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Dasam Granth Cynics Now Attacking Guru Granth Sahib


Jun 1, 2004
Gurfateh ji,

I don't want to force this discussion on anyone if you're interested so their is no point for me to keep on for the matter of fact is this all the jathedars of DamDami Taksal have recited this granth including Baba Deep Singh ji so you can consider yourself have better
Reference:: Sikh Philosophy Network http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/showthread.php?t=20546
knowledge than them. In recent times Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhinderwale never said
any thing about this granth and everybody accepted it and that time no scholar said
a word against Dasam Granth in 1980's why now?

For you're kind info scholars have no place in Sikhi either in Dasam Granth Sahib or Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Dasam Granth terms scholars as " MOORKH VIDVAN" same message is given in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
a scholar may write and fill up 4 pages for one line but here is the difference in just 2
words scholars have been shown their real picture? That's the literal masterpiece written
by Tenth Master.

I would completely disagree the reasons which says that Dasam Granth Sahib was written in 1902. Tenth Master during his stay in poanta Sahib, Anandpur Sahib and Nanded wrote all the banis during his life time asked Bhai Mani Singh ji to compiled it.

I really don't care if you beleive in this Granth or not But when these lines were found
Reference:: Sikh Philosophy Network http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/showthread.php?t=20546


Tenth master himself says I only speak what Lord has commanded me this is no ordinary
scholarly work. For you're kind info Tenth Master explains how previous gods and goddesses left their true path and started their own worship it is all their in Dasam

This is quite ironic Muslims have always have 3 books rather than Quran to understand
at what their prophet revealed their verses and explained the situation to have better
understanding all the religions do that but no one criticizes their own religious book
here people seems to have some problem without any understanding.



Gurfateh Gurveen Singh Ji

1. What makes you conclude that we need another book to expound and understand Our only Guru i.e. Guru Granth Sahib ji?

2. Where in Dasam Granth it is stated that you need to read DG to understand the deeper meanings of Guru Granth Sahib?

Just because you disagree does not mean the facts would change... its a well known fact that a Sodhak Committee formed in 1897 under the British Supervision which complied a collection of 34 writings from all over India and bound it a in a single book and rechristened it "Dasam Granth" in 1902-03. Now, practically speaking, if you take Jap Ji Sahib, Anand Sahib and Sidh Gosht from Guru Granth Sahib and compile it with some other writings and bound Then in a separate book/granth and proclaim that all of it is written by Guru Nanak, do you think anybody is going to take it seriously!

Like spnadmin ji has stated that there only about 50 pages in DG which may be considered to be penned by Guru Gobind Singh Ji but that does mean we would revere and do parkash the whole of it alongside Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This is an outright and gross insult to the Hukum of Guru Gobind Singh Ji... "Sab Sikhan ko Hukam Hae, Guru Manyo Granth!!"

For your information, there are seven other writings which were rejected by this Sodhak Committee. Apparently, to make the page count to be round about the same as Guru Granth Sahib Ji (1428)! Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me! If all the writings were considered to be penned down by Guru Gobind Singh Ji then under whose work of scholarship did they pull out seven writings from the Dasam Granth?

The seven compositions that were removed from existing compilations were:

  1. Sahansar Sukhmana
  2. Vaar Malkauns
  3. Vaar Bhagautee Kee
  4. Sri Bhagwant Gita Bhaksha Guru Gobind Singh Kirat
  5. Raag Asa and Raag Sorath Pt. 10
  6. Asfotak Kabits Majh Pt. 10
  7. Chakka Bhagautee Ka

And quite interestingly Zafarnama was added in Dasam Granth by the same Sodhak Committee in 1902-03 and this one is quite surely seens to be from the pen of Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji as it can be verified from the Persian historical records!

The question is Who gave permission to remove anything if they believed that all of these writings where authored by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?

All this facts and more information, you can easily find in this forum section, only if you ever get ready to face the reality.



Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Gurveen ji

You cannot use the words in the book in question to prove a point!! That's like saying that the bible says that only following Jesus can deliver you to salvation. Are you going to automatically believe it because apparently those are the words from God when it cannot be verified by any other sources? Only Nankian philosphy is beyond reproach.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
gurveen1 ji

Let me repeat so there is no misunderstanding

Please keep in mind that Nihangs pre-date Guru Gobind Singh himself and came to khande de pahul at the first Vaisaki. Though it seems they were allies of our Gurus before Dasam Pita, it is not clear what their spiritual adherence was before that time. However, is clear that their symbology includes Hindu myth and legend. Nihangs are one of historical traditions (sampardaya) within Sikhi. They do not define Sikhi.
Oct 10, 2009
Gurfateh ji,

It's ok to turn blind eye which is their and pre-judge everything. It's not about a verse it's about the writer who is confirming it so it shows no one else has the authority and is
writing under the hukam of God. It's not about 50 pages if you see because you're not
willing to listen in all the Banis of Dasam Granth Sahib Tenth master has stated he is one
wo has completed this granth.

