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Answering The Wrong Doubts About Bani Onto Tenth Master

Dec 1, 2006
Charnjit Singh Bal
At the advent of Guru Nanak Sahib in 1469 AD inter-Faith rivalry and hostility between the India’s two predominant religions, Hinduism and Islam, were rampant. Both religions claimed to be holier than the other. The Muslim Invaders called the Hindus Infidels and the Hindus called the Muslims Unholy. The sanctimonious clergies and holy quacks of both religions incited religious in-tolerance and hatred in their respective flocks towards the rival Faith. However both Muslims and Hindus indulged in pagan taboos, superstitions, barbaric human and animal sacrifices Idolatry, and blind faith rituals. The reformist Guru Nanak initiated a unique faith, Sikhism that primarily inspires spiritual enlightenment and prohibits futile ritualism and pagan religious practices.
To propagate his religion that blends Monotheism with Pragmatism, Humanism, Liberalism and Pluralism, he embarked upon four odysseys traveling on foot all over the Indian Sub-Continent and Middle East during fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. During his travels the Guru Nanak Sahib collected the Scriptures of medieval pious Hindu and Muslim venerated Sages who subscribed to his religious concepts. Guru Arjun Sahib compiled the scriptures of the preceding Sikh Gurus and Guru Nanak Sahib’s collections in the Guru Granth Sahib that exemplifies universality of the Sikhism’s illuminating Message. However the progressive Sikhism encountered regressions, dissentions, cultism sectarianism and factionalism from the Gurus’ own kith and kin, opportunistic Sikhs and cultist guru pretenders.
Guru Nanak Sahib’s elder son Sri Chand, discontented because the Guru Sahib selected Bhai Lehna Ji on merit for the august seat of Sikh Guru, founded his own un-Sikh ascetic sect. Motivated by jealousy for the same reason Guru Angud Sahib’s Son Daatu kicked Guru Amar Das Sahib and tried to set a parallel Guru-ship that eventually failed.
Guru Arjun Dev Sahib’s older brother Prithi Chand driven by envy swindled the tithe and other offerings meant for the Guru from the Sikh devotees.
Guru Har Rai Sahib’s elder son Ram Rai being deprived of the Guru-ship, for having cringed and distorted a verse of Gurbani to appease the Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb, started his own sect.
Dhir Mal, another pretender to the august seat of Sikh Guru instigated Massund Shinha to murder his uncle Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib. Shinha fired on Guru Sahib, wounded the Guru and looted Guru Sahib’s belongings including the original copy of Guru Granth Sahib.
The Massunds (Sikh Apostles) became arrogant, corrupt and started to embezzle tithes that were meant to preach and promote Sikhism. Guru Gobind Singh discontinued the practice of appointing Massunds.
Discerning Sagely the probable future abuse of the August seat of the Guru by the likes of Dattuji, Prithi Chand, Ram Rai and Dhirmal, Guru Gobind Singh decreed, "All Sikhs to regard the Granth Sahib as their perpetual (spiritual) Guru" which is consistent with the Sikhism’s fundamental tenet, "Word is Guru, Guru is word." The Guru Sahib mandated the collective Sikh Panth (Nation) to administer the temporal Authority of Sikhism democratically. Unfortunately for the Sikhism and Sikh Community, neither that decree nor the noble message of the Sikhism has deterred some opportunists from misusing and abusing the Sikh religion for the self-serving ambitions.
Radhaswami, Nirankari, Namdhari, Nanaksari cultist Gurus and Tuksaals (standardized study of Sikh Theology Institutions) have customized and commercialized the Sikh religion and set up their own Fiefdoms. Even some main stream Sikh leaders and preachers who are devoid of the essence of Sikhism’s progressive philosophy and illuminating Gurbani (Sikh scriptures) keep misleading the Sikh community back to the era of darkness from which the Gurus tried to extricate the Sikhs.
From mid eighteenth century till nineteen-twenties, a span of a century and a half, the Sikh Nation was engaged in Life and death struggle against the Muslim and Christian Colonialism, Imperialism and Jihads/Crusades. During these crucial times the Nirmlas, Mahants and Poojaris who had the control of the Sikh Gurdwaras (Temples) introduced Idol worship, ritualism, superstition and taboos into the into Sikhism. They embezzled donations and funds, held endowment lands titles in their names and lived a life of sin and perversion in the Gurdwaras.
The Hindu mythology oriented anonymous or pseudonymous (imposter) Sikh writers and Pundits cunningly adulterated Sikh History and Philosophy with mythology, wizardry and witchcraft. These writers, products of Hindu religious institutions, wrote the so-called Granths with ulterior motives to obliterate unique Sikh identity and assimilate progressive monotheistic Sikhism that promotes spiritual enlightenment into primitive Hinduism that fosters polytheism, idolatry, dogmatic ritualism, blind faith taboos, superstitions and prejudices.
One such Granth, ‘Gurblas Patshahi 6’, written by an anonymous writer, edited by the Sikh leader Joginder Singh Vedanti (one who practices Hindu Vedanta) and Dr. Amarjit Singh and sponsored by the thirteen so-called elite Sikh scholars and leaders was recently published by the S. G. P C. Due to the overwhelming criticism from the Sikh Intelligentsia and writers that Granth has been taken off the market but there are many more of that type in circulation. A so-called Dassam Granth, compilation of many scripts by anonymous writers but mischievously purported and propagated to be the Scriptures by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib contains fiction, mythology, wizardry and explicit eroticism.
The proponents and propagators of this dubious literature have succeeded to a large extent in their sinister plot in beguiling Sikh majority and contaminating the Sikh History and quintessential philosophy with mythology, dogmatism, polytheism, wizardry witchcraft, eroticism, etc. Whereas the majority of innocent Sikh’s inability to grasp the Sikhism’s essential message is a simple failure on their part, the role of the numerous cultist Guru pretenders, half literate preachers, self-serving main stream Sikh leaders which propagate such blasphemous literature as integral part of Sikh history and philosophy is much more detrimental.
Consequently the practice of Sikhism, a pragmatic faith of knowledge is replete with blind faith, prejudices, dogmatic rituals, Idolatry, pagan taboos and superstitions. Sikh religious services and ceremonies are performed at the Sikh Gurdwaras (temples) at a price commensurate with the Sikh’s perceptual devotion and ability to pay to invoke God’s benedictions and Guru’s blessings. The international Sikh community has been fragmented into numerous sects, cults and antagonistic factions.
The genuine Sikh Scholars have refuted with convincing arguments the compatibility of the mythical, wizardly and erotic contents of these Granths’ with the illuminating philosophy of the Guru Granth Sahib’s quintessential Gurbani. They have also revealed that the anonymous, pseudonym and quasi-Sikh writers wrote these so-called Granths with ulterior motives. But instead of acclaiming and honoring them, the half literate opportunistic Sikh Leaders who have had strangle-hold on Sikh Nation, have criticized, bullied and ostracized them and banned their books.
One of the most prominent Sikh Scholars ever Bhai Kahn Singh writes, "the earlier and contemporary writers of our Faith have written numerous books on (Sikh) history, code and conventions according to their beliefs and mental tendencies. These books are both beneficial and harmful i.e. the subject matter compatible with essential message of Sikh Gurus’ edification is beneficial otherwise it is harmful."
"The in-depth study of these Granths gives the impression that the poets of our Faith have blundered in copying the authors of religious books of other Faiths. They have bundled and dyed the social, political and religious principles in the religious color. It is all the more saddening that there are very few analytical minded Sikh scholars seeking the truth. In fact the opponents, those who call the rational minded writers and speakers agnostics, are in majority."
Rattan Singh Jaggi who did an in-depth review of the Dassam Granth writes, "The subject matter in the Chritro Pakhyan is so erotic and its language is so sexually explicit that in some places it surpasses even the (Hindu) Koke Shastra or Kama Shastra (Erotica Manual)"
Prof. Harinder Singh Mehboob writes, "The devious activity of contaminating the Granths and attributing the heretical writings to the Sikh Gurus has often been perpetrated repeatedly. This insidious activity has been pursued at the instigation of the mischievous and jealous people (inimical to Sikhism)."
Prominent Sikh academician Pr. Harbhajan Singh in his Punjabi book ‘Selected Articles on Dassam Granth’ writes, "In their wild flights of fancy both authors, (Bhai Santokh Singh of Suraj Prakash and the dubious writer of Dassam Granth’s Bachitir Natak) left no deficiency in fabricating blatant Gossips and mythical Fantasies."
Prof. Gurmukh Singh’s Ex-communication
The ex-communication of a true Sikh, Prof. Gurmukh Singh is an epitome (prime example) of abuse of illicit power by a bunch of self-serving religious leaders. At the time of his ex-communication Prof. Gurmukh Singh, one of pioneer founders of the reformist Sikh movement Singh Sabha, was actively pursuing his goal to establish the first Khalsa College at Amritsar. The band of pretenders to the Sikh spiritual and temporal Authority not only ex-communicated Prof. Gurmukh Singh but also incited the Sikh community not to render him financial help to carry out his missionary work and the noble cause of founding the Khalsa College.
In 1883 Akal Takht head Granthi Bedi Khem Singh proclaimed himself as the Sikh Guru. Aided and abetted by his cohorts, Rajah Bikram Singh of Fridkote, Mahants , Pujaris and other Guru pretenders, he ex-communicated a genuine Sikh scholar and missionary Prof. Gurmukh Singh who criticized him for the un-Sikh act in 1887. They harassed and hounded Giani Dit Singh who dared to condemn their anti-Sikhism activity and canvass support for Prof. Gurmukh Singh to an early grave.
The un-Sikh activities of Khem Singh Bedi and his cohorts are indicative of the sly religious leaders’ ability to manipulate repressive proceedings against a devout religious person. Some of the unjust accusations leveled against Prof. Gurmukh Singh who dedicated his life to the noble causes of reforming the Sikhism’s management and preaching system and eradication of wide spread illiteracy among the community were:-
1) He does not revere the Sikh Gurus’ descents, (pretenders to Sikh Guru-ship).
2) Twenty pictures of Avtars (Hindu Mythical god incarnates), were burned during a convention of Lahore Singh Sabha (Forum) to refute their existence.
3) A Hindu convert to Islam was baptized as a Singh by the Lahore Singh Sabha.
4) In an article published in the Khalsa Newspaper he wrote, "Worship of weapons in the Sikh Gurdwaras is copy of Hindu ritual that is against Guru’s edification."
To an intelligent student of Sikh theology it is clear the ex-communication of Prof. Gurmukh Singh was a case of blatant abuse of illicit spiritual and temporal authority and the heretics punishing the pious Sikh. Prof. Manjit Singh revoked this dictatorial edict in 1995 and acclaimed Prof. Gurmukh Singh as a true Sikh.
Giani Bhag Singh’s ex-communication
The ex-communication of Giani Bhag Singh exemplifies how the conniving religious leaders wield the authority to destroy those who dare to dissent. Giani Bhag Singh’s Book ‘Dassam Granth Nirnay’ (critique) was published in 1976. The book publication caused great deal of controversy amongst the Sikh community. During this period of controversy Giani Bhag Singh and Giani Sant Singh Muskeen were in Indore on lecture tours. As usual at one place when asked Muskeen told congregation that Akhand Path is compatible with the Guru’s edification while at another he said it is not. And when Giani Bhag Singh mentioned about these contradictions Muskeen was naturally resentful.
During his lectures at Rajauri Gardens’ Gurudwara, Delhi, Muskeen quoted some verses from the Dassam Granth’s spurious scriptures. Some young Sikhs argued with Muskeen and told him that the verses he had quoted were not that of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. Although the young Sikhs were absolutely right, Muskeen adamantly refused to concede that he was wrong. Next day they had some scripts from Dassam Granth printed and asked Muskeen to preach the scripts to the Sikh congregation. Muskeen refused and accused Giani Bhag Singh of sending the thugs (young Sikhs) to insult him.
