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13 Reason For - "Why I Am A Sikh"

Jul 10, 2006
Sachchasoda, I have been an anti-missionary for many years. When I saw Lionchild's definitions of equivalence for Guru, I knew he was actually using Bahai terminology. Some people may not have caught what he was doing. So I exposed the Bahai source of the definition. Obviously it is not Sikh teaching, nor can it be a correct term for Guruji. That was the point. Just as Muslim scholars study Gurbani in depth in order to distort it, I'm afraid Sikhs had better be knowledgeable about how their faith is being undermined and attacked. You have to learn where these kind of people are coming from.

I have studied in-depth actually a variety of teachings, in order to catch or stop missionaries in their tracks from confusing things. In no way do I promote say Islam, or Christianity or Bahai faith, but I can debate with them on all contentious points. And that's what I do. The common missionary tactic is to introduce a new definition, then keep getting people familiar with it. Then they start substituting the new term, and its new meaning. Example would be Muslim missionaries talk about Guru Nanak Dev Ji as a kind of prophet, not because they respect Him, but because they want to win our confidence. They want us to accept the term prophet, and eventually reject the term Guru. Generally, Bahai's don't have a missionary approach. I think Lionchild is just slurring definitions together because thats all he understands learning all these different traditions.

I was trying to point out the huge differences in meaning in those separate religious terms: Prophet, manifestation, Great Teacher, that they are NOT synonymous with Guru.

Whatever you say about me, I was exposing Lionchild's Bahai terminology, and correcting that GURU is NOT a Bahai Manifestation. I was agreeing with Kaur1's post "I think you should replace the word "prophet" with "Guru" as Sikh Gurus are not called prophets."

Stop trying so hard to make me seem to be anti-Sikh because I don't share your sanatan world-view. I resist Muslims just as much as Hindutva. You're fighting the wrong battle. The missionary distortions are the insidious problem, not the people who challenge them. Bahai faith can NEVER define Guruji. Bahai religion can never be a replacement for Self-defined teachings of Guru. You want to know about Guru, go to Guru, not to Bahai.

I did not agree with Lionchild that all his terms are equal to Guru. We are not dust of all, and all religious teachings are not equivalent. Sikhs need to be very aware of these corruptions of Gurmat. The missionary distortions and attacks are coming faster than anyone can resist and expose. Tremendous damage is being done every day in insidious ways especially to Sikh youth who are converting away from their faith. Why hinder my effort? I am not your enemy.

Thank you Harjas Kaur Khalsa ji for clarifying my comment about the incorrect use of the word "prophet" for Sikh Guru's.

The problem with Lionchild is that he never tried to learn Gurbani but instead wanted a "community" or "a physical family" probably due to his own personal (lack of family) circumstances. Lionchild you have to understand that this is your Karma. Try and improve it via Gurbani. Dont just hop from one religion to another searching for a physical community.

If Lionchild tried to understand Gurbani i.e. listen, recite, comprehend and practice he wont be so lost. Maybe he never had Gur Parsad in the first place for learning Gurbani and comprehending the priceless jewel that he has now decided to leave for silly wordly reasons. Lionchild you should start questioning and then answering the reason why we are born in this human form. Find out the answer from Gurbani (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) and beg for Gur parsad. Dont throw this opportunity of learning from Gurbani. Ask for help on Gurbani Shabads if you dont understand.

<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
sB vsqW AMdr v`sdy vwihgurU jI, ijsdw igAwn s`cy gurU jI dI ikrpw dy nwl huMdw hY[
All Pervading God, realized by the Grace of the True Guru.


Mar 28, 2006
Bahai relegion is also GOD'S Creation, is it not?
Does knowing about anything makes your battle a wrong one?

Respected Sachchasoda ji,

knowledge comes-unlimited knowledge and from unlimited Sources. No Sikh can avoid that, yes we are also provided with Power of Discrimination. Use it Wisely.
Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Nanak Dev Ji clarified about Gyaan in Japuji Sahib Pauri 10

- suixAY squ sMqoKu igAwnu ]
- suixAY ATsiT kw iesnwnu ]
- suixAY piV piV pwvih mwnu ]
- suixAY lwgY shij iDAwnu ]
- nwnk Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ]
suixAY dUK pwp kw nwsu ]

now it depends how the Gursikh takes these words from Dhan Guru Nanak Ji-

How Suneeay?????? with infinite UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Sachchasoda said:
Guru Ji says: Greh Raaj Main narak udaas krodhaa.

