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Components Of Your Faith


Dec 22, 2009
My faith begins with semi-waking and doing a morning blessing of all human facets, (ie may my eyes see only truth), requesting that the Guru carry the blessing deeply to open the eyes of all his beloveds to truth. My cold shower includes ten squats front and back calling on each of the ten Gurus--total bliss! I do a full Nitnem Paath as a way of engaging with the Gurus each day. Jaap Sahib is done with Sat Kriya, where I powerfully chant Sat Nam to its rhythm and call on the 10 Gurus to wash the world. This task was given to me by Guru Gobind Singh when he placed a 3-D image of the world on my fingertips during this kriya five or so years ago, asking me to wash, rinse and wring it out. I relax with Tawv Prasad Swaya and Anand Sahib. Rehiras is recited with Z TVs broadcast of the evening Golden Temple program. My three evening meditations are used to call upon the Gurus to bring prosperity, blessings and healing to people in need and to all the world. My day is winds down with Kirtan Sohila in bound lotus just before going to bed, where I call on the Gurus by breathing them into me to feel each of them in essence and be carried to their holy realm as I sleep. In living with the Gurus this way they have blessed with the gift of calling upon them to vastly come through and bless and heal others--a meditative Healing Ardas.

Sat Nam! animatedkhanda1
Adi Nanaki Ji,

Beautiful description of your day, and your connection to each bani. :happykudi:
Aug 28, 2010
Thankyou for clarifying the sense of the message given by Gurmeet Singh Ji.
I fully agree what you mention about the sunjectivity of thr faith.Therefore my concern is rrelated to the specific faith rather than subjective which perhaps practically may not be possible.
Once again thanking you

Prakash S Bagga


Dec 22, 2009
Dear Navdeep
Thanks for posing the question.

"Don't waste too much time analyzing just go with the flow and Trust ... the biggest lesson to learn is go with the flow because the Universal ONE has much bigger eyeballs than we little things and knows the best path to get you from A to B!"

ZaraONE Ji, I agree.

""Experience" is key, not blind faith and heresay. Then the knowledge of each journey must be shared to allow others to contemplate and see if it makes sense in their own journey. We all have unique gifts which we must put effort into activating in this lifetime, which will "reveal" our purpose and storyboard for this lifetime."

Yes, sangat and helping others is very important in sustaining and building faith, not only for others but for ourselves as we have a tendency to be forgetful... it really does seem like the more you give to others, you get 10x back in feeling good.

PS: Your ID is 88, I see this number often, look up ANG 88 and see Guru's message for you, everything is intelligent, everything.

Actually, its just my birth year. Nothing significant enough (if anything ever is) to align with Gurbani. :geekkaur:


Dec 22, 2009
For me faith is normal transition between a mix of aspects. The mix has changed over time and generally can vary event by event, day by day though most of the time with a baseline.

So I say,

  • So when I was born it was,
    • 100% Heart, 0% Intellect:motherlylove:...
  • I project when I am near death
    • It will be 5% Heart and 95% Intellectjapposatnamwaheguru:
Bottom-line is, that for me the Heart and Intellect have changed over time.

Sat Sri Akal.

Ambarsaria Ji,

Very curious response... So what do you suspect happens when death occurs? Will it become 100% intellect?
I think it will be 100% heart, like it was at birth...pure.
Aug 28, 2010
There is very unique concept in the word "SIKH" itself.Gurbaani very specifically tells us that every Human Being in the womb of Mother is in connection with the NAAMu .If we try to know about this NAAMu then probably we can have more clear picture of what faith we are talking about.
The very Basic question of faith is related to the NEED OF GURU in our life.When every thing is preplanned then what is the NEED OF GURU.We talk of faith because of this NEED.Therefore the answer to this question is equally important because this is directly related to faith with knowledge of GURU..
This itself may require different discussion this may be taken up sometime late



Dec 22, 2009

So by the GRACE of GURU, I definitely use the INTELLECT to know my GURU. Having known GURU with further grace I was introduced to SATiGURu/SATiGUR. From SATiGURu using my INTELLECT I grasped and understood and SATiGURu gifted NAAMu for my

So when NAAMu became my freind at HEART I found I had nothing to know any more

Now only I have to complete my rest of the JOURNEY with NAAMu at HEART only.At this stage INTELLECT becomes ZERO and it is only NAAMU NAAMu .....................

