Dear Giani Ji,
What is your position on distribution of Karhah Parsad with a spoon or wearing a plastic glove. I tried to persuade the distributer at one time but was a total failure due to the same reason. The educated Sikh being in USA for 50 years refused to do so and told me if so then I should do it. I could have in a normal situation but I cannot bend because of two back surgeries.
Since some Westerners come to Gurudwara as a guest or to know about the faith, I think it will be a good idea to do so as in the Dailies and Cafeterias gloves are used to distribute or sell food.
Your thoughts, please as it would be more hygienic.
What is your position on distribution of Karhah Parsad with a spoon or wearing a plastic glove. I tried to persuade the distributer at one time but was a total failure due to the same reason. The educated Sikh being in USA for 50 years refused to do so and told me if so then I should do it. I could have in a normal situation but I cannot bend because of two back surgeries.
Since some Westerners come to Gurudwara as a guest or to know about the faith, I think it will be a good idea to do so as in the Dailies and Cafeterias gloves are used to distribute or sell food.
Your thoughts, please as it would be more hygienic.