Yes Krodh is not good, not once not twice- Guru Sahib said this several times. Guru Ji even syas-

Enw pwis duAwis n iBtIAY ijn AMqir k®oDu cMfwl ]

Asi ta neech kujh kee keh sakde haan.

Sachchasoda said:
For me:

Saadh Sangat Ji bhul chuk maaf karni ji

Just remembered i left a very important thing.

Saadh Sangat Ji

Guru Ji says:

Two Nanaks have said this truth- become the dust of everybody's feet.

pauVI ]
ijsu srb suKw Pl loVIAih so scu kmwvau ]
nyVY dyKau pwrbRhmu ieku nwmu iDAwvau ]
hoie sgl kI ryxukw hir sMig smwvau ]
dUKu n dyeI iksY jIA piq isau Gir jwvau ]
piqq punIq krqw purKu nwnk suxwvau ]17]

slok mÚ 5 ]
pihlw mrxu kbUil jIvx kI Cif Aws ]
hohu sBnw kI ryxukw qau Awau hmwrY pwis ]1]

Saadh Sangat Ji bhul chuk maaf karni ji.


No body has to believe anybody else, and please don't feel that Harjas Ji is telling you to stop posting. Doesn't seem like that, she is posting her views, you are posting yours........
And thankyou for sharing your views, we all are learning......

forgive me please
Feb 14, 2006
Bahai relegion is also GOD'S Creation, is it not?
Does knowing about anything makes your battle a wrong one?- If yes- THEN YOU ARE ALL WRONG, as you dont only know about other religions but you share it with other sikhs and non sikhs (all the visitors on this forum) as well. So if we go by your statements, Not only yourself, By telling others you are making everybody's else's battle a wrong one too. I am Extremly Sorry if this obvious truth hurts you. These are your own words I am giving back to you.
I wrote: " I have been an anti-missionary for many years. When I saw Lionchild's definitions of equivalence for Guru, I knew he was actually using Bahai terminology. Some people may not have caught what he was doing. So I exposed the Bahai source of the definition. Obviously it is not Sikh teaching, nor can it be a correct term for Guruji."

I did not say Bahai religion had no validity. I did not say having knowledge of another path was wrong. I said bahai terminology could not be substituted for Guru. Why do you keep trying to make me say what I did not say? You do this in so many posts. If you can't stand me so much, why do you bother to read what I write? All I can do is what you do...post an opinion.

It seems you are constantly confronting and criticizing my every post. First you question my use of Bahai "matt" and now turn around and accuse me of krodh against validity of Bahai religion. You accuse me of anger towards you and I spend so much time trying to write responses to your 101 challenges of me. The appropriate question is what is your anger towards me? Why are you criticizing and challenging my every post?

become the dust of everybody's feet.
I won't argue against Gurbani. But I won't grovel before enemies of the Panth either. Everything is context. To be humble, to make yourself dust of the feet of saints is not the same thing as to allow yourself to be violated. And that was the context I was refering to since I was discussing missionaries who violate and distort religions they intend to soften up for aggressive conversion. You distort my words. I was not discussing Gurbani. I was discussing missionaries and anti-Panthic elements that really are creating harm. Humility, love to all are wonderful qualities. But this doesn't mean we have to visit Hindu mandirs, define Sikhism by terminology of other religions, submit to abuses of our faith, or break Khalsa Rehit. We have to have love for ourselves as a Panth. And that is not personal selfishness, nor is it krodh and hatred of others. Humility and love does not mean you tolerate ABUSES OF THE FAITH! WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE DISTINCT!
For me Guru Ji's words are more precious and I follow Guru Ji not YOU, for your kind information. As You post here so do I post here, you dont want me to post as it seems like every thing i say makes you state that I am an enemy, a Sanatani, a Hindutava, a fighter of a wrong battle, RSS follower, Other, then why dont you stop my access to the forum.
Stop trying so hard to make me seem to be anti-Sikh because I don't share your sanatan world-view. I resist Muslims just as much as Hindutva. You're fighting the wrong battle. The missionary distortions are the insidious problem, not the people who challenge them. Bahai faith can NEVER define Guruji. Bahai religion can never be a replacement for Self-defined teachings of Guru. You want to know about Guru, go to Guru, not to Bahai.

