Adi Nanaki Ji,My faith begins with semi-waking and doing a morning blessing of all human facets, (ie may my eyes see only truth), requesting that the Guru carry the blessing deeply to open the eyes of all his beloveds to truth. My cold shower includes ten squats front and back calling on each of the ten Gurus--total bliss! I do a full Nitnem Paath as a way of engaging with the Gurus each day. Jaap Sahib is done with Sat Kriya, where I powerfully chant Sat Nam to its rhythm and call on the 10 Gurus to wash the world. This task was given to me by Guru Gobind Singh when he placed a 3-D image of the world on my fingertips during this kriya five or so years ago, asking me to wash, rinse and wring it out. I relax with Tawv Prasad Swaya and Anand Sahib. Rehiras is recited with Z TVs broadcast of the evening Golden Temple program. My three evening meditations are used to call upon the Gurus to bring prosperity, blessings and healing to people in need and to all the world. My day is winds down with Kirtan Sohila in bound lotus just before going to bed, where I call on the Gurus by breathing them into me to feel each of them in essence and be carried to their holy realm as I sleep. In living with the Gurus this way they have blessed with the gift of calling upon them to vastly come through and bless and heal others--a meditative Healing Ardas.
Sat Nam! animatedkhanda1
Beautiful description of your day, and your connection to each bani.