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Islam Creation In Islam

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Aug 3, 2007
aad0002 - Any Muslim with knowledge of Islam would find it very easy to rebutt much of what u claim is the truth. Look at any websites by Muslims and compare and contrast what u have read and u will c the difference. It is often the case that those who have nothing to offer on the thread topic resort to such methods.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I have visited all sorts of Muslim web sites. I know Muslims -- have for years. Work with Muslims -- have for years. Individuals of the Muslim faith fall all over the continuum of fervor, zealotry and extremism. Most are just like me -- trying to be a good human being and trying to come to terms with my moral failings.

None of this makes a difference however. The Internet is a place of perception and not reality. There is nothing on the Internet that can refute Vikram Singh's statements. Everything he mentions still happens today, this hour, this minute. The stoning of women, slavery, the Sharia. It is all in place and is used to terrorize non Muslims either quietly into compliance, or openly by aggression, or in anticipation of further wanton terrorism in the name of God.

Nothing has changed for much of humanity since Nanaak in the material world. Just that only now we travel by SUV, communicate by cell phones and smart mobile devices, and propagate our thinking in the digital dimension.

The most constructive thing that could happen would be for Muslim spokesmen to simply admit that all of this is true, rather than make excuses or dress things up as philosophical inquiry. And BTW, Rhetoric is not difficult to unmask.

Thoughtful people look around and notice that rituals, teaching, philosophy..................They understand that deliverance comes a different way, just like Nanaak. How wise Nanaak!!!

Blessings of God upon you my friend, upon this earth and afterwards.


Aug 3, 2007
I could easily respond to ur comments but it would mean going off topic, which I don't want to do. Thanks 4 your good wishes. May Allah enlighten your heart.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Azizrasul I quite agree with you that muslim sites would not bring out the extreme scenario but how would you explain what is REALLY happenning in the news almost everyday in so many countries at the same time.

A moderate muslim always disagrees with fundamental muslims on many issues written and followed in Islam. There are so many moderate muslims all over Europe and America who want women's rights, stop "honoured killing of family members", etc and still want to live like good muslims.

Most muslims in Malaysia are moderate muslims and we have a sensible government that weighs the pros and cons of the sharia very thoroughly.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006

we are all ears....

pls enlighten us to prove that

blowing up of Buddha statue was not as per sharia law

stoning of pwoplw in afghanistan is not as per sharia law

women not having equal legal evidence is not as per sharia law

the fact that 90% of terrorist acts are done under the banner of jihad is wrong

forceful conversion and slavery were not practised by arabs(muslims)

pls pls do enlighten us!!

this is not going out of topic

Does God want bloodbath and terror?


Jun 1, 2004
Admin Note:

amarsanghera - Stop treating a fellow human with such disdain and hatred as you are doing. In last of your few posts, Your words spill hatred... the very hatred you are advocating against. Being on a Sikh discussion forum does not give, you any rights to show disrespect to a fellow human being. I think i make quite clear to you in this front!! Another personal comment against any other member, and i will not hesitate to put the things in right perspective for you.

Everybody around here, please be advised SPN is NOT your personal battleground to satisfy your egos. Profanity does not make you sound any wiser.

Vikram singh

Feb 24, 2005
I am not done yet,There is lot of thing which I can Compare, and I will Campare, My main point is Is Islam Religion of Peace ?

I will give example as I go ,from Koran,


Aug 3, 2007
Many thanks Aman Singh for your intervention. I would like all to continue in a spirit of friendship not conflict.


Aug 3, 2007
R there any verses in the SGGS regarding human reproduction as given above i.e. tiny drop, mixed fluids, implantation, males decide on gender of baby?


May 5, 2007
Islam is correct in my opinion not on the basis of numbers but what it says.
Exactly. So next time u r debating to show supermacy of islam dont use 'fatsest growing' argument which is both logically & factually incorrect.

But it is interesting in this day and age non Muslims are leaving their deen and coming to Islam. People u would least expect.
Yes that may be interesting. But even more interesting is dawwah missionaries,muslim imams,muftis & higly respected islamic scholars leaving their deen & moving out of islam.Truely, people we would least expect. I m not giving link but those who want can pm me.

Vikram singh

Feb 24, 2005
Azizrasul Bhai, Sat Sri Akal

Yes there is, Lot of example in SGGS, to learn about it, as i have Read and learned Koran, you should also Read and learn about SGGS,then you will get first hand Knowledge and it will help you in real debate .Half knowledge is very Dangerous


Aug 3, 2007
Exactly. So next time u r debating to show supermacy of islam dont use 'fatsest growing' argument which is both logically & factually incorrect.
I think u misunderstood. I don't mean that the numbers are not increasing they r hence I disagree with u there, but I would say that the reversion is mostly to do with gaining Islamic knowledge and appreciating it. I do say that ISLAM is SUPREME but I am a MUSLIM so I would believe that, just as say a Jewish person would regard Judaism as supreme, etc.

Yes that may be interesting. But even more interesting is dawwah missionaries,muslim imams,muftis & higly respected islamic scholars leaving their deen & moving out of islam.Truely, people we would least expect. I m not giving link but those who want can pm me.
But surely statistically those who r converting the majority r becoming Muslims. Of course there will be traffic both ways but which lane is more full. As I said before, even non Muslims r acknowledging that there a great move towards Islam. I've never heard of respected Islamic scholars leaving Islam.

