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Hinduism Do Animals Have A Soul? Why Do Many Sikhs Eat Meat?


May 26, 2011
Yes, they do have a soul, why do you think the paanj pyaar tell you to become vegetarian when you take amrit? Also the ones that do eat meat aren't true followers, they are the same as the random people from other religions, like men who go watch porn but say they're christian.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Life's lessons are hard to learn, the way to conduct yourself as a Sikh is hard sometimes, I thank Waheguru for the ability along the way to throw people at me who test me and with whom I can hone the ability to behave as Guru intended.

May Waheguru give me the strength to shine light where there is darkness, to bring information to the uninformed, to help the helpless and raise every part of Creation as best I can, to spread Love and Peace, to walk in Consonance,

Those for whom this is just a game, feel free to waste your own time and energy, bask in the misinformation that you spread, you will die knowing nothing other than your own lies, and at that point, when you get a glimmer of the truth that you so maliciously trampled on, you will also get a glimmer of what you have lost, maybe there is still time, maybe you can look in the mirror and see what you have become, what you stand for, how you are perceived,

It is not a game, and we are here and ready to help those that seek help, to join together as sangat and raise each other, be part of it, or be against it, only you will suffer, and none of us wish to see more suffering in an already suffering world

wake up, before it is too late
Jan 17, 2012
london uk

This is the Punjabi version of the tract entitled Tau Kio Murgi Mdrai, which was originally published in Punjabi in April 1995 and reprinted in January 1998. The booklet was well received in India as well as abroad. The readers from abroad expressed a keen desire to get it translated in English and hence this English translation of the original Punjabi booklet.
Download the book for free

This is the English version of the tract entitled Tau Kio Murgi Mdrai, which was originally published in Punjabi in April 1995 and reprinted in January 1998. The booklet was well received in India as well as abroad. The readers from abroad expressed a keen desire to get it translated in English and hence this English translation of the original Punjabi booklet.
Download the book for free

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

It is interesting to note that the anti meat argument seems more aggressive than the meat argument, having read this in full, I remain unconvinced that Guruji meant us to be vegetarians, if anything, it has strengthened by resolve to carry on eating meat. The quotes seem translated with complete bias, there is evidence of Vedic influences, and lets face it, if we were to follow the reasoning then we would also have to believe in all the Hindu gods mentioned in the SGGS. I know that you do believe in this concept so I guess the philosophies contained in this book ring true for you, but I do not, so for me, they ring false.

However we can argue about this till the cows come home, but I find it wastes time and energy when I could be focusing on material and concepts that will actually assist me in the search for the frequency of God, however, I suppose to you this is a foundation of your Sikhi. You asked me to respond to your tracts of post that I did not agree with, I have responded, I would ask that you now answer the following questions that I have asked you again and again, that you continually ignore, whilst posting more and more that I find myself reading uncomfortably.

1. Your facebook page that you gave a link to shows Sai Baba and Hindu Gods, yet you say you are a Sikh, please explain this
2. In one of your posts, you attribute comments from the SGGS to Sai Baba, please explain this
3. You have made a comment along the lines of 'Do not be stuck in religion' this implies you take bits of all religions and follow the bits you agree with, please explain this
4. You also posted a link to a distance healing website, as stated earlier, I find this sort of healing can take gullible people away from seeking proper medical advice, how do you explain distance healing from a Sikhi point of view, I am unaware of such miracles being lauded and promoted in Sikhi

I cannot go on any further in any discussion with you until these questions have been answered, as depending on your answers, it may well be a pointless argument, and I have had enough of them with Spji already, although he seems to have vanished.

If you are truly happy, then peace and love to you Veerji, I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for, but your posts intimate that your way is THE way, and I find that hard to reconcile with what I know as Sikhi.

