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Bhai Guriqbal Singh - Has He Made A Scientific Discovery?


Jan 22, 2005
I was a great fan of her that I got a 5'6" statue made for her. But the message I wanted to pass that the whole day different channels were displaying claims of many people that shri ganesh picture in calender hanging at the wall is seeping milk lying on fridge almost a meter away. How people were misleading and lying.
Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I was a great fan of her that I got a 5'6" statue made for her. But the message I wanted to pass that the whole day different channels were displaying claims of many people that shri ganesh picture in calender hanging at the wall is seeping milk lying on fridge almost a meter away. How people were misleading and lying.
Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni

And, sadly many Sikhs got into it too and bought Ganesh's statues for the same gimmick.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The BIGGEST such LIAR today is the fellow called Sai baba....so many professional magicians have revealed almost ALL his TRICKERIES on U-Tube...But you know what..his die hard beleivers think he is TRUE and the Exposers are "liars"..
Compared to this Mother of all Fraudee babas..our own babas in Punjab seem almost "angelic"...


Jan 29, 2010
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh:happysingh:
This forum is started by saying is it possible that any person can be cured by Baani.

I never written in a forum like this but after seeing such
type of posts I want to say something on this.

My first question is how many of you do Nitnem ( to one who started this forum and to those who supported that person). If all you do then that is great.
But from your posts it seems if you do Nitnem….you just recite the Banni but not implemented in your life …means you do not follow Baani. This shows the Difference

between theoretical and Practical knowledge. You do not feel from insight the power of Baani.
One who follow the Baani cannot put such type of comments. These type comments can come only from the person who listen from one person can tell to other person but do not experience the actual facts.

This is like Black box for them and the things out of their scope(overhead). First live with this then tell affect to other and do not blindly follow that person who never experienced it. Earn it (Kamai Karo) then only tell the truth.

Regarding my experience of Guru Baani, this not only helped me in health but also in wealth.
Keep your faith in Gurus and their baani and do Nitname with concentration this will help you in even your general life problems. You will see the difference in your life.

Kamai Kaor,Don’t do meaningless posts (Thal which teen vastu paye, Sat Santhokh Vicharoo)
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Jan 29, 2010
Such insufferable FOOLS are also INVITED to MALAYSIA..by those who should know better since they undertook the task of IMPARTING GURBANI TEACHING to Children .
What sort of Role Models are they ?? With thair talk of miraclous cures..putting seriously sick persons off medicines and into Tuk jaaps ..... reciting various Tuks ONLY...or his recent chhochha "Drama" of WRITING WAHEGURU repeatedly...50,000....100,000 times etc and getting Medals for that..and now this book on 52 ways Sukhmani Sahib cures diseases !!..GRANTS WISHES....ha Ha ha...etc...am i the only one laughing ??
He and his Chelas regularly make trips abroad...if the Punjabis can stand them..why should the Diaspora Sikhs follow suit ?? are we also that stupid ? IMHO Punjab with its hundreds of thousands of DERAS, and Marrhees and Samadhs and Pir Graves etc which are being POOJAED..prayed on..by "amritdharee" sikhs no less...???? amrtidharees ?? Yes the Banna wearing types who have ZERO SIKHI inside except what such babas put in.:down::down::down::down::down::down:

First experience the Baani then only put your comments ... First reach there where you can understand the actual facts then ask about someone else. Nindya is forbidden in Sikhism.
May 24, 2008
One more thing I hear in almost all of Bhai Guriqbal Singh Ji's Kathas is to abstain from EGG & MEAT . I don't know what is the problem with Bhai Sahib , why does he not talk about whiskey , intoxicants & drugs . Why so much opposition with EGG & MEAT ? Is there an agenda there ?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
One more thing I hear in almost all of Bhai Guriqbal Singh Ji's Kathas is to abstain from EGG & MEAT . I don't know what is the problem with Bhai Sahib , why does he not talk about whiskey , intoxicants & drugs . Why so much opposition with EGG & MEAT ? Is there an agenda there ?

As yes, attack meat and eggs and you get to compete with other sects and get many more Vaishnav converts = more money and more redlights on cars.

