SGGS is quite clear....there is nothing but God...
there is no other space outside of God, and there is no 'other'
Ego was created to form the illusion of the 'other' but its all God...
So if Evil Exists, if good cold, light dark etc....then it exists within God...nothing can be outside of God...there is no other place but God..
This is what we will never get our heads (ego) around...we have to search for experience of this...of God...and have it in this moment, in this life...
Duality is a creation of is
we must seek to experience the
Permanent...True Love...God
Duality, evil, good and bad, creation...will dissolve away...once we start to experience the one...and understand it...undertand we're one....just one...
even the opposite of Permanent is the temporary lol....experiencing the Temporary allows us to seek and then experience the One lol...experiencing darkness made humans question what the opposite was...they called it 'light'...then they studied it, ran it's written in science books

Without darkness one would have ever questioned what light is...why would they if there was no opposite..
Your statement: "there is no other space outside of God, and there is no 'other'"
Then after: "Ego was created to form the illusion of the 'other'"
God is NOT evil, please refer a quote; I have asked for this and I am getting your views rather than giving the views of the higher knowledge of the Gurbani. Same goes for Sikhilove; who keeps iterating they have read it and not post one quote with the words along the line of: 'God is evil'.
Here are some of my quotes to finish my case that God is NOT evil. God does however have POWER over evil, as he is the highest authority, but he is not evil. He does not go around giving people cancers and sufferings, evil does. Hence God is NOT evil. The messenger of death and demons are quoted on several times, do you think a demon or God is more plausible to you? Or will you continue to defend something so much that you can not ever be wrong even if quotes are put in front of you. I make many mistakes every day, I have a foolish head. But I realised my mistakes and how to deal with them.
kwm k®oD moh bis pRwnI hir mUriq ibsrweI ] (219-5)
kaam kroDh moh bas paraanee har moorat bisraa-ee.
The mortal beings are held in the power of sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment; they have forgotten the Lord
Aihinis AauD GtY nhI jwnY BieE loB sMig haurw ]1] rhwau ] (220-9)
ahinis a-oDh ghatai nahee jaanai bha-i-o lobh sang ha-uraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Don't you know that your life is decreasing, day and night? Your life is made worthless with greed. ||1||Pause||
jo qnu qY Apno kir mwinE Aru suMdr igRh nwrI ] (220-9)
jo tan tai apno kar maani-o ar sundar garih naaree.
That body, which you believe to be your own, and your beautiful home and spouse
ien mYN kCu qyro ry nwhin dyKo soc ibcwrI ]1] (220-10)
in maiN kachh tayro ray naahan daykho soch bichaaree. ||1||
- none of these is yours to keep. See this, reflect upon it and understand
nr Acyq pwp qy fru ry ] (220-13)
nar achayt paap tay dar ray.
You people are unconscious; you should be afraid of sin.
mwns dyh bhuir nh pwvY kCU aupwau mukiq kw kru ry ] (220-15)
maanas dayh bahur nah paavai kachhoo upaa-o mukat kaa kar ray.
You shall not obtain this human body again; make the effort - try to achieve liberation!
mnu vis dUqw durmiq doie ] (222-2)
man vas dootaa durmat do-ay.
The mind is under the power of the demons of evil intellect and duality.
mnu BUlo bhu icqY ivkwru ] (222-3)
man bhoolo baho chitai vikaar.
The deluded mind thinks of all sorts of corruption.
iKmw ghI bRqu sIl sMqoKM ] (223-15)
khimaa gahee barat seel santokhaN.
To practice forgiveness is the true fast, good conduct and contentment.