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Anyone Have Any Unanswered Questions On Sikhi Or God?


May 11, 2016
Hi Sukh - thank you !

I think the operative word between the exchanges of Sir Harry n Sikhilove G is the word, "divine" ? Correct me if I'm wrong, but otherwise accepting as it were, would mean what I said above in post #125. If that'd be correct [i.e. post #125] then flowing from it is the proposition that all creation is divine, consistent with Sikh Ideology and spot-on with what Guru Amardas Ji says on page 644 SGGSJ. However, when probed by H, Sikhilove conferred divinity upon Baba Nanak alone, whereas, Plotinus on the whole of creation, metaphorically.

Hope that helps !

He asked for an example so I gave one. If i said myself he probably would have gone off on one

But original your post earlier was spot on. All in One and One in All.

Guru Nanak Ji taught us that the illusion is our belief of seperatedness. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the teacher of self discovery- we are All more than capable. Surrendering the ego is key- a simple decision yet we try to make it so complicated.

We argue, and spend hours on end debating, fill up our time with drama and more complication simply to avoid the Truth.

Humans love to procrastinate.


Jan 21, 2017
He asked for an example so I gave one. If i said myself he probably would have gone off on one

But original your post earlier was spot on. All in One and One in All.

Guru Nanak Ji taught us that the illusion is our belief of seperatedness. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the teacher of self discovery- we are All more than capable. Surrendering the ego is key- a simple decision yet we try to make it so complicated.

We argue, and spend hours on end debating, fill up our time with drama and more complication simply to avoid the Truth.

Humans love to procrastinate.

Actually, the point in question is not divinity, if you look back at your post, it is divine knowledge, we may all have the divine in us, but not all of us, indeed, possibly not any of us have divine knowledge, I do not believe I have ever 'gone off on one', I am here solely to enforce TOS, if that enforcement is incorrect, I am happy to be corrected.

so, I will repeat the question so you may answer without fear, do you know of anyone who has divine knowledge?

if you believe you do, then please say so, none of us have time for game playing.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Actually, the point in question is not divinity, if you look back at your post, it is divine knowledge, we may all have the divine in us, but not all of us, indeed, possibly not any of us have divine knowledge, I do not believe I have ever 'gone off on one', I am here solely to enforce TOS, if that enforcement is incorrect, I am happy to be corrected.

so, I will repeat the question so you may answer without fear, do you know of anyone who has divine knowledge?

if you believe you do, then please say so, none of us have time for game playing.
Dearest H - good morning [0356, Australia]

Of all the riders n runners @ SPN, you I consider to be the perfect master of divine knowledge. Cast back if you will of your relationship with your dear wife, was it not divine ? I deem it so for I could see the beautiful she in the handsome you when you showed me the couple you at a joint in London. Similarly, is the case when one finds God. The relationship is divine, beyond measure and description of any kind. Only the experiencer "knows" of the divine moments occasioned.

Divine knowledge is sacred, privy to the deserving few. Consider yourself fortunate therefore because now in separation will you meet your true "love".

Love n Live


Jan 21, 2017
Dearest H - good morning [0356, Australia]

Of all the riders n runners @ SPN, you I consider to be the perfect master of divine knowledge. Cast back if you will of your relationship with your dear wife, was it not divine ? I deem it so for I could see the beautiful she in the handsome you when you showed me the couple you at a joint in London. Similarly, is the case when one finds God. The relationship is divine, beyond measure and description of any kind. Only the experiencer "knows" of the divine moments occasioned.

Divine knowledge is sacred, privy to the deserving few. Consider yourself fortunate therefore because now in separation will you meet your true "love".

Love n Live

I have much to say on the topic, but my role is moderating, rather than engaging on a personal level, I will give some thought to this and reply in general terms with an accent on the topic in hand,.

thank you for the memory, it brought a smile to my face

love n live

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
This universe is created and scientists who hate to say it, admit it because it means science is not the top governing authority of our world. Rather than say God, they say evolution as it stirs them from admitting defeat to their believes of Science proving 'Everything'. Evolution has been proven to be false and hence has theory at the end of its title.

The first Law of thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
If matter and energy cannot create itself, and at some point in history the universe had a
beginning, then where did all this matter and energy come from? If God is eternal, that he has no end or beginning, then he always has and always will be. If we take for example that someone created God, then someone will asked who created God? Then they will ask who created the one that created God? And who created him? And then him? An unending unanswerable cycle.
You would have an infinite line of creations with no Authentic Creator.
You came across an Eternal God, whom is the foundation of all creation.
Quantum science can give you a very close idea, but for ease we will continue.

You must realise that God is not in our universe, he is not bound to our rules of time or our dimensions. As our universe points to a beginning we have a Creator due to causation law.
Hence you cannot apply your understanding of your view of this universe to the unseen. An finite mind cannot comprehend infinite comprehensions. As we are finite beings and die in body, then can a finite existence, exist without an infinite source? Please remember time did not exist before this universe, so there is no time for God to make the universe in.

All we need to know that there is a creator, and we can see this from many things around us. There is a reason we have limited intelligence, as our world generally is evil. If we all had more intelligence I don't think we would be here today, but then again can evil exist without an infinite being?

Just for note the answer is yes.

Backup account being used.

