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Anyone Have Any Unanswered Questions On Sikhi Or God?


Feb 20, 2012
Well if one were truly nothing, surely one would not even seek Waheguru, if one were truly nothing, one would just live, and Waheguru would be given by grace, not expectation.

Ego defines your body, your character...the "Me"ism...the barriers between "You" and "me"...the illusion of the Multiple, when there is only "IK"

Becoming nothing, sounds stupid...but it doesn't mean to really become nothing... lol ...its dissolving the hardened Ego as i just described above...once the Ego starts to Dissolve...the 'knowing' and experience of 'IK' starts to manifest...so you are slowly but surely starting to know the Truth again...the Truth of "you", the Real "You"

Not just the temporary Character called Harry ji, who works in a Computer shop, and will live 'n' number of years...lol

The 'seeking' is Grace...lol

I'm not saying that i;ve reached that place yet....believe me, i haven't but what i have thus far experienced has told me this shizzle is freaking true lol

sounds a bit like giving up on desiring one thing, and replacing it with the desire for another thing, should one desire Waheguru? Can such be addictive?

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 409

Cherish one desire only:
meditate continually on the Guru.
Install the wisdom of the Saints' Mantra.
Serve the Feet of the Guru,
and you shall meet Him, by Guru's Grace, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
All doubts are dispelled,
and the Lord is seen to be pervading all places.
The fear of death is dispelled,
and the primal place is obtained.
Then, all subservience is removed.
One who has such destiny recorded upon his forehead, obtains it;
he crosses over the terrifying ocean of fire.
He obtains a place in the home of his own self,


Aug 13, 2012
sorry, which bit confused?

At the beginning of the SGGS is a description of God, as perceived in Sikhism, if such attempts are futile, I wonder what the point was in giving these descriptions such prominence?

I'm confused because I don't see mool mantar as giving description of 'god' and I think when we use the term God in sikhi it is so restrictive as to cloud any discussion


Jan 21, 2017
I'm confused because I don't see mool mantar as giving description of 'god' and I think when we use the term God in sikhi it is so restrictive as to cloud any discussion

thank you for opening a new thread on this, I will respond there


Feb 20, 2012
I'm confused because I don't see mool mantar as giving description of 'god' and I think when we use the term God in sikhi it is so restrictive as to cloud any discussion

it gives you a fair bit to go on... :) but to really understand it, you have to understand and follow the rest of the SGGS Ji and then live it and become it...

an i think in the end, we'll realise the Mool Manter is also describing us..


May 11, 2016
If your one desire is to seek waheguru then all other desires will just get in the way - right?
so why not love the people around you, but fight your minds useless desires...work hard at work..try to enjoy it..but have in mind that one desire of yours...waheguru..

Be nothing to me means, get rid of your Ego...but this is a very tough thing to do...with the mind that is full of Ego...

That is why it is the most important thing to go within...dip into the life current...Naam, as it has the power to dissolve the Ego...but the world will try to hold you back from the truth lol ... its designed to do that :)
it wants you to dream and desire everything the world has to offer...and more...

but if you want to pull out of the world...if only for a moment...you need the help of the Current..to become nothing..the Ego is just your character...harry, chaz...

make that character into Nothing...and become everything...that's what appears to be the hard part...but i feel is supposed to be the easiest...if we look in the right direction..and have trust in it,,

Awesome post :)

I agree but going further again, we don't even need to desire Waheguru. When u give up desires/ ego, you automatically vibrate at the Truth frequency. No desires, no ego= nothing.

Image is desire. Everything u think about, is a desire. The trick is to not become attached to your thoughts or image. People meditate on Gurus and images of Sants etc because they're the Truth in form. Gurus eradicated their desires and so lived in hukam- in acceptance of karam.