Of course you may be right for you, and I may be right for me, but I am not the one pushing my version of Sikhi to anyone else


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Just so eevrything becomes crystal clear...GURU NANAK JI is our FOUNTAIN HEAD...the FOUNDER from whom the seed of Gurmatt sprang and grew to a huge tree as it is. Guru NANAK Ji has covered EVERY ASPECT of GURMATT in His Gurbani...the other Nanaks simply EXPANDED, EXPOUNDED on explained, etc on what GURU NANAK JI wrote...this is alos one reason why they all used the Name "NANAK" in all their compositions.
Guru Nanak ji also took it upon his shoulders the task of Carefully CHOOSING the Gurbanis of the other sanits bahgats etc during His udasees and travels to far off places. Guru Ji chose ONLY those verses that went hand in glove with GURMATT...any line thta went against Gurmatt was REJECTED outright even if the author is a Bhagat of the repute of "Sharomani Bhagat like Bhagat kabir Ji. Lots of writings attributed to Kabir ji and which exist today also..didnt find acceptance by GURU NANAK Ji.
SO GURU Nanak ji has covered ALL the Bases so to speak that affect GURMATT in nay way..so to arrive at the proper conclusions on DIET and SPIRITUALITY too we must take What GURU NANAK JI says and What Guur nanak ji said is CRYTAL CLEAR via the LONG SHABAD..Maas Maas kar MOORAKH jhaggrreh...what could be clearer than THAT. What could be clearer than the Imagery of the SUGAR CANE being "butchered"...and if we still insist on wearing YELLOW/SAFFRON Glasses and insist the SKY IS ORANGE..then there is nothing even the best eye specialist can do except advise we take oFF the orange coloured spectacles and see the SKY IS BLUE !!
Jan 17, 2012
london uk

Satnaam Waheguru Sat Naam Waheguru

A Khalsa is one who is or striving to be pure.
Purity comes with humbleness and unconditional love for all God's creation.
Enlightenment comes when we become aware all creation has feelings too!


We came late from work one day and decided to order a vegetarian takeaway from the local takeaway.

I enjoyed the food very much, However that night I had Big Big dreams of Sex, War and Killing.
In the morning when I woke up I was very upset,I could not understand why I had so many violent Dreams. I was very upset.

I decided to meditate and ask God the reason for these dreams
Babaji appeared looked at me and spoke "Enjoyed your food eh!"

I said " Oh that was last night yes thanks the food was very tasty, However Babaji I am very upset as I had Violent War dreams I cannot understand why"

Babaji spoke '' Amarjit, the man cooking the food lives on
watching War movies, He is obsessed with Sex, War and Killing , As he is cooking
he is still thinking about War and he has passing on these negative
vibrations into the food. "
Every thought we think every word we say is Vibration, This all enters whatever we are absorbed in. If we think negative about any one this affects the other person and also food.
Babaji spoke " Amarjit, in future
offer the food you eat or drink to God
as it invites God to eat with you
to purify negative vibrations of the person cooking !
However, Amarjit remember also, what you eat also is vibration and whatever you eat absorbes the trauma when it is plucked or prepared to be eaten, so in future eat wisely".
Babaji then disappeared.


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I am out of this thread, this is not debate, it is not even argument, its just a pointless waste of time, I will leave you vegetarians and experts on amritdhari Sikhs to have fun amongst yourselves, enjoy..


Dec 29, 2011
Lol, we all know animals have souls and TRUE Sikhs (amritdhari) are vegetarian; so why is this debate still going?

Blind leading the blind... are you saying every amritdhari Sikh doesn't eat meat?.. I know allot of amritdhari Sikhs who eat meat... how many amritdhari Sikhs do you know? I know this is a pointless argument from your point of view.

Let me leave you with one thought provoking point....

* Why Sikhs in the West are so against eating meat? *


Apr 3, 2005
Lol, we all know animals have souls and TRUE Sikhs (amritdhari) are vegetarian; so why is this debate still going?

True Amritdhari sikhs of 18th century ate meat.almost all independent observers noted this factor ,it is the neo sikhs of 20th and 21st century started propagating this militant vegetarianism


There are a number of eyewitness accounts from European travellers as to t the eating habits of Sikhs. Although there is no prohibition on Sikhs for eating beef, it is clear that Sikhs as a mark of respect for their Hindu neighbours did not partake in eating beef:

John Griffiths writes in February 17th 1794

The Seiks receive Proselytes of almost every Cast, a point in which they differ most materially from the Hindoos. To initiate Mohammedans into their mysteries, they prepare a Dish of Hogs legs, which the Converts are obliged to partake of, previous to admission………………..They are not prohibited the use of Animal food of any kind, excepting Beef, which they are rigidly scrupulous in abstaining from.

