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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Balbir ji and correspondents in this thread

Later tonight I am going to make a complete list of all of respected Balbir's statements in this thread so that, Balibir ji, we can take a close look at what your central arguments appear to be. I will post all of this. Maybe we can see what you are saying more clearly.

We have been going around in circles. Some members are becoming frustrated by this because no one can figure out why you say what you say. When they try to get clarification, your message appears to turn against them.

mkm ji

Please do not get worked up. Your frustration is understandable. However in the end you are the one who will end up feeling cheated. :) You know what I am talking about. Some times forum discussions have this effect. I have been there.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Mkm Jee!

Quote "I asked you questions and you have attached my name with PR70. I read PK70 posts but am told by you only that there is PK70 group."
It does not matter how many masks a person wears. One recognizes the pudding head by his actions.
Quote "Here is an other simple question judge ji, does after seeking Naam from your shabad guru one starts attacking others personally if they ask any question?"
Spiritually Orphanage children have been trying it since long to receive Naam or, in other words, The True Sabad from your preachers and Baabaas.
One does not receive Naam from your Sabad Guru either. Naam is Sabad Guru.
Your question proves how lost the so-called Sikh seekers are? Thanks to your Baabaas.

Quote "So Sikhs believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib, why to even bother debate the vaak" Guru mannyo Granth"?"
Every true Sikh deserves Truth. True seekers want to know this also. Why nobody talks truth at Gurdwaaraa stages?
Wisdom of Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is to enliven, not to believe.

Balbir Singh "Guru Jee has written that true Guru is the Sabad Guru. God appointed it so."
Mkm "Kindly explain us where it is written by Guru Gobind Singh Jee and said it is appointed by God, I will be thankful."
These are not my words and thoughts. From where one learns such things?

Balbir Singh "The same Guru writes that by reading a Granth one does not receive true Naam Sabad."
Mkm "Kindly give a quote where Guru Gobind Singh ji wrote that by reading Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee one does not receive true Naam Shabad."
Please do not change my statements.
The true Guru wrote, for example pwTu pVY nw bUJeI ByKI Brim Bulwie ] SGGS 66-18.

This is another example.

Ktu krmw Aru Awsxu DoqI ] BwgiT igRih pVY inq poQI ]
mwlw PyrY mMgY ibBUq ] ieh ibiD koie n qirE mIq ]3] SGGS 888-3

Quote "You should give valid quotes who are those saad or saint if Sikhs cannot receive Naam from Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee?"
Please throw away the chaff (preachers) from mind and read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee again.

Balbir Singh "What Sikhs know are all wall hangings, in my observation."
Mkm "Only your observation is not enough to judge the whole community."
Rarely someone comes to the right place and receives the wisdom of Naam. Most of the Sansaarees spend life observing wall hangings. Preachers provide them extra assistance.

Quote "I was thinking we are discussing Guru , Shabad Guru not the rituals?"
The true Sikh is one who has received true Naam Sabad. Bhaysdhaaree Sikhs are busy with empty rituals.

Quote "You are saying please" come to know true Naam Shabad" but never explain it. Explain it please if you know, now I doubt you know.
Please do not live in doubts further.

Mkm "There is a sect Naamdhari, they dont believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji as a Guru since they have made a living Guru . . ."
Balbir Singh "Sorry. I do not know anyone from them."
Mkm "I didnt say that you knew them, what I meant that they do not believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee as Guru but rather worship a human."
What have those achieved who only believe in Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee?
Better follow Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee and receive true Naam Sabad.

Quote "How dare you call Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee a printed matter?"
How do fanatics know Him otherwise?

Quote "Calling others Sick babas but statements you make are sickening."
God has preplanned full support including medicine for all Jeevs. Please feel better.

Quote "Sikhs experience all ten Gurus presence in Guru Granth Sahib jee and revere it high."
I realize God in these messages.

Quote "Nations fight over a flag. Because Flag represents a nation, they dont call it a piece of cloth. Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee represents all Gurus and all wisdom Sikhs needs to have."
Why millions of Sikhs are seeking and searching Sabad Guru still?

Quote "What do you have? A habit of making low class derogatory statements about Guru of Sikhs."
Please do not play dirty politics here. My critic is of fake Baabaas, Preachers and Translators.
For my reverend Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee I have highest regards and respect.

Quote "After reading above statement about Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee, I doubt there is any truth in your statements."
Some are never able to feel good luck.

Quote "Why couldnt you enlighten them ?"
All is happening in God's Will.


The prime message from the true Gurus is JAP of Naam, the true Sabad.

