Fellow spners I think we need to take stock of some basics as we are all the same, as well as different and at different levels of understanding and other things in life.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji messages connect to us differently and at times dramatically differently. So no one is wrong in describing what they experience momentarily or on a life long basis. That is their relationship. What is wrong about it or right about it none of us arm chair psycho-analysts are equipped to comment upon or pass judgment on.
Perhaps the title of this thread is misleading. I have seen no posts so far that do not think the message in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as foundational spiritual and for many also ways of practical living and myth busting. Could the title be: "Describe how and if you experienced hallucinations, something you swear felt real, etc., that was out of this world. Basically along the lines of extreme love, the raag or rendition of the shabad that made you feel in momentary or everlasting ecstacy". We may all give it different names but many of us have pretty visual personalities and such experiences are not uncommon.
Can we insist based on our experiences visual or other that everyone should have them? Can we insist that visual experiences are essential to Sikhi or Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Is it worth the effort to dwell on the subject to teach others or convince others that such experiences are fundamental to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or Sikhi? Does all this prove one understands better than the other or has the right way and the others have wrong ways?
The answer for me to all above is
Over time perhaps millions have experienced it like Akasha ji, Luckysing ji, Harry Haller ji, Japjisahib04 ji and so on. So let us move on in a helping, sharing and learning mode rather than insisting mode.
May you experience Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji like no one else before and be able to share
Sat Sri Akal