Muskeen approached his friend Golden Temple Head Granthi, Giani Chet Singh. Both Muskeen and Chet Singh instigated Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Sadhu Singh Bhaura (from my village Bhaura) to issue Hokum-nama (edict) to ex-communicate Giani Bhag Singh. However in view of the controversy amongst Sikh community the S. G. P. C. decided to call an ad-hoc advisory committee meeting that was chaired by Giani Sadhu Singh. When at this meeting the research Sikh Historian Shamsher Singh Ashoke who had also written a critical review on Dassam Granth tried to express his views, he was shouted down by the prejudiced members.
When Pr. Harbhajan Singh asked all the 15 members at the meeting, if anyone had studied the Dassam Granth analytically, their silence conveyed the negative reply. And he asked them, (1) if the Dassam Granth’s authenticity controversy wasn’t as old as the Granth itself? (2) Didn’t the Akal Takht Jathedar and Granthi Singh Sahiban reply in June 1973 through Assistant Sec. S. Gurbakhsh Singh to Santokh of Chandigarh that Chritro Pakhyan is not Guru Gobind Singh’s work? (3) Aren’t we, the high-ranking Sikh personalities, too eager to condemn a pious person without his representation?
Note:- In a reply No. 36672 dated 3rd August 1973 to S Santokh Singh (Chandigarh) the religious preaching sub-Committee of S. G. P .C. wrote, "In regard to your inquiry of 6th July 1973 the views of Singh Sahiban of Derbar Sahib and Akal Takht Jathedar are being sent to you. "Chritro Pakhyan in the Dassam Granth is not Guru Gobind Singh’s Scriptures. These are copies of the primitive Hindu mythical tales." Signed, Gurbakhsh Singh, Assistant Secretary, Religious Preaching Committee, Shrimoni G. P. Committee, Amritsar.
Pr. Harbhajan Singh’s wisdom prevailed in drafting and passing two resolutions unanimously, (1) Giani Bhag Singh should have presented his side of the case in detail to the Panth instead of two-line comment. (2) Since with time the issue is getting serious, this committee humbly requests the S. G .P. C. to institute a sub-committee of prominent Sikh Scholars to authenticate the Dassam Granth’s scripts that are compatible with the Guru Granth Sahib’s philosophy and Guru’s Ideals. No punishment was considered appropriate for Giani Bhag Singh.
Despite these unanimous consensus that were reached at the meeting Giani Bhag Singh was ex-communicated on 5th July 1977 in a mystifying manner. The same bunch of Singh-Sahiban (Giani Bhaura, Giani Chet Singh and Giani Kirpal Singh) who said that Chritro Pakhyan wasn’t Guru Gobind Singh’s Work and were also star participants at the meeting to adjudge Giani Bhag Singh, ex-communicated him.
The concerned Sikh Scholars Pr. Harbhajan Singh, Giani Surjit Singh, Bhai Milap Singh and Amar Singh conferred with each other to have the edict issue redressed. Bhai Amar Singh Aligarh, who knew Jathedar Bhaura when he was a Granthi, convinced him of his folly. Jathedar Bhaura agreed to rescind the edict. Bhai Amar Singh, Giani Surjit Singh and S. Milap Singh were to accompany Giani Bhag Singh to Akal Takht to have the edict rescinded.
Muskeen who came to know about this visit, cunningly took Giani Bhag Singh to Akal Takht himself at his own expense. Jathedar Bhaura had a paper with a text, "Giani Bhag Singh has apologized regarding Ardas (Sikh Litany) and Chaupie (a lyrical supplication from Dassam Granth)" typed in advance. When it was given to old and feeble Giani Bhag Singh to sign, he accidentally dropped his reading glasses. Both Bhaura and Muskeen said, leave the glasses; don’t you trust us? They practically tricked Giani Bhag Singh into signing the apology that he deeply regretted. He told Giani Surjit Singh with tears in his eyes that Muskeen had tricked him.
Jathedar Aroor Singh declared Kamagata Maru returnees from Canada in 1915 as un-Sikhs at the behest of the British Government of India; and awarded Gen. Dyre who massacred hundreds of Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims on 1919 Vaisakhi day in the Jallianwala Baug, with a Saropa (the Sikh scarf of honour).
During the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Sikhism was sacrificed at the altar of Secularism. Although he built many Sikh Gurdwaras and allotted endowed lands to these Gurdwaras, no real attempts were made to counter the corruptive influences of the sly Brahmins, impostor Sikh Gurus, zealous Hindu and Muslim clerics and holy quacks. The Maharaja’s folly to trust and appoint the Hindu Dogra brothers Dhyan Singh and Gulaub Singh and brothers Teja Singh and Lall Singh from U. P. to the elite posts proved to be fatal for the Sikh Raj. Soon after the Maharaja’s death in 1839, treachery and intrigues of these traitors enabled the British to occupy Punjab. As usual the ‘Holier than Thou’ Christian Missionaries who without fail followed the Christian Conquistadors (Conquerors), spread their proselytizing (conversionary) tentacles in Punjab and built the Missionary Network.
The Muslim and the Christian imperialists made two pronged intrusions into Sikhism. On one hand they un-leashed brute power of imperialism especially the Muslims who butchered children in front of the mothers to force conversion to Islam. On the other hand they enticed potential converts with endowment lands and elite posts. Then there were the Christian Missionaries and Muslim Quazis, and holy men/quacks to convert the weaklings, impoverished and the naïve.
Note:- Although hunted and massacred on the genocidal scale, the eighteenth and nineteenth Century Sikhs resisted the Muslim and Christian onslaughts valiantly.
However the Hindus deprived of political powers for nearly a thousand years used insidious means to either obliterate the progressive Sikhism’s unique identity and swallow it into Hinduism or proclaim it as a sect of Hinduism. With the downfall of the ruling Muslims who called the Hindus as Kaffirs (Pagans) and considered converting them to Islam as a benevolent act, the ultra Hindu fundamentalists were emboldened. Whereas in the past they targeted Sikhism covertly, now started to malign the Sikh Gurus and Sikhism openly.
Acting on the Hindu cultist Vivaka Nanda’s devious advice, "If you want to root out a religion, cast doubts about the historical facts of its founders", Daya Nand the founder of radical Arya Samaj (Aryan Social Order) launched vicious attacks on the Sikh Gurus and Sikhism. He denigrated Guru Nanak Sahib with remarks, "Ideals of Nanak Ji were noble but he was illiterate; why would he otherwise write Sanskrit word nirbhya as nirbhow? Since he (Guru Nanak Ji) had some ego, he must have resorted to some deceit for the sake of his conceit."
That Daya Nand was an ignorant Charlatan is evident from the fact that Guru Nanak Sahib wrote, preached and sang his Scriptural compositions in the colloquial language of the people of Punjab, Punjabi that was in use before Guru Nanak’s time. Venerated Muslim Sage Sheik Freed who lived couple centuries (1173-1266 AD) before Guru Nanak wrote Scriptures in Punjabi. Guru Nanak Sahib collected and Guru Arjan Sahib compiled these Scriptures in the Guru Granth Sahib.
Like all impostors Daya Nand was a liar, duplicitous and cunning. Giani Dit Singh, his contemporary writes, "Once during his discourse at Brahm Smaj Temple he stated that the Sun orbits around the Earth and supported his statement with quotes from the Vedas. However later at the residence when a companion Saien Das told him that since today’s advanced Astronomy confirms that the Earth orbits around the Sun, people will not think highly of Vedas. Daya Nand said that he should have been told me earlier; now I will refute the statement tomorrow.
Next day he contradicted his own statement by saying, "Yesterday when I said that the Sun orbits around the Earth, that is the assertion of the adversaries. That is how they interpret the concepts of Vedas. Actually these concepts confirm that the Sun doesn’t orbit around the earth, but the Earth orbits around the Sun."
The Rashtrya Svayam Savek Sang (R. S. S.), a radical Hindu fundamentalist organization sprouted eight decades ago. Its strategy is more insidious. To obliterate the unique Sikh identity and proclaim Sikhism as a sect of Hinduism, R .S. S. is promoting and preaching the so-called Granths written by dubious Scholars. The subject matter of these Granths is contaminated with Hindu mythology, polytheism, wizardry Idolatry, blind faith ritualism, eroticism, etc. that are totally contrary to the Monotheistic, pragmatic and spiritually illuminating doctrines of the Guru Granth Sahib’s quintessential Gurbani.
In a clandestine move the Hindu R. S. S. has spawned an ill-conceived organization called Rashtrya Sikh Sangat that has same initials as the promiscuous mother organization to beguile the gullible Sikhs and non-Sikhs. The discerning Sikhs Scholars and Intelligentsia contend that the cagey Hindu R. S. S. has created Rashtrya Sikh Sangat and filled its ranks with the mercenary Hindus and naïve Sikhs to boost its efforts to propagate distorted facts from Sikh History and misinterpretations of the selected verses from the Guru Granth Sahib’s Gurbani.
Some misguided or naive Sikhs, zealous Hindus and mercenaries are helping R. S. S in its deviant designs. Because the concerned Sikh Scholars and intelligentsia challenge the deceitful agenda of the R. S. S., a Sikh lawyer Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba characterizes the call of Institute of Sikh Studies to reject the Dassam Granth, "irrational, motivated and sacrilege." And a self-beatified Sikh Saint (also known as Serkari Saadh) Virsa Singh of Delhi is distributing translations of Dassam Granth.
The R. S. S. president Mr. Sudershan claims, "The Sikhs were created to defend Hindu Faith from the tyranny of the Mogul Rulers; and the two Hundred and fifty thousand Sikhs killed during the (1717-1799 AD) extreme Mogul tyranny were originally Hindus who made supreme sacrifices to defend the Hindu Faith."
One wonders why didn’t these original Hindus make supreme sacrifices to defend Hinduism when the tyrannical Muslim Rulers forcibly converted enormous number of Hindus to Islam? And why didn’t the original Hindus make supreme sacrifices when Mohamed Bin-Kasam, who was by the Khalifa of Baghdad, conquered India’s principality of Sindh in the eighth century with just 700 hundred men?
Mehmood Gaznavi advanced all the way to Hinduism’s most sacred shrine Som Nath, smashed the Idols, looted gold doors with gold inlay and took away Hindu women as concubines and slaves?
If the Hindus were capable of making supreme sacrifices why was India slave to the Muslim invaders for seven centuries until the three hundred year old Sikh panth dealt fatal blows to the tyrannical Mogul Rule in the late seventeen and early eighteen centuries when Himalayan Hindu Principalities were banding with the Moguls. The Sikhs that constitute two percent of the total population of India’s predominantly Hindu society made eighty percent of the sacrifices to oust the British imperialists that ruled India for two centuries and Sikh Homeland, Punjab, for one century
Only an ignorant or insidious can proclaim the Sikhs, who came from all castes and creeds to adopt Sikhism by choice, original Hindus. A man of Mr. Sudershan’s credentials can be called ignorant.
The origin of Sikhism was motivated by the noble concepts of universal religious freedom and socio-cultural Liberalism. Ever since its inception the Sikhism has espoused and made supreme sacrifices for these noble causes The authentic Sikh History is witness to the valiant acts of defiance of the Sikh Gurus, Muslim and Hindu holy Sages (co-authors of Guru Granth Sahib) and numerous Sikh Martyrs for these noble causes. Conversely the Sikhism would have defended the Muslims’ right to religious freedom under tyrannical Hindu Rulers.
Dec 1, 2006
cirqRo pKXwn dSmyS bwxI nhI
isMG swihwbwn dw Pqvw: cUMik pMQ iv`c swry "dsm gRMQ" nUM gurU jI dI ikRq mMnx Aqy n mMnx vwly, do vIcwrW dy lok hn. ies leI smyN smyN AYsy SMky SRo: gu: pRbMDk kmytI,AMimRqsr, AQvw aus vloN in~Xq Dwrimk slwhkwr kmytI pws swmwDwn leI AwauNdy rihMdy hn. iek vwr imqI 6[7[73 nUM cMfIgV "rwj krygw Kwlsw" Aqy "cirqRo pKXwn" vwry p`uC pu`jI. jQydwr sRI Akwl qKq swihb Aqy sRI drbwr swihb, sRI AMimRqsr dy hYf gRMQI swihbwn ny iehnW pu`CW dw jo au~qr id`qw, aus dI nkl hyTW hwjr hY:-
ÃÄvwihhurU jI kI Pqh]
dPqr-SRomxI gurdAwrw pRbMDk kmytI, qyjw isMG smuMdrI hwl, sRI AMimRqsr nM: 36672 3/4-8-73,
sR: sMqoK isMG
kwtyj, loAr mwl, kswaulI ( ih:pR )
pRXojn: Dwrimk puC sbMDI
sRI mwn jI,
Awp jI dI p`qrkw imqI 6-7-73 dy sbMD ivc isMG swihbwn, sRI drbwr swihb Aqy jQydwr swihb sRI Akwl qKq swihb, sRI AMimRqsr jI dI rwey hyT ilKy Anuswr Awp jI nUM ByjI jWdI hY:-
1[ "rwj krygw Kwlsw" jo sRI Akwl qKq swihb Aqy hor gurduAwirAW iv`c piVHAw jWdw hY, ieh gurmiq dy AnukUl hY, ikauNik dohry pVHny pMQk PYslw hY. ies PYsly qy SMkw nhIN krnI cwhIdI.
2[ "cirqRo pKXwn" jo dsm gRMQ iv`c hn, ieh "dSmyS bwxI" nhIN. ieh purwqn ihMdU imiQhwsk swKISW dw auqwrw hY.
SuB icMqk,
shI-mIq sk`qr
( gurbKS isMG )
Drm pRcwr kmytI, SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI sRI AMimRqsr.

