I was a great fan of her that I got a 5'6" statue made for her. But the message I wanted to pass that the whole day different channels were displaying claims of many people that shri ganesh picture in calender hanging at the wall is seeping milk lying on fridge almost a meter away. How people were misleading and lying.
Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni
Such insufferable FOOLS are also INVITED to MALAYSIA..by those who should know better since they undertook the task of IMPARTING GURBANI TEACHING to Children .
What sort of Role Models are they ?? With thair talk of miraclous cures..putting seriously sick persons off medicines and into Tuk jaaps ..... reciting various Tuks ONLY...or his recent chhochha "Drama" of WRITING WAHEGURU repeatedly...50,000....100,000 times etc and getting Medals for that..and now this book on 52 ways Sukhmani Sahib cures diseases !!..GRANTS WISHES....ha Ha ha...etc...am i the only one laughing ??
He and his Chelas regularly make trips abroad...if the Punjabis can stand them..why should the Diaspora Sikhs follow suit ?? are we also that stupid ? IMHO Punjab with its hundreds of thousands of DERAS, and Marrhees and Samadhs and Pir Graves etc which are being POOJAED..prayed on..by "amritdharee" sikhs no less...???? amrtidharees ?? Yes the Banna wearing types who have ZERO SIKHI inside except what such babas put in.:down::down::down::down::down::down:
One more thing I hear in almost all of Bhai Guriqbal Singh Ji's Kathas is to abstain from EGG & MEAT . I don't know what is the problem with Bhai Sahib , why does he not talk about whiskey , intoxicants & drugs . Why so much opposition with EGG & MEAT ? Is there an agenda there ?
well just about everybody in Punjab DRINKS..so IF the venrated Bhai Sahib attacks this..who will follow him.??????? He will lose followers (MONEY) ....eggs and meat is a safer enemy to attack !! just see the HUGE NUMBER of DESI THEKHAS..Valaitee sheraab...at almost every corner of every street...BUT "eggs/meatshops'....almost NIL !!
and btw..its NOT only this Baba who is SILENT on sheraab...almost every other Baba is also deafeningly SILENT..have NEVER heard any say a single word about sheraab..or drugs...but eggs/meat..almost every baba and every gyani..almost non stop !!They sure know which way their bread is buttered !!
I dare you!yes, lets just do nothing and leave it all to God!
jot khalsa ji thanks for your post.Disappointed after watching nindiya of good and bad people going on full throttle.a real Sikh does not have time for this bullshit u are wasting on this topic.do some sewa and Simran and rest this matter to akaal purakh or wwhat you say hukam. R u people living in hukam? These are chardikalaa people.wow. wjkkwjkf...