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Answering Doubts Of Dalbeer Singh Ji Regarding Bani Onto The Tenth Master

Jul 30, 2004

Have look at picture c

Vijaydeep ji- What point do you want to make? How does picture c contribute to this discussion? What is the source of the information? How do we know that the source is reliable?


  • pictures c.doc
    1.3 MB · Reads: 343
Feb 7, 2008
Vijaydeep singh ji

Why do not you engage this missionary in a televised debate. We will follow up with digitized manuscripts of Dasam granth from here.
Feb 7, 2008
Vijaydeep singh ji

I did not see your analysis of Charitra 266. That is the charitra these people often quote without understanding it. Have you read it.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
i hope this thread is also not closed as moderator has done in case of others to protect chelas of kala afghana.

Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

It has become your habit to lance insults at others as you have no point to make but to peddle your Hindutva in other and this forum. You may have been successful doing so in other forums because there is no one to confront you with your falsehoods and lies and your hatred towards others yet in the same line you claim to love all humanity which makes no sense.

People you call chelas of KA seem to be your friends and relatives to whom you should talk to about this because there is on one here in this forum who is anyone's chela's. We all here accept SGGS our only GURU unlike you.

So, your grievences seem to be pathologically psychological against some unknown forces within yourself which may be taken care of with some professional help. Have you thought of that?

Your disdain and hatred for KA and others show that you are not capable of loving as taught to all those who take Khandei de Pahul by Guru Gobind Singh ji.

Tejwant Singh
Feb 7, 2008
Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

It has become your habit to lance insults at others as you have no point to make but to peddle your Hindutva in other and this forum. You may have been successful doing so in other forums because there is no one to confront you with your falsehoods and lies and your hatred towards others yet in the same line you claim to love all humanity which makes no sense.

People you call chelas of KA seem to be your friends and relatives to whom you should talk to about this because there is on one here in this forum who is anyone's chela's. We all here accept SGGS our only GURU unlike you.

So, your grievences seem to be pathologically psychological against some unknown forces within yourself which may be taken care of with some professional help. Have you thought of that?

Your disdain and hatred for KA and others show that you are not capable of loving as taught to all those who take Khandei de Pahul by Guru Gobind Singh ji.

Tejwant Singh

Do not spoil this thread also as you have done for others. Get those threads opened up and we will discuss the issues in proper place.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Do not spoil this thread also as you have done for others. Get those threads opened up and we will discuss the issues in proper place.

Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is no room in this forum for anyone to spew hatred and lance insults as you have been doing for a long time.

So, it will be better for you to talk about Gurbani in your own words rather than copying and pasting snippets to flaunt your hatred from Wikipedia and other internet resources.

Sikhi is about the individual to learn from SGGS, our only GURU, and share with others.

I would like you to start doing that so we can all benefit from your Gurmat wisdom.

Hope to get some Gurbani Vichar from your vast experience in reading Gurbani.

Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This thread was not closed to give everyone a chance to discuss Dasam Granth. But there are going to have to be some ground rules for the discussion. After keeping an eye on things for another 12 hours, I will in consultation with other moderators decide how to proceed. BTW - threads are closed after discussion in Leaders. Threads are closed when they are going nowhere.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
In fact I cannot myself get to the bottom of who Mr. Dalbeer Singh ji is and where he published the document with the cover letter. It at this point may be an unpublished word document in draft form without a signature. So, yes, he cannot speak for himself. Thanks for picking up on that, aad0002

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Another observation i have made over a very long time...
ALL these Pro-DG posters NEVER make a SINGLE COMMENT on ANY OTHER THREAD...example we have the Slok Kabir Jis centemplation running for months...we have Shabad Gurbani shabads posted by Kiram, PK70...sidh ghosht, sukhmani by Amarpal Ji..etc etc....NOT a Single Line contributed on those Threads..as if they just DONT EXIST...ALL 1000000% Energies exhausted on DG..DG...DG..DG..no time for SGGS.
I am sure a SIKH can find some time..aadhe gharree nto read and CONTRIBUTE to those various other Threads ??? VS Grewal gave so many Threads...no comments on those either...FUNNY ONE TRACK, ONE RAILGADDEE and ONLY ONE STATION for these guys..DG...NOTHING else exits..on any Forum..ON ALL OTHER FORUMS also..these same posters surface ONLY on DG topics...or HIBERNATE FULL TIME.

Just an independent observation..no offense meant...and also forgive the straying...:D:D:D:D:D:}8-:
Feb 7, 2008
Another observation i have made over a very long time...
ALL these Pro-DG posters NEVER make a SINGLE COMMENT on ANY OTHER THREAD...example we have the Slok Kabir Jis centemplation running for months...we have Shabad Gurbani shabads posted by Kiram, PK70...sidh ghosht, sukhmani by Amarpal Ji..etc etc....NOT a Single Line contributed on those Threads..as if they just DONT EXIST...ALL 1000000% Energies exhausted on DG..DG...DG..DG..no time for SGGS.
I am sure a SIKH can find some time..aadhe gharree nto read and CONTRIBUTE to those various other Threads ??? VS Grewal gave so many Threads...no comments on those either...FUNNY ONE TRACK, ONE RAILGADDEE and ONLY ONE STATION for these guys..DG...NOTHING else exits..on any Forum..ON ALL OTHER FORUMS also..these same posters surface ONLY on DG topics...or HIBERNATE FULL TIME.

Just an independent observation..no offense meant...and also forgive the straying...:D:D:D:D:D:}8-:

Stay on the topic. whoel khalsa panth led by akal takhat is supporter of DG.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Giani Sant Singh Maskeen talks in details about the purpose and significance of Charitropakhyan bani of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. He explains how Gurbani channelizes 'Kaam Ras' to 'Naam Ras' and how it facilitates this crucial transformation

http://patshahi10. org/index. php?option= com_content&view=article&id=275:-giani- sant-singh- maskeen-on- the-significance -of-charitropakh yan&catid=40:katha&Itemid=77
www.patshahi10. org

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!


Those who slacken their grip on the hit of sword
May have to face blade of sword

Guru gobind singh ji, Dasam Granth

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Another observation i have made over a very long time...
ALL these Pro-DG posters NEVER make a SINGLE COMMENT on ANY OTHER THREAD...example we have the Slok Kabir Jis centemplation running for months...we have Shabad Gurbani shabads posted by Kiram, PK70...sidh ghosht, sukhmani by Amarpal Ji..etc etc....NOT a Single Line contributed on those Threads..as if they just DONT EXIST...ALL 1000000% Energies exhausted on DG..DG...DG..DG..no time for SGGS.
I am sure a SIKH can find some time..aadhe gharree nto read and CONTRIBUTE to those various other Threads ??? VS Grewal gave so many Threads...no comments on those either...FUNNY ONE TRACK, ONE RAILGADDEE and ONLY ONE STATION for these guys..DG...NOTHING else exits..on any Forum..ON ALL OTHER FORUMS also..these same posters surface ONLY on DG topics...or HIBERNATE FULL TIME.

Just an independent observation..no offense meant...and also forgive the straying...:D:D:D:D:D:}8-:

Gyani ji,

Great observation. These people show their lack or rather absence of belief in SGGS, our only GURU bestowed on us by our 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. This proves that these people are there to destroy Sikhism with their Hindu mentality. They may wear pugs on their heads so they can pretend outwardly to be Sikhs but cover their legs with dhotis and get very angry when they are caught with their dhotis on their ankles.

People like Inder Singh have shown that they have no understanding of SGGS whatsoever. If he did then he would stop copying and pasting Shabads which he claims to talk about Gurmanter and distorting the other by claiming that it tells us to get up 3 hours before dawn,parrot for 2 hours and then go back to sleep, just like the Hindus do.

I have asked in my last post to Inder Singh ji to share some Gurbani wisdom in his own words with us. I hope he does so we can all learn from him.

Tejwant Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
PARBHAAT is very clearly the short time slightly BEFORE the SUN RISES..its called DAWN.
AMRIT VELA is any single moment that is spent in CONNECTION/COMMUNICATION/FOLLOWING WAHEGURU as per Gurmat/Gurbani. This "moment"... EK Gharree....aadhee gharee..adheehun te aadh...even a Split second BLINK OF AN EYE is given by Bhagat Kabir Ji.
If people want to twist and turn distort their own meanings..no one cna stop them..BUT GURBANI or Bhai Gurdass Jis Vaars dont support such distortions.
ALL THIS is actually Meant as DISCIPLINE of the BODY...so that we can prepare our MANN to follow along the Path of Guru Ji...Clean, Bathed, Combed kesh, Dastaar chun chun ke bandhi, jurr batthnna in Sangat in GURDWARA and listen to Kirtan Gurbani Vichaar...all are this path.:happy: SIMPLE and free of any problems....:yes::yes::yes:
Feb 7, 2008
PARBHAAT is very clearly the short time slightly BEFORE the SUN RISES..its called DAWN.
AMRIT VELA is any single moment that is spent in CONNECTION/COMMUNICATION/FOLLOWING WAHEGURU as per Gurmat/Gurbani. This "moment"... EK Gharree....aadhee gharee..adheehun te aadh...even a Split second BLINK OF AN EYE is given by Bhagat Kabir Ji.
If people want to twist and turn distort their own meanings..no one cna stop them..BUT GURBANI or Bhai Gurdass Jis Vaars dont support such distortions.
ALL THIS is actually Meant as DISCIPLINE of the BODY...so that we can prepare our MANN to follow along the Path of Guru Ji...Clean, Bathed, Combed kesh, Dastaar chun chun ke bandhi, jurr batthnna in Sangat in GURDWARA and listen to Kirtan Gurbani Vichaar...all are this path.:happy: SIMPLE and free of any problems....:yes::yes::yes:

All some people can do is to spoil the threads by their foolish arguements. Can you start a new thread on this. You are an amritdhari sikh. may i ask you what advice was given by panj piaras to you on Gurmantra? What banis you read in Nitnem. Don't ignore these questions like a kabootar. This is not necessary. Debate issues please. aad0002 Reply to them

You talk of Bhai gurdas ji di vaar. have you read

Waheguru Gurmantar hai
Jap haume khoi

( Waheguru is gurmantra
By contemplating on that one loses ego)
Feb 7, 2008
Amrit VELA is any single moment that is spent in CONNECTION/COMMUNICATION/
We are getting *******ed meanigs of sikh terms. Bhai gurdas ji is being cited on mischief to support this perversion. Please be careful with your aspersions about perversions. aad0002

have you read this in Bhai gurdas ji di vaar

"Amrit Vailey Uth Kae jaae Ander Dariaao Nahuande

Bhai Gurdas ji writes Vaar 3
ਨ੍ਹਾਵਣੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਵੇਲ ਵਸਣ ਸੁਦੇਸਿਆ ।
nhaavanu anmrit vayl vasan sudaysiaa|
Taking bath in the ambrosial hours he remains enrapt in the region of the Lord.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Can you please enlighten us with your Gurmat wisdom by letting us know from SGGS which Vela is not the Vela for Amrit? In other words when is it NOT Amrit Vela, especially when Akhand Paath is taking place or when Rehraas or Sohila are being chanted or when Kirtan is taking place at Harmander Sahib or at anyother place?

Anxiously waiting to learn from your Gurmat Vichaar.

Tejwant Singh.
Feb 7, 2008
Amrit VELA is any single moment that is spent in CONNECTION
We are getting new meanings of Amrit vela on the advice of kala afghana theory. Please be careful not to throw allegations around so generously. You have a habit of doing so. aad0002 In the line given below Guru sahib says on ang 305 that a Guru's sikh gets up early in the morning or Amrit vela. Can learned Giani ji tell us when bhalke starts.

Gurbani saysਗੁਰ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕਾ ਜੋ ਸਿਖੁ ਅਖਾਏ ਸੁ ਭਲਕੇ ਉਠਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਵੈ ॥
gur sathigur kaa jo sikh akhaaeae s bhalakae outh har naam dhhiaavai ||
One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru the True Guru shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name.
Last edited by a moderator:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
PARBHAAT is very clearly the short time slightly BEFORE the SUN RISES..its called DAWN.
AMRIT VELA is any single moment that is spent in CONNECTION/COMMUNICATION/FOLLOWING WAHEGURU as per Gurmat/Gurbani. This "moment"... EK Gharree....aadhee gharee..adheehun te aadh...even a Split second BLINK OF AN EYE is given by Bhagat Kabir Ji.
If people want to twist and turn distort their own meanings..no one cna stop them..BUT GURBANI or Bhai Gurdass Jis Vaars dont support such distortions.
ALL THIS is actually Meant as DISCIPLINE of the BODY...so that we can prepare our MANN to follow along the Path of Guru Ji...Clean, Bathed, Combed kesh, Dastaar chun chun ke bandhi, jurr batthnna in Sangat in GURDWARA and listen to Kirtan Gurbani Vichaar...all are this path.:happy: SIMPLE and free of any problems....:yes::yes::yes:

Gyani ji

It is clear that amrit vela refers to the hours before dawn when the sun begins to rise. Taken at face value it gives a time when Nit Nem is most beneficial. But the term "amrit vela" as a metaphor also compares the time before dawn (sunrise) with the time when we begin to open our eyes in a different way, a more spiritual way. I think this is the point you are making -- amrit vela is too full of imagery to be understood in one way only. So please elaborate and perhaps dwell a little more on how the "doubts" of Dalber Singh ji and a figurative use of "amrit vela" are interconnected. I know it is there but some may have difficulty seeing the connection. :)

A similar idea is expressed by forum member Tejwant ji in Post 37.

Added later: After posting my request and then moving to the next new thread I noticed that you have given us a glimpse into your thoughts at this thread. http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/dasam-granth/25573-amrit-vela-moon-once-lunar-month.html

And let us allow this discussion to occur because it will return our focus to the thread topic. Thanks!
Feb 7, 2008
A Giani ji who has raed SGGS sahib all his life is writing about Amritvela


Amrit VELA is any single moment that is spent in CONNECTION


Gaini ji

On ang 1285 Guru sahib writes

bwbIhw AMimRq vylY boilAw qW dir suxI pukwr ] (1285-3, mlwr, mÚ 3)
baabeehaa amrit vaylai boli-aa taaN dar sunee pukaar.
The rainbird chirps in the ambrosial hours of the morning before the dawn; its prayers are heard in the Court of the Lord.

I have give you some refrences of this in my above posts also. May i ask why you are giving distorted meanings of gurbani to sangat.
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