Dec 1, 2006
E)Presently Published Dasam Granth which came in print since 1902 based on Sodhak Committee Report (1895-1897)after looking into 32 dasam granth Birs.

Credentials of various members of this committee. (They were not scholars but British cronies selected by Gurmat Granth Pracharak Sabha controlled by Vihiria Faction amrtsar singh sabha group.They were not selcted by SIKH PANTH because Lahore Singh Sabha With 118 were opposed to it and never recognised this Granth.EVEN SRM and 1925 Gurudwara act did not accpt this Granth.

Members of Sodhak Committee
Mana Singh Hakim, known for correct recitation
Bhai Narain Singh, Teacher
Bhai Thakar Singh, Clerk Municipal Committee
Bhai Hajura Singh, Secretary Lakar Mandi (wood market)
Dharam Singh, Famous for Chhabil Sewa (providing sweet water)
Bhai Sant Singh, Gurmukhi Teacher
Bhai Darbara Singh with education of Giani
Jaidial Singh, Middle pass
Gurdial Singh, Gurmukh Person
Kishan Singh Ji, Rice Dealer
Naran Singh, Thakur Singh Rice Dealer,
Makhan Singh Sweet Maker

By Jasbir Singh Mann
Jul 30, 2004

Das is sory for absensec as das was and still in porcces of clearing M Phil computer sinces.

so das starts


Charecter 166.

A Hindu upper caste ki8ng of Gujrat.Who tneds to speak to much of faith is befooled by the wife and her paramour.Paramour acts as son and but is in real paramour.

Further shame unto them is by the fact the king belives in yogis becoming Hyeayna.

It is for us to understand the upper castes stogees of Mughals and oppresers of outacstes hindus. and librate outcastres by our faith.

In Punjabi language it is there that attempt to defame Guru,while Guru is upto exposes suppresing rulers.
Charecter 167,

hindu King of Bareli of UP(near Jungles of Bans) killed by cruopt wife and self brother.Innner weakness of the rulers and we need to overcome them. whats wrong here?
Jul 30, 2004

Ang 718

ਸੰਤਾਂ ਮਧੇ ਗੋਬਿੰਦੁ ਆਛੈ ਗੋਕਲ ਮਧੇ ਸਿਆਮ ਗੋ
संतां मधे गोबिंदु आछै गोकल मधे सिआम गो ॥
Sanṯāʼn maḏẖė gobinḏ ācẖẖai gokal maḏẖė si­ām go.
The Lord of the Universe, Govind, is within His Saints; Krishna, Shyaam, is in Gokal.

ਨਾਮੇ ਮਧੇ ਰਾਮੁ ਆਛੈ ਰਾਮ ਸਿਆਮ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਗੋ ॥੪॥੩॥
नामे मधे रामु आछै राम सिआम गोबिंद गो ॥४॥३॥
Nāmė maḏẖė rām ācẖẖai rām si­ām gobinḏ go. ||4||3||
The Lord, Raam, is in Naam Dayv. So here they are: Raam, Shyaam, Govind. ||4||3||

Brother Charecter 400

Talkis about illict realtionship between princess and Teli(mony lender boy).In indian rulers and monylenders are the wrost oppressor.

In thier faimly with parents are fooled by princess.she makes at virutal trick by plan(mantra) that people precives here dying after klilling a Pandit.But she elopes.

Syam is name of God who writes from with in Guru.

Guru did not had ego or self brain as you and i have that brain was universal brain of the brain of God.Unlimited unlike us.

ਪੰਨਾ 485, ਸਤਰ 2
ਸਭੁ ਗੋਬਿੰਦੁ ਹੈ ਸਭੁ ਗੋਬਿੰਦੁ ਹੈ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਹੀ ਕੋਈ ॥
सभु गोबिंदु है सभु गोबिंदु है गोबिंद बिनु नही कोई ॥
Sabẖ gobinḏ hai sabẖ gobinḏ hai gobinḏ bin nahī ko­ī.
God is everything, God is everything. Without God, there is nothing at all.
ਭਗਤ ਨਾਮਦੇਵ ਜੀ - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]

Das hopes at least know yourself have understod what ageant of RSS das trys to convey.
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Jul 30, 2004


Charecter 339

Here a king is befooled by queens who dresses up like Shiava and let foolish king deem her as shiva and do as he(she) wants.

This is not a other then telling us how shiva worshippers are fool.

Chreacter 340.

Here a lady befools a person by pumping him as for great donater.While getting doantion she takes her mony leaves him along.that person is deemed as jarh.Bhali burhi Jarh Kachho na Chini..9..

So that person is beheld as poor and nothing else.so no encouragement.
Jul 30, 2004
Here are some more chariters to read and think
Chreacter 14 and 15 and what does it means.

At start of 15th Chreacter it is told that by now 14th story is been told why? as First Chreacter is of Chandi and not the dialogue between King and Minister.More study is needed over here.
Chrecter. 14 tels of immoral queen befooling men.We draw the thing that we get mnay dimensions of looses with such lady as there also she is befooling the paramour.(along side the husband).

Next in 15th charecter

asdas told before also.It has been told that Sati lady(who burns with the husband) may not be sati(truthfull).In Chreactero fPngal Devi again Satism is opposed.

In 16th again das wrote this beofre also.Bank of Satiluj does not make place as Ananadpur Sahib.

when Guru write a lot about crupt pagan socity it is also telling us to purfy the potemtial converts lest they bring thier pagan things.

Many sants as uit has been told above are of such type only.
Chreacter 48
Talks about foolishness of Jehangeer,who is in fact main culprit for Shahhedi of Fifth Master.

Jodhbai saves him but and maid of Nurjahan makes him afraid that same lady who kills lion can kill King also.So is such king unable to defend self from lion and afraid of queen is at all worthy to rule.?
Charecter 49 of the Barber Lady(as her caste is given so she is yet to be Sikh or Khalsa).Barber who cuts hairs and there is another Chreacyter anti to them.

Here a person or husband of her acts like parasite in the place of Guru and lies idle.In such situation immoral wife encourges him to be like that.
Chreacter 50

Over here and King acts like a puppet in hand of Queen,who finds the paramour.Her maids befoolthat king.bout such fools we have last two couplets.

That king who acts as showy(Glitering) and does have faith in wife.On tanging with other man that wife destrorys him..12..Never give your secret(mind) but make all as your own.Then only al are won and state is run getting pleasure..13..1..

Das can only say that if some one has some expirance in offical secrets or secret services,they may understand that what we do toady was said tby Guru much before.

Lets wait for Sikh rule and then we see such things successful.
Chreacter 388.

Here it has been told that immoral queen kills foolish king and his yogi Gurus. and makes a stroy of supestion and miralce about thier salvaged and later replaces her paramour and same king with young body.

It is anti to mrialce showing etc..
Jul 30, 2004
iek idn BWg, imqR qy leI .. (cirqR 325, 1281)
posq sihq, APIm cVHweI ..
bhu riq1 krI, n bIrj igrweI ..
AwT2 phr lig, kuAir bjweI4 .. 10..
sB inis 5 nwir, Bog jb pwXo ..
bhu Awsn6 kir, hrK7 bFwXo .. 11..
8dÍY Gitkw, jo Bog krq nr ..
qw9 pr rIJq, nwir bhuq kr..
cwir10 phr, jo kyl kmwvY 12 ..
so ikauN n iqRX ko13, icq curwvY .. 12..
rYin14 skl iqn, qruin15 bjweI16 ..
Bwiq Bwiq ky, swQ hMFweI17 ..
Awsn kry, qruin bhu hwrw ..
cuMbnwid20, nK18 Gwq19 Apwrw .. 13 ..
1. Kyh Kwx dI ikRXw 2. 24 GMitAw qk 3. kuAwrI kuVI 4. nwl Bog kIqw 5. rwq 6. kwm ikRXw dy Awsn 7. KuSI 8. do GVIAW (pOxy ku GMty dw smw) 9. Aijhy purK 10. 12 GMitAw qk 11. kwm kRIVw 12. kry 13. iesqRI 14. rwq 15. jvwn iesqRI 16. nwl Bog kIqw 17. Bog kIqw 18. nhuM, nwKUn 19. mwrny 20. cuMmx Awidk

Chreacter 325

There has been reason for explictdefiantioan over here.