May 11, 2016
Ego defines your body, your character...the "Me"ism...the barriers between "You" and "me"...the illusion of the Multiple, when there is only "IK"

Becoming nothing, sounds stupid...but it doesn't mean to really become nothing... lol ...its dissolving the hardened Ego as i just described above...once the Ego starts to Dissolve...the 'knowing' and experience of 'IK' starts to manifest...so you are slowly but surely starting to know the Truth again...the Truth of "you", the Real "You"

Not just the temporary Character called Harry ji, who works in a Computer shop, and will live 'n' number of years...lol

The 'seeking' is Grace...lol

I'm not saying that i;ve reached that place yet....believe me, i haven't but what i have thus far experienced has told me this shizzle is freaking true lol

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 409

Cherish one desire only:
meditate continually on the Guru.
Install the wisdom of the Saints' Mantra.
Serve the Feet of the Guru,
and you shall meet Him, by Guru's Grace, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
All doubts are dispelled,
and the Lord is seen to be pervading all places.
The fear of death is dispelled,
and the primal place is obtained.
Then, all subservience is removed.
One who has such destiny recorded upon his forehead, obtains it;
he crosses over the terrifying ocean of fire.
He obtains a place in the home of his own self,

Yep, were already Nothing, but we're so hardened by Maya conditioning that we need to break it away bit by bit. It's a process of elimination.

Contentment, gratitude, bandgi etc are all required on the path. Naam is everything anyway, so when we practice naam, we are realising and accepting that we are All which is also Nothing. Seeing Truth in the positive and negative and loving All unconditionally is breaking the barriers and the illusion- Nirboah and Nirvair.


May 11, 2016
I'm confused because I don't see mool mantar as giving description of 'god' and I think when we use the term God in sikhi it is so restrictive as to cloud any discussion

God is Truth, We are Truth- Truth is mool mantar.

Satnaam- Truth is His name.

It's simple but we complicate things.


Jan 21, 2017
I agree but going further again, we don't even need to desire Waheguru. When u give up desires/ ego, you automatically vibrate at the Truth frequency. No desires, no ego= nothing.

may I ask if this is something you practice or just an ideal that you aspire to?


Feb 20, 2012
Awesome post :)

I agree but going further again, we don't even need to desire Waheguru. When u give up desires/ ego, you automatically vibrate at the Truth frequency. No desires, no ego= nothing.

Image is desire. Everything u think about, is a desire. The trick is to not become attached to your thoughts or image. People meditate on Gurus and images of Sants etc because they're the Truth in form. Gurus eradicated their desires and so lived in hukam- in acceptance of karam.

yup, we don't need to desire..
problem is, we're coming from a world we're desires drive us...

so what i found initially in my Simran was that i had to have a desire to do it...a desire to want to know the truth...and this helped me fight the other desires...

I also used the Dukh in my life, as the cure...it drove me to wake up in the morning, where otherwise i would have continued to be lazy...dukh being the blessing

but as time wore on...the desire dissolves :) in its place manifests love...and thats what drives you...


May 11, 2016
yup, we don't need to desire..
problem is, we're coming from a world we're desires drive us...

so what i found initially in my Simran was that i had to have a desire to do it...a desire to want to know the truth...and this helped me fight the other desires...

I also used the Dukh in my life, as the cure...it drove me to wake up in the morning, where otherwise i would have continued to be lazy...dukh being the blessing

but as time wore on...the desire dissolves :) in its place manifests love...and thats what drives you...

Yep, even the Gurus asked for Naam.

Dukh indeed is a blessing, and the wise realise it. It gets us out of complacency and causes us to detach from the face of the khel.

The more pain, the more detachment. The age of Kalyug is a blessing of a time to be alive, for its in the darkest times that we're more able to detach with the greatest light.


Aug 13, 2012
Yep, even the Gurus asked for Naam.

Dukh indeed is a blessing, and the wise realise it. It gets us out of complacency and causes us to detach from the face of the khel.

The more pain, the more detachment. The age of Kalyug is a blessing of a time to be alive, for its in the darkest times that we're more able to detach with the greatest light.
Dukh and sukh should be both welcomed. They both teach us about the nature of the world and illuminate deficiencies within ourselves and around us as well as showing us the possibilities of what can be, not only for ourselves but for those less fortunate


May 11, 2016
I'm not yet convinced satnaam=truth is 'his name... Feels clumsy as a translation.

