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13 Reason For - "Why I Am A Sikh"


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<Now to your question. Mardana is said to have PAIYAH GURU NANAK JI..that means he MERGED completely in Guru Ji....followed every single command of Guru Ji to the end. Would he be a "smoker" of Tobacco ? a misuser of drugs ? a person who would be lazy and good for nothing ? a perosn who wouldnt follow what Guru ji declares in His GURBANI ?? Would he cut his hair..or drink alcohol..or cohabit with someone not his wife..or do any of the things that are anti gurmatt based on GURBANI ?? I would say Bhai mardana was a PERFECT SIKH. He had complete FAITH in the Teachings of GURU JI.....just as a SIKh today must have in the teachings of the TEN NANAK/SGGS?Guru Khalsa Panth Combine. If i could be 1/10 the sikh that was Bhai mardana..i would count myself the luckiest person living today..wow just imagine Guru nanak ji writing..tutta computer mereh jarnail da....>>

good luck to you Jarnail ji...every sikh aspires to merge with Akal,

i might sound cliched, but gurbani doesnot talk abt cutting hair or keeping hair...

keeping a moral upright behaviour, monogamy, abstainence from vices, sharing with needy, kirat karni, wand chakani..sat sangat wich rehna, Akal di ustat karni
these are the measure i can remember from my limited understanding of the Bani.

<<just becasue we dont want to "judge" others doesnt mean any tom {censored} and harry can waltz into our Gurdawara and begin preaching "gurmatt" to us..there are certian established guidelines...as already given by me from the SRM..as to what is a SIKH ? Those are the bare MINIMUM.... a chilm carrier, drunk stupid on booze, with a shaved head and beardless, pockets full of Rothmans and a bottle of Johnny 69 in his pants..cant sit behind the SGGs and begin taking a hukmanam..and cry..YOU cant judge me..i am a sikh too..is wishful thinking.. On the other hadn if a visible "amritdharee" wearing all the kakaars ( but coming from a prostitutes hotel, high on drugs, with stolen cash in his pocket..) may well succeed in HOODWINKING everyoen and read the Hukmanam without any protest from anybody - due to his outward appearance of complying with the OUTSIDE bare minimum requirements of the SRM definition of a SIKH/SINGH.>>

Gyani ji, i understand and appreciate your concern, but as Guru ji say, Akal has given us Matt to distinguish between good and evil, True and Fake. And i believe that though a morally degraded person as described by you might come and start sermoning, many wouldn't stay long to listen to him..... we aren't dumb folks...

this process of giving/taking gyaan in Gurudwaras is good to intiate the young and novice... but someone who is seeking the true path and is not following a fad or just becoz his/her mum told them to sit and listen, would easily make out the sham...

i feel this is exactly the reason that the sikh youth(not all..i agree a large number of sikh youth is misguided today) doesnot want to be like the people giving sermons.. my two cents here...

also, on the point of a amritdhari but morally degraded person gets currency, this is because people are afraid to question them.....who will stand up and tell a granthi that he guzzles beer in the night ????

he will be shouted down and told that a Patit has no reason to speak up in front of "Akal Ki Fauj" .. i have seen this enactment a lot of times... the SRM is waved in face of the people who try to reason logically.....and the corrupt are given Shabashi, siropas ...just because they followed the SRM outwardly....

this culture is noting but showing the bravado and one upmanship

this is no different from the moghul armies....something which Guru Nanak wrote beautifully about in SGGS..

i think the "khalsa" (behrupiyas) have hijacked the gurudwaras and what i see going on there is nothing more than a sham.

Gurudwaras are being used for misleading people to believe that just by outer appearances and donating to Gurdwaras they become "True sikhs"

this is no different from the Roman Catholic Church patenting its right on the Sermons of Jesus, twisting them to their own purpose
Last edited:
Jan 17, 2007
My Humble reasons for being a Sikh.

These are my reasons so please all those "Know all People, Khalsas and Gurmukhs" please do not chew my head off.

1 am Sikh because:

Jan 17, 2007
OOOOOOps Sorry. I will start again.

My Humble reasons for being a Sikh.

These are my reasons so please all those "Know all People, Khalsas and Gurmukhs" please do not chew my head off.

We all see things at different levels. If you stand at the foot of the mountain with a view to see the world, your vision will be limited conversely if you get to the peak of the mountain and then see, your vision shall be totally different. This is based on your advancement in Spirituality and your Guru that gives you the "GUR”, the secret, as parshad, and with its "Sadhna" along with the Grace of God. I do not expect every one to understand it. But do not loose your faith.

