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Anyone Have Any Unanswered Questions On Sikhi Or God?


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
have you got any evidence to confirm your belief that God was not self created other than Sri Guru Granth Sahib where it is defined as 'saibhang': self created.

This universe is created and scientists who hate to say it, admit it because it means science is not the top governing authority of our world. Rather than say God, they say evolution as it stirs them from admitting defeat to their believes of Science proving 'Everything'. Evolution has been proven to be false and hence has theory at the end of its title.

The first Law of thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
If matter and energy cannot create itself, and at some point in history the universe had a
beginning, then where did all this matter and energy come from? If God is eternal, that he has no end or beginning, then he always has and always will be. If we take for example that someone created God, then someone will asked who created God? Then they will ask who created the one that created God? And who created him? And then him? An unending unanswerable cycle.
You would have an infinite line of creations with no Authentic Creator.
You came across an Eternal God, whom is the foundation of all creation.
Quantum science can give you a very close idea, but for ease we will continue.

You must realise that God is not in our universe, he is not bound to our rules of time or our dimensions. As our universe points to a beginning we have a Creator due to causation law.
Hence you cannot apply your understanding of your view of this universe to the unseen. An finite mind cannot comprehend infinite comprehensions. As we are finite beings and die in body, then can a finite existence, exist without an infinite source? Please remember time did not exist before this universe, so there is no time for God to make the universe in.

All we need to know that there is a creator, and we can see this from many things around us. There is a reason we have limited intelligence, as our world generally is evil. If we all had more intelligence I don't think we would be here today, but then again can evil exist without an infinite being?

Just for note the answer is yes.

Backup account being used.


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
may I ask if this is something you practice or just an ideal that you aspire to?

I must agree, without Waheguru everything fails, even the physical. The Wonderful Counsellor/teacher is the one whom through everything is contained and held. Without him, we are lost, the Gurus would have not gained the knowledge or mainly Guru Nanak to pass on without Waheguru/Wonderful Counsellors help.


Feb 20, 2012
I was never religious or wanted to be. When a youth is growing up and being

I never was religious, and unfortunately was tricked into the wrong side of life due to my stupidity. I guess who hasn't be lied to or tricked right? Just this time it was a life altering experience. I reckon I have lived more than most have in terms of possibilities in our lives, but its something more to be ashamed of.

As they say knowledge is power.

knowledge through study is powerful
knowledge through actual first hand experience...well, that's just liberating...


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
have you got any evidence to confirm your belief that God was not self created other than Sri Guru Granth Sahib where it is defined as 'saibhang': self created.
Oh and to give you a straight answer after my previous replies on:

Is God self-created?

As God is outside our world n dimensions n time, he is in an eternal world, where in our time he is the same yesterday, same today and same tomorrow. Meaning he has always been there and cannot be created as he is not matter or any other materialistic compound. For further evidence please read my previous posts just before this one.


May 11, 2016
This universe is created and scientists who hate to say it, admit it because it means science is not the top governing authority of our world. Rather than say God, they say evolution as it stirs them from admitting defeat to their believes of Science proving 'Everything'. Evolution has been proven to be false and hence has theory at the end of its title.

The first Law of thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
If matter and energy cannot create itself, and at some point in history the universe had a
beginning, then where did all this matter and energy come from? If God is eternal, that he has no end or beginning, then he always has and always will be. If we take for example that someone created God, then someone will asked who created God? Then they will ask who created the one that created God? And who created him? And then him? An unending unanswerable cycle.
You would have an infinite line of creations with no Authentic Creator.
You came across an Eternal God, whom is the foundation of all creation.
Quantum science can give you a very close idea, but for ease we will continue.

You must realise that God is not in our universe, he is not bound to our rules of time or our dimensions. As our universe points to a beginning we have a Creator due to causation law.
Hence you cannot apply your understanding of your view of this universe to the unseen. An finite mind cannot comprehend infinite comprehensions. As we are finite beings and die in body, then can a finite existence, exist without an infinite source? Please remember time did not exist before this universe, so there is no time for God to make the universe in.

All we need to know that there is a creator, and we can see this from many things around us. There is a reason we have limited intelligence, as our world generally is evil. If we all had more intelligence I don't think we would be here today, but then again can evil exist without an infinite being?

Just for note the answer is yes.

Backup account being used.

