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Islam Difference In Bowing Head In Front Of Guru Granth Sahib And Idol Worship


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
u are ready to give taxes to government but
not to muslims.
My God, what a twisted logic you have!
So, you're equating Muslims with the Government.
I wonder what's next.

tell me what problem do u have ?
u have problem with muslim asking taxes
from non muslims or just because they are
asking taxes?
Yes, I'm against discriminatory taxes on the basis of religion. Any human with a basic understanding of democracy will feel the same.
Sep 19, 2013
aah and there is no difference in bowing head in front of guru granth sahib or idol worship.both same.
if u dont bow in front of idols then it doesnt mean that u get right to bow in front of guru granth sahib.

why do people bow infront of idols?
because to show respect.
whats the big difference.
Muslims bow to the Kaaba. Why? Because Islam teaches that Muslims must submit and bow to Allah. And since there is no physical direction in the world in which Allah exists according to Islam, Muslims do sujood in the direction of the Kaaba, the house of God created by Ibrahim, built as a mirror image of Allah's abode in Heaven.

You could say that Sikhs bow to Guru Granth Sahib for similar reasons. Just as to the Muslims the Kaaba is the reflection of Allah's glory, to Sikhs Guruji shines with the reflected light of Waheguru's glory. Waheguru is like the sun, Guruji is like the moon. By bowing our necks to our Guru, we are in fact bowing to Waheguru.

I apologise for any mistakes in this comparison if I have made them, and if that is the case could someone more knowledgeable correct me.


Mar 9, 2013
u are ready to bow infront of a book which is human

and we dont know bow in front of book quran which we say is a word of allah.

compare this two a book of man and a word of allah????

now like guru granth sahib

quran is our guru.since its show us the right path even though we dont bow infront of it.

we bow in the direction of kaaba and u have problem with it?

yeah we bow in direction of kaaba.but when we offer namaz we bow infront of allah.

by imagining that he is seeing us or we are seeing.

we are not idiolising allah or kaaba we are not idiolising prophet or any other person.

u have problem with it? that its in our religion.

and our religion is a true religion


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
yeah we bow in direction of kaaba.but when we offer namaz we bow infront of allah.

by imagining that he is seeing us or we are seeing.

we are not idiolising allah or kaaba we are not idiolising prophet or any other person.

Brother, that is the definition of idolising.
Even Hindus bow only before stone idols by imagining their deities in the stones. That's akin to the argument you are given about Kaabah. Your bowing before the Kaaba is no different than A Hindu bowing before a Krishna idol.

u have problem with it? that its in our religion.

and our religion is a true religion
As I said before, every believer considers his/her religion to be true. Islam is just another religion in that list.


Mar 9, 2013
its not listed in their religion that they have to idiolise their deities and worship them.

in which dharm granth is it listed???

plz tell me


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The conversation on the thread is starting to fail like a ping-pong match that has gone on too long.

Here are definitions for the verb 'bow,' with the participle bowing. The relevant definitions in bold.
bow 2 |bou|
verb [ intrans. ]
bend the head or upper part of the body as a sign of respect, greeting, or shame : he turned and bowed to his father | they refused to bow down before the king | [as adj. ] ( bowed) councilors stood with heads bowed | [ trans. ] she knelt and bowed her head.
• [ trans. ] express (thanks, agreement, or other sentiments) by bending one's head respectfully : he looked at Hector before bowing grave thanks.

• [ intrans. ] bend the body in order to see or concentrate : [as adj. ] my mother sat bowed over a library book.
• [ trans. ] cause (something) to bend with age or under a heavy weight : the vines were bowed down with flowers | [ intrans. ] the grass bowed down before the wind.
• submit to pressure or to someone's demands : the mayor bowed to public opinion.
• [ trans. ] usher (someone) in a specified direction while bowing respectfully : a gorgeously dressed footman bowed her into the hallway.

Here are definitions for the word 'worship."
verb ( -shiped , -shiping ; also -shipped, -shipping) [ trans. ]
show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites : the Maya built jungle pyramids to worship their gods.
• treat (someone or something) with the reverence and adoration appropriate to a deity : she adores her sons and they worship her.
See note at revere .
• [ intrans. ] take part in a religious ceremony : he went to the cathedral because he chose to worship in a spiritually inspiring building.

They are different in meaning, and the thread title is asking whether bowing to SGGS is the same as idol worship. The conclusion should be obvious. This conversation needs to shift focus.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
u are spokeperson of sikhism?

where is it written in guru granth sahib to do sajda to it?

Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj doesn't reserve the divine knowledge for just the Sikhs. Anyone can benefit by reading and understanding the Gurbani and implementing in their daily lives.
Of course bowing before Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj is not a binding tenet of Sikhism, it is out of pure respect towards the Gurbani that the faithful bow before Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj.
If you do a little more research about Sikhism, you'll understand how different it is from a Muslim bowing before Kaaba or a Hindu bowing to his deity.


Mar 9, 2013
i m talking on the topic.
where is written in guru granth sahib to bow in front of it?

and where is written in any other religion that one should make idols and bow infront of it.
making them god


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
where is written in guru granth sahib to bow in front of it?
It isn't written anywhere.
That's the merit of that. Sikhs don't bow before Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj for the fear of burning in hell or for the greed of a ticket to heaven, we do it out of pure respect.
And it is not even binding. It is fine if we don't bow before Guru Sahib as long as we understand the Gurbani and implement in our daily lives. As simple as that.

and where is written in any other religion that one should make idols and bow infront of it.
making them god
You should probably ask this question on a Hindu forum. They may have better answers to your questions about Hinduism.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
u are reasoning on something that doesnt exist in ur religion????

He is reasoning that, since bowing to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji doesn't "exist" as a requirement, but is a voluntary act of respect, Sikhs honor themselves and their Guru by giving respect freely and lovingly, instead out of following 'rules' like lambs to the slaughter. Sikhism stands out in that regard. No one has to be a Sikh and no one is ordered to be a Sikh and no one is forced to be a Sikh and no one decides to be a Sikh for a reason or ulterior motive. Rather one recognizes that Waheguru has made a house call and one opens the door and invites him in. I realize that followers of "true religions" have a hard time getting that point.

Sikhism celebrates the truth that each person on earth has a brain and can use it to make profound discoveries about their relationship with the almighty Sat.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
riskygujjar ji

I hold you responsible to say something that turns this discussion around into a conversation and not a ping pong match. If you do not then you will lose your rights to post in this forum.

That goes for the other thread too. You have been warned.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
We are a SIKH Forum and while we respect others and welcome them and their ideologies even if we dont agree with them..we shall NOT be insulted in our own Forum. If posters like riskygujjar cant understand simple courtesies and etiquette...then they deserve the treatment meted out...the RISK is entirely theirs...THANKS SPNADMIN JI.:mundakhalsaflag:
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