I did not agree with Lionchild that all his terms are equal to Guru. We are not dust of all, and all religious teachings are not equivalent. Sikhs need to be very aware of these corruptions of Gurmat. The missionary distortions and attacks are coming faster than anyone can resist and expose. Tremendous damage is being done every day in insidious ways especially to Sikh youth who are converting away from their faith. Why hinder my effort? I am not your enemy.
Stop distorting my words. I never said I don't want you to post. Don't insinuate that I ever did. I answer your posts because you target me directly. I believe you are completely opposed to the Tat-Khalsa definitions of Gurmat because you keep opposing them with a philosophically sanatan all-inclusive world-view which I dare say is conducive to missionaries. I never said you are RSS. But who knows, maybe you are. You definitely keep saying I'm a bad person, a bad Sikh. What's with that? If you think I am, fine, maybe I am. Thankyou for washing my karams.

Surinder Kaur Cheema writes, "with infinite UNCONDITIONAL LOVE."
So happy are you to criticize all my krodh, my being a fake Sikh, my being a horrible person, and do this as a "humble seva." Then criticize me for not having "unconditional love" to missionaries and anti-Panthic distortions. Criticize me for not being dust of the feet of missionaries. Talk so hard about love-for-all-Hindus but have no love for me as a Sikh. What's that about? All I get from nearly everyone is personal attack and insult and then I'm accused of krodh for speaking against what I believe are corruptions of Gurmat. As if there is no krodh in the things you say against me personally? What did I ever once say against you as a quality of your person?
Jul 10, 2006
Dear all, I think the last few post on this thread has gone off tangent.

Could we from now on all stick to the topic please.

I am sorry Harjas kaur khalsa ji that you have been targeted on this thread.

Sachasoda if you have any issues with Harjas kaur Khalsa ji's view on the use of the word "Guru" and the reasons for the use in Sikhi then please start a new thread.

Thank you all once again.


Mar 28, 2006
Surinder Kaur Cheema writes, "with infinite UNCONDITIONAL LOVE."
So happy are you to criticize all my krodh, my being a fake Sikh, my being a horrible person, and do this as a "humble seva." Then criticize me for not having "unconditional love" to missionaries and anti-Panthic distortions. Criticize me for not being dust of the feet of missionaries. Talk so hard about love-for-all-Hindus but have no love for me as a Sikh. What's that about? All I get from nearly everyone is personal attack and insult and then I'm accused of krodh for speaking against what I believe are corruptions of Gurmat. As if there is no krodh in the things you say against me personally? What did I ever once say against you as a quality of your person?

Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

what is this??????????????

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness


Mar 19, 2007
Sachasoda if you have any issues with Harjas kaur Khalsa ji's view on the use of the word "Guru" and the reasons for the use in Sikhi then please start a new thread.

Thank you all once again.

Kaur-1 ji I have no issues with Harjas Kaur khalsa Ji, simply posted my views. Am extremely sorry if it hurts her and if it caused any trouble. And it seems to me, like she has problem with all. I may be wrong in understanding you but you also confused me on this issue concept, anyways I am going to take leave for now- have an important test to prepare for. Will be back later.



Jan 22, 2005

i might sound cliched, but gurbani doesnot talk abt cutting hair or keeping hair...

keeping a moral upright behaviour, monogamy, abstainence from vices, sharing with needy, kirat karni, wand chakani..sat sangat wich rehna, Akal di ustat karni
these are the measure i can remember from my limited understanding of the Bani.

We believe in our guru who created us but wants to act smarter than guru. If God sent us in saabat soorat who are we to make perfection. There must be a motive in differentiating between a male and female i.e. man is grown with beard. I have noticed in some sikh forms how certain people interpret gurabni by picking one or two line in order to suit their agenda. These people call themselves scholars or highly spiritual. I give one example of bhaghat kabir which these people mostly use, bhavai lambai kais kar bhavai gharar mudhaii - it does not matter if you keep long hair or you may shave your head bald. Bhagat kabir jee in pankti is condemning the practice and refering to those jogi who believed growing long unhygeinic jataan while cstaying away from home is the means to merge/salvation with Him or the hajis of Qaba who would shave of their head at the time of pilgrimage. That is why our guru while khandeh ki pahul recommend to keep a comb always so that these beautiful hair don't take the ugly shape.Our guru recommend normal life of householder with kirat karni and naam japna. Life span is very short, let us not waste and regret later. Sheikh farid has rightly said, 'jan kuawari tan chao ...when we are young with full energy we long to merge but by following these derawallah, murti pujah or those clean shaven's mis-interpretation of gurbani, we could only land into troubles and waste our precious energy like a wandering dog. As once we get lost with them, we will lose our precious energy and galor and that precious energy will never come back and by the time we realize and start chanting the gur sabd in order to qualify for His grace in saabat suoorat form, it will be too late as the life span is too short. SGGS 1381.5.

