Tinhi so sardar banfwon,
tabai Gobind Singh naam kahaoon.
First the Sikhs took up cudgels with the moghul rulers and then confronted the British rulers. The success of the key campaign during Gurdawaras Reform Movement won them accolades from all. Mahatama Gandhi had called it. 'First War of Indian Freedom and a decisive Victory.
Therefore Gurbani and Sikh history are the proof of the fact that both religion and politics have a very close association.
18. A new Economic Ideology: Sikhism is the only religion that formulated and presented its own economic ideology-(l) Earning livelihood through honest hard work, (2) Setting aside one tenth of the earnings for social and religious welfare projects, (3) Distribution of surplus to remove the chasm between rich and poor. Satguru Ji has advised-
Ghal(i) khaey kichh(u) hathauh deh(i).
Nanak rah(u) pachhflneh(i) se. (Page 1285)
He has also condemned taking bribe and usurping
others wealth-
Hak(u) paraeya Nanakfl us(u) saaar us gaey
Gur(u) peer(u) hflma fa bharey,
ja murdar(u) n khfley (Page 141)
Laying emphasis on equitable distribution of money, the fifth master says that he who has much is worried about its safety and he who has scanty, is ever wandering in fulfilling his needs of bread, cloth and shelter. He alone is happy who is free from both conditions. That is he is neither rich nor poor.
Jis(u) greh(i) bahuf(u) fisai greh(i) chinta.
Jis(u) greh(i) thori su phirai bhramanta.
Duhoo bivastha te jo mukta,
sol suhela bhalleeai. (Page 1019)
19. Selfless and Voluntary Service of Mankind :
Sikhism preaches selfless service of mankind without consideration of religion, caste, country, race and gender. God is the father and all people of the world are His children. His spirit resides in all. Therefore, service of humanity is service to God. It is a medium of coming closer to God.
Vich(i) dunia sev kamai-ai.
Ta dargah baisan(u) pai-ai. (Page 26)
The initiation of a Sikh into sewa (service) commences from cooking Langar, cleaning utencils, fanning the Sangat, cleaning the shoes of the Sangat in Gurdwara and helping the needy with clothing and money. Thus the whole world becomes an arena of service. Our Gurus have set perfect examples of selfless service. Homes for destitudes and dispensaries in Gurdawaras had been opened with this aim in mind. Guru Arjun Dev Ji himself served the sufferers of famine and epidemic in various towns and cities of the Punjab. Guru Nanak and other Gurus did preaching service to attach the people with One God. To free the people from political oppression of the rulers, fifth and ninth Guru Sahib served the cause of the people at the expense of their own lives. Guru Sahib fought all the wars and their Sikhs bore unprecedented brutalities only in the service of mankind. Thus the 'sewa' aspect of the life of Sikhs has associated them with entire humanity.
20. A Complete and Distinct Religion : Sikh religion is an independent religion. It has an unique ideology of its own in the shape of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. It has its own code of conduct, its own culture, separate places of worship, a glorious history and historical places. All these make Sikhism a distinct and ideal society. Bhai Kahn Singh 'Nabha' has well established the distinct character of Sikhism in his book Hum Hindu Nahin. Bhai Veer Singh writes in this regard that Sikhs should be proud of the virtues of their religions. They must stick to the truth that Sikhism is an original and true religion.
Mohsin Fani who had come to India during the period
of Guru Hargobind Sahib writes that-
"Sikhs do not recite Hindu incantations (mantras) nor do they hold faith in any of their incarnations. Hindus consider Sanskrit as the language of the gods and thus hold it in high esteem, but for Sikhs it is like any other common language used for communication. They attach no special importance to it. Sikhs do not follow any sacraments of Hindus."
Mr. Macauliffe considers Sikhism as totally free and pious from the influence of semitic religions. As regards the strong ideology of Sikhism, he says-
"It would be difficult to point out a religion with comprehensive ethical system."
In the end we submit the views of Mr. Dorothy Fields who depicts most appropriate analysis of Sikh religion. She says that-
"Pure Sikhism (as enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib) is far above dependence on Hindu rituals and is capable of distinct position so long as Sikhs maintain their distinctiveness. The religion is also one which could appeal to the occidental mind. It is essentially a practical religion. If jUdged from the pragmatical stand-point which is favourite point of view in some quarters, it would rank almost first in the world. Of no other religion can be said that it has made a nation in so short a time. The religion of the Sikhs is one of the most interesting at present existing in India, possibly indeed, in the whole world."
"Of all religions, this one is the purest: That is one Meditates on the lord's name and does what is holy." P. 266


Apr 3, 2005
Shazad bajwaa ji

I like your spirit. Even i hate religions, i hate all forms of organized groups. I like individuals, i love individuality. Groups to me are very ugly. Because we were never born in groups, we were born individuals. But the societies and the religions always are against individuality, because if people are simply individuals, then it would be impossible for the religions and and political groups to manipulate them.

Interesting post So It means You hate your country too because country is also a form of group
Mar 1, 2009
kds1980 ji

Interesting post So It means You hate your country too because country is also a form of group

Yes, i do.
Whole Earth is one. It is divided by politicians to rule. There are no lines as far as earth is concerned, but there are many lines on the maps. The maps dont show the reality, because there are no lines on earth. A country is not a reality, the idea of a country is very fictional. The countries actually exist in the heads of its people. The countries just exist on maps, and people love maps, and they forget reality.
This fictional idea of countries have killed millions of people around the world in wars, and is still killing and exploiting people. And people go on fighting to change lines on map.
There is no actual line that divides India and Pakistan, there is no actual line that divides Iraq and Iran, there is no actual line that divides Israel and Palestine, there is no actual line that divides Chechnya and Russia, and still millions and millions of innocent human beings die due to this mindless political game of countries.
That is why i hate the idea of countries. It is idiotic and barbaric.