The evil is God aswell. Everything is His frequency.

See God In the Good and the Bad, dark and light, dukh and sukh. Hes beyond duality.


Feb 20, 2012
The evil is God aswell. Everything is His frequency.

See God In the Good and the Bad, dark and light, dukh and sukh. Hes beyond duality.

It's all Waheguru...!

Beyond Duality, but Duality helps us recognise and remember Him...
just as the darkness helps us question, research and know 'Light'...The temporary helps us see the permanent... :)


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
IF 'evil is God' then:

*God is wicked
*God is wrong
*God is Ungodly
*God is sinful
*God is unholy

IF that is.

ˈiːv(ə)l,ˈiːvɪl/wicked, bad, wrong, morally wrong, wrongful, immoral, sinful, ungodly, unholy, foul, vile, base, ignoble, dishonourable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, degenerate, villainous, nefarious, sinister, vicious, malicious, malevolent, demonic, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, dark, black-hearted;More
monstrous, shocking, despicable, atrocious, heinous, odious, contemptible, horrible, execrable;
informallow-down, stinking, dirty, shady, warped, bent, crooked;
archaicdastardly, black;
rareegregious, flagitious, peccable
"an evil deed"
antonyms: good, virtuous
noun: evil
  1. 1.
    profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
    "his struggle against the forces of evil"
    synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrong, wrongdoing, sin, sinfulness, ungodliness, immorality, vice, iniquity, turpitude, degeneracy, vileness, baseness, perversion, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness, atrocity, malevolence, devilishness;More
    informalshadiness, crookedness;
    rarepeccability, peccancy
    "I sense the evil in our midst"
    antonyms: goodness


May 11, 2016
IF 'evil is God' then:

*God is wicked
*God is wrong
*God is Ungodly
*God is sinful
*God is unholy

IF that is.

ˈiːv(ə)l,ˈiːvɪl/wicked, bad, wrong, morally wrong, wrongful, immoral, sinful, ungodly, unholy, foul, vile, base, ignoble, dishonourable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, degenerate, villainous, nefarious, sinister, vicious, malicious, malevolent, demonic, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, dark, black-hearted;More
monstrous, shocking, despicable, atrocious, heinous, odious, contemptible, horrible, execrable;
informallow-down, stinking, dirty, shady, warped, bent, crooked;
archaicdastardly, black;
rareegregious, flagitious, peccable
"an evil deed"
antonyms: good, virtuous
noun: evil
  1. 1.
    profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
    "his struggle against the forces of evil"
    synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrong, wrongdoing, sin, sinfulness, ungodliness, immorality, vice, iniquity, turpitude, degeneracy, vileness, baseness, perversion, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness, atrocity, malevolence, devilishness;More
    informalshadiness, crookedness;
    rarepeccability, peccancy
    "I sense the evil in our midst"
    antonyms: goodness

Have you read Guru Granth Sahib Ji?


May 11, 2016
It's all Waheguru...!

Beyond Duality, but Duality helps us recognise and remember Him...
just as the darkness helps us question, research and know 'Light'...The temporary helps us see the permanent... :)

Of course. We are deluded, lost in the web of Maya.

To get out we need to neutralise our worldly logic, the illusion of thinking that dukh and sukh are separate. See hell in heaven and heaven in hell, pain in pleasure and pleasure in pain- hence pain is the remedy.

The psychology we practice is all to Derive the balance.

This is especially required now in Kalyug, where people are especially deluded.


Feb 20, 2012
IF 'evil is God' then:

*God is wicked
*God is wrong
*God is Ungodly
*God is sinful
*God is unholy

IF that is.

ˈiːv(ə)l,ˈiːvɪl/wicked, bad, wrong, morally wrong, wrongful, immoral, sinful, ungodly, unholy, foul, vile, base, ignoble, dishonourable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, degenerate, villainous, nefarious, sinister, vicious, malicious, malevolent, demonic, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, dark, black-hearted;More
monstrous, shocking, despicable, atrocious, heinous, odious, contemptible, horrible, execrable;
informallow-down, stinking, dirty, shady, warped, bent, crooked;
archaicdastardly, black;
rareegregious, flagitious, peccable
"an evil deed"
antonyms: good, virtuous
noun: evil
  1. 1.
    profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
    "his struggle against the forces of evil"
    synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrong, wrongdoing, sin, sinfulness, ungodliness, immorality, vice, iniquity, turpitude, degeneracy, vileness, baseness, perversion, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness, atrocity, malevolence, devilishness;More
    informalshadiness, crookedness;
    rarepeccability, peccancy
    "I sense the evil in our midst"
    antonyms: goodness

In this creation of Duality...Evil plays it's part...but it's by design...Some of us learn through doing evil acts...others see the destruction caused through evil and learn from the actions of others...