There is chrecter of of princess who before marrige sleeps whith lover and then she again marries him.Then after his vigur is finshed she has many paramours,With one Virah rai she does commit adultary as discribed abouve..

while they were busy Birahnatt her husband comes and and she hangs him till dath.Then she tells all kings and subject that in name of Shiva and Veda and her Sati(Truthfull ness) she will bring her husband back to life.

She locks here inside and again indulges in immoral acts and foolish subjects and king of Shiva wiorship thinks that she is worshipping shiva.

She burys here husband and brings the paramour as same husband blessed by Shiva with youth.

Simple case of truth behinds the blessing by Shiva etc.

Presently many Dera dars may have such things within them.

usage of drugs take person more for lust.It is told in obejctive way and we are not encourgaed but are told truth about our rivals and no such convert is welomce in us.
Jul 30, 2004

Charnjit Singh Bal

at a time person can have one father.

So if das writes his name as vijaydeep Singh virk then it may means that realtionship both with Guru Gobind Singh and Jathera Virk Vardhan.

As per S. Rawail Singh himslef and ex jat like das jattism is great danger.

Better to have name Charnjeet Bal or Charnjeet Singh.

List of jatts anti to panth.

Handaliyas,Akal das nirnajani,Sahib rai Sandhu,Karma Chhina,Rama Randhwaa.

Presently Radhswamis of Beas,Narender Grewal,Ram Raheem of Sirsa etc.

good for Panth have been ex jaats.


Bhai Bala(Ex Sandhu),Baba Budha(Ex Randhawa).Bhai Dharam Singh(Ex Jawanda)Nwab Kapur Singh and Kirora Singh(ex virk like das), And Bhai Randheer Singh(ex Basant Singh grewal) and Sant Ji (Ex Berar).


At the advent of Guru Nanak Sahib in 1469 AD inter-Faith rivalry and hostility between the India’s two predominant religions, Hinduism and Islam, were rampant. Both religions claimed to be holier than the other. The Muslim Invaders called the Hindus Infidels and the Hindus called the Muslims Unholy. The sanctimonious clergies and holy quacks of both religions incited religious in-tolerance and hatred in their respective flocks towards the rival Faith. However both Muslims and Hindus indulged in pagan taboos, superstitions, barbaric human and animal sacrifices Idolatry, and blind faith rituals
There has been no faith like Hinduism.Better is to call pagan indians and Islam

coming to pagan things some mann gotra jatt claim to be from jattas or locks of shiva so they kept uncut hair.

Some intellectual can tommrow claim pagan things in faith as oppose to keeping uncut hairs.

. The reformist Guru Nanak initiated a unique faith, Sikhism that primarily inspires spiritual enlightenment and prohibits futile ritualism and pagan religious practices.To propagate his religion that blends Monotheism with Pragmatism, Humanism, Liberalism and Pluralism, he embarked upon four odysseys traveling on foot all over the Indian Sub-Continent and Middle East during fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. During his travels the Guru Nanak Sahib collected the Scriptures of medieval pious Hindu and Muslim venerated Sages who subscribed to his religious concepts. Guru Arjun Sahib compiled the scriptures of the preceding Sikh Gurus and Guru Nanak Sahib’s collections in the Guru Granth Sahib that exemplifies universality of the Sikhism’s illuminating Message. However the progressive Sikhism encountered regressions, dissentions, cultism sectarianism and factionalism from the Gurus’ own kith and kin, opportunistic Sikhs and cultist guru pretenders.

main probelm is coming of new converts with pagan influence.what you call ritualism say like 5keys or 5 tabbos in us make us desicplined to live the life practically.
Guru Nanak Sahib’s elder son Sri Chand, discontented because the Guru Sahib selected Bhai Lehna Ji on merit for the august seat of Sikh Guru, founded his own un-Sikh ascetic sect. Motivated by jealousy for the same reason Guru Angud Sahib’s Son Daatu kicked Guru Amar Das Sahib and tried to set a parallel Guru-ship that eventually failed.Guru Arjun Dev Sahib’s older brother Prithi Chand driven by envy swindled the tithe and other offerings meant for the Guru from the Sikh devotees.Guru Har Rai Sahib’s elder son Ram Rai being deprived of the Guru-ship, for having cringed and distorted a verse of Gurbani to appease the Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb, started his own sect.Dhir Mal, another pretender to the august seat of Sikh Guru instigated Massund Shinha to murder his uncle Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib. Shinha fired on Guru Sahib, wounded the Guru and looted Guru Sahib’s belongings including the original copy of Guru Granth Sahib.The Massunds (Sikh Apostles) became arrogant, corrupt and started to embezzle tithes that were meant to preach and promote Sikhism. Guru Gobind Singh discontinued the practice of appointing Massunds.

We have been since pastsuccesfully overcoming such attempts against us by foolproof arrangement by Guru.

Discerning Sagely the probable future abuse of the August seat of the Guru by the likes of Dattuji, Prithi Chand, Ram Rai and Dhirmal, Guru Gobind Singh decreed, "All Sikhs to regard the Granth Sahib as their perpetual (spiritual) Guru" which is consistent with the Sikhism’s fundamental tenet, "Word is Guru, Guru is word." The Guru Sahib mandated the collective Sikh Panth (Nation) to administer the temporal Authority of Sikhism democratically. Unfortunately for the Sikhism and Sikh Community, neither that decree nor the noble message of the Sikhism has deterred some opportunists from misusing and abusing

Calling the faith as nation is like understanding ourself like that of Hindus who are nation based faith.Our faith is universal and big thing which is forgottan over here is the fact that the Guruship was already given to the Panth when Tenth Master took baptism from the Sikhs.

ਪੰਨਾ 444, ਸਤਰ 8
ਗੁਰੂ ਸਿਖੁ ਸਿਖੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਹੈ ਏਕੋ ਗੁਰ ਉਪਦੇਸੁ ਚਲਾਏ ॥
गुरू सिखु सिखु गुरू है एको गुर उपदेसु चलाए ॥
Gurū sikẖ sikẖ gurū hai ėko gur upḏės cẖalā­ė.
The Guru's Sikh, and the Sikh's Guru, are one and the same; both spread the Guru's Teachings.
ਮਃ 4 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]

other proofs are Gurbani by Bhai Mardana,Baba Sunder,Satta Ji and Balwand Ji and Bhatts Sahibs.All made contribution vide bani.They wre one with Guru.

the Sikh religion for the self-serving ambitions.Radhaswami, Nirankari, Namdhari, Nanaksari cultist Gurus and Tuksaals (standardized study of Sikh Theology Institutions) have customized and commercialized the Sikh religion and set up their own Fiefdoms. Even some main stream Sikh leaders and preachers who are devoid of the essence of Sikhism’s progressive philosophy and illuminating Gurbani (Sikh scriptures) keep misleading the Sikh community back to the era of darkness from which the Gurus tried to extricate the Sikhs.

why is not Panch Khalsa Diwan not mentioned here?

And why Maan singh Nirankaris then keeps on putting his noon sense things in spokesman?

From mid eighteenth century till nineteen-twenties, a span of a century and a half, the Sikh Nation was engaged in Life and death struggle against the Muslim and Christian Colonialism, Imperialism and Jihads/Crusades. During these crucial times the Nirmlas, Mahants and Poojaris who had the control of the Sikh Gurdwaras (Temples) introduced Idol worship, ritualism, superstition and taboos into the into Sikhism. They embezzled donations and funds, held endowment lands titles in their names and lived a life of sin and perversion in the Gurdwaras.The Hindu mythology oriented anonymous or pseudonymous (imposter) Sikh writers and Pundits cunningly adulterated Sikh History and Philosophy with mythology, wizardry and witchcraft. These writers, products of Hindu religious institutions, wrote the so-called Granths with ulterior motives to obliterate unique Sikh identity and assimilate progressive monotheistic Sikhism that promotes spiritual enlightenment into primitive Hinduism that fosters polytheism, idolatry, dogmatic ritualism, blind faith taboos, superstitions and prejudices

Here it appears that writer wants to say that Guru was unable to create such a community of the people,who were unable to fend for themselves once guru went to Sachkhand or Guru's making Guru Granth Sahib as eteranl Guru did not work and Gurus foolproof arrangements to keep faith intact were a failure.

Panth waited that those guys who were sultanis during Muslim periods and took Sikh attire during Sikh rule and then created a protestant form to appease britishers.nice thing.


One such Granth, ‘Gurblas Patshahi 6’, written by an anonymous writer, edited by the Sikh leader Joginder Singh Vedanti (one who practices Hindu Vedanta) and Dr. Amarjit Singh and sponsored by the thirteen so-called elite Sikh scholars and leaders was recently published by the S. G. P C. Due to the overwhelming criticism from the Sikh Intelligentsia and writers that Granth has been taken off the market but there are many more of that type in circulation.

first thing is that Vedanta has nothing to do with hindu ie a natioanlity like Christianity has nothing to do with Britishness.

coming to the book.Das has one copy of it,where during some poxes ailment,we do not have Durga being worshipped as we were told in one forrum of taponban.com/

A so-called Dassam Granth, compilation of many scripts by anonymous writers but mischievously purported and propagated to be the Scriptures by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib contains fiction, mythology, wizardry and explicit eroticism.The proponents and propagators of this dubious literature have succeeded to a large extent in their sinister plot in beguiling Sikh majority and contaminating the Sikh History and quintessential philosophy with mythology, dogmatism, polytheism, wizardry witchcraft, eroticism, etc. Whereas the majority of innocent Sikh’s inability to grasp the Sikhism’s essential message is a simple failure on their part, the role of the numerous cultist Guru pretenders, half literate preachers, self-serving main stream Sikh leaders which propagate such blasphemous literature as integral part of Sikh history and philosophy is much more detrimental.

It has been told that any one who is not following the particular idelogy is a fool and is been befooled.And only few are realy intellgent.

Das would like to let there be some more lights over blames been done over writing as such attempts were made over Guru Granth Sahib Ji also by Bhasauris but by hard work it was overcome.

Anyway as an ex jaat das is aware that jaats are by blood hard working.But they have limit.

After baptism,when a person is no longer a jaat or teli or any racial ideot.We have no power of us and all power is of Akal.Who is limitless.


Consequently the practice of Sikhism, a pragmatic faith of knowledge is replete with blind faith, prejudices, dogmatic rituals, Idolatry, pagan taboos and superstitions. Sikh religious services and ceremonies are performed at the Sikh Gurdwaras (temples) at a price commensurate with the Sikh’s perceptual devotion and ability to pay to invoke God’s benedictions and Guru’s blessings. The international Sikh community has been fragmented into numerous sects, cults and antagonistic factions.
Again there has been attack on foolproofness of the Panth and there is an attempt to prove that Panth is waek to resists any such attacks
The genuine Sikh Scholars have refuted with convincing arguments the compatibility of the mythical, wizardly and erotic contents of these Granths’ with the illuminating philosophy of the Guru Granth Sahib’s quintessential Gurbani. They have also revealed that the anonymous, pseudonym and quasi-Sikh writers wrote these so-called Granths with ulterior motives. But instead of acclaiming and honoring them, the half literate opportunistic Sikh Leaders who have had strangle-hold on Sikh Nation, have criticized, bullied and ostracized them and banned their books.

