Hi Sukh - thank you !
I think the operative word between the exchanges of Sir Harry n Sikhilove G is the word, "divine" ? Correct me if I'm wrong, but otherwise accepting as it were, would mean what I said above in post #125. If that'd be correct [i.e. post #125] then flowing from it is the proposition that all creation is divine, consistent with Sikh Ideology and spot-on with what Guru Amardas Ji says on page 644 SGGSJ. However, when probed by H, Sikhilove conferred divinity upon Baba Nanak alone, whereas, Plotinus on the whole of creation, metaphorically.
Hope that helps !
He asked for an example so I gave one. If i said myself he probably would have gone off on one
But original your post earlier was spot on. All in One and One in All.
Guru Nanak Ji taught us that the illusion is our belief of seperatedness. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the teacher of self discovery- we are All more than capable. Surrendering the ego is key- a simple decision yet we try to make it so complicated.
We argue, and spend hours on end debating, fill up our time with drama and more complication simply to avoid the Truth.
Humans love to procrastinate.