Once we start keeping a moral upright behaviour, monogamy, abstainence from vices, sharing with needy, kirat karni, wand chakani..sat sangat wich rehna, Akal di ustat karni, I gurantee your mind will never divert toward shaving your head or beard or will not have time for that.

Regards Sahni Mohinder
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
Wow... now we are bashing other faiths! Okay, whatever floats your boat :wink:

The problem with Lionchild is that he never tried to learn Gurbani but instead wanted a "community" or "a physical family" probably due to his own personal (lack of family) circumstances. Lionchild you have to understand that this is your Karma. Try and improve it via Gurbani. Dont just hop from one religion to another searching for a physical community.

If Lionchild tried to understand Gurbani i.e. listen, recite, comprehend and practice he wont be so lost. Maybe he never had Gur Parsad in the first place for learning Gurbani and comprehending the priceless jewel that he has now decided to leave for silly wordly reasons. Lionchild you should start questioning and then answering the reason why we are born in this human form. Find out the answer from Gurbani (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) and beg for Gur parsad. Dont throw this opportunity of learning from Gurbani. Ask for help on Gurbani Shabads if you dont understand.

It's kind of hard to understand Gurbani when its ALL IN PUNJABI! One of the things i like about where i'm going now is that i can understand what is being said. Mind you, i still read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, as well as nitnem, it does have some very good content.

Regardless of the community, that is unimportant to me compared to the writtings and teachings. However, I was never greeted when i first went to the temple, nor was ever given parshad the first time. These things do leave a lasting impression :roll:


May 5, 2007
it looks like more and more Sikhs are involved in OTHER FAITH BASHING, instead of following Guru Ji.



May 4, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Sat Shri Akal ji!

I do not quite understand your point here. Are you saying that karma does not have it's effects over several births? And that the Gurus did not endorse that concept?

Also what is AGGS?

Sat Shri Akal

sori 4 very very late response. Its for u to decide. make some sense of it for urself. for me the karma things is useless - i might as well stop trying in life. furthermore i don't see how it helps me spirituly - mean in praying, remembering God, meditation etc..i don't see how dwelling on karma helps me to do things that i should be doing. for me its irrelevant.

AGGS - Add Guru Granth Saheb Ji.


May 4, 2006
Wow... now we are bashing other faiths! Okay, whatever floats your boat :wink:

The problem with Lionchild is that he never tried to learn Gurbani but instead wanted a "community" or "a physical family" probably due to his own personal (lack of family) circumstances. Lionchild you have to understand that this is your Karma. Try and improve it via Gurbani. Dont just hop from one religion to another searching for a physical community.

If Lionchild tried to understand Gurbani i.e. listen, recite, comprehend and practice he wont be so lost. Maybe he never had Gur Parsad in the first place for learning Gurbani and comprehending the priceless jewel that he has now decided to leave for silly wordly reasons. Lionchild you should start questioning and then answering the reason why we are born in this human form. Find out the answer from Gurbani (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) and beg for Gur parsad. Dont throw this opportunity of learning from Gurbani. Ask for help on Gurbani Shabads if you dont understand.

It's kind of hard to understand Gurbani when its ALL IN PUNJABI! One of the things i like about where i'm going now is that i can understand what is being said. Mind you, i still read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, as well as nitnem, it does have some very good content.

Regardless of the community, that is unimportant to me compared to the writtings and teachings. However, I was never greeted when i first went to the temple, nor was ever given parshad the first time. These things do leave a lasting impression :roll:

should hv just went up and asked for a parshad.
what do u mean by it does hv some ver good content. ..so u waste ur time for just 'some good content'
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
should hv just went up and asked for a parshad.
what do u mean by it does hv some ver good content. ..so u waste ur time for just 'some good content'

Well if i knew you had to "ask for parshad" i would have, but this was my first visit to the temple, what do you expect from a newbie?