Again ego has been shown here to prove self as we only are ture and others are Bad,this is fundamentalsim.

One of the most prominent Sikh Scholars ever Bhai Kahn Singh writes, "the earlier and contemporary writers of our Faith have written numerous books on (Sikh) history, code and conventions according to their beliefs and mental tendencies. These books are both beneficial and harmful i.e. the subject matter compatible with essential message of Sikh Gurus’ edification is beneficial otherwise it is harmful.""The in-depth study of these Granths gives the impression that the poets of our Faith have blundered in copying the authors of religious books of other Faiths. They have bundled and dyed the social, political and religious principles in the religious color. It is all the more saddening that there are very few analytical minded Sikh scholars seeking the truth. In fact the opponents, those who call the rational minded writers and speakers agnostics, are in majority."

1.Same Nabah Sahib agree that Mehtab Singh stroy of not making many volume of the book after succeding in killing of Massa.
2.Same Nabha Sahib was found with weak side after Bhai Jodh Singh carried out correct study of Kartarpuri Beerh.

so no one is perfect.
Rattan Singh Jaggi who did an in-depth review of the Dassam Granth writes, "The subject matter in the Chritro Pakhyan is so erotic and its language is so sexually explicit that in some places it surpasses even the (Hindu) Koke Shastra or Kama Shastra (Erotica Manual)"

This Jaggi Sahib have by now changed the side.After understanding the logic in differant way.
Prof. Harinder Singh Mehboob writes, "The devious activity of contaminating the Granths and attributing the heretical writings to the Sikh Gurus has often been perpetrated repeatedly. This insidious activity has been pursued at the instigation of the mischievous and jealous people (inimical to Sikhism)."Prominent Sikh academician Pr. Harbhajan Singh in his Punjabi book ‘Selected Articles on Dassam Granth’ writes, "In their wild flights of fancy both authors, (Bhai Santokh Singh of Suraj Prakash and the dubious writer of Dassam Granth’s Bachitir Natak) left no deficiency in fabricating blatant Gossips and mythical Fantasies."

some time present day genuine schlors also try to twist the meanings off the context.so such problems arise.

The R. S. S. president Mr. Sudershan claims, "The Sikhs were created to defend Hindu Faith from the tyranny of the Mogul Rulers; and the two Hundred and fifty thousand Sikhs killed during the (1717-1799 AD) extreme Mogul tyranny were originally Hindus who made supreme sacrifices to defend the Hindu Faith."One wonders why didn’t these original Hindus make supreme sacrifices to defend Hinduism when the tyrannical Muslim Rulers forcibly converted enormous number of Hindus to Islam? And why didn’t the original Hindus make supreme sacrifices when Mohamed Bin-Kasam, who was by the Khalifa of Baghdad, conquered India’s principality of Sindh in the eighth century with just 700 hundred men?Mehmood Gaznavi advanced all the way to Hinduism’s most sacred shrine Som Nath, smashed the Idols, looted gold doors with gold inlay and took away Hindu women as concubines and slaves?If the Hindus were capable of making supreme sacrifices why was India slave to the Muslim invaders for seven centuries until the three hundred year old Sikh panth dealt fatal blows to the tyrannical Mogul Rule in the late seventeen and early eighteen centuries when Himalayan Hindu Principalities were banding with the Moguls. The Sikhs that constitute two percent of the total population of India’s predominantly Hindu society made eighty percent of the sacrifices to oust the British imperialists that ruled India for two centuries and Sikh Homeland, Punjab, for one centuryOnly an ignorant or insidious can proclaim the Sikhs, who came from all castes and creeds to adopt Sikhism by choice, original Hindus. A man of Mr. Sudershan’s credentials can be called ignorant.

Das is interested to know that what all people like mr Bal has done during Pujabi suba or Anti nirankari or Pro Khalistan movements or recent fight with Sirsa dera?

Das has seen one missionary in shape of vomiting and not eating meat das offered him,when in Area around the das was tense(there on 3 houses of Sikh we had 5 house of dera followers).

Das as per Nihung tradition sharppened his Saf jung and ate about a Kilo of meat and waited along side his Taksalis,Nanaksaris and Akhand Kirtani Jatha brethern.He had waited for figth which dear people did not pck up but missioanries also refuse to accompany them into a rally against dera.

Brave people indeed.Off course we were been told by RSS guys also that ion cae Dera guys pick up the fight they will also join fromm our side as Gurmeet since long and still each morning keeps on abusing Hinduism.

Reason for fear in missioarrie was due to the fact that they preach fear to others and feel happy to humliates others by their pen.But in war we have to make frineds to sclude the enemy and fight also.

Dhadi Vars only later tells the generations to come what we did.They are the singing of history we create.


The origin of Sikhism was motivated by the noble concepts of universal religious freedom and socio-cultural Liberalism. Ever since its inception the Sikhism has espoused and made supreme sacrifices for these noble causes The authentic Sikh History is witness to the valiant acts of defiance of the Sikh Gurus, Muslim and Hindu holy Sages (co-authors of Guru Granth Sahib) and numerous Sikh Martyrs for these noble causes. Conversely the Sikhism would have defended the Muslims’ right to religious freedom under tyrannical Hindu Rulers.

condeming the fellow Sikhs at one side and claiming to libral is a hypocracy.​
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Jul 30, 2004

Prof. Gurmukh Singh’s Ex-communicationThe ex-communication of a true Sikh, Prof. Gurmukh Singh is an epitome (prime example) of abuse of illicit power by a bunch of self-serving religious leaders. At the time of his ex-communication Prof. Gurmukh Singh, one of pioneer founders of the reformist Sikh movement Singh Sabha, was actively pursuing his goal to establish the first Khalsa College at Amritsar. The band of pretenders to the Sikh spiritual and temporal Authority not only ex-communicated Prof. Gurmukh Singh but also incited the Sikh community not to render him financial help to carry out his missionary work and the noble cause of founding the Khalsa College.In 1883 Akal Takht head Granthi Bedi Khem Singh proclaimed himself as the Sikh Guru. Aided and abetted by his cohorts, Rajah Bikram Singh of Fridkote, Mahants , Pujaris and other Guru pretenders, he ex-communicated a genuine Sikh scholar and missionary Prof. Gurmukh Singh who criticized him for the un-Sikh act in 1887. They harassed and hounded Giani Dit Singh who dared to condemn their anti-Sikhism activity and canvass support for Prof. Gurmukh Singh to an early grave.The un-Sikh activities of Khem Singh Bedi and his cohorts are indicative of the sly religious leaders’ ability to manipulate repressive proceedings against a devout religious person. Some of the unjust accusations leveled against Prof. Gurmukh Singh who dedicated his life to the noble causes of reforming the Sikhism’s management and preaching system and eradication of wide spread illiteracy among the community were:-1) He does not revere the Sikh Gurus’ descents, (pretenders to Sikh Guru-ship).2) Twenty pictures of Avtars (Hindu Mythical god incarnates), were burned during a convention of Lahore Singh Sabha (Forum) to refute their existence.3) A Hindu convert to Islam was baptized as a Singh by the Lahore Singh Sabha.4) In an article published in the Khalsa Newspaper he wrote, "Worship of weapons in the Sikh Gurdwaras is copy of Hindu ritual that is against Guru’s edification."To an intelligent student of Sikh theology it is clear the ex-communication of Prof. Gurmukh Singh was a case of blatant abuse of illicit spiritual and temporal authority and the heretics punishing the pious Sikh. Prof. Manjit Singh revoked this dictatorial edict in 1995 and acclaimed Prof. Gurmukh Singh as a true Sikh

Some things
1.Prof. did take help of the Britishers.
2.Prof did take help of that person who betrayed the Sikhs in anglo Sikh wars.
3.As per book by sikh missioanry collage of Singh Sabh Lahir Prof Gurumukh singh had a soft corner for Jatt'Sikhs'.

4.Khem Singh never claimed to be Guru rahter he was interested for speacial roght for being guru Ansh this is worng but he did participated in conpiracy to restore Punjab to Daleep Singh.

Giani Bhag Singh’s ex-communicationThe ex-communication of Giani Bhag Singh exemplifies how the conniving religious leaders wield the authority to destroy those who dare to dissent. Giani Bhag Singh’s Book ‘Dassam Granth Nirnay’ (critique) was published in 1976. The book publication caused great deal of controversy amongst the Sikh community. During this period of controversy Giani Bhag Singh and Giani Sant Singh Muskeen were in Indore on lecture tours. As usual at one place when asked Muskeen told congregation that Akhand Path is compatible with the Guru’s edification while at another he said it is not. And when Giani Bhag Singh mentioned about these contradictions Muskeen was naturally resentful.During his lectures at Rajauri Gardens’ Gurudwara, Delhi, Muskeen quoted some verses from the Dassam Granth’s spurious scriptures. Some young Sikhs argued with Muskeen and told him that the verses he had quoted were not that of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. Although the young Sikhs were absolutely right, Muskeen adamantly refused to concede that he was wrong. Next day they had some scripts from Dassam Granth printed and asked Muskeen to preach the scripts to the Sikh congregation. Muskeen refused and accused Giani Bhag Singh of sending the thugs (young Sikhs) to insult him.Muskeen approached his friend Golden Temple Head Granthi, Giani Chet Singh. Both Muskeen and Chet Singh instigated Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Sadhu Singh Bhaura (from my village Bhaura) to issue Hokum-nama (edict) to ex-communicate Giani Bhag Singh. However in view of the controversy amongst Sikh community the S. G. P. C. decided to call an ad-hoc advisory committee meeting that was chaired by Giani Sadhu Singh. When at this meeting the research Sikh Historian Shamsher Singh Ashoke who had also written a critical review on Dassam Granth tried to express his views, he was shouted down by the prejudiced members.When Pr. Harbhajan Singh asked all the 15 members at the meeting, if anyone had studied the Dassam Granth analytically, their silence conveyed the negative reply. And he asked them, (1) if the Dassam Granth’s authenticity controversy wasn’t as old as the Granth itself? (2) Didn’t the Akal Takht Jathedar and Granthi Singh Sahiban reply in June 1973 through Assistant Sec. S. Gurbakhsh Singh to Santokh of Chandigarh that Chritro Pakhyan is not Guru Gobind Singh’s work? (3) Aren’t we, the high-ranking Sikh personalities, too eager to condemn a pious person without his representation?Note:- In a reply No. 36672 dated 3rd August 1973 to S Santokh Singh (Chandigarh) the religious preaching sub-Committee of S. G. P .C. wrote, "In regard to your inquiry of 6th July 1973 the views of Singh Sahiban of Derbar Sahib and Akal Takht Jathedar are being sent to you. "Chritro Pakhyan in the Dassam Granth is not Guru Gobind Singh’s Scriptures. These are copies of the primitive Hindu mythical tales." Signed, Gurbakhsh Singh, Assistant Secretary, Religious Preaching Committee, Shrimoni G. P. Committee, Amritsar.Pr. Harbhajan Singh’s wisdom prevailed in drafting and passing two resolutions unanimously, (1) Giani Bhag Singh should have presented his side of the case in detail to the Panth instead of two-line comment. (2) Since with time the issue is getting serious, this committee humbly requests the S. G .P. C. to institute a sub-committee of prominent Sikh Scholars to authenticate the Dassam Granth’s scripts that are compatible with the Guru Granth Sahib’s philosophy and Guru’s Ideals. No punishment was considered appropriate for Giani Bhag Singh.Despite these unanimous consensus that were reached at the meeting Giani Bhag Singh was ex-communicated on 5th July 1977 in a mystifying manner. The same bunch of Singh-Sahiban (Giani Bhaura, Giani Chet Singh and Giani Kirpal Singh) who said that Chritro Pakhyan wasn’t Guru Gobind Singh’s Work and were also star participants at the meeting to adjudge Giani Bhag Singh, ex-communicated him.The concerned Sikh Scholars Pr. Harbhajan Singh, Giani Surjit Singh, Bhai Milap Singh and Amar Singh conferred with each other to have the edict issue redressed. Bhai Amar Singh Aligarh, who knew Jathedar Bhaura when he was a Granthi, convinced him of his folly. Jathedar Bhaura agreed to rescind the edict. Bhai Amar Singh, Giani Surjit Singh and S. Milap Singh were to accompany Giani Bhag Singh to Akal Takht to have the edict rescinded.Muskeen who came to know about this visit, cunningly took Giani Bhag Singh to Akal Takht himself at his own expense. Jathedar Bhaura had a paper with a text, "Giani Bhag Singh has apologized regarding Ardas (Sikh Litany) and Chaupie (a lyrical supplication from Dassam Granth)" typed in advance. When it was given to old and feeble Giani Bhag Singh to sign, he accidentally dropped his reading glasses. Both Bhaura and Muskeen said, leave the glasses; don’t you trust us? They practically tricked Giani Bhag Singh into signing the apology that he deeply regretted. He told Giani Surjit Singh with tears in his eyes that Muskeen had tricked him.

