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Bhai Guriqbal Singh - Has He Made A Scientific Discovery?


Mar 12, 2015
Sat Sri Akal ALL.

I have signed up here after reading just this one thread and find myself dismayed by some of the posters who, in all honesty "talk alot". Admittedly some complain that some gyani's dont talk much, they should be invited here... A recent saying that has gained popularity, Opinions are like 44sh0les, everyone has one. No offence, its just to highlight the point that neither of you highly expressive individuals actually knows for sure if what you are saying is true. You have, dare I say, the arrogance to think that you do... but you mereley express an opinion....

Bhai Guriqbal singh ji's videos, like hundreds of sikh's, I watch on you tube on some mornings, some evenings. Not because I am a fan of or I am a follower of the personality that is this gur ka sikh, but because the gurbani and jaap which by the guru's grace he has taken the service of delivering on countless souls such as this foolish one.

Expressions from yourselves are so strong, not many have spoken in defence, this by no means is evidence of a lack of people who are there to stand for people like Bhai (not baba) GurIqbal Singh, but quite possibly because they have identyfied your character and would rather not take you on for the lack of progression of any usefull debate. As many of the so called babas there are is as many of the objectors such as those on here.. No doubt there will be those who delight in just agreeing with someone, I imagine a good many of those find themselves on spn too.

How easy is it to say to someone who does a good deed, that there is a more worthwhile cause they could be helping. Ik Ik di kismet, ik ik de karam. Some donate, some help people by their own hand. Some help english some critise and say they should be helping indians. What of the sikhs of our Sahib - E - Kamal who took bhai kaneya as a traitor of sikhs and presented him before the guru for helping wounded muslims on the battlefield. They wanted him skinned alive, Bhai kaneyea asked his skin be used to make a water bottle so another could carry on his work.
Nah ko vayree, naa disse vaganaa.
I hear vayree's speaking and to them Bhai guriqbaal singh is a vaganaa.

As far as restoring the amputated foot of a diabetic, this is ridiculous in the truest sense ie it serves to only ridicule the point. I would suggest to those arrogant enough to title themself Gyani must fall at his feet and ask the guru to raise them again.. Gyani mean little nowadays when anyone can go to college and gain this title yet the world at large reagrds them and so superior in knowledge. It can be argued that it is they who are in the position to lead the innocent astray... and not Guruwale such as Bhai sahib.

I am nothing I know nothing but can see I'm in good company here. Sab rogan ka aukhad naam. Ram naam aukhad diya, Dont knock it untill you have tried it. The guru says maintain my rehet you can ask anything of me, whats a little bit of roug.... Yes its karma but Guru wipes that clean so one can and indeed is free to ask of the guru anything... ANYTHING... Ask of me like a shameless begger... like a teeth bekhari.... some of us are indeed teeth but have yet to learn how to become bekari's for the day we do, we'll see we can literally beg from the Guru for he permits and welcomes us to. He forgives us and gives us second even third chances.
Unfortunately some will never get to hear of the true magical wonder of the power of guru's gift to the world, Jin hi prabh paayeaa tin hi chuppaya, as the fall into debates about whether this guy or that guy is a baba or fakir or if his daal has something kala in it. Wake up, Gun Gobind de gavoo lest your life shall pass by in these folly's.

Mera vaid Guru Gobind and one day I will stand before him and to him alone I wil answer for my account. See you there my so called scholars, philosophisers makepeoplewisers! Heads full of knowledge... leave some space for naam.

After that rude and arrogant outburst it seems highly inappropriate to say, Bhul Chuk Maaf............
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I have signed up here after reading just this one thread and find myself dismayed by some of the posters who, in all honesty "talk alot". Admittedly some complain that some gyani's dont talk much, they should be invited here... A recent saying that has gained popularity, Opinions are like 44sh0les, everyone has one. No offence, its just to highlight the point that neither of you highly expressive individuals actually knows for sure if what you are saying is true. You have, dare I say, the arrogance to think that you do... but you mereley express an opinion...