Satnaam = expressed as truth?

Again, overcomplication.

Dont get caught up in logistics.

God Is Truth, and Naam is truth.

Either way it means Truth is Naam including God.


May 11, 2016
Dukh and sukh should be both welcomed. They both teach us about the nature of the world and illuminate deficiencies within ourselves and around us as well as showing us the possibilities of what can be, not only for ourselves but for those less fortunate

True, but many forget truth in Sukh. Some will remember but at times, dukh is the slap we need.


Aug 13, 2012
Again, overcomplication.

Dont get caught up in logistics.

God Is Truth, and Naam is truth.

Either way it means Truth is Naam including God.
Yes I agree but semantics are important!. But as you articulated it differently here than before ie. "truth is 'his' name"..?


Aug 13, 2012
True, but many forget truth in Sukh. Some will remember but at times, dukh is the slap we need.
For me dukh offers us a insight into the human condition, what we share, rather than what separates us.. The loss of of a loved one, a child, hunger, poverty injustice etc experiencing racism and prejudices gives me some sense of the irrationally of prejudices within oneself


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
Ok, so now i know a little more about you and your general beliefs and idea through your study of religions...

Things is...personally i wouldn't want to be on my death bed having lived my life and just studied!!...
i want to live...

i don't want to study australia...i have set foot on australia...experienced it..breathed it..lived it...only true experience is fulfilling...

I am surprised that through your studies, you have yet to determine that everything you wish to know, can be experienced whilst alive in your body today...

I'm grateful that Sikhi tells me "study for a little while...but thats not enough!....now do it, live it, breath it...whilst you are alive"...

I'm grateful that sikhi says "this is the way...now become an explorer, a scientist and do this experiment, whilst you are still breathing and see what happens"

and boy....does it happen :)

don;t set you limit to just studying, don't set your limit to just 5% of knowing...what there is to experience is infinite...so stop thinking about it...it'll make your head hurt. just do it...and then tell your story to other and inspire them

I'm done with just studying...as my nephew says..."its boring!" :)

As Original Ji often says...your body is the stargate! through your body, absolutely everything is accessible....take the dive in! lol

I was never religious or wanted to be. When a youth is growing up and being
Ok, so now i know a little more about you and your general beliefs and idea through your study of religions...

Things is...personally i wouldn't want to be on my death bed having lived my life and just studied!!...
i want to live...

i don't want to study australia...i have set foot on australia...experienced it..breathed it..lived it...only true experience is fulfilling...

I am surprised that through your studies, you have yet to determine that everything you wish to know, can be experienced whilst alive in your body today...

I'm grateful that Sikhi tells me "study for a little while...but thats not enough!....now do it, live it, breath it...whilst you are alive"...

I'm grateful that sikhi says "this is the way...now become an explorer, a scientist and do this experiment, whilst you are still breathing and see what happens"

and boy....does it happen :)

don;t set you limit to just studying, don't set your limit to just 5% of knowing...what there is to experience is infinite...so stop thinking about it...it'll make your head hurt. just do it...and then tell your story to other and inspire them

I'm done with just studying...as my nephew says..."its boring!" :)

As Original Ji often says...your body is the stargate! through your body, absolutely everything is accessible....take the dive in! lol

I never was religious, and unfortunately was tricked into the wrong side of life due to my stupidity. I guess who hasn't be lied to or tricked right? Just this time it was a life altering experience. I reckon I have lived more than most have in terms of possibilities in our lives, but its something more to be ashamed of.

As they say knowledge is power.


Aug 13, 2012
satnaam means in my dictionary it is true there is God
I like your version as it makes me review and consider my own position and provide a definition to test against..

Its unfortunate we have such a gap in academic discourse to refer to and draw upon to help structure our own dialogues.. One of the greatest losses for Sikhs was the loss of all the books lost when guru sahib left anandpur..
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