With best wishes

Prakash. S. Bagga

Parkash Ji,

You have given the perfect answer. Intellect is a tool, to recognize right from wrong, to make decisions with God's will in mind and like you have said, to KNOW our GURU. It is useful in picking out the path, but every step on that path is the work of the heart. Thank you!

Adi Nanaki

Apr 17, 2008
New Mexico
I was not born into a Sikh family, yet I was born a Sikh, with memories of my soul living among the Gurus from the time of Guru Nanak through the life of Guru Gobind Singh. Being Sikh is being a natural human being. Many people on earth have yet to realize they are Sikh by soul, yet are being awakened as we enter the new age, much akin to the awakening of the Egyptian people.

why sikhism

Nov 25, 2009
I do not have any component of faith. My faith is weak and cannot stand any test. I think I failed all.
Still if there is any faith, it is grace of my great Guru who prevail everywhere in all good and worst times.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I do not have any component of faith. My faith is weak and cannot stand any test. I think I failed all.
Still if there is any faith, it is grace of my great Guru who prevail everywhere in all good and worst times.


Only holds true why sikhism ji if you assume that "faith" is something that can be tested, and the test is something you can pass or fail.

Some of the most spiritual people in history questioned the strength of their faith, or whether they had any faith at all. And often the most spiritual of mystics will report times when they feel a total absence of the presence of God. But what do we mean by "faith" in these discussions?

Is faith 'some thing' that one can even possess or own? Is it 'some thing' that one can 'have' or 'hold' or 'adhere to?' Can it be measured or weighted? If you say, No, faith is NOT 'some thing' then faith cannot be possessed, owned, had, held, measured, weighted, or adhered to. Therefore you can not 'lose' it, it can never be 'strong' or 'weak' and cannot be 'lost.'


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Ambarsaria Ji,

Very curious response... So what do you suspect happens when death occurs? Will it become 100% intellect?
I think it will be 100% heart, like it was at birth...pure.
Navdeep88 ji good deduction indeed.

It is a circle of life. There is a saying/phrase that in old age "the person starts to act like a child".

However one has to recognize a virtual reality,

So my gut feeling is that a 0/0 % transition stage specific (me, you, etc.) and associated specific Intellect/Heart state (the state before birth and after death) will ensue for a duration undefined. Some La La land!cheerleader

But virtually/holistically one will live for ever till the end of the human race or the last one.=======> kind leads to the following in Oneness of all people (Ek Joyt),

YouTube - Awal Allah Noor Upaya - Kalam Baba Bahgat Kabir ji - Alam Lohar (Audio)

Sat Sri Akal.
Jan 14, 2011
Dear Navdeep ji,

Good question but it should be asked in contaxt with our Gurbani. There are three steps of Gurbani one need to adopt in life. First one need to read Gurbani and do NITT NEM. 2nd step is to understand Gurbani and last step is to apply Gurbani on your self. The whole life should be in the 5 parameters of life. These five parameters has been repeated several times in Gurbani even in Japuji, it has been 4 times. These five parameters are 1] Sat[ moral character], 2] Santokh{ contentment } 3] Dya { compassion}, 4] Dharam { faith of principles}, last but not least Veechar and anand { intellect and eternal joy}

First two steps are very easy which I do but 3rd step is very hard. If some body has adopted 3rd step, that person is Gurmukh or has achieved JEEVAN MUKTI. Unfortunately that person is extemely rare Gurbani says VIRLA KOEE KOEE. Personaly I'm not even close to one parameter of life. If some body is, my head bestowd on his feet. I would love to see his Darshan.