William Francklin in his writing about Mr George Thomas 1805 writes

The seiks are remarkably fond of the flesh of the jungle hog, which they kill in chase: this food is allowable by their law. They likewise eat of mutton and fish; but these being unlawful the Brahmins will not partake, leaving those who chose to transgress their institutes to answer for themselves.

It is clear from the above that there is a clear distinction between Sikhs (meat eaters), and those who chose to follow Brahmanical practices (Vegetarians), however there appears to be no dispute over this issue as people are allowed to decide for themselves.

The following is an extract from an officer in the Bengal Army and is taken from the Asiatic Annual Register 1809:

Now become a Singh, he is a heterodox, and distinct from the Hindoos by whom he is considered an apostate. He is not restricted in his diet, but is allowed, by the tenets of his new religion, to devour whatever food his appetite may prompt, excepting beef.

Clearly, this gives us an idea that even independent observers of Sikhs who saw their eating habits. These Sikhs were around some 100 years after the demise of the last physical Sikh Guru and represented hardcore Sikh philosophy at that time.


Please remember these Khalsa's were the one who bring glory to sikhism by fighting and even sacrificing their lives for the sikhism


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Veer Amarjit Singh Bamrah ji this is pretty offensive how you are misusing space with seven Book Covers of the same book. If you put one more in the middle of the top line it will look like a Christian cross. Are you assuming that people cannot see the book cover once or you are trying to reinforce message or giving a hidden message.

Please clarify as it will be appreciated. I do recognize you are very passionate about this subject and probably visually oriented too.

Can you please also ensure that you don't take too much of Baba ji's (specially Guru Nanak Dev ji) time as others want to talk to him too lol.

In all honesty and with due respect it looks like spamming through rambling!

Sat Sri Akal.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
I wish to start a new thread.. does spinach have a soul? Why do Sikhs eat spinach? Is it that they can't let go of the taste of Spinach Paranthe? I guess that is partly true!
Kanwaljit Singh ji/BaljinderS ji that is a good point.

The key test is whether spinach vibrates like carrot or you will also have to start a carrot, potato, mushroom (sorry that is alive fungus so should be part of non-Vegetarian vibrating thread).

What a sorry state of affairs how human mind can be so messed up with exposure to multiple religious belief systems and specially having believed in each one of them at a time like Amarjit Singh Bamrah ji. It seems like Gumbo or Minestrone or mixed vegetable soup.

Does any one know if vegetables and non-vegetabls keep vibrating after cooking or only do so inside our body or while leaving our body lol mundahug

Sat Sri Akal.

PS: Admin should move this thread to leisure to better befit or may be as is OK as it seems to fit the sub-category.


May 26, 2011
Okay the amritdhari sikhs arent true followers if they eat meat, eating meat is barbarian and isnt tolerated with true amritdhari sikhs. also YES spinach does have a soul, stones/dirt/ect all have souls and were humans too once, but we do what we can to stop consuming animals because they show that they do not want to be consumed.

this thread is just really weird, why do you guys think theres a thread called "Fools who wrangle over flesh?"; seeing threads like this make me more beliving in sri dasam granth because they predicted people will act like this in kalyug, this certainly is the dark ages.
Jan 17, 2012
london uk
Satnaam Waheguru

I had only one book cover on my posting however there must have beeen a glich with the posting as it multiplied the covers itself
So I have deleted the posting.

Its only when one has Real compassion for God
that Awareness arises within that God is in everything.

So I feel it pointless wasting valuable time to try to speak to
someone about compassion.

Whatever we consume we also consume their emotions and the Karma
follows us through many life times


Veer Amarjit Singh Bamrah ji this is pretty offensive how you are misusing space with seven Book Covers of the same book. If you put one more in the middle of the top line it will look like a Christian cross. Are you assuming that people cannot see the book cover once or you are trying to reinforce message or giving a hidden message.

Please clarify as it will be appreciated. I do recognize you are very passionate about this subject and probably visually oriented too.

Can you please also ensure that you don't take too much of Baba ji's (specially Guru Nanak Dev ji) time as others want to talk to him too lol.

In all honesty and with due respect it looks like spamming through rambling!

Sat Sri Akal.
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