good stroy by the imaginatioon of the jatt.

But three very contradictory point.

1.A letter saying that some part is not gurbani and from the office beaerer deeming to be from whole institution.
2.Same institution throws off a person who repeats what is there in part 1 so this prooves that part one was not agreed upon by whole instition.
3.So far das was told by doughter of Gyani Dhyan Singh of village Khambra(Near Jallendher) who was freined of Gyani Bhag Singh Ji. that Akal Takaht htmeself has tended an apology to Gyani Bhag Singh.But here a person who is tormented and cheated by some guys in past on breaking of glass again gets cheated and and that person is getting cheated who has exposed 'cheating' being done to the Panth for last hundereds of year wide book.

Gyani Sahib,who was such a scholar who ca he be cheated?why did not he go for glass he drooped or to get a new glass?

Anyway some history of this person.

He was Anti Sikh and Anti Hindu Aryaa Samaji named Bhagmal.In past he did worte some work to prove Bagauti means universal power.

Gurmat is oppsed of 6 Darshans.

ਪੰਨਾ 67, ਸਤਰ 16ਖਟੁ ਦਰਸਨ ਜੋਗੀ ਸੰਨਿਆਸੀ ਬਿਨੁ ਗੁਰ ਭਰਮਿ ਭੁਲਾਏ ॥खटु दरसन जोगी संनिआसी बिनु गुर भरमि भुलाए ॥Kẖat ḏarsan jogī sani­āsī bin gur bẖaram bẖulā­ė.The followers of the six different life-styles and world-views, the Yogis and the Sanyaasees have gone astray in doubt without the Guru.ਮਃ 3 - view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok

one of that Darshan is Nayik Darsham or Justice philosophy based upon logic.

who gave this Great Gyani the authroty to use logic or one of the Darshan unot Gurmat?

In Arya Samaj all that is Puranic(having influnece of Dravid demi gods) is sin compared to pure Aryan(vedas).

Dravids etc are uncivlied or Anaryas.Thrtre language thier demigods are hated a lot.

When Guru called these out castes,the single most majorty of India,telling thier demi gods and acts of them are acts of Akal.And Telling them about foly of thier oppresser for ages.Arya Samajis can object but we have nothing to do with four Aryan Varnas etc.

his Dasham Granth Niranai is full of imposing Aryan thing over Sikhs and trying to prove that Guru did nothing to assimaled people enslaved for ages.


Jathedar Aroor Singh declared Kamagata Maru returnees from Canada in 1915 as un-Sikhs at the behest of the British Government of India; and awarded Gen. Dyre who massacred hundreds of Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims on 1919 Vaisakhi day in the Jallianwala Baug, with a Saropa (the Sikh scarf of honour).

During the time of emergency in India Akal Takhat and SGPC saved India from becoimng the fiefdom of Gandhi family.From that time onwards there were and are attempts by leftist(who were with the congress) and Congress to weakned us.
During the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Sikhism was sacrificed at the altar of Secularism. Although he built many Sikh Gurdwaras and allotted endowed lands to these Gurdwaras, no real attempts were made to counter the corruptive influences of the sly Brahmins, impostor Sikh Gurus, zealous Hindu and Muslim clerics and holy quacks.

That time nay imposters tooks attire of Sikhs,who later to side with govermnet under British rule went to protestant like form of Faith.
The Maharaja’s folly to trust and appoint the Hindu Dogra brothers Dhyan Singh and Gulaub Singh and brothers Teja Singh and Lall Singh from U. P. to the elite posts proved to be fatal for the Sikh Raj. Soon after the Maharaja’s death in 1839, treachery and intrigues of these traitors enabled the British to occupy Punjab.

Das repeats that why did prof Gurmukh singh Ji took help of these two brothers native of UP?

As usual the ‘Holier than Thou’ Christian Missionaries who without fail followed the Christian Conquistadors (Conquerors), spread their proselytizing (conversionary) tentacles in Punjab and built the Missionary Network.The Muslim and the Christian imperialists made two pronged intrusions into Sikhism. On one hand they un-leashed brute power of imperialism especially the Muslims who butchered children in front of the mothers to force conversion to Islam. On the other hand they enticed potential converts with endowment lands and elite posts. Then there were the Christian Missionaries and Muslim Quazis, and holy men/quacks to convert the weaklings, impoverished and the naïve.Note:- Although hunted and massacred on the genocidal scale, the eighteenth and nineteenth Century Sikhs resisted the Muslim and Christian onslaughts valiantly.

Muslims used force while Chratians used allurements etc and not the force as been told.and we have saved ourself.

both the faiths are and were stronger then so called hinduism.

.However the Hindus deprived of political powers for nearly a thousand years used insidious means to either obliterate the progressive Sikhism’s unique identity and swallow it into Hinduism or proclaim it as a sect of Hinduism. With the downfall of the ruling Muslims who called the Hindus as Kaffirs (Pagans) and considered converting them to Islam as a benevolent act, the ultra Hindu fundamentalists were emboldened. Whereas in the past they targeted Sikhism covertly, now started to malign the Sikh Gurus and Sikhism openly.Acting on the Hindu cultist Vivaka Nanda’s devious advice, "If you want to root out a religion, cast doubts about the historical facts of its founders",

1.there is no faith called hinduism
2.Swallowing traits of Hinduism were more work of Maculife who wanted to use Sikhs as tool to oppress Muslims and hindus after making them afarid.

3Vevkanand had hevan and hell differance from Swami daya Nanda.He was Vedantic and Daya nanada was Nyayik or logical.

4.Can you thinki that Bhag Singh ji could also be doing to us what Vivekananda told about Christians doing to Hindus.


Daya Nand the founder of radical Arya Samaj (Aryan Social Order) launched vicious attacks on the Sikh Gurus and Sikhism. He denigrated Guru Nanak Sahib with remarks, "Ideals of Nanak Ji were noble but he was illiterate; why would he otherwise write Sanskrit word nirbhya as nirbhow? Since he (Guru Nanak Ji) had some ego, he must have resorted to some deceit for the sake of his conceit."That Daya Nand was an ignorant Charlatan is evident from the fact that Guru Nanak Sahib wrote, preached and sang his Scriptural compositions in the colloquial language of the people of Punjab, Punjabi that was in use before Guru Nanak’s time. Venerated Muslim Sage Sheik Freed who lived couple centuries (1173-1266 AD) before Guru Nanak wrote Scriptures in Punjabi. Guru Nanak Sahib collected and Guru Arjan Sahib compiled these Scriptures in the Guru Granth Sahib.Like all impostors Daya Nand was a liar, duplicitous and cunning. Giani Dit Singh, his contemporary writes, "Once during his discourse at Brahm Smaj Temple he stated that the Sun orbits around the Earth and supported his statement with quotes from the Vedas. However later at the residence when a companion Saien Das told him that since today’s advanced Astronomy confirms that the Earth orbits around the Sun, people will not think highly of Vedas. Daya Nand said that he should have been told me earlier; now I will refute the statement tomorrow.Next day he contradicted his own statement by saying, "Yesterday when I said that the Sun orbits around the Earth, that is the assertion of the adversaries. That is how they interpret the concepts of Vedas. Actually these concepts confirm that the Sun doesn’t orbit around the earth, but the Earth orbits around the Sun."

Swami was called by Singh Sabha people to stop Christianity in Punjab.Although they(Singh Sabha) did prvented some young ones from becoing Christians.

Swami told outcastes that if they leave Gurmat and be Arya Samaji,thier tagg of out caste be off.He offered matrimonial alaince with upper caste converts of his cults with outcastes.This did not occur

So converts reverted back to main faith .

Presently moswt of thier Temples are locked and thier devotees in rest of the India also have reverted to pagan faith.Rest have become Nastik or nono belivers or leftists.

Same as mnay protestants have ********d thier churches in west.

If we follow thier model we may face the same.Up to you.

Like Dayanada said that Guru was not OK by not following Sanskrit/upper castes terminology,in the same by ex Arya Samaji Bhag Singh Said that Guru can not used dravidian terms or symbols of thier demi God.

both have been similar.

The Rashtrya Svayam Savek Sang (R. S. S.), a radical Hindu fundamentalist organization sprouted eight decades ago. Its strategy is more insidious. To obliterate the unique Sikh identity and proclaim Sikhism as a sect of Hinduism, R .S. S. is promoting and preaching the so-called Granths written by dubious Scholars. The subject matter of these Granths is contaminated with Hindu mythology, polytheism, wizardry Idolatry, blind faith ritualism, eroticism, etc. that are totally contrary to the Monotheistic, pragmatic and spiritually illuminating doctrines of the Guru Granth Sahib’s quintessential Gurbani.In a clandestine move the Hindu R. S. S. has spawned an ill-conceived organization called Rashtrya Sikh Sangat that has same initials as the promiscuous mother organization to beguile the gullible Sikhs and non-Sikhs. The discerning Sikhs Scholars and Intelligentsia contend that the cagey Hindu R. S. S. has created Rashtrya Sikh Sangat and filled its ranks with the mercenary Hindus and naïve Sikhs to boost its efforts to propagate distorted facts from Sikh History and misinterpretations of the selected verses from the Guru Granth Sahib’s Gurbani.
They are also using Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sikh Rahit Maryada also.So does it make all that any way less.

hindus who due to thier own weakness are unable to stand by thier own are made such are powerfull force by you.Why?Are they paying you for letting them look ferocious to us or someone else is paying you for that so that we follow that some else?

all people who do not fit to your idealogy are naive and mercenary.good.what all is called fundameantlism?


