me being a shia muslim will only say forcing some 1 to any religion is wrong ,religion is something u find peace in ,if something is forced upon 1 they can,t find peace it must be felt in ur heart not for money, and to all sikh,s who said sikh women should marry in their religion i agree with u marrying in 1,s own religion is the best thing for u and ur kids or u become na aar kay na paar kay .i know some one from pakistan in my own community who married a sikh woman from indian army background both have 2 kids their marriage is a success it,s almost 12 years now the woman is still sikh ,marriage in other religion is succesful ,but i often wonder if she and her husband both had married in their own religion it would had been better maybe not for them for their kids as the kids are stuck in between they go to our mosque and follow as their father but they do,nt eat meat at home coz their mom does,nt cook it i,m not saying muslim,s aren,t vegitarians but they are simply not eating it coz mum doesn,t cook it ,so her husband and kids doen,t force anything which is against her religion and that was only one example there are lot of more things they do,nt do just in respect of each others religion.
regarding burkha and pardah lot of non muslims ppl take us muslim women wrong hijab is something u do,nt use regarding force u don,t see every muslim women wearing hijab ,hijab is muslim woman,s beauty which the out side world does not understand i never used hijab untill 5 years ago and since than i feel more beautiful it keeps all namehram,s(men that are not related to me )eye,s off me u don,t have to show man urself to some one u don,t know just to hear his word s look how beautiful she is ,no we who use hijab don,t need other men to tell us that coz we know WE are beautiful