welcome to the forum, it is a place where share opinions with a view to learning from each other
Bhai Guriqbal singh ji's videos, like hundreds of sikh's, I watch on you tube on some mornings, some evenings. Not because I am a fan of or I am a follower of the personality that is this gur ka sikh, but because the gurbani and jaap which by the guru's grace he has taken the service of delivering on countless souls such as this foolish one.

not quite sure whether you are in favour of this concept or not my old fruity.. I think you are
Expressions from yourselves are so strong, not many have spoken in defence, this by no means is evidence of a lack of people who are there to stand for people like Bhai (not baba) GurIqbal Singh, but quite possibly because they have identyfied your character and would rather not take you on for the lack of progression of any usefull debate. As many of the so called babas there are is as many of the objectors such as those on here.. No doubt there will be those who delight in just agreeing with someone, I imagine a good many of those find themselves on spn too.

Are you typing in another language and using a translator to english? ok, I think you are defending Bhaji, I am just not sure
How easy is it to say to someone who does a good deed, that there is a more worthwhile cause they could be helping. Ik Ik di kismet, ik ik de karam. Some donate, some help people by their own hand. Some help english some critise and say they should be helping indians. What of the sikhs of our Sahib - E - Kamal who took bhai kaneya as a traitor of sikhs and presented him before the guru for helping wounded muslims on the battlefield. They wanted him skinned alive, Bhai kaneyea asked his skin be used to make a water bottle so another could carry on his work.
Nah ko vayree, naa disse vaganaa.
I hear vayree's speaking and to them Bhai guriqbaal singh is a vaganaa.

ok, assuming you are in support, your saying that encouraging people to believe in mumbo jumbo is the same as giving water to the dying
As far as restoring the amputated foot of a diabetic, this is ridiculous in the truest sense ie it serves to only ridicule the point. I would suggest to those arrogant enough to title themself Gyani must fall at his feet and ask the guru to raise them again.. Gyani mean little nowadays when anyone can go to college and gain this title yet the world at large reagrds them and so superior in knowledge. It can be argued that it is they who are in the position to lead the innocent astray... and not Guruwale such as Bhai sahib.

ok restoring amputed foot bad, eating ardaas daal good?

I am nothing I know nothing but can see I'm in good company here.

sorry is this humility or an insult?

Dont knock it untill you have tried it.

does that apply to swinging?
The guru says maintain my rehet you can ask anything of me, whats a little bit of roug.... Yes its karma but Guru wipes that clean so one can and indeed is free to ask of the guru anything... ANYTHING...

its the carrot again, just do what I tell you and you can have all your earthly desires! are you sure your on the right forum?
Ask of me like a shameless begger... like a teeth bekhari.... some of us are indeed teeth but have yet to learn how to become bekari's for the day we do, we'll see we can literally beg from the Guru for he permits and welcomes us to. He forgives us and gives us second even third chances.

but not fourth ones! three strikes and your out, I suppose its better than the Abrahamic god....
Mera vaid Guru Gobind and one day I will stand before him and to him alone I wil answer for my account. See you there my so called scholars, philosophisers makepeoplewisers! Heads full of knowledge... leave some space for naam.

thats pretty Abrahamic, I think your confusing Sikhism with something else, do you believe in heaven?

After that rude and arrogant outburst it seems highly inappropriate to say, Bhul Chuk Maaf............

not at all, I fully expected that at the end of your post!


Mar 12, 2015
I must retract my previous comment and apologise for any offence caused.

I have done the same as those actions I have spoken against.

Hopefully the Guru might bless me with some ukkal in the future.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

we are all here to share opinions, I would like to think we do so with grace and respect, yes, sometimes things can get heated, but there is also a saying that if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

we are all born with ukkal, it is a gift from the Guru, it is simply our job to use it, and for that we need no blessing, just grace.

Please bring your thoughts to the table in whatever manner you wish, none of us are here to convert or judge, just to learn

once again welcome to the forum!