I am Sikh because:

1. In the period of Kalyug. Our respected Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has enabled us a PORTAL to exist from Nature and Kalyug to achieve Salvations. (It is a pact with Kalyug). Guru Nanak Dev ji is to me the Lord/Devta of Kalyug. All those you seek salvations will eventually have to go though him.

2. Sikh Gurus have planned for us a definite route showing us how to achieve Salvation. (Only the loved ones come to know of this and with his grace the writings/Shabads become clear)

3. The Banis and teachings of the Bhagats is a proof of this. They have given us the benefit of their experience in their Bani, telling us how they achieved it and How ? they tricked nature from knowing what they were doing. "Tricked" beacuse nature does not want to lose us. It has its own plans.

4. Sikhism is the only religion that has opened the doors in all four directions and gives one the choice to come in or go out as you please. There are no restrictions. Progress at your own pace.

5. Sikhism is the only religion that makes NO FALSE promises. (It is human error if you think otherwise, because humans are always looking for a short-cut and there is NONE. We all have to go through the grind.)

6. Sikhism is the only religion where you can refer to "God" as Father, Mother, Brother or as a Friend. This is to eradicate the difference between God and Us. You cannot get closer to the one that you "Love" by keeping a distance.

7. Sikhism is the only religion where you do not need a library ( Knowledge) to reach him. Pure "Love" shall take you there along with the acceptance of the "Will of Nature". The Bhagats did not have that facility in their times, and they got there. That is not to say Knowledge is not a route be it a long one. But Who would want to wait?

8. I am a Sikh because I love my Gurus and they Love me in return and God Loves me too.

If you do not feel this then you are not a SIKH or not ready to be a sikh. Do not waste your time, become a Hindu and chase your own tail, become a Muslim and wait rotting in the earth for the Judgment Day, Become a Christian and pretend that Jesus will to come and save you one day. It is your choice and this is mine. So leave me ALONE in my World.

"Salvation" is not handed on a Plate. "We Reap what we Sow". Sikhism is a living death. Learn to live it and one day it will become reality. The secret of life is in the Death. Life, we are already living, do not find life within life, your die of exhaustion. Search Death as Gurus have told us and you will Live for ever and Die no more.

"Je tao prem khelan ka chao, sir dhar tali gali meri aaoo....."
"Pehlan maran kabool, jivan di shadd aaas, hun sabna ki renka tabi aaeooo hamare pass". Make up you mind before you take the first step on this route. Guru ji says, You take one step towards me and I shall take a million steps towards you.
“Waheguru Naam Jahaaj hai Jo Chaddey so Utterey Paar”. Get yourself a ticket. Become a Sikh.

Keep pretending, remain a skeptical and you will stay to live and die.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh


Jan 15, 2007
i am born in sikh family & will like to be sikh because---
sikh religion is the latest ,more scientific,more natural .
it believes in one GOD, one energy one creator.
There is no botheration of who is guru--?
Shabad guru is universallly accepted.
As a sikh we are free from many many rituals at the time of death, birth , marriage.
Being Sikh i am naturally free from many negative natures--- free from tobacco, drinks & non veg.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
because the philosophy of Sikhi thought is closest to humanitarianism i have come across

and i believe ..that is what God sent us to be - humans


Dec 13, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Few questions regarding the above post.

If sikhism believes in law of Karma - then how did that law applied to the first person on the planet. Does't matter how did that first being came into picture - be it creation out of nothing or evolution. The question is what acts/or karma decided its current life. These very questions are asked in Guru Granth

It is the teachings of Vedas, which has created the concepts of sin and virtue, hell and heaven, and karma and transmigration. One reaps the reward in the next life for the deeds performed in this life¾goes to hell or heaven according to the deeds. The Vedas have also created the fallacy of inequality of caste and gender for the world.
AGGS, M 2, p. 1243.

“Don’t look to the past, make efforts to make your future life successful by meeting God, because you won’t be born again,” says Nanak.
AGGS, M 5, p. 1096

“You won’t be born again, take some measures to obtain salvation right now. Praising the Merciful One, will take you across the ocean of worldly temptations,” says Nanak.
AGGS, M 9, p. 220

Kabir, human birth is difficult to attain because the dead person is not born again like a ripe fruit fallen on the ground does not get attached to the branch again (AGGS, Kabir, p. 1366).

