- May 30, 2007
- 81
- 8
Guys Like Good Looking Girls, Girls Like Good Looking Guys Stop Maing Excuses For Being Ugly, And Stop Calling Good Looking People Dirty There Is No Such Thing As Dirty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ughh ! :crazy: What do u mean by this statement.Doesn't make much sense to me.U mean sikhs boys should cut their head hairs n beards n girls should cut their hairs short n trim their eye-brows n wear tight clothes.leave their traditions n gursikhi to be like others in an attempt to be good looking.what do U mean.who is ugly BTW. n who is good looking people in ur eyes.Talk full n complete n don't give short notes.Totally out of bounds for me.

U r very wrong.anyway here is the fact of today.Sikh Girls like dirty boys n clean shaven boys who love to drink lot of daru n spend nights in clubs n restaurants n hardly visit gurudwaras.No interest in sikhi n Guru's teachings.Even if they visit They go to show off their make up n beauty n tight clothes thru which everything is visible n still behaving like villagers.On the other hand foolish sikh boys(feel pity sometimes) like good sikh girls that they hardly find.
Sikh girls have made best use of freedom given to them n shattered the image of sikhi all togethers that sikhs have made over hundreds of years n immense sacrifices.
Before 1984 roits in delhi sikh girls from delhi were interviewed n asked how many want to marry a bearded sikh boy n 99% girls said yes to clean-shaven non-sikhs n hardly 1% said yes to sikhs.great shame for sikhi training to sikh girls.even today they r same after facing heavy losses.Go to delhi urself n find out the truth.About 95% delhi girls r still living in illusionary world of bollywood kind love life n staying far away from sikhi teachings.they wear jeans all time even in Gurudwaras n openly sit with their boy friend in Gurudwaras(Great Shame).How all this things will be changed my friend.Mugal empire that was very strong couldnot shake sikhs but today enemy from within sikhs(Girls) r shattering sikhi to nil.They r sole destroyers of sikhi in punjab n elsewhere.UK is pretty open dirt place to talk with.
U can leave sikhi for girls i know but not me Mrs dhillon.U can cut ur hairs short like amir khan or others n never try to be like Guru Gobind Singh Ji-the Super prince n king of Lions(Singhs)-The super warrior n saint n beyond one's description.
anyway what is ur full explanation of things that U want to convey.what is ur entire story of good-looking boys n girls n how they can become good looking in ur eyes.let me also understand what u r trying to address.Right now it is totally out of my reach n grasping.please Elaborate.
Sat Shri Akal.