God is self created. Universe is created. Time is a creation only known when the man could understand what time is. It did not exist before the exist; nor it existed before the first man or his later version understood it. All time calculations backwards or forwards are all the creations of the mind. Cause and effect is the fundamental to the total existence. Nothing exists or effected without a cause. What is the cause is best known to the creator. Causes are a continuous serious of creation for which effects too are continuous. A continuous chain exists between cause and effect and there is nothing in the universe which is not linked; linking however may be close or long. The fundamental link is the source of energy; the links thereafter is the entire energy which is linked totally. Energy is stated to be concentrated before it was caused to be spread to effect the universe. Some scientists say it is big bang; Guru Nanak said," it was sahj; natural and discards the theory of big bang. Scientists have related big bang to time calculated backwards; it can be scientifically conclusively proved though. Hence it can only be stated as a guess work; not a scientific truth. It is not a fundamental truth either hence. What I could understand from Gurbani is that the creation and destruction system is continuous which is naturally happening as per the theory of continuous cause and effect. it is also be relevant to realize that everything in this universe is in regular contact; every atom or the energy with every other atom of the universe however remote it is. Regular contact is regularly impacting every part of the world. Closeness of the parts affects more than the remoteness however. This explains the theory that even the thoughts became the causes to created effects, since these are the energies created by the mind. since the thoughts are continuously generated they are the continuous sources of causes and effects globally; most of these causes are relative; born of previous events and linked to the future due to the thought process. Hence the past present and future are linked. Creation and destruction are also the causes and effects; originating from the energy; It may originally from the fundamental source of energy but later developed through the thought process of the creation. Everything happening continuously, systematically and naturally. It is the Hukum or the order or the system set for creation and destruction.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
IF 'evil is God' then:

*God is wicked
*God is wrong
*God is Ungodly
*God is sinful
*God is unholy

IF that is.

ˈiːv(ə)l,ˈiːvɪl/wicked, bad, wrong, morally wrong, wrongful, immoral, sinful, ungodly, unholy, foul, vile, base, ignoble, dishonourable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, degenerate, villainous, nefarious, sinister, vicious, malicious, malevolent, demonic, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, dark, black-hearted;More
monstrous, shocking, despicable, atrocious, heinous, odious, contemptible, horrible, execrable;
informallow-down, stinking, dirty, shady, warped, bent, crooked;
archaicdastardly, black;
rareegregious, flagitious, peccable
"an evil deed"
antonyms: good, virtuous
noun: evil
  1. 1.
    profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
    "his struggle against the forces of evil"
    synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrong, wrongdoing, sin, sinfulness, ungodliness, immorality, vice, iniquity, turpitude, degeneracy, vileness, baseness, perversion, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness, atrocity, malevolence, devilishness;More
    informalshadiness, crookedness;
    rarepeccability, peccancy
    "I sense the evil in our midst"
    antonyms: goodness
Good or bad are only thinking created by the mind. one thing which is bad from some one may be good for the other. Since the development of universe is in the wave form; with ups and downs; these so called good and bad are continuously happen to develop the world.


Aug 13, 2012
Divine knowledge is sacred, privy to the deserving few. Consider yourself fortunate therefore because now in separation will you meet your true "love"
Really do you believe that divine knowledge is exclusive.. Isn't this the antithesis of guru nanak ji teaching.. That we all have access to truth and that despite what people say divine knowledge is within us.. Does your view not promote the ideals of Brahmanism? Really Bro you should be more discerning


May 11, 2016
Really do you believe that divine knowledge is exclusive.. Isn't this the antithesis of guru nanak ji teaching.. That we all have access to truth and that despite what people say divine knowledge is within us.. Does your view not promote the ideals of Brahmanism? Really Bro you should be more discerning

The answers and the Guru/ the Gyan is within us.

Even great sinners have moments of glory of Puran sat. It comes from within- He is within. But Gurbani/ Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a blessing that makes it super easy.
Jul 21, 2017
god is the realisation of truth.
The possible (creation to exist on its own is impossible)
so now the impossible (a creator or god) now becomes possible.

from this the attributes of god come in to play. why did he create us? he must be compassionate. mercyful. kind.ect

that means we are all one and the same right? our light is his light. (hence being a vegetarian)

how do we merge with him again? the saints say by meditating on the one word of the shabad (sound). the sound of god that is the word of god. the word of god is the name of god which manifests in all. guru nanak says on mount somer with the siddhas that the sound is not aum but onkar. the ik represents he is one.
so much more to say. but much more to do. meditate my friends and you shall see the beloved lord.
by the grace of the guru (god) he is attained.


May 9, 2006
Is there a possibility it (shabad, Naam) is not literal sound, but more like the Romans would say, Logos? Which in English was translated as "Word" of God, but means something more like "reality unfolding according to divine reason"?
Jul 21, 2017
The vedas is older then the romans.
so are mantras chakra spirituality ect. the romans are an of shoot of the greeks and in turn their gods are of the vedas. example zeus is indra and in japan amarteratsu. there is a quote from guru nanak that says. the "one word" of the shabad abides within my mind. i shall not come to be born again.
to me and my own understanding. shabd means sounds that help one to channel connect and realise the divine. the question is what is the correct mantra. lots of sikhs say vaheguru. from what i under stand guru nanak and kabir used onkar according to their peoms. and some of the gurus such as guru arjan call nanak sat guru. nanak calls god sat guru. they regard guru nanak as their great teacher who was propagated as guru by the congregation of sant mat. aka kabir. ravi das. sain. meera bhai. kabir was one of the main bhagats who put forward nanak as their guru.

anyway to find god a sound must be used. almost like playing a musical instrument. the right note must be played to connect.
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