Gurbani tells us to distinguish from the two...and lean towards good...
but by design everything is within Waheguru...His Design...His thought...all serving it's purpose...

It's up to us how we live through this...and ultimately see what envelopes the duality...what is beyond the duality and become one with it..


May 11, 2016
In this creation of Duality...Evil plays it's part...but it's by design...Some of us learn through doing evil acts...others see the destruction caused through evil and learn from the actions of others...

Gurbani tells us to distinguish from the two...and lean towards good...
but by design everything is within Waheguru...His Design...His thought...all serving it's purpose...

It's up to us how we live through this...and ultimately see what envelopes the duality...what is beyond the duality and become one with it..

Cool post. Being a saint is just being true to yourself and all around you. We are Nothing but slaves at His feet-dukh and sukh are one and the same.


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
Have you read Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

I have used your words and added the word 'IF' and the word 'then' and have posted the definition of evil.

What issue do you have with the term:

'Evil is God'?

Please use reference quote to the Guru Granth Sahib if you are implying; not reading the SGGS, so we have a source to go by and exchange viewpoints.


May 11, 2016
I have used your words and added the word 'IF' and the word 'then' and have posted the definition of evil.

What issue do you have with the term:

'Evil is God'?

Please use reference quote to the Guru Granth Sahib if you are implying; not reading the SGGS, so we have a source to go by and exchange viewpoints.

Various passages in gurbani state that the master has many dresses and forms in this khel.

I have used your words and added the word 'IF' and the word 'then' and have posted the definition of evil.

What issue do you have with the term:

'Evil is God'?

Please use reference quote to the Guru Granth Sahib if you are implying; not reading the SGGS, so we have a source to go by and exchange viewpoints.

"All are in the One, and the One is in all." (SGGS p907).


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
Various passages in gurbani state that the master has many dresses and forms in this khel.

"All are in the One, and the One is in all." (SGGS p907).

If not then that is ok, just to be clear I am not asking for something generalised but where your believe 'evil' in the text it was written.

Any quotes to point to evil?

Please make your defensive for evil - God.

God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God. - A.E.

Heat has its opposite of cold. White has its opposite of black. Right has its opposite of wrong. Male has its opposite of Female. Heaven has its opposite of Hell. Angel has its opposite of Demon. Good has its opposite of Evil. God has its opposite of; as mentioned in SGGS; the messenger of death(Devil).
One cannot exist without the other in 'our universe'; not talking about outside in eternity.

If God was dual, then that would make him change from A to B and back on his views. Then he would be changing, and what the evidence is around us and in context does not suggest this. The rules for heaven and his court of judgment are mentioned in Japji Sahib.

As a small example due to time constraints:

noun: Mammon
  1. wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion.
Japji Sahib page 5 -

Pure God, unaffected by mammon, is all by himself.

The SGGS is about God being love and how to escape sin, this is written the most about and literally on every page or 2/3 at the minimum.


Feb 20, 2012
If not then that is ok, just to be clear I am not asking for something generalised but where your believe 'evil' in the text it was written.

Any quotes to point to evil?

Please make your defensive for evil - God.

God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God. - A.E.

Heat has its opposite of cold. White has its opposite of black. Right has its opposite of wrong. Male has its opposite of Female. Heaven has its opposite of Hell. Angel has its opposite of Demon. Good has its opposite of Evil. God has its opposite of; as mentioned in SGGS; the messenger of death(Devil).
One cannot exist without the other in 'our universe'; not talking about outside in eternity.

If God was dual, then that would make him change from A to B and back on his views. Then he would be changing, and what the evidence is around us and in context does not suggest this. The rules for heaven and his court of judgment are mentioned in Japji Sahib.

As a small example due to time constraints:

noun: Mammon
  1. wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion.
Japji Sahib page 5 -

Pure God, unaffected by mammon, is all by himself.