Balbir Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Balbir ji, Please take a look at what you are doing and saying. Then we can ask ourselves why some members are frustrated and why some are more than frustrated.

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Mkm Jee!

Quote "I asked you questions and you have attached my name with PR70. I read PK70 posts but am told by you only that there is PK70 group."
It does not matter how many masks a person wears. One recognizes the pudding head by his actions.

This is both a personal attack and you have used a derogatory term to describe mkm . A pudding head is a derogatory term.

Quote "Here is an other simple question judge ji, does after seeking Naam from your shabad guru one starts attacking others personally if they ask any question?"
Spiritually Orphanage children have been trying it since long to receive Naam or, in other words, The True Sabad from your preachers and Baabaas.

One does not receive Naam from your Sabad Guru either. Naam is Sabad Guru.
Your question proves how lost the so-called Sikh seekers are? Thanks to your Baabaas.

Here you are making an assumption that mkm follows a Baabaa. You have no proof.

Quote "So Sikhs believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib, why to even bother debate the vaak" Guru mannyo Granth"?"
Every true Sikh deserves Truth. True seekers want to know this also. Why nobody talks truth at Gurdwaaraa stages?
Wisdom of Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is to enliven, not to believe.

Balbir Singh "Guru Jee has written that true Guru is the Sabad Guru. God appointed it so."
Mkm "Kindly explain us where it is written by Guru Gobind Singh Jee and said it is appointed by God, I will be thankful."
These are not my words and thoughts. From where one learns such things?

Balbir ji, you did say the quoted sentence in an earlier post. Can you see how you are confusing people? First you say it then you take it back. I have made copies so no use editing things out.

Balbir Singh "The same Guru writes that by reading a Granth one does not receive true Naam Sabad."
Mkm "Kindly give a quote where Guru Gobind Singh ji wrote that by reading Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee one does not receive true Naam Shabad."
Please do not change my statements.

Again, mkm did not change your statements.

The true Guru wrote, for example pwTu pVY nw bUJeI ByKI Brim Bulwie ] SGGS 66-18.

This is another example.

Ktu krmw Aru Awsxu DoqI ] BwgiT igRih pVY inq poQI ]
mwlw PyrY mMgY ibBUq ] ieh ibiD koie n qirE mIq ]3] SGGS 888-3

Quote "You should give valid quotes who are those saad or saint if Sikhs cannot receive Naam from Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee?"
Please throw away the chaff (preachers) from mind and read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee again.
An assumption on your part as to how mkm arrived at his/her conclusions. How do any of us know that mkm is not enlightened by a spiritual reading of SGGS.?

Balbir Singh "What Sikhs know are all wall hangings, in my observation."
Mkm "Only your observation is not enough to judge the whole community."
Rarely someone comes to the right place and receives the wisdom of Naam. Most of the Sansaarees spend life observing wall hangings. Preachers provide them extra assistance.

Quote "I was thinking we are discussing Guru , Shabad Guru not the rituals?"
The true Sikh is one who has received true Naam Sabad. Bhaysdhaaree Sikhs are busy with empty rituals.

Quote "You are saying please" come to know true Naam Shabad" but never explain it. Explain it please if you know, now I doubt you know.
Please do not live in doubts further.

Here you are offering mkm useless advice and are patronizing mkm. Sort of a shrug as if mkm is unable to find the truth without assistance.

Mkm "There is a sect Naamdhari, they dont believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji as a Guru since they have made a living Guru . . ."
Balbir Singh "Sorry. I do not know anyone from them."
Mkm "I didnt say that you knew them, what I meant that they do not believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee as Guru but rather worship a human."
What have those achieved who only believe in Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee?
Better follow Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee and receive true Naam Sabad.

Quote "How dare you call Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee a printed matter?"
How do fanatics know Him otherwise?
On another thread this was also discussed. Readimg Guruji is one way of finding out what Guruji is saying. If a person does not read printed matter then he/she can also use the Internet. Or he/she can listen to a "preacher" or probably a parent at some point early in life. What other means is there to know and live with Siri Guru Granth Sahib until one has taken it all in both in word and spirit. You are going to say that all are either false or deluded.

Quote "Calling others Sick babas but statements you make are sickening."
God has preplanned full support including medicine for all Jeevs. Please feel better.

Another personal attack. Needless. I could throw around some sarcastic statements too at this point. What good what that accomplish? Give it up. I will also give up sarcasm.

Quote "Sikhs experience all ten Gurus presence in Guru Granth Sahib jee and revere it high."
I realize God in these messages.