Do not believe that the benefits of deeds performed in the current life will be rewarded in the next world. AGGS, M 1, pp. 729-730

The reason i am Sikh - Sikhism teaches to use rational thinking, absolutely no need for dogmas. If we are using rational thinking to make daily decisions then use the same to understand God (to whatever capacity we humans have)

Sat Shri Akal ji!

I do not quite understand your point here. Are you saying that karma does not have it's effects over several births? And that the Gurus did not endorse that concept?

Also what is AGGS?

Sat Shri Akal


Mar 28, 2006
:) Respected saadh Sangat ji :) ,

nice very nice:)

i humbly accepted the roop, place, family, people and all the rest Waheguru provided and placed me neech in-and it turned out to be the most beautiful and peaceful place on this earth......

Dhan Dhan Sikhi


Jan 22, 2005
Sikh believe in God - Akal Purakh who is absolute, self governing and permeates within all of but cannot be contained in a certain place or in specific direction. Nanak ka patshah dessai jahra SGGS 397.7. whereas it appears that Islam believe in absolute God who resides in the Seventh world. It was the depth of Love that in search of Union with God, our gurus encountered with millions of earth, sky, sun and moon (which has been confirmed by today's science) whereas Islam could reach upto 7th world only hence stuck up with heaven and hell level rathan than union with Him.
Regards Sahni Mohinder


Jan 22, 2005
Followers of Hindu eulogizes 'karma' human action and holds that right karma (carried out as appropriate rituals) can ensure salvation from the cycle of life and death. The sikh doctrine in contrast to this view, holds that 'karma' is incapable of providing escape from the mortality. It only leads man from mortality to mortality. Escape is possible only through the 'grace of God'.

When this world had not yet appeared in any form, who then had committed sins and performed good deeds. SGGS 290.17. Thus gurmat do not believe in original sin. Gurbaniosays right and wrong choices came after tray gunne maya was dispositiioned by Him. It says like this jah aap rachio parpanch akaar, tihu gun meh keeno bisthar paap pun tah bha-ee kahaavat. When He Himself fashioned the visible world of the creation he made the world subject to the three disposition. Guru Nanak clarfies that for Him creation is a game and He continue to play. He himself has staged His own drama O Nanak there is no other creator SGGS.291.1 Thus He first three His cards out of whim, and sins and virtues are the result of His play only.
Regards Sahni Mohinder


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Your 2 previous posts were encouraging. These were my understandings. One can get lost in debate sometimes.

May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
Wow, all good points! i like this post alot, i have only seen it twice now lol. The only things that need to be corrected is that 12 and 13. There is 2 other ways of life that have there holy books and scriptures written by the original prophet, and anyone from any religion can break down barriers and work along side other people from different faiths.

Other than that, an awsome post!
Feb 14, 2006
Guru, prophet, manefestation, great teacher...

Guru: From the Sanskrit Gu meaning "darkness," and ru meaning light. Literal definition: a supreme being of many forms and natures, with power to liberate others from earthly evils. The Guru is the being who can dispell darkness and change it into enlightenment.

Prophet: from the Greek, pro meaning "before," phetes, meaning "to speak." Literal definition: an oracle who interprets gods omens for the future. An oracle. A diviner. A soothsayer. A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.

Manifestation: From the Latin, manifestatio. Literal definition: One of the forms in which someone or something, such as a person, a divine being, or an idea, is revealed. Something visible or evident that gives grounds for believing in the existence or presence of something else. An act of showing or displaying.

Also from Bahai Teaching: The nature of a prophet of the Manifestation of God is thus described in Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (pp. 66-67): "Since there can be no tie or direct intercourse to bind the one true God with His creation, and no resemblance whatever can exist between the transient and the Eternal, the contingent and the Absolute, He hath ordained that in every age and dispensation a pure and stainless soul be made manifest in the kingdoms of earth and heaven. . . . These Essences of Detachment, these resplendent Realities are the channels of God's all-pervasive grace. Led by the light of unfailing guidance, and invested with supreme sovereignty, they are commissioned to use the inspiration of Their words, the effusions of Their infallible grace and the sanctifying breezes of Their Revelation for the cleansing of every longing heart and receptive spirit from the dross and dust of earthly cares and limitations."

Great Teacher: From Middle English. Superior in quality or character. Noble. Eminent. Renowned. One who educates. Instructor. Mentor. Guide. An ascended spiritual Master whose personal life is loving compassion. One whose continual ascension releases more and greater Power and Light for students to ascend upon.