The reason we start our day with NITT NEMM is just to remind to ourselves with his HUKAM of 5 parameters. and finish our day with thanks to Him for HIs blessing for our whole day being spent within HIS HUKAM of 5 parameters. That is way that the we can sustain our faith. Religion is faith of principles. Sikh religon is based on KIRAT KARO, NAM JAPO AND WAND SHAKOO.

Chamkaur Brar


Jan 7, 2011
"Man tu Jyot swaroop hain apna mool pehchan, man harji terey naal hai gurmati rang man" ... Guru Amar Das Ji

We all are a certain degree away from the Supreme Jyot, and although at times we may not not even feel that we are part of the Supreme or whether it even exits within; And our actions or perceptions relay to us when we reflect during equilibrium.

Not being aware of the Supreme Jyot is the death of consciousness and the source of mental and physical ailment.

Comprehension by intellectual mind of infinite aspects of Supreme is impossible; there is just so much to know.

Yet the Supreme is within; we just need to evoke it and live by its Hukam. We don't listen to within.

And How important in our life is the need to know Supreme within?

Each person's answer is within himself or herself.

How much do want to dig within?

Supreme consciousness has existed before time and will not ever die. We who are a certain degrees away from the Supreme due to our physical constraints cease to live beyond conscious body's human life span. Our actions and thoughts transmitted to our surroundings remain, good or bad in our perception. If these are Supreme they prevail.

What is supreme and what is not?

Attach your mind or intellect to Gurbani and you shall find out daily some thing new about yourself and the Supreme.

First, submit.

Bhulchuk muaf...

Guru Rakha.
Aug 28, 2010
Pl accept my Divine Greetings,
You are right in reference to context of Heart till you consider this as physical part of the body.In Gurbaani the conext of Heart is mostly related to the THOUGHT PROCESS.
After Death due to the cause of Heart failure,the Death is not complete.Complete Death is said to have taken place when the activity of the BRAIN stops..What makes the functioning of the BRAIn is to be understood.
You will appreciate the fact of Gurbaani that all the SPRITUAL messages of Gurbaani are directed for MUN.Although this MUN is not any physical part of the Body.But still this MUN is the main player in our activities of every moment.
Therefore HEART has been considered as the main source or reservoir of thoughts so it is this reference .
After Death it is the THOUGHT which trasforms .In this connection you may pl refer a Shabad in SGGS pp526 Raagu GUJRI 'AREE BAI GOBIND NAAMu MATi BESARAE"

With best wishes



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Parkash S. Bagga ji thank you for your response.

I agree from what I know that death is defined at ceasing of brain operations.

  • For me Human body physically has a power house: Heart
  • For me Human body has a physical devise for conscious and unconscious operation: Brain
    • There are some auto functions as exceptions which do not need brain per se.
  • So at death in generally a normal fashion, Heart will stop and the brain will subsequently shut down as the supply of oxygen will be exhausted of what blood is in the brain during next few seconds/minutes (I don't know so may be someone more knowledgeable can add)
    • So what the brain conveys to inner you during the shut down period only Waheguru know as no one comes back from it to tell.
      • I believe there have been some exceptions and again I will like to hear if people have referenced information as that will be marvelous information for this thread
Sat Sri Akal.