I would have hugged you but I do not know where all the hugs have gone.
actually thats a good title for a song!
Sep 16, 2015
Smart fool...
As far as restoring the amputated foot of a diabetic, this is ridiculous in the truest sense ie it serves to only ridicule the point. I would suggest to those arrogant enough to title themself Gyani must fall at his feet and ask the guru to raise them again.. Gyani mean little nowadays when anyone can go to college and gain this title yet the world at large reagrds them and so superior in knowledge. It can be argued that it is they who are in the position to lead the innocent astray... and not Guruwale such as Bhai sahib.

What on earth is wrong with you.. fall on his feet? are you serious? by that above line you are meaning fall on gur iqbal's feet and then ask for guru for forgiveness? Are you smart fool serious about what you are talking here. You are calling your bhai sahib as Guruwale? What does a guruwale mean. The one who in all probablities fooling around with peoples faith in god. Are you aware, his chelas, have been caught red handed trnasporting drugs (not just drugs, but drugs that kill ). Punjab knows this, Amritsar knows wha this so called guruwale and what all businesses he is into. You seem to have got into his clothing and the kind of talks he give usually at his so called darbars. Personally, this bhai of yours is not only insulting people, but also their faith, with this mask of gurbani. A veer mentioned, about his so called ways. I have serious problems with this bhai. It is high time, somebody get down to business with this bhai and expose him. I know, when his chela, mata bipanpreet kaur was caught red handed, and her car was stopped by Punjab police, on a tip off for carrying chitta drugs, one Madan lal Bagga of akali Dal (badal) came in and stopped the FIR from being registered. People in Punjab know his activities. We know what he is upto.. Let us agree to what this bhai is upto in the name of sikhi. to me gur iqbal is a criminal who should be prosecuted for playing around in the garb of his white clothes.
Sep 16, 2015
Admittedly some complain that some gyani's dont talk much, they should be invited here...

What to say on this one, we sikhs don't need gyanis, we have our guru to rely on. Khalsa derives his strength directly from the guru, not mere poster boys like the gyanis you want to invite. Look, I a talking offense to what you have written, and not asking for bhul chuk maaf, cause, I seriously do not want to be polite to you. Btw, you have already said, we will blast you, so now face it.

this by no means is evidence of a lack of people who are there to stand for people like Bhai (not baba) GurIqbal Singh, but quite possibly because they have identyfied your character and would rather not take you on for the lack of progression of any usefull debate.

identified what? lack of progression? what do you mean by this? you mean this bhai of yours is a sign of progression. this many paths, this many times path, is progression? he wants his chelas to fall on his feet, for his choicest words? to me this is demotion and not progression. You want people to leave Guru Granth Sahib and follow this demotion. Seriously. Lack of people. slow claps on that one.
Sep 16, 2015
What of the sikhs of our Sahib - E - Kamal who took bhai kaneya as a traitor of sikhs and presented him before the guru for helping wounded muslims on the battlefield. They wanted him skinned alive, Bhai kaneyea asked his skin be used to make a water bottle so another could carry on his work.
Nah ko vayree, naa disse vaganaa.
I hear vayree's speaking and to them Bhai guriqbaal singh is a vaganaa.

Your bhai is the one promoting Sahib e kamaal at all forums. You should go pn website of RSS and see for yourself, he is a revered member of the RSS. One should really contemplate what he is following. I believe, listening to his katha and kirtan is wasting much time, i'd better llisten to katha/kirtan of other raagi, if i really want to.


Mar 12, 2015
Pyaare Hora ji,

In your first comment you ask clarification on something in the post you respond to. You have misunderstood what has been said. The meaning was to fall at the guru's feet. But you continue your response with your misunderstanding without waiting for clarification. I'm suspicious that you just had to bashing to do so you just got on with it regardless. Never mind this is one thing you are able to do on this forum so feel free on that...
You bash some more....then some more, your tone gets nasty, Stating that I have asked for it so now I should take it. How pleasant you are. Your affection is touching.