The SGGS is about God being love and how to escape sin, this is written the most about and literally on every page or 2/3 at the minimum.

SGGS is quite clear....there is nothing but God...
there is no other space outside of God, and there is no 'other'
Ego was created to form the illusion of the 'other' but its all God...

So if Evil Exists, if good exists....hot cold, light dark etc....then it exists within God...nothing can be outside of God...there is no other place but God..

This is what we will never get our heads (ego) around...we have to search for experience of this...of God...and have it in this moment, in this life...

Duality is a creation of God...it is temporary....
we must seek to experience the Permanent...True Love...God
Duality, evil, good and bad, creation...will dissolve away...once we start to experience the one...and understand it...undertand we're one....just one...

even the opposite of Permanent is the temporary lol....experiencing the Temporary allows us to seek and then experience the One lol...experiencing darkness made humans question what the opposite was...they called it 'light'...then they studied it, ran experiments...now it's written in science books :)
Without darkness existing...no one would have ever questioned what light is...why would they if there was no opposite..


May 11, 2016
If not then that is ok, just to be clear I am not asking for something generalised but where your believe 'evil' in the text it was written.

Any quotes to point to evil?

Please make your defensive for evil - God.

God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God. - A.E.

Heat has its opposite of cold. White has its opposite of black. Right has its opposite of wrong. Male has its opposite of Female. Heaven has its opposite of Hell. Angel has its opposite of Demon. Good has its opposite of Evil. God has its opposite of; as mentioned in SGGS; the messenger of death(Devil).
One cannot exist without the other in 'our universe'; not talking about outside in eternity.

If God was dual, then that would make him change from A to B and back on his views. Then he would be changing, and what the evidence is around us and in context does not suggest this. The rules for heaven and his court of judgment are mentioned in Japji Sahib.

As a small example due to time constraints:

noun: Mammon
  1. wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion.
Japji Sahib page 5 -

Pure God, unaffected by mammon, is all by himself.

The SGGS is about God being love and how to escape sin, this is written the most about and literally on every page or 2/3 at the minimum.

What is dark and what is light? It's It's just symbolic reflection. Truth has no form, no colour, na roop na rekh n.a. rang.

Light and dark are duality.

The truth is nothing but a frequency beyond what mortals can comprehend.

What u speak of is worldly logic.

Truth needs no Defensive.

Hence I have no need to post gurbani which if you were serious about bhagti, u would already have read. I read the whole Granth when in my teens.

Read Guru Granth Sahib ji yourself and discover the gyan i speak.


May 11, 2016
SGGS is quite clear....there is nothing but God...
there is no other space outside of God, and there is no 'other'
Ego was created to form the illusion of the 'other' but its all God...

So if Evil Exists, if good exists....hot cold, light dark etc....then it exists within God...nothing can be outside of God...there is no other place but God..

This is what we will never get our heads (ego) around...we have to search for experience of this...of God...and have it in this moment, in this life...

Duality is a creation of God...it is temporary....
we must seek to experience the Permanent...True Love...God
Duality, evil, good and bad, creation...will dissolve away...once we start to experience the one...and understand it...undertand we're one....just one...

even the opposite of Permanent is the temporary lol....experiencing the Temporary allows us to seek and then experience the One lol...experiencing darkness made humans question what the opposite was...they called it 'light'...then they studied it, ran experiments...now it's written in science books :)
Without darkness existing...no one would have ever questioned what light is...why would they if there was no opposite..

Awesome post. Very nice to see a bhagat on the right track. Very rare :)

Dukh daru sukh rog bhaiya

Eventually we see that even light is an illusion. Its all just symbolic reflection- the light of Truth symbolises the formless Sat.


Jan 21, 2017
Hence I have no need to post gurbani which if you were serious about bhagti, u would already have read. I read the whole Granth when in my teens.

Read Guru Granth Sahib ji yourself and discover the gyan i speak.

Although I admire your modesty, sorry to correct you but your wrong, this is a forum where we back up what we write with substance, you have a habit of avoiding answering questions that you are unable to, that is not gyan, I have asked you several times if you live by what you write, you have refused, you talk of living by nothing of being nothing, yet you are getting married and have travelled to the middle east, that does not make sense to me, can you clarify your position please, if you have this much gyan and knowledge, how does being nothing and wanting nothing allow you to travel and fall in love?
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