Guess what i found on the WEB:
26.Acts like a complete paranoid mad person: If your Precious One acts like a complete paranoid schizophrenic or psychotic then he or she probably is. Run! Remember that there is no such thing as "crazy wisdom"—wisdom is the art of being balanced. However charismatic they may be, and sane between moments of madness, you WILL be damaged by them.![]()
Aad Ji please analyse it and give your comments, when you get a chance.
Waheguru Rakha
I will/promise to look at the entire paragraph more carefully, but for now, bhenji, Number 26 may be the key to how a fake Baba gets wound up in the first place. Did you ever wonder how someone decides that He/She is a baba? Does this happen when one's mental vessel is not sturdy enough to stand up under the confusion, chaos, contradictions, gray areas, criticisms of life. Contradiction makes this person feel persecuted.
My experience - We grow when we are able to really listen and pay attention to the ideas that "bother" us. We ask ourselves-- why does this person disagree with me? And we want to weigh all points of view. We might find out that we had it all wrong, or partly wrong. And it is a good thing that someone else challenged our thinking.
It may be that "babas" can't handle this kind of challenge. They have to work out a fortress of beliefs that protects their fragile personalities. "Let nothing disturbing in." Since they let nothing in, nothing is there to contradict them. Therefore, they think they have something that works. Then they go about sharing The Formula with people who are so weakened by life that they are willing to try anything to overcome their fear. They need the baba. And the baba needs them. The baba needs a loyal group to prove that "My thinking is perfectly true, See! No one contradicts me."