That IS the only reason why these people distort Gurbani.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
well just about everybody in Punjab DRINKS..so IF the venrated Bhai Sahib attacks this..who will follow him.??????? He will lose followers (MONEY) ....eggs and meat is a safer enemy to attack !! just see the HUGE NUMBER of DESI THEKHAS..Valaitee sheraab...at almost every corner of every street...BUT "eggs/meatshops'....almost NIL !!
and btw..its NOT only this Baba who is SILENT on sheraab...almost every other Baba is also deafeningly SILENT..have NEVER heard any say a single word about sheraab..or drugs...but eggs/meat..almost every baba and every gyani..almost non stop !!:D:D:D:D:DThey sure know which way their bread is buttered !!:D:D:D

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
well just about everybody in Punjab DRINKS..so IF the venrated Bhai Sahib attacks this..who will follow him.??????? He will lose followers (MONEY) ....eggs and meat is a safer enemy to attack !! just see the HUGE NUMBER of DESI THEKHAS..Valaitee sheraab...at almost every corner of every street...BUT "eggs/meatshops'....almost NIL !!
and btw..its NOT only this Baba who is SILENT on sheraab...almost every other Baba is also deafeningly SILENT..have NEVER heard any say a single word about sheraab..or drugs...but eggs/meat..almost every baba and every gyani..almost non stop !!:D:D:D:D:DThey sure know which way their bread is buttered !!:D:D:D

So very true, and yes I bet many Bhai's have been caught in secret swigging a bit of brandy (purely for medicinal purposes). :)


Jun 21, 2009
Jina ne naam japna ohne ne japp ke sansaar ton chale jana.. Dharam Sirf vishvaas te khara hai ... Jis nu Guru te bharosa aa geya ke daal khaan naal mera Guru mere vitamin poore kar devega. Vitamin daal ne nahi Guru ne poore karne ne.. Same problem 2 bandean nu ho jae.. Ik dawai kha ke theek ho ke ghar aa janda. Duja ohi dawai kha ke sarir chad janda.. Jis te nadar ho gai oh theek ho ke mur aaya. Jis ton ohdi nadar nahi si .. Oh sansaar chad geya.. Bhai Sahib varge bande duniya te milne mushkil ne.. Ini panth di sewa hor kon kar sakda.. Sade vargean da kam kuch ni.. Sirf Nindea bas.. Kyonki hor tan sade ton kuch hunda ni..Nindea karan vich ki lagda. Sirf muh hi hilana painda.. Ya 2 akhar type karne painde ne... Jehre vi Bhai sahib di nindea karange apan nu tan paka pata ke ohna lai ithe vi narak te othe vi.. Waaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh
A new whatsapp group has been started.. Daily Arths of Dhan Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji Gurbani and Shri Sukhmani sahib are sent .. Those who are interested can email their contact no.s to me.. Thanks


Jun 21, 2009
Bhai Sahib nu koi problem nahi ji..Guru sahib mana kar ke gae ne.. Dhan Shri Guru Granth sahib ji Maharaaj de ang no 1370 niche ton 5th ya 6th line hai.. Daas ne pankti da screen shot attach kar ke bhejeya hai ..aap ji padh sakde ho ... Bani Padea karo..Ehna chakran vich na peya karo.. Kisi te ungal karon ton phelanasi apna sudhaar kar liye... Je har koi apna sudhaar kar lave tan duniya sawere hi sachkhand ban jaegi.. Guru Sahib khende Gun dujean de dekho te Ogun apne. Wjkk Wjkf


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jot khalsa

Feb 8, 2015
Disappointed after watching nindiya of good and bad people going on full throttle.a real Sikh does not have time for this bullshit u are wasting on this topic.do some sewa and Simran and rest this matter to akaal purakh or wwhat you say hukam. R u people living in hukam? These are chardikalaa people.wow. wjkkwjkf...


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Disappointed after watching nindiya of good and bad people going on full throttle.a real Sikh does not have time for this bullshit u are wasting on this topic.do some sewa and Simran and rest this matter to akaal purakh or wwhat you say hukam. R u people living in hukam? These are chardikalaa people.wow. wjkkwjkf...
jot khalsa ji thanks for your post.

It is as much living in Hukam to try to right some wrong as it is to do something right. Pointing something wrong is not nindiya/criticism but it falls in the category of constructive criticism which is a positive deed. Sikhism does not teach passivity even though that is most beneficial to the people exploiting people. Sikhism teaches positivism and positive actions so we may all be of better understanding of creation and live thereof.

Sat Sri Akal.
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