Apr 24, 2006
kds1980 ji

Yes, i do.
Whole Earth is one. It is divided by politicians to rule. There are no lines as far as earth is concerned, but there are many lines on the maps. The maps dont show the reality, because there are no lines on earth. A country is not a reality, the idea of a country is very fictional. The countries actually exist in the heads of its people. The countries just exist on maps, and people love maps, and they forget reality.
This fictional idea of countries have killed millions of people around the world in wars, and is still killing and exploiting people. And people go on fighting to change lines on map.
There is no actual line that divides India and Pakistan, there is no actual line that divides Iraq and Iran, there is no actual line that divides Israel and Palestine, there is no actual line that divides Chechnya and Russia, and still millions and millions of innocent human beings die due to this mindless political game of countries.
That is why i hate the idea of countries. It is idiotic and barbaric.
Well, live with it.
Many animals including humans will mark out a territory. It seems to be a biological trend observed all the time. So according to this, the idea of country is in fact very real.
Humans are social animals which is why we see more than one controlling a territory. Rattle snakes and leopards like to do it solo.
it is not idiotic or barbaric, it has to do with natural selection, without which you wouldn't be here.


Apr 24, 2006
Because we were never born in groups, we were born individuals.

yes we are but we are social animals. We like to be in groups and we like to be accepted by groups. Groups in the past have ensured our survival from the evolutionary perspective.
Mar 1, 2009
bhagat singh ji

'kartoot pasu ki manas jaat' [human beings behave like animals]

Animals dont have an evolved consciousness to see what stupidity they are doing. They dont have such evolved brains. But the human beings have a choice, they can either be animalistic, or use their brains to see the stupidity in animalistic tendencies.
Humans beings have a choice because of their evolved consciousness, to choose what is right and what is wrong.
Animals cant do that. They dont have the choice, that is why they are animals. And we are humans because we have the choice. We can consciously choose what we want to be. We can choose if we want to be mindless animals, or if we want to evolve our consciousness into superconsciousness, or god consciousness.
A human being can become enlightened, an animal cannot. Because an animal does not have a choice.
I have chosen to use my brain. So my point of view about the countries and all kinds of political groups is very negative.


Apr 24, 2006
Sadhu ji,

bhagat singh ji

'kartoot pasu ki manas jaat' [human beings behave like animals]

Animals dont have an evolved consciousness to see what stupidity they are doing.

Um.. stupidity is a vague term. Please provide an operational definition so we can analyze this statement.

They dont have such evolved brains. But the human beings have a choice, they can either be animalistic, or use their brains to see the stupidity in animalistic tendencies.
Please define animalistic tendencies so that this statement can be analyzed.

Humans beings have a choice because of their evolved consciousness, to choose what is right and what is wrong.
Please define right and wrong so we can analyze this statement.

Animals cant do that. They dont have the choice, that is why they are animals.
And we are humans because we have the choice.
Humans are animals, buddy.

We can consciously choose what we want to be. We can choose if we want to be mindless animals, or if we want to evolve our consciousness into superconsciousness, or god consciousness.
Mindless animal?? Now I am confused. What is your definition of an animal?

A human being can become enlightened, an animal cannot. Because an animal does not have a choice.
Please define enlighten so that this statement can be analyzed.

I have chosen to use my brain. So my point of view about the countries and all kinds of political groups is very negative.
Um animals use their brain...
um... ok but I guess its just your opinion unless you define those terms which will add some reason to your statements. reasoning... something exclusive to humans.

i am serious about teh definitions. please do provide me the definitions.:)


Apr 24, 2006
Bhagat Singh: Humans are social animals which is why we see more than one controlling a territory. Rattle snakes and leopards like to do it solo.
it is not idiotic or barbaric, it has to do with natural selection, without which you wouldn't be here.
Since your saying you think being in groups is stupid or something similar.
Are rattle snakes and leopards smarter than humans? Do they have a more evolved brain?

oh and do reply to the post above.


Apr 3, 2005
bhagat singh ji

'kartoot pasu ki manas jaat' [human beings behave like animals]

Animals dont have an evolved consciousness to see what stupidity they are doing. They dont have such evolved brains. But the human beings have a choice, they can either be animalistic, or use their brains to see the stupidity in animalistic tendencies.
Humans beings have a choice because of their evolved consciousness, to choose what is right and what is wrong.
Animals cant do that. They dont have the choice, that is why they are animals. And we are humans because we have the choice. We can consciously choose what we want to be. We can choose if we want to be mindless animals, or if we want to evolve our consciousness into superconsciousness, or god consciousness.
A human being can become enlightened, an animal cannot. Because an animal does not have a choice.
I have chosen to use my brain. So my point of view about the countries and all kinds of political groups is very negative.

No person is in this can claim that he/she does not belongs to a group.
You yourself belongs to a group That beleive that a living Human Guru is a must
That's why you always try to convince that to members of SPN.On the other we belong
to a group that beleive's that Guru Gobind singh Ji has given Guruship to Guru granth sahib
to a group
Mar 1, 2009
kds1980 ji

You got me. Yes everyone belongs to a group.
Hehehe, even i am in some kind of group, i never thought about that before.
Anyway thanks............ [:)]
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