As per Rulda Singh Ji, Ujager Singh Ji etc. Rashriya Sikh Sangat has nothing to preach Hinduism to Sikh but to Preach Gurmat to Hindus.

Time will only tell how ture are they?
Some misguided or naive Sikhs, zealous Hindus and mercenaries are helping R. S. S in its deviant designs. Because the concerned Sikh Scholars and intelligentsia challenge the deceitful agenda of the R. S. S., a Sikh lawyer Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba characterizes the call of Institute of Sikh Studies to reject the Dassam Granth, "irrational, motivated and sacrilege." And a self-beatified Sikh Saint (also known as Serkari Saadh) Virsa Singh of Delhi is distributing translations of Dassam Granth.

It is surprising that nirmalas,Baba Virsa Singh,Nihungs,Yogi Bhajan,Sant Singh Maskeen etc all are slandered by so called missionary,who have no record to bring new people into faith unlike the ones they slander.

As per them Guru did not bring new converts but rather spend thier whole life to refrom the Sikhs but from where did those Sikhs came?

They were converts and not from jatt families.

some even like das from jaat family but those jaats are or were or will be pagan.
Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 30, 2004

cirqRo pKXwn dSmyS bwxI nhI

isMG swihwbwn dw Pqvw: cUMik pMQ iv`c swry "dsm gRMQ" nUM gurU jI dI ikRq mMnx Aqy n mMnx vwly, do vIcwrW dy lok hn. ies leI smyN smyN AYsy SMky SRo: gu: pRbMDk kmytI,AMimRqsr, AQvw aus vloN in~Xq Dwrimk slwhkwr kmytI pws swmwDwn leI AwauNdy rihMdy hn. iek vwr imqI 6[7[73 nUM cMfIgV "rwj krygw Kwlsw" Aqy "cirqRo pKXwn" vwry p`uC pu`jI. jQydwr sRI Akwl qKq swihb Aqy sRI drbwr swihb, sRI AMimRqsr dy hYf gRMQI swihbwn ny iehnW pu`CW dw jo au~qr id`qw, aus dI nkl hyTW hwjr hY:-

ÃÄvwihhurU jI kI Pqh]
dPqr-SRomxI gurdAwrw pRbMDk kmytI, qyjw isMG smuMdrI hwl, sRI AMimRqsr nM: 36672 3/4-8-73,
sR: sMqoK isMG
kwtyj, loAr mwl, kswaulI ( ih:pR )
pRXojn: Dwrimk puC sbMDI
sRI mwn jI,
Awp jI dI p`qrkw imqI 6-7-73 dy sbMD ivc isMG swihbwn, sRI drbwr swihb Aqy jQydwr swihb sRI Akwl qKq swihb, sRI AMimRqsr jI dI rwey hyT ilKy Anuswr Awp jI nUM ByjI jWdI hY:-
1[ "rwj krygw Kwlsw" jo sRI Akwl qKq swihb Aqy hor gurduAwirAW iv`c piVHAw jWdw hY, ieh gurmiq dy AnukUl hY, ikauNik dohry pVHny pMQk PYslw hY. ies PYsly qy SMkw nhIN krnI cwhIdI.
2[ "cirqRo pKXwn" jo dsm gRMQ iv`c hn, ieh "dSmyS bwxI" nhIN. ieh purwqn ihMdU imiQhwsk swKISW dw auqwrw hY.
SuB icMqk,
shI-mIq sk`qr
( gurbKS isMG )
Drm pRcwr kmytI, SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI sRI AMimRqsr.
Das requests some one please translate what is there in Punjabi as fonts are not working on his PC.

E)Presently Published Dasam Granth which came in print since 1902 based on Sodhak Committee Report (1895-1897)after looking into 32 dasam granth Birs.

Credentials of various members of this committee. (They were not scholars but British cronies selected by Gurmat Granth Pracharak Sabha controlled by Vihiria Faction amrtsar singh sabha group.They were not selcted by SIKH PANTH because Lahore Singh Sabha With 118 were opposed to it and never recognised this Granth.EVEN SRM and 1925 Gurudwara act did not accpt this Granth.

Members of Sodhak Committee
Mana Singh Hakim, known for correct recitation
Bhai Narain Singh, Teacher
Bhai Thakar Singh, Clerk Municipal Committee
Bhai Hajura Singh, Secretary Lakar Mandi (wood market)
Dharam Singh, Famous for Chhabil Sewa (providing sweet water)
Bhai Sant Singh, Gurmukhi Teacher
Bhai Darbara Singh with education of Giani
Jaidial Singh, Middle pass
Gurdial Singh, Gurmukh Person
Kishan Singh Ji, Rice Dealer
Naran Singh, Thakur Singh Rice Dealer,
Makhan Singh Sweet Maker

By Jasbir Singh Mann

There had been attempts by Babu Teaj Singh ji of Bhasaur to bring an edited copy of Guru Granth Sahib Ji also.He is talked about with respect in Dasham Granth nirnai by Gyani Bhag Singh Ji.

anyway Lahore Singh Sabha also did took help from Britishers.


Das is ready to talk any good person on this issue.

So far expiriance of das has showen that after2 minutes there are repeats of points.And often phone number of das is taken and das not provided thier own deatails.

why to fear a sinner like das?

what das is due to mercy of Guru Panth.
Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 30, 2004

Some facts about weather Chariter is a negitive term?

It is been used for association with God.

See below.

ਪੰਨਾ 212, ਸਤਰ 9
ਗੀਤ ਚਰਿਤ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੇ ਗੁਨ ਗਾਵਾ ॥੨॥
गीत चरित प्रभ के गुन गावा ॥२॥
Gīṯ cẖariṯ parabẖ kė gun gāvā. ||2||
I sing the songs of God's glory, and His wondrous play. ||2||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 287, ਸਤਰ 18
ਅਪਨੇ ਚਰਿਤ ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਆਪਿ ਬਨਾਏ ॥
अपने चरित प्रभि आपि बनाए ॥
Apnė cẖariṯ parabẖ āp banā­ė.
God Himself sets His play in motion.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1207, ਸਤਰ 4
ਦੇਖਿ ਚਰਿਤ੍ਰ ਭਈ ਹਉ ਬਿਸਮਨਿ ਗੁਰਿ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਪੁਰਖਿ ਮਿਲਾਈ ॥
देखि चरित्र भई हउ बिसमनि गुरि सतिगुरि पुरखि मिलाई ॥
Ḏėkẖ cẖariṯar bẖa­ī ha­o bisman gur saṯgur purakẖ milā­ī.
I am wonder-struck, gazing upon the wondrous play of God. The Guru, the True Guru, has led me to meet the Primal Lord.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1211, ਸਤਰ 14
ਏਕ ਨਿਮਖ ਓਪਾਇ ਸਮਾਵੈ ਦੇਖਿ ਚਰਿਤ ਮਨ ਮੋਹੰ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
एक निमख ओपाइ समावै देखि चरित मन मोहं ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Ėk nimakẖ opā­ė samāvai ḏėkẖ cẖariṯ man mohaʼn. ||1|| rahā­o.
In an instant, He creates and destroys. Gazing upon His Wondrous Plays, my mind is fascinated. ||1||Pause||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1237, ਸਤਰ 5
ਦੇਖਿ ਚਰਿਤ ਨਾਨਕ ਮਨੁ ਮੋਹਿਓ ਪੂਛੈ ਦੀਨੁ ਮੇਰੋ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਕੈਸਾ ॥੩॥
देखि चरित नानक मनु मोहिओ पूछै दीनु मेरो ठाकुरु कैसा ॥३॥
Ḏėkẖ cẖariṯ Nānak man mohi­o pūcẖẖai ḏīn mėro ṯẖākur kaisā. ||3||
Gazing upon His wondrous play, O Nanak, my mind is fascinated. I humbly ask, what is my Lord and Master like? ||3||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]

If we go by S Kala Afghana Ji and say that Chalitar a slang is bad then have a look.

ਪੰਨਾ 104, ਸਤਰ 9
ਚਲਿਤ ਤੁਮਾਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਦੇਖਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਭਏ ਨਿਹਾਲਾ ਜੀਉ ॥੪॥੨੬॥੩੩॥
चलित तुमारे प्रगट पिआरे देखि नानक भए निहाला जीउ ॥४॥२६॥३३॥
Cẖaliṯ ṯumārė pargat pi­ārė ḏėkẖ Nānak bẖa­ė nihālā jī­o. ||4||26||33||
Your Playful Ways are revealed, O my Beloved. Beholding them, Nanak is enraptured. ||4||26||33||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 279, ਸਤਰ 8
ਅਪੁਨੇ ਚਲਿਤ ਆਪਿ ਕਰਣੈਹਾਰ ॥
अपुने चलित आपि करणैहार ॥
Apunė cẖaliṯ āp karṇaihār.
In His own play, He Himself is the Actor.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 281, ਸਤਰ 19
ਆਪਨ ਚਲਿਤੁ ਆਪ ਹੀ ਕਰੈ ॥
आपन चलितु आप ही करै ॥
Āpan cẖaliṯ āp hī karai.
He Himself stages His own drama.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 284, ਸਤਰ 9
ਨਾਨਾ ਚਲਿਤ ਕਰੇ ਖਿਨ ਮਾਹਿ ॥
नाना चलित करे खिन माहि ॥
Nānā cẖaliṯ karė kẖin māhi.
He performs His many plays in an instant.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 291, ਸਤਰ 4
ਆਪਨ ਚਲਿਤ ਆਪਿ ਕਰਨੈਹਾਰ ॥
आपन चलित आपि करनैहार ॥
Āpan cẖaliṯ āp karnaihār.
He Himself is the Performer in His own plays;
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 390, ਸਤਰ 8
ਦੇਖਿ ਚਲਿਤ ਮਨਿ ਭਏ ਦਿਲਾਸਾ ॥
देखि चलित मनि भए दिलासा ॥
Ḏėkẖ cẖaliṯ man bẖa­ė ḏilāsā.
Gazing upon the wonder of Your play, my mind has become encouraged.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 988, ਸਤਰ 2
ਕਉਨੁ ਜਾਨੈ ਚਲਿਤ ਤੇਰੇ ਕਿਛੁ ਅੰਤੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਪਾਰ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
कउनु जानै चलित तेरे किछु अंतु नाही पार ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Ka­un jānai cẖaliṯ ṯėrė kicẖẖ anṯ nāhī pār. ||1|| rahā­o.
Who knows Your wondrous plays? You have no end or limitation. ||1||Pause||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1156, ਸਤਰ 15
ਕੋਟਿ ਅਖਾਰੇ ਚਲਿਤ ਬਿਸਮਾਦ ॥
कोटि अखारे चलित बिसमाद ॥
Kot akẖārė cẖaliṯ bismāḏ.
His Wondrous Plays are enacted on millions of stages.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1351, ਸਤਰ 7
ਅਕੁਲ ਪੁਰਖ ਇਕੁ ਚਲਿਤੁ ਉਪਾਇਆ ॥
अकुल पुरख इकु चलितु उपाइआ ॥
Akul purakẖ ik cẖaliṯ upā­i­ā.
The Primal Being has no ancestry; He has staged this play.
ਭਗਤ ਨਾਮਦੇਵ ਜੀ - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]
Das would like to add as there is no word called Khalsa in Guru Granth Sahib and something more than them but not anti so we should see the Dasham Granth Sahib Ji.

