It is talking about different time scales completely.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's message is eternal so time scales become irrelevant. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's Bani was enough inspiration for Guru Nanak Dev Ji and others before so the claim that DG is essential for the complete Gursikh just doesn't hold!
You keep saying DG is not equivalent to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji then call it Bani. There are also people who make such comments as
I find this very dangerous as it undermines Sikhi. I will always speak out passionately (and unfortunately this gets me into trouble) against anything that undermines Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and therefore many Sikhs and especially Nihangs revere the text to the point where they give GGS and DG equal authority
Bani Guru Hai, Guru Hai Bani.
Therefore, anything that is called Bani is on an equal par as Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. If you want to call DG or other writings supporting literature, do that, don't call them Bani otherwise eventually people will deflect from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji rather than focussing on it as shown by the quote above. I hate arguments but this is one issue I am passionate about as it is about defending the very ground I stand on as a Sikh and the meaning/guidance of being a Sikh (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji).
Statements such as
from people who insist DG is authored by Guru Gobind Singh ji are quite disturbing. Most of the writings in DG are so extremely anti-gurmat (I say this as I spent a long time studying DG and comparing against the principles of Gurbani for myself), I think it is an insult to Guru Gobind Singh ji to attibute them all to him. Because of the anti-Gurmat nature I will always speak out against large chunks of this text.I am of the opinion that we learn very little about the material when discussing the authenticity of it.
When looking at the sections used in Khande di Pahaul, I think people need to read themselves and make their own minds up. However, this video may help as it contains very important information about those sections. Looking for good in all can backfire if it tears you in 2 directions. Sometimes a decision has to be made for the direction you choose.
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