Half knowledge is very Dangerous
Depends on what knowledge u have surely. No 1 can obtain all the knowledge that exists in the world except Allah in my opinion.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<Admin Note:

amarsanghera - Stop treating a fellow human with such disdain and hatred as you are doing. In last of your few posts, Your words spill hatred... the very hatred you are advocating against. Being on a Sikh discussion forum does not give, you any rights to show disrespect to a fellow human being. I think i make quite clear to you in this front!! Another personal comment against any other member, and i will not hesitate to put the things in right perspective for you.

Everybody around here, please be advised SPN is NOT your personal battleground to satisfy your egos. Profanity does not make you sound any wiser. >>

Aman ji

first would like to ask for forgiveness from all if i have overstepped any time.

But trust me, my intention was not to humiliate Aziz. And i donot hate Aziz, i am against(yes against) the hate spreading form of the religion which he was espousing.

My intention was to unmask the "line of logic" being used by him to glorify Quran and substantiate.

I only pointed out the leaking holes in his logic. I might have overstepped with a few harsh words, but i think i got back quite a few words even though they were wrapped in sugary moral high grounds.

he is using Polemics which are so easy to unmask and i was only doing what i deemed right. Discover the truth.

agree that he is free to post anything, but i too think that this being a board for "free" discussion, i have every right to rebutt his logic.

Rest you are the controller of the space here, its up to your wisdom.

i have nothing against aziz or islam as long as it doesnot interfere with my or world's well being.

as a foot note i would like to add that i have read and discussed Quran with other learned muslim men who donot take such narrow and childish logic.

One of them converted to Scientology a few weeks back :)



(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<I've never heard of respected Islamic scholars leaving Islam.>>

i found this list somewhere..

Dr.Mark Gabriel - Former Muslim Imam
Hamran Ambrie - Indonesian Ex-Muslim Priest
El-Faqi, an ex-Imam and lawyer
Hajji Husman Mohamed - a former ethiopian Muslim Imam
Mohammed Amin - Former Ethiopian Islamic Cleric
El-Akkad - Former Muslim Preacher, Egypt
Mullah Assad Ullah - Former mullah, Afganistan
Indonesian Imam Left Islam, He also led 3000 Moslems to Christ
Sudan: Moslem Imam converts to Christianity
Rev. Mawlawi Dr. Imad ud-Din Lahiz - Prolific Islamic Writer, Preacher, Quranic Translator
Khalif Majid Hassan - Former Islamic Preacher, Minister in the Nation of Islam
Jeremiah Fard Muhammad - Muslim minister, now Christian evangelist
Saleh Hussaini - Former Nigerian Muslim Cleric
Sam Solomon - a former Muslim scholar
Yusuf Roni - Former Islamic Dawah Missionary
Jamal Zarka - Former Muslim Imam, Now Evangelist
Sheikh Mohamed Mansour - Prominent Egyptian Muslim Sheikh and Islamic Scholar
Hamza - former Islamic scholar
Timothy Abraham - Former Muslim preacher, Fundamentalist.
Daniel Shayestah- Former koranic teacher, scholar
Maulvi Safdar Ali - Former Maulvi(Cleric) from India
Ahmed Abdullahi - former muslim cleric
Emmanuel (formerly Mohammed)- Former Muslim Scholar
Zak Gariba - former Muslim Imam
Hicham Chehab - Former Lebanese Muslim Preacher turned Militant turned Islamic Theologian
Mario Joseph (Moulvi Sulaiman)- former Muslim cleric - India

Vikram singh

Feb 24, 2005
"I do say that ISLAM is SUPREME ?" quote from AZIZRASUL

What makes a young Muslim man (or woman) strap a high explosive vest on his chest and blow himself to smithereens? Is it the so-called Israeli "occupation?" Is it his frustration? Is it the $25,000 the family receives for Jews successfully murdered? Or is it the Qu'ran [Koran] ... the holy book of Islam!


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
another couple of pending questions

<does or doesn't Quran advocate killing of non muslims>

<Does Allah love ALL of his creation equally? >

Vikram singh

Feb 24, 2005
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate(???)
Go Out and Kill Jews, Christians, Buddhists SIKHS and Hindus!
Over the last 1400 years, 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists.
Islam destroyed the Christian Middle East and Christian North Africa. It is estimated
that upwards of 60 million Christians were slaughtered during this conquest.
Also, half the Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus murdered.
Islamic jihad also destroyed over 10 million Buddhists.
In other words, Islam is a killing machine.
Today It's the Gun and the Qur'an (Koran)...
Tomorrow It Will Be Nukes and the Qur'an
ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION?What an oxy{censored}! Since when IS barbarism called civilization?
Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched
and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded!
There are many trouble spots around the world, but as a general rule, it's easy to make an educated guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs. Jews in "Palestine," Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs. Christians in Africa, Muslims vs. Buddhists in Thailand, Muslims vs. Russians in the Caucasus, etc...ISLAM: "Religion of Peace?"
1.4 BILLION Muslims in the World
280 Million Americans
5½ Million Israelis Surrounded by 350 Million Arab Muslims!!!
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