One whole Chrecter is writtan where a lady makes fool of Bidhai/Brhama and he is writtan as Karta.

In one book by Kala Afghana Sahib das finds only two verse writtan about lady that lady made some trouble for Bidhna ,next talk about Rudra getting some negtive impact but last line they did not write where it is writtan that one creater who created lady can understand.It proves that Bidhna is not the creater.

Lastly were any Sikhs or Guru a chreacter in any Charitropkhyan.

Gurbani answer thats and that is the reason that why Guru wrote all.

ਦੀਨ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਤੇਰੀ ਟੇਕ
दीन दुनीआ तेरी टेक ॥
Ḏīn ḏunī­ā ṯėrī tėk.
In this world and the next, I have Your Support.

ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਰਵਿਆ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਏਕ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ
सभ महि रविआ साहिबु एक ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Sabẖ meh ravi­ā sāhib ėk. ||1|| rahā­o.
The One Lord, our Lord and Master, is all-pervading. ||1||Pause||

If we precive the Tenth Master as body we may have doubt but his acts were the acts of universl soul.


Some facts about weather Chariter is a negitive term?

It is been used for association with God.

See below.

ਪੰਨਾ 212, ਸਤਰ 9
ਗੀਤ ਚਰਿਤ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੇ ਗੁਨ ਗਾਵਾ ॥੨॥
गीत चरित प्रभ के गुन गावा ॥२॥
Gīṯ cẖariṯ parabẖ kė gun gāvā. ||2||
I sing the songs of God's glory, and His wondrous play. ||2||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 287, ਸਤਰ 18
ਅਪਨੇ ਚਰਿਤ ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਆਪਿ ਬਨਾਏ ॥
अपने चरित प्रभि आपि बनाए ॥
Apnė cẖariṯ parabẖ āp banā­ė.
God Himself sets His play in motion.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1207, ਸਤਰ 4
ਦੇਖਿ ਚਰਿਤ੍ਰ ਭਈ ਹਉ ਬਿਸਮਨਿ ਗੁਰਿ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਪੁਰਖਿ ਮਿਲਾਈ ॥
देखि चरित्र भई हउ बिसमनि गुरि सतिगुरि पुरखि मिलाई ॥
Ḏėkẖ cẖariṯar bẖa­ī ha­o bisman gur saṯgur purakẖ milā­ī.
I am wonder-struck, gazing upon the wondrous play of God. The Guru, the True Guru, has led me to meet the Primal Lord.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1211, ਸਤਰ 14
ਏਕ ਨਿਮਖ ਓਪਾਇ ਸਮਾਵੈ ਦੇਖਿ ਚਰਿਤ ਮਨ ਮੋਹੰ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
एक निमख ओपाइ समावै देखि चरित मन मोहं ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Ėk nimakẖ opā­ė samāvai ḏėkẖ cẖariṯ man mohaʼn. ||1|| rahā­o.
In an instant, He creates and destroys. Gazing upon His Wondrous Plays, my mind is fascinated. ||1||Pause||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1237, ਸਤਰ 5
ਦੇਖਿ ਚਰਿਤ ਨਾਨਕ ਮਨੁ ਮੋਹਿਓ ਪੂਛੈ ਦੀਨੁ ਮੇਰੋ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਕੈਸਾ ॥੩॥
देखि चरित नानक मनु मोहिओ पूछै दीनु मेरो ठाकुरु कैसा ॥३॥
Ḏėkẖ cẖariṯ Nānak man mohi­o pūcẖẖai ḏīn mėro ṯẖākur kaisā. ||3||
Gazing upon His wondrous play, O Nanak, my mind is fascinated. I humbly ask, what is my Lord and Master like? ||3||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]

If we go by S Kala Afghana Ji and say that Chalitar a slang is bad then have a look.

ਪੰਨਾ 104, ਸਤਰ 9
ਚਲਿਤ ਤੁਮਾਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਦੇਖਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਭਏ ਨਿਹਾਲਾ ਜੀਉ ॥੪॥੨੬॥੩੩॥
चलित तुमारे प्रगट पिआरे देखि नानक भए निहाला जीउ ॥४॥२६॥३३॥
Cẖaliṯ ṯumārė pargat pi­ārė ḏėkẖ Nānak bẖa­ė nihālā jī­o. ||4||26||33||
Your Playful Ways are revealed, O my Beloved. Beholding them, Nanak is enraptured. ||4||26||33||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 279, ਸਤਰ 8
ਅਪੁਨੇ ਚਲਿਤ ਆਪਿ ਕਰਣੈਹਾਰ ॥
अपुने चलित आपि करणैहार ॥
Apunė cẖaliṯ āp karṇaihār.
In His own play, He Himself is the Actor.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 281, ਸਤਰ 19
ਆਪਨ ਚਲਿਤੁ ਆਪ ਹੀ ਕਰੈ ॥
आपन चलितु आप ही करै ॥
Āpan cẖaliṯ āp hī karai.
He Himself stages His own drama.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 284, ਸਤਰ 9
ਨਾਨਾ ਚਲਿਤ ਕਰੇ ਖਿਨ ਮਾਹਿ ॥
नाना चलित करे खिन माहि ॥
Nānā cẖaliṯ karė kẖin māhi.
He performs His many plays in an instant.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 291, ਸਤਰ 4
ਆਪਨ ਚਲਿਤ ਆਪਿ ਕਰਨੈਹਾਰ ॥
आपन चलित आपि करनैहार ॥
Āpan cẖaliṯ āp karnaihār.
He Himself is the Performer in His own plays;
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 390, ਸਤਰ 8
ਦੇਖਿ ਚਲਿਤ ਮਨਿ ਭਏ ਦਿਲਾਸਾ ॥
देखि चलित मनि भए दिलासा ॥
Ḏėkẖ cẖaliṯ man bẖa­ė ḏilāsā.
Gazing upon the wonder of Your play, my mind has become encouraged.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 988, ਸਤਰ 2
ਕਉਨੁ ਜਾਨੈ ਚਲਿਤ ਤੇਰੇ ਕਿਛੁ ਅੰਤੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਪਾਰ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
कउनु जानै चलित तेरे किछु अंतु नाही पार ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Ka­un jānai cẖaliṯ ṯėrė kicẖẖ anṯ nāhī pār. ||1|| rahā­o.
Who knows Your wondrous plays? You have no end or limitation. ||1||Pause||
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1156, ਸਤਰ 15
ਕੋਟਿ ਅਖਾਰੇ ਚਲਿਤ ਬਿਸਮਾਦ ॥
कोटि अखारे चलित बिसमाद ॥
Kot akẖārė cẖaliṯ bismāḏ.
His Wondrous Plays are enacted on millions of stages.
ਮਃ 5 - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]ਪੰਨਾ 1351, ਸਤਰ 7
ਅਕੁਲ ਪੁਰਖ ਇਕੁ ਚਲਿਤੁ ਉਪਾਇਆ ॥
अकुल पुरख इकु चलितु उपाइआ ॥
Akul purakẖ ik cẖaliṯ upā­i­ā.
The Primal Being has no ancestry; He has staged this play.
ਭਗਤ ਨਾਮਦੇਵ ਜੀ - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]
Das would like to add as there is no word called Khalsa in Guru Granth Sahib and something more than them but not anti so we should see the Dasham Granth Sahib Ji.

One whole Chrecter is writtan where a lady makes fool of Bidhai/Brhama and he is writtan as Karta.

In one book by Kala Afghana Sahib das finds only two verse writtan about lady that lady made some trouble for Bidhna ,next talk about Rudra getting some negtive impact but last line they did not write where it is writtan that one creater who created lady can understand.It proves that Bidhna is not the creater.

Lastly were any Sikhs or Guru a chreacter in any Charitropkhyan.

Gurbani answer thats and that is the reason that why Guru wrote all.

ਦੀਨ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਤੇਰੀ ਟੇਕ
दीन दुनीआ तेरी टेक ॥
Ḏīn ḏunī­ā ṯėrī tėk.
In this world and the next, I have Your Support.

ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਰਵਿਆ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਏਕ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ
सभ महि रविआ साहिबु एक ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Sabẖ meh ravi­ā sāhib ėk. ||1|| rahā­o.
The One Lord, our Lord and Master, is all-pervading. ||1||Pause||

If we precive the Tenth Master as body we may have doubt but his acts were the acts of universl soul.
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Dec 1, 2006
Also, not all of dasam granth is braj basha so don't think you are scholar. In fact, it uses a lot of Punjabi words commonly used as poets were from Punjab area. So we can say that it is a mixture.
Dec 1, 2006
Using Bal is wrong but how about using sodis and bedis? Isn't that caste system? You don't see sodis and bedis but you see randhawas and others.

Who said chariter is a bad term? What dasam granth says is bad. It says that the creator of universe doesn't know the inside of women.
Dec 1, 2006
Also make this clear. If Raam is attribute of God then what does Kab Shyam or kib sXwm in Gurmukhi mean? Shows you got no clue about Viakaran. No wonder you do whatever aarth you want. So tell me what does poet Shyam mean. If you was to translate shyam as black, then tell me what does poet black mean? If you want to do aarth, tell me what was God doing writing chariters? Also, if God said those chariters, Guru Sahib would have respected it even more than Guru Granth Sahib Ji but there is no mention of Dasam Granth in Punjab before around the 1800s. Therefore, there is no doubt that poet shyam is poet, no doubt that poet raam is a poet, no doubt that poet kal is poet. No doubt that poet soom is poet.

I will post more later when I get time.
Dec 1, 2006
I didn't read all of your stuff about Charanjit SIngh Bal. Email him what you are saying about him. Don't talk nonsense behind someone's back. He will answer his own queries. I am not going to be lawyer for all writers and defend them but I will mention some things.

You doubt Guru more than anyone. I can tell from your writings. You have shanka om Pooraa Guru. You are saying that Guru wasn't able to make Sikhs strong enough to control Punjab. Sikhs stopped following Guru isn't fault of Guru. Sikhs were low in number and Sikhs were strong enough to hold off the Mughals and did establish a raaj but it was lost due to Dasam Granth and hindu practices introduced through it. Now Vijaydeep, with his RSS (Rastrya Sikh Sangat) and crew have only one motive and that is to slowly merge Sikhs back into Hindus or kill them slowly through literature such as dasam granth. You guys want to fool uneducated Sikhs to think that Dasam Granth is credible and then do proper arth of dasam granth and prove Sikhs to be hindus.
Dec 1, 2006
ਇਕਾ ਬਾਣੀ ਇਕੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਇਕੋ ਸਬਦੁ ਵੀਚਾਰਿ ॥ 1. 8
ਸੋਰਠ ਮ: 3 ਸ: ਗ: ਗ: ਸ: ਪੰਨਾ 646