So leaving large sections or portions of Banis becomes irrevalant or it is not possible Guru Sahib after giving his authorship will leave something like that?

It might be a conspiracy to you but I am ready to for one on debate and I can prove
that this Granth is essential. You can talk about committee this or that Tenth Master
approves it that is more important then you can join in the line of scholars and other critics.

Regarding Nihangs were the ones who defended Sikhi and became martyrs Baba Deep
Singh ji was one Nihang that comes to mind forget about Dasam Granth Sahib if you
can't recognize this fact it shows how much you know about Sikhi? You say they do
not define Sikhi they why they laid the lives for this faith? Nihang from BUDDHA DAL
Akali Nihang, Akali Phoola Singh ji he was himself a Nihang who defended Sikhi and you
say does not define Sikhi as the have beleive in one Guru and you see them in Gurduwara Sahib I am very much surprised is this a way to tarnish the image of Sikhi?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Gurveen ji,

Guru Fateh.

Allow me to add my 2 cent worth. Blind faith makes people blind, Guru Nanak founded Sikhi based on pragmatism not on some blind faith which the Hindus and Muslims were immersed in. First Pauri of Jap is the best example where Guru Nanak showed how we are bogged down in our rituals and gave us the tools to get rid of them.

As you know very well that Our Dasam Pita,who sacrificed his own father, his four sons, created Khalsa Panth by giving us khandei di pahul and took the same from the Panj Pyaras which shows that he lowered himself to our level in order to raise us to his.

He added his father's Gurbani in the SGGS, our only GURU in different places where it was appropriate rather than just at the end, and on purpose did not add anything from his own.This gesture shows us a lot about him.

Now, to second guess our Dasam Pita and his decisions of not adding anything from him, although he was a great poet and a polyglot, is unbecoming of any Sikh. All these people who are second guessing our Guru's decision are doing nothing but insulting him and the worse is that they are arrogant enough to play Guru Gobind Singh ji and proclaim they happen to know more about him than He, our Dasam Pita knew about himself, which is a shame.

Tejwant Singh


Dec 20, 2009
Gurfateh ji,

It's ok to turn blind eye which is their and pre-judge everything. It's not about a verse it's about the writer who is confirming it so it shows no one else has the authority and is
writing under the hukam of God. It's not about 50 pages if you see because you're not
willing to listen in all the Banis of Dasam Granth Sahib Tenth master has stated he is one
wo has completed this granth.

So leaving large sections or portions of Banis becomes irrevalant or it is not possible Guru Sahib after giving his authorship will leave something like that?

It might be a conspiracy to you but I am ready to for one on debate and I can prove
that this Granth is essential. You can talk about committee this or that Tenth Master
approves it that is more important then you can join in the line of scholars and other critics.

Regarding Nihangs were the ones who defended Sikhi and became martyrs Baba Deep
Singh ji was one Nihang that comes to mind forget about Dasam Granth Sahib if you
can't recognize this fact it shows how much you know about Sikhi? You say they do
not define Sikhi they why they laid the lives for this faith? Nihang from BUDDHA DAL
Akali Nihang, Akali Phoola Singh ji he was himself a Nihang who defended Sikhi and you
say does not define Sikhi as the have beleive in one Guru and you see them in Gurduwara Sahib I am very much surprised is this a way to tarnish the image of Sikhi?

YOU can not compare those Shaheed's Baba Deep Singh jee and others with Nihang Singh in these days.
But we are talking Bhang, Maruwana, Shardae used to make with Almonds but NOW they mis Bhang & Shukha in it do you think it's fare to compare those Shaheed with these.
WHat do yu know about Sikhi?
What is meaning of Sikh define that first than talk about other things.
Yes we have only one guru that is Guru Granth Sahib jee and do not put us in Brahm
why Hola-Mhala was so important,
Why in Hazur Sahib they cut the Goat head?
Why we should challanged our Dasam Pita Guru Gobind Singh jee when Guru Gobind Singh jee has given a Gur-gadhi to Guru Granth Sahib jee
Any one who is trying to force others to take other guru than Guru Granth sahib jee not a Khalsa or Sikh
Dera baadh they have dehdhari Guru, you and others are doing the same if you think Having Dasam Granth same as Guru Granth Sahib jee.
Blind think others are blinds but we are not Blind may be you are who can not read or understand
Oct 10, 2009
Gurfateh ji,

This is no way to distort the argument if someone believes in Dasam Granth he or she is
not a Sikh this statement lacks common sense. I have never said anything regarding Gurgaddi and I have never said that Gurgaddi was not given you're putting words in my
mouth over and over again. First look at yourself how much of a Sikh you are? I' ll tell
the meaning of Sikhi comes from mesage of Gurbani Sahib. You have just over heard
things that bang is mention in Dasam Granth scripture but their is one verse which does not support this idea and you start talking about Gurgaddi without any reason.