In life I learn there are those I don't align with in thought but have learned not to malign them. In my post I said many things I subsequently realised I shouldn't have but the fact still remains good works are being done through the organisation of bhai guriqbal singh. I have used lower case in case the use of upper case in spelling his name will offend you even more. Your expression suggests that you are offended by the mere existence of this person. of course you have never made any mistakes or had anyone make mistakes under your watch so yes you can indeed cast stones. please refer to the moat and beam parable by Jesus. I've just finished reading it.

many people need needs gyanis. The layman couldn't read the Bible until William tyndale translated it at risk to his life for them. Not all of my brothers are as vidvaan as your humble self. many of them need someone to take them by the hand and explain like they are children. All this talk of him leading people astray. Can we have a moment to consider that the Guru looks after his sikhs himself. If you were not welcome you wouldn't get near him. Again a post from me expressing views in the way of those I'm speaking against...... a doubting believer is worse than a skeptic.
Bhai Guriqbal Singh does what he does in the prescence of the Guru. If his actions were unacceptable how would this be possible I ask myself. This is nindya my good man and you fell right into the trap. You have been looted yet again you must protect yourself from this.
Whilst I have engaged you it is to no good end since its victory in an argument that you wish to gain and not the betterment of your own understanding.

I don't find time to surf forums so couldn't confirm or deny what is written on any other like rss as you mention. Maybe it is maybe it isn't......... But more relevant is that you have the will to espouse your views yet aren't driven by any of them to take any action. How about a trip to India to let the people know about this person about who you have so many opinions. I'm not going to hide the fact that I am loathed to engage with you since I can see you are ready for keyboard battle and i'm not interested in fighting inspite of the length of my babble.
It's advancement in my ideas and thinking I seek, not to argue with plastic vidvaans who got excited after reading chapter 1. 01.
Lets try and better our understanding of the things which are important to us rather than focusing on this guy and ridiculing him for some things you heard happened in India where people are so pure and clean and the police are almost godly. it's just too easy to jump on the wagon of hearsay when the evidenced truth is not available.

Let's cool ourselves and concentrate on what we should really be doing and please don't ask me what that is as I'm still not sure myself.....
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Dec 13, 2018
Sikhism Knowledges: Bhai Guriqbal Singh ji, combining sewa and kirtan, visiting US this week

Is this fellow firing on all cylinders?

He made a claim the other day, that was totally ridiculed by some learned people on Punjab Radio, that if you are suffering from a vitamin deficiency , the way to cure it, is to do Ardas over a bowl of daal and eat it, and it will cure you.

Anyone else here this?

Dr Gurdeep Singh on the Radio, totally rubbished his claims (rightly so).

This kind of Pakhandhi Poona by Bhai's is not only irresponsible it is dangerous.:mad:

In reply to above criticism:
First of all only those person have such views who have not searched Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, in which it's clearly mentioned that Ardas done from true heart can cure any disease, but waheguru decides which Ardas is true or not

Listen on YouTube to Bhai Pinderpal Singh Ji's Katha about Ardas:

1: Sewa Simran nal jindagi Badal di hai....

2: jindagi badalde der nahi lagdi...


Mar 12, 2015
In support of the previous comment. There are many videos and texts available from many individuals to support what you say.
One such text is a book written by one Sodhi Harbajan Singh titled Bhajan Bandagi da partaap. I direct you to this and similar texts written by gursikhs on their own experiences.
Another recommended set of videos are those by ex Brigadier Pratap Singh from the nanaksar samparda.
Please also study the history of the Guru's, their lives, travels, meetings and the events which followed.
A learned gursikh recently discovered the journey of Guru Teg Bahadur to England to Leicester of all places, where records point to a meeting with the founder of the Quaker movement George fox during the time of Oliver Cromwell.
There are also many records around the travels of Guru Nanak Dev ji in Europe where it's recorded that a meeting took place with Martin Luther who went on to start the reformation in Christianity. Travels to the US and south America can also be evidenced.
If we consider the greatness of our Guru as we regard it today, imagine the impact on the whole world at the time of the Guru's travels.
So many unknown legacies which are still in existence today which we know so little about .

Vidaya Vichari Te Parupkari

Seek, aquire and contemplate on knowledge that you may be a benefactor to others.

Modern day mindsets formed on scientific principles are steering us away from being able to accept such things as saying a prayer over daal could actually be effective despite the Guru telling us over and over that this is absolutely a reality

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