I am PROUD to be a SIKH...because I have READ thoroughly the SGGS..from cover to cover many many many times...over the past 60 years..
I have also READ THOROUGHLY..the Koran, the Bible, The Mahabharta, The ramayana, Vedas etc etc...and found them WANTING -
I Only beleive in the AUTHENTIC WRITINGS of my GURU- SGGS. I Dont beleive in rituals, sakhis, fake tall tales pilgrimages, teeraths, paaps punns karmas reincarnations, good vs evil etc etc..
I Totally beleive in the FACTUAL BATTLES of the GURUS..Eimnabad, Guru Angad ji, Guru Amardass Ji, Guru Arjun ji, Guru hargobind Ji, Guru teg bahadur Ji, Guru Gobind Singh ji, Baba Banda Singh ji up till 1984 and BEYOND. The WORLD is witness...SARAGHARREE is One of the EPIC Battles recognized by UNESCO...and that was 21 VS 10,000 ++++ 1984..how many SIKHS vs the Entire might of the Modern Indian Armed Forces including Air Force and artillery ?? SIKHS came out of NOWHERE and DEFEATED the MIGHTY MUGHAL EMPIRE more than 1000 years in the making..in just a few DECADES after 1708 and established the mighty Khalsa Empire that the British were loath to face..The Anglo-Sikh Battles of Chellianwallah etc etc.. are recorded by BRITISH HISTORIANS..not "biased sikhs"...and SHAH MUHAMMED who wrote the VAAR of Sham Singh Ataree at Chellianwallah is a MUSLIM !!
IF One DOES NOT READ the SGGS...but claims he has read Koran bible etc etc..then he is 100% RIGHT to be
ASHAMED of being called a "Sikh"..he is clearly NOT a SIKH. He is just like a donkey in lions clothing..as Guru Gobind Singh ji demonstarted in Anandpur long long ago...
READ the SGGS...PICK out SHABADS..and quote them and say what you are ASHAMED OF...Compare them to the Koran, the Bible..and then say what makes you so "PROUD" of those and ashamed of the SGGS ??
Imho..ONLY ONE or two at the most picked out the undeniable FACT..that the original poster has not read a single TUK form the SGGS...all he saw his whole life was people regurgitating...and he drew his conclusions that regurgitating is "ashaming act".. I totally AGREE...REGURGITATING is acceptable in INFANTS because of their under developed digestive system...but never in ADULTS...and all i found was more