I myself follow the message of Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj and I just waned to share
some message of Dasam Granth that's it nothing else. At least one should have the decency to listen to other person? I'll let you know how much blind I am and not the other way around-

The Word, the Bani is Guru, and Guru is the Bani. Within the Bani, the Ambrosial Nectar is contained. (Ang 982)

From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad? ||1|| (Ang 1349)

Best Regards

Gurveen Singh



Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
It always amazes me how believers in dasam granth are so ready to insult everyone who doesn't believe. Now tell me which granth teaches tolerance!!

It also amazes me how when dasam granth supporters do not have any logical arguments with which they can refute the evidence, they resort to insults and slander.

No-one except Waheguru can decide who is a good Sikh.

If you follow Guru Granth Sahib Ji then you cannot follow the dasam granth in its entirety as the messages clash. ONE only will have to be chosen.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Gurfateh ji,

Tenth Master is narrating a story and instructing his Sikhs to be aware of treachery of women so they don't get trapped like the whole world does In puratan Times and till date Nihang recite this bani and you see Sikhs are always known for their character so it's not about equal footing but making Character of Sikhs pure nothing else.

Let put things in right perspective regarding Tenth Master condemns Devi goddesss or
not let me explain this in detail-

Gurmat condemns the worship of gods and goddesses.

�Mahakal Kalika Aradhi�

And it appears that the Guru wrote Chandi Charitar in praise of goddess Chandi and has described the importance of its recitation, e.g.

Salutation to Thee O Supreme Knower Lord! Salutation to Thee O Universal Mother Lord! ||52||

In the above quotation Kalika does not mean anything different from Eternal. To dispel all your doubts we show the condemnation of the worship of goddess in these six statements.

Tenth Master ordained his Sikhs

Except Waheguru (God), do not accept anyone as the ruler and controller of the world.

And it is written in the Vaar (ode) of Chandi:

O Lord! By creating Durga, Thou hast caused the destruction of demons.

It proves that there is a Creator of Durga and she is His Creature. Is it possible that the Guru counsels his Sikhs one thing and he himself does the totally opposite? It is not possible.

Guru Sahib makes this supplication and promise:

I recite only the Name of the Lord, which is useful at all places. (Bachittar Natak)

The goddess Durga takes refuge at the feet of Eternal and abides their. ( AKAL

If this is not enough here is something to put all doubts to rest and answer these scholars-

Name of God is gods of all. Some believe in goddess, some in Shiva and some others in Ganesha and other god. Sikhs of the Guru do not contemplate anybody else other than Sat Naam (True Name) that destroys all disturbances and imperfections. That is why Sat-Naam is invoked in the beginning.( DASAM GRANTH)

That's why I wrote earlier that the word SATNAM is used and moreover Tenth

Master is not in favour of any devta or devi because if you read JAAP SAHIB their is innovaction to enternal Lord which is right through the whole Dasam
Granth this is more than enough proof to prove that their Tenth Master did not
worship any devi or devata which also go along with the message of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

This Granth Proves that all the Guru Sahib had one jyot which came from Guru
Nanak Sahib and Tenth Master in Bachitar Natak categorically states their all the
in same line and their is no difference in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji their is mention of PANJ PYARE
so The vision and purpose of GURU NANAK SAHIB WAS COMPLETED BY TENTH

For you're info the word Fateh has come from Dasam Granth so if the word Nanak is not used in this Granth doesn't mean that their is ambiguity because
Tenth Master inluded SLOKAS of his father but he did not included his writings
in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib had himself memorized Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and keeping with message of
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji he wrote Dasam Granth Sahib and at the same timee kept martial Spirit in
Sikh religion. That's why you see Nihangs get bir ras from this Granth and do not
have any problems with it. Tenth Master made so changes but never altered the
message of Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji AND FURTHER EXPLAINED THE MESSAGE OF GURBANI

I hope it answer some of you're queries not everyone can understand Dasam
Granth but atleast some effort is required instead of raising objections on it.

So, now we will have our Granthis read out p*****grapphic stories and graphical descriptions of s** positions from the Dasam(?) Granth in the Gurudwaras. Then, I believe, I will have to tell my family members to stay at home and leave the Gurudwaras for those who understand (Hahahaha) the p*****graphic Charitropakhyan.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
I think we all have seen the so-called 'bir-ras' of these Dasam(?) Granth reading Nihangs when they didn't bother bother to do something even as innocent Sikhs were being massacred and raped in 1984, who don't think they can ever live without intoxicants, who have proven to be such a disgrace for the Panth when they cannot do anything against the enemies(Deras, Radha soamis, Saucha{?} Sauda, Jansanghis et al.) but can very well remove the turbans and give a nice thrashing to innocent intellectual Sikhs even in the 'hazoori' of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
We don't want such defunct 'bir-ras', at least I can do without the 'bir-ras' given by mythological and p****graphic storiesof Dasam Granth. My Guru is only the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, no one else.
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