Quote "Nations fight over a flag. Because Flag represents a nation, they dont call it a piece of cloth. Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee represents all Gurus and all wisdom Sikhs needs to have."
Why millions of Sikhs are seeking and searching Sabad Guru still? Why not?

Quote "What do you have? A habit of making low class derogatory statements about Guru of Sikhs."
Please do not play dirty politics here. My critic is of fake Baabaas, Preachers and Translators.
For my reverend Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee I have highest regards and respect.

Quote "After reading above statement about Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee, I doubt there is any truth in your statements."
Some are never able to feel good luck.

More sarcasm, and more personal hostility

Quote "Why couldnt you enlighten them ?"
All is happening in God's Will.


The prime message from the true Gurus is JAP of Naam, the true Sabad.
Good you are telling us your prime message.

If this is your message then why are you posting in forums? That is why I asked you before, Why did you start a thread about Sikhs and Guru and then turn around and tell us not to discuss these points because all we should be doing is jap? Since everything we read and hear is false, we should jap. Some of us jap, some discuss, and some of us jap and discuss. What are you trying to say?

Balbir Singh

My comments are as a participant. I recuse myself as a moderator. But another moderator has already requested that you and others turn down the heat.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Aad0002 Jee!

Perhaps moderating suits, your nature better.

My statements are not personal. Those are general as I have observed. An individual should not take it personally either.
Surely one has the right to disagree but when a participant writes something totally opposite of Guru's statement, we should discuss it.
I may try this with softer words.

Quote "If this is your message then why are you posting in forums? That is why I asked you before, Why did you start a thread about Sikhs and Guru and then turn around and tell us not to discuss these points because all we should be doing is jap? Since everything we read and hear is false, we should jap. Some of us jap, some discuss, and some of us jap and discuss. What are you trying to say?"

Should participants stop discussing and referring the true Gurus because they have already written everything important?
Perhaps some may prefer to discuss other writers like many preachers are doing in Gurdwaaraas.


Can someone please refer one Vaak from the true Gurus that explains? One receives True Sabad or Naam through a Granth?

Balbir Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Balbir ji

When you started the thread this is the question you posed.

Do Sikhs need another Guru than the true Sabad Guru? Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee also suggests the same Sabad Guru.
What are your views? Please express it.

To me this sounds as if you were interested in what people thought and had to say. It sounded as if you were interested in a discussion.

Nine posts followed in which every single individual said that Sri Guru Granth Sahib was Guru and there was no need for another Guru.

But did you really want to have a discussion? You have either directly stated, or you have implied, that various individuals are following gurus, preachers, baabaas, recordings, and written copies of SGGS. Because of this they are being misled by these same gurus, preachers, baabaas, recordings and written copies of SGGS. We cannot tell who exactly is being mislead. And we cannot tell who exactly is misleading them. It is as you say very "general."

Balbir ji, you have said that your main message is jap. But this is what you have had to say more than anything else in the thread.

Post 12

I do not know which Guru has said so. Is he your Guru who has said so? I have not found this Vaak in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

Post 29

God's Grace falls on a person when he receives true Naam Sabad and comes to know its Simran.
This is the difference. All the Gurus say that the Sabad Guru and God are the same.
The fake Baabaas but say that God and the printed material bounded are the same.

This is another question why these preachers are not able to transfer the wisdom of true Sabad.

Does anyone know a Baabaa who can share the Godly wisdom of Naam or true Sabad with seekers?

Sikhs are tamed to believe that the message 'Guru manyo Granth' is from Guru Gobind Singh Jee. This is a false information and misleading.
Truthful Sikhs deserve truth.

Not even once the true Gurus asked people to hang on them or their recorded messages and feel that they have reached the Sabad Guru.

I am not asking anyone to seek and meet a fake Baabaa whom Gurdwaaraa committees are inviting for misleading Parchaars. I am trying to aware the readers to seek and receive the true Sabad Guru.

Please do not let someone cheat your soul listening, the living Baabaa sitting beside the true Guru.

post 33

Surely one can read and do vichaar on the world literature of his choice. Why do they but establish this business in Gurdwaaraas besides Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee? Why they divert Sikhs to other directions than the true Guru? Have they become spiritually so poor that topics from Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee are completed? Is the beant (infinite) Keertan of Hari Sabad over? Has it begun at all in a so-called Sikh of the present time?

The impulse is to improve true spiritual growth with right practices of an individual, not the Guru.
Preachers have always been worried about their business.
God sends true Gurus on earth to create true Sikhs (learners of