As for good content, just as you read it, there are still some morals from the sikh faith i follow by.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Why Am I a Sikh? (Aspirations of a Sikh)
Late S. Narain Singh M.A.
Ex. Manager Nankana Sahib, Secretary Guru Nanak Dev Mission
Because I have not to worship and appease many a God and a goddess and seek the help of so many of them to meet my needs. Rather I depend upon one God who is Omnipresent and is with me where-so-ever I be.
My God has no equal and has none to fear from. By praying to Him I seek the protection of One who is Himself fearless and makes me lose all my fears. My God is kind and merciful and does forgive my sins if I sincerely pray for that. My God is all powerful and because He is always at my beck and call, my enemies dare not touch me. I have no rituals to perform to seek his help. I simply meditate on certain of His qualities and He stands by me in the particular form and shape of that quality.
I can meditate on His qualities any where, any time and on every occasion and my seeking His help is so simple and easy that it tempts me to be a Sikh.
Because I need not go from door to door to seek guidance and advice. I have all guidance and advice incorporated in one and only one Holy Granth. It is the fountain head from where all knowledge springs. Through it I see my God visualised. It gives me a clear and true perspective of this world and the world to come. It has in it the axioms of a happy life, a life of beauty and joy for ever and ever. It makes me slight the most fearful - the very death itself that emanates all fears. It brings home to me all the different values of life-personal and impersonal, social and individual, worldly and heavenly, pertaining to my soul and my God. With it I soar to immeasurable heights and go fathoms deep in successful search of invaluable rubies and diamonds and with it I stand exalted high as Heavens. It puts into motion the inner-most strings of my life. It carries me there where human intellect fails. It distinguishes right from wrong and puts me on the right track. It is a guide that never deserts. It has a transcendant beauty, an execellent music and an ambrosial food for my yearning soul and through it I feel one with humanity, one with universe, nay, one with God Himself. Its constant enlightenment lets me not waver form Sikhism.
Because I am never alone. My Guru though invisible to human eye, is always with me. He is a great warrior unsurpassed in valour a knight among heroes, saviour of the innocent, kind and merciful and noblest of the noble souls and comes to help his Sikhs wherever and whenever they meditate and call on Him for help. When I am upset and feel lonely, when I am faced with insurmountable difficulties and dangers, when my enemies seem to overpower me, I concentrate on His dynamical personality and He is there by my side. Isn't it then worth while to be a Sikh?
Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Master, has put on me three commands - Service, Simran and Sacrifice-Service of the humble and the poor, Simran of his Master's great qualities and Sacrifice of self to uphold the right and the just. These are the picks of human excellence. In my endeavours to inculcate these qualities in me I hold on as a Sikh.
Because Sikhs are a martial community, they always prefer to die a heroic death to an ignominious life. They rejoice over death for a noble cause. They take it as the sweet will of God and grumble not when faced with death. Their take it as the sweet will of God and grumble not when faced with death. Their past history abounds with such deaths and they recollect their innumerable martyrs in their regular prayers every morning and evening to imbibe their spirit of sacrifice. It enlivens their souls and reminds them of Guru Gobind Singh's commands. To die a coward is the greatest sin with them. A death in the battle field is what they covet most. They would not turn their back on the enemy. It is their martial spirit that has given them a place and name in the world. It is this incentive to martialism of theirs that keeps me a Sikh.
Because of the heavenly nectar -Amrit that Guru gave me that I am Sikh. It gives me the supremacy of Nam, hardness of steel, coolness of water and sweetness of honey. With it I feel transformed to super-humanity. I imbibe the spirit of Guru Gobind Singh and present a look of the very Guru himself. With my long hair and comely beard I vie in appearance with Christ and Mohammed, with Ram and Krishna, with Balmik and all Rishis of the Bharat. I feel a Shiva in me with a sword in hand to safeguard the interests of the weak and defend my land against aggression. What a wonderful transformation by this Amrit that makes me a Sikh!
Because practising Sikhism is so simple - no complexities of rituals and ceremonies, fasts and austerities, renunciations and reclusions or heavens and hells. I have no conch-shells to blow, no bells to ring, no deities to appease, no pilgrimages to undertake. I preserve my long hair and beard as nature gives them to me and keep a comb to cleanse them every day. To look decent and civilized. I keep my loins covered with a 'Kachhehra', an underwear. I wear a sword to meet unforeseen enemies, an iron bracelet an emblem to remind me that I am day and night in my Guru's bondage. I eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, wear when naked and enjoy as I will, provided those do not pollute my mind nor harm my body. The only criterian with me is the preservation of a clear conscience in a sound body. This simplicity of faith and freedom of joy are the greatest inducements for me to be a Sikh.
Because it is not a faith to be practised in the tempies and lived in seclusions. I have to practise it in daily life, behind the plough, on the roadside in the workshop and on the table. I have to be a Sikh at home, a Sikh abroad, a Sikh in society and a Sikh in battle field. I have to be a Sikh in thought, word and deed, a Sikh in my dealings with the world at large and a Sikh-like in all stations of life. It is a life to be lived and not a tenet or a philosophy to be preached. No recitations, no formalities, no celebrations are of any avail unless I live upto these. It is the action that counts with me. I must not say but do and I must appear as I am and not what I am not. No show, no deceitful presentation of myself is my creed. It is, therefore that I am a Sikh.
Because I need no priestly order to redeem my sins. I am priest to myself. I can stand alone and pray to God for my redemption. He listens to my prayers. I have also full faith in a congregation of my people-devotees of my Guru. We sit together in the presence of our Guru-Holy Granth, sing in chorus hymns from the Granth till we are all one and in harmony with the Guru. We stand up then and pray with folded hands for redemption of our sins, for proper guidance in life and for His blessings for the entire mankind and the Universe. There I feel one with universe, a member of the human brother-hood and lie prostrate at His feet with all humbleness praying for the common good of all friends or foes. What a wonderful prayer! Hence I am a Sikh.
Because Sikhism recognises no caste or creed as high or low nor is there any colour, country or race bar. Its doors are open to the black and the white, to the western and the eastern and to the Negro and the American alike. There are no untouchables with the Sikhs. They run free community kitchens and call them Guru-Ka-Langar. Whosoever may contribute, the ration cooked in the Langar is considered to be that of the Guru. Theirs is only the service that they do in person. It is therefore that even the wealthiest among them and the persons commanding greatest respect male or female are seen cooking meals and cleaning utensils in the Guru-Ka-Langar, here all dine sitting in one and the same row (pangat) and partake of one and the same food regardless of the fact of one's descending from a royal lineage or having in hand a beggar's bowl or of being a Brahman or a Shudra, a Muslim, a Hindu, a *** or a Christian. Again they have common bathing tanks at Amritsar, Tarn Taran and a Baoli at Goindwal, constructed by the Gurus themselves where all are welcome to have a dip without the least distinction of caste or creed. When they join hands in congregational prayers, they place no bar on anybody may be of any nationality or profess any religion. Their common mess, common bath and common prayer with a common Holy Granth to revere and one Common God of all to pay their homage to, are the grand insignia to their deeprooted faith in one common brotherhood of man. They stand for equality and fraternity and their congregations (Sangat) and their mass dinners (pangat) are wonderful spectacles to look at. It is this spirit of universal brotherhood, a commonwealth of man in Sikhism that appeals to me to be a Sikh.
Because it is a faith based on Unity of God and brotherhood of man. Love of God and service of humanity are the main themes with it. Human soul enchained in human body feels separated from God and it has to be reunited with Him. Love is the only uniting force. Service humanises and makes one tender hearted - receptive - qualities essential for a loving heart. Love and service are hence enjoined upon every Sikh. He quits his bed early before dawn therefore, to get himself immersed in the love of his great Master and with sunrise he devotes himself to the service of humanity performing all the time his routine duties with all sincerity and integrity - noble ideals for a man. To own these I earnesty aspire to be a Sikh of the Guru.


Jan 15, 2007
I think that this is a very good read BUT c'mon! I have pride too, but even though our religion preaches this, that, the other thing it's not prefect. Just cuz it's supposed to be equality within the sexes doesn't mean that there is. Just because we're supposed to be hardworkers doesn't mean that there are. Our religion is 'supposed' to be different from the others in many ways but we're also the same or do not practice according to your well written note. A good read though:)


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
(Source: http://www.sikhlionz.com/fromtheheart.pdf)
Please read the full article from the source.

11.1 Guru Gobind Singh Jee’s Beard

11.2 Banee And Bana
Banee and Bana go hand in hand.

11.3 Holy Hair - Kes
We all have heard many reasons for keeping hair, but here is what our Guru Granth Sahib ji teaches us

,one day we'll understand fully..

11.4 Head Covering - Keskee
prohibited from wearing caps and hats?


Oct 18, 2006
Excellent. It may not be comprehensive and we all may have our other 13 reasons but anyone who has had doubts about Sikhism, should read the 13 compelling reasons.

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