Nov 20, 2010
I have a bond with Guru Nanak. I grew up in Punjab, and in latter half of 80s when I was a very young child the movement going on in Punjab had a profound effect on me and I got interested in understanding Gurbani and other religions. That lead to a bond with Guru Nanak.
But this bond is a very open one. I have not been born with a lot of experience and maturity which comes to certain people due to their past lives experiences and learning. In this life I am still a looooong way from maturity and inner strength and stability. There is still a lot of emotional fulfillment that needs to be take place.
Therefore my bond with my Guru is a very open one. I come and go. Sometimes I do some practice, and try to cultivate an inner life. Then at other times I feel outer life needs to be experienced before the inner can be built. It is my understanding that repression is going to lead me nowhere. So I want to strike a balance.
My practice is mostly limited to mental recitation of Japji while driving my car, or while doing something which is isolates me from my immediate surroundings. When I walk I repeat 'Wahe' when my left heel strikes the ground and 'Guru' when my right heel strikes down. Nowadays I am learning the skill of reciting 'Wahe' when breath goes in and 'Guru' when breath comes out. If I keep at it I shall develop a good amount of skill in this in about 6 moths I guess.
I favour 'effortless effort'. I know from experience that it is possible to split the mind into at least 2 threads, one which can continue doing a algorithm or a sequence and the other one can carry attention to other things. I have seen this while doing yogasanas. I can continue counting breaths while my attention wanders away and when it comes back I find that counting is still going on unbroken. I want to utilize this mental in my inner spiritual life. I intend to develop an unbroken inner stream of Jaap and periodically bring my attention to it.
I further believe that once this has been accomplished all that is required is humility and love. Humility from the inner eye and Love (which includes compassion) for everything else, especially the creative powers of mother nature, because those powers are the very manifestations which we can use to connect to our source (God, the Ground or whatever) and cultivate Love for the same.
Of course doing a lot of reading of other paths also help bring a general clarity and a sense of knowing. Trying out some other meditations don't harm either. It only makes me understand things better. For instance I know what Krishnamurti talks about is *theoretically* (at least) okay. And I can see some parallels of it in Gurbani.
When it comes to other paths my belief is best expressed by what Sri Ramakrishna said once, 'A good wife loves the brothers of her husband a lot. She cares for them and sometimes indulges in harmless fun. But her love for her husband is special and different. At night she comes to her husband after everything else.' For me other paths are all okay and I sometimes flirt with them.

I love Kabir and one of his lines:

'Kaho Kabir Akkhar Doey Bhaakkh,
Hoeyga Saahib Taan Layega Raakkh'

That's it. Nobody could have said it better than Kabir.
Last edited:
Jan 14, 2011
Ambarasasiaji and Baggaji,
Gur Fateh.
Now we have started a new topic" DEATH" I will try to explain everything in contaxt of our GURbani from only SGGS. I'm in medicine profession. I can explain death, Cns and autonervous system in medical terms but that is my wordly engagement or to make my living from that profession.
Death in gurbani is mentioned as three types of death. 1] Physical death of our body 2] death of our inside or ATMIK death or death of consciousness or death of humanity. 3] dweath of maan or MAAN MARNA.
1] Physical death death , no body can escape from it. In SGGS it is said that every body except AKAL purakh is going to die.
2] When a person becomes MANMUKH and stops listening to his inside, doing which he is not supposed to do, looses his consiousness and has animal mentality then it means he has ATMIC DEATH. There are several quotes from Gurbani about it.
3] MAAN MARNA. It is not easy but kabir ji and Guru SAHBANS have mentioned several times in our GURBANI like JOS IS MARE , SOEE SOORA ETC.
The shabad you has mentiond in Gujari rag has nothing to with death. Kall means time. I'm going to explain the whole shabad.
Aug 28, 2010
Pl accept Divine Greetings,

Youy views on classification of references of DEATH in gurbaani are absolutely correct.
But in the context of SHABAD you are considering the meaning of the word KAL only.You may pl notice that the actual word is KALi (There is Sihari matra with the letter L)and this word is in conjection with the word ANT.
So the consideration in SHABAD is for ANT KALi the meaning of this composite may pl be considered for correct interpretation of the SHABAD.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
chamkaur brar ji

I have the highest respect for you. So my concern comes from respect not negativity. Please post an English summary of the Punjabi. English is the official language of the forum. You can send it to me by private message and I will post it right under the Punjabi.

We are trying to accommodate Punjabi readers, and when we do that, we ask for a translation or English summary as a rule.

Otherwise, I will need to delete the post. And a deletion will be a big loss to us all. Thanks spnadmin

simrat kaur

Jan 3, 2011
10% intellect and 90% heart is needed (As I listened in 1 of the Pant Ratan Gyani Sant Singh Maskin Ji's Katha).
"God is not found by intellectual devices; He is unknowable and unseen" from Pavan Ang 1098 of Sahib Sri Guru Granth sahib ji.
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