have you got any evidence to confirm your belief that God was not self created other than Sri Guru Granth Sahib where it is defined as 'saibhang': self created.
This universe is created and scientists who hate to say it, admit it because it means science is not the top governing authority of our world. Rather than say God, they say evolution as it stirs them from admitting defeat to their believes of Science proving 'Everything'. Evolution has been proven to be false and hence has theory at the end of its title.
The first Law of thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
If matter and energy cannot create itself, and at some point in history the universe had a
beginning, then where did all this matter and energy come from? If God is eternal, that he has no end or beginning, then he always has and always will be. If we take for example that someone created God, then someone will asked who created God? Then they will ask who created the one that created God? And who created him? And then him? An unending unanswerable cycle.
You would have an infinite line of creations with no Authentic Creator.
You came across an Eternal God, whom is the foundation of all creation.
Quantum science can give you a very close idea, but for ease we will continue.
You must realise that God is not in our universe, he is not bound to our rules of time or our dimensions. As our universe points to a beginning we have a Creator due to causation law.
Hence you cannot apply your understanding of your view of this universe to the unseen. An finite mind cannot comprehend infinite comprehensions. As we are finite beings and die in body, then can a finite existence, exist without an infinite source? Please remember time did not exist before this universe, so there is no time for God to make the universe in.
All we need to know that there is a creator, and we can see this from many things around us. There is a reason we have limited intelligence, as our world generally is evil. If we all had more intelligence I don't think we would be here today, but then again can evil exist without an infinite being?
Just for note the answer is yes.
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