Is a Sikh Guru the same as a Muslim Prophet, a Bahai Divine Manifestation, or a universal Great Spiritual Master/teacher? Why not use Sikh definitions to precisely define Sikh Guru as Guru? Sikhs should keep their own faith's self-definitions and not confuse their teachings by appropriating the definitions of other faiths. All religion is not one! There are important differences between them.


Mar 19, 2007
I heard, haven't experienced myself- bahais don't let small kids in their prayer assemblies, i wonder why?

SaadhSangat Ji Bhul Chuk Maaf Karna
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
Are we going to learn Bahai matt now? interesting. i heard, haven't experienced myself- bahais don't let small kids in their prayer assemblies, i wonder why?

SaadhSangat Ji Bhul Chuk Maaf Karna

Actually, we had a prayer assembly last night, lots of little children and babies there. :hmm: where did you here that???

Regardless of manefestation or guru, the writtings in both ways of life where written at the same time of enlightenment.
Feb 14, 2006
Are we going to learn Bahai matt now? interesting.
Sachchasoda, I have been an anti-missionary for many years. When I saw Lionchild's definitions of equivalence for Guru, I knew he was actually using Bahai terminology. Some people may not have caught what he was doing. So I exposed the Bahai source of the definition. Obviously it is not Sikh teaching, nor can it be a correct term for Guruji. That was the point. Just as Muslim scholars study Gurbani in depth in order to distort it, I'm afraid Sikhs had better be knowledgeable about how their faith is being undermined and attacked. You have to learn where these kind of people are coming from.

I have studied in-depth actually a variety of teachings, in order to catch or stop missionaries in their tracks from confusing things. In no way do I promote say Islam, or Christianity or Bahai faith, but I can debate with them on all contentious points. And that's what I do. The common missionary tactic is to introduce a new definition, then keep getting people familiar with it. Then they start substituting the new term, and its new meaning. Example would be Muslim missionaries talk about Guru Nanak Dev Ji as a kind of prophet, not because they respect Him, but because they want to win our confidence. They want us to accept the term prophet, and eventually reject the term Guru. Generally, Bahai's don't have a missionary approach. I think Lionchild is just slurring definitions together because thats all he understands learning all these different traditions.

I was trying to point out the huge differences in meaning in those separate religious terms: Prophet, manifestation, Great Teacher, that they are NOT synonymous with Guru.

Whatever you say about me, I was exposing Lionchild's Bahai terminology, and correcting that GURU is NOT a Bahai Manifestation. I was agreeing with Kaur1's post "I think you should replace the word "prophet" with "Guru" as Sikh Gurus are not called prophets."

Stop trying so hard to make me seem to be anti-Sikh because I don't share your sanatan world-view. I resist Muslims just as much as Hindutva. You're fighting the wrong battle. The missionary distortions are the insidious problem, not the people who challenge them. Bahai faith can NEVER define Guruji. Bahai religion can never be a replacement for Self-defined teachings of Guru. You want to know about Guru, go to Guru, not to Bahai.

I did not agree with Lionchild that all his terms are equal to Guru. We are not dust of all, and all religious teachings are not equivalent. Sikhs need to be very aware of these corruptions of Gurmat. The missionary distortions and attacks are coming faster than anyone can resist and expose. Tremendous damage is being done every day in insidious ways especially to Sikh youth who are converting away from their faith. Why hinder my effort? I am not your enemy.


Mar 19, 2007
Harjas Ji,

Thankyou for the reply.

Bahai relegion is also GOD'S Creation, is it not?
Does knowing about anything makes your battle a wrong oneFor me Guru Ji's words are more precious and I follow Guru Ji

Harjas Kaur Khalsa said:
We are not dust of all,

Saadh Sangat Ji

Guru Ji says:

Two Nanaks have said this truth- become the dust of everybody's feet.

pauVI ]
ijsu srb suKw Pl loVIAih so scu kmwvau ]
nyVY dyKau pwrbRhmu ieku nwmu iDAwvau ]
hoie sgl kI ryxukw hir sMig smwvau ]
dUKu n dyeI iksY jIA piq isau Gir jwvau ]
piqq punIq krqw purKu nwnk suxwvau ]17]

slok mÚ 5 ]
pihlw mrxu kbUil jIvx kI Cif Aws ]
hohu sBnw kI ryxukw qau Awau hmwrY pwis ]1]

Saadh Sangat Ji bhul chuk maaf karni ji.
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