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  1. BhagatSingh

    Fitna The Movie

    What are your thoughts on this movie? Google Video Error
  2. Randip Singh

    Sikhism Is Not The Same As Hinduism, Islam Or Christianity Etc

    ..or Islam, .....or Christianity.....etc Hi all , There seems to be a flurry of threads that seem to surrounding this issue. I am interested in why people are so concerened about proving Sikhism is a branch of Hinduism? I have heard arguments from Islamists that Sikhism is a corrupted form...
  3. H

    Islam Is Sikh Really Converting To Islam?

    wjkk wjkf today i has just visited the site "Why I Left Sikhism to Revert to Islam" by Aaliyah Khan, Canada [Archive] - Islamic Networking. In fact earily also i had visted a same kind of site stating that a lady from Canada (i guess) had changed this religion from Sikh to Islam. If this is...
  4. S

    New Sikh Rebuttal Website

    Dear All, please note that we have just launched a new website on which we will host Rebuttals to mainly Muslims who post nonsense about Sikhi on their websites. Please do have a look and kindly make people aware of the resource. We have used a number of different sikh and non-sikh sources...
  5. Randip Singh

    Islam Wiki Islam?

    Anyone seen or heard of this site before: Main Page - WikiIslam Anyone any views of it? Some of the articles are pretty derisery of Islam.
  6. S

    Muslim Followers Of The Guru

    Peace I am a Muslim who has come to the conclusion that Guru Nanak was a messenger of God. I am not ready (at least now) to become a Sikh, so I would like to learn more about the Muslims who ( I have heard) lived with, followed, and even fought alongside the Gurus. If anyone could give me any...
  7. Astroboy

    Hinduism Similarities Between Islam And Hinduism

    YouTube - Similarities between Islam & Hinduism-Part1 Comments are welcomed from believers of all faiths. No hatred comments please. In this ailing world of differences, we all share the common Humanity. "Kudrat Ke Sabh Bande" ~ begum ~
  8. azizrasul

    Islam Creation In Islam

    Salaamu Aleykum Everyone, This is my first post. I emanate from Pakistan but live in the UK. I'm currently an IT consultant but was originally an Electronic Engineer. I wanted to begin my life here with the Islamic view of how the universe was created by extracting passages from my book...
  9. HannahBanana

    Islam Sikhi Islam

    One question: Can a person be a Muslim and a Sikh at once? Like a Suslim or a Mikh (meek)? :rofl!!: Sorry if the joke is in poor taste. I'm serious in my question, though.
  10. S

    Islam Islam In Spotlight Now But Other Religions Cannot Be Complacent: George Yeo (Channel

    SINGAPORE: Anticipating conflict scenarios is key to maintaining racial and religious harmony, according to Foreign Minister George Yeo. Speaking at a dialogue session with the Young Sikh Association on Saturday, Mr Yeo shared how racial prejudices can surface. More...
  11. B

    Teenage Amritdari Girl 'forced' Into Islam

    A TEENAGE Sikh girl was today being guarded by police amid claims she had been forced to convert to Islam. An armed gang smashed their way into a house in Erdington last month and threatened the occupants, apparently in search of the girl. She was reported missing from her family home in...
  12. K

    Apostasy-Child Snatched In Malaysia From Women Who Left Islam

    Found this on a blog:Ramblings of My Life "Apostasy - Shown on Al-Jazeera This was aired on the 20th April 2007 on Al-Jazeera news channel. Its about how a baby can be torn away from its parents because a Muslim woman dared to marry a non-Muslim. Watch the video below: YouTube - Everywoman -...
  13. binnz001

    Islam A Question To My Muslim Friends Here

    Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa , Waheguru Ji ki Fateh i have a few questions for my Muslim freinds here , i have been talking some to muslims in other forums but instead of replies they start abusing. Hope someone here clears the doubts. JUST A FEW QUESTIONS 1:ALLAH -- THE CREATOR ? I f Allah created...
  14. H

    Islam Islam View On Sikhism-please Help

    Hello- some person in another forum who is a muslim has posted this and i was wondering if anybody can come back with a well delevoped argument to explain how he is clearly wrong: "Sikhism isn't even descended from God! It's about some philosophical Gurus who teach the 'right way to live' -...
  15. C

    Islam Women In Sikhism Women In Islam

    I wanted to offer my two cents, but the other thread ended up in a philosophical debate [which no mods controlled or moved to another thread? and did remove comments such as 'I hate Islam']. Before you read my contribution, please note that I use the name of the religion based on the religion...
  16. B

    Islam Women In Sikhism And Islam

    I was wondering about how good or bad is the status of women in Sikhism is as compared to Islam.
  17. waheguru123

    Islam Bomb Blasts - Jihaad In Islam

    waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh :mad: there have been several bomb blasts in india. please read this article using the link http://www.ndtv.com/template/template.asp?template=terrorstrikes&slug=Serial+blasts+rock+Delhi%2C+over+30+dead&id=18069&callid=0&category=National
  18. drkhalsa

    Call To Muslims To Seduce Sikh Girls Into Islam

    Muslim Extremists Target Students Sunday 9th October, 2005 Fauja Singh - Panthic Weekly Staff Ruth Kelly, British Education Secretary UK (KP) A few weeks ago the British Education Secretary Ruth Kelly said that British universities have been told to spy on student activists to prevent...
  19. M

    Islam Jesus Prophet Of Islam

    Has anyone read the book titled jesus prophet of islam by Muhammad Ata Ur-Rahim, Ahmad Thomson. Its a detailed and informative book for both Christians and Muslims of how both the torah and original message of Jesus (isah) s.a was corrupted and changed. I recommend it to all those who are...
  20. Admin

    Islam Islam - What Exactly Are The Benefits To The UK?

    Originally Posted by our member: rooh (Some posts could not be ported to new version, so had to be transferred manually and also forgot to give proper references. Double apologies.) Can somone point out any tangible benefits. I live in the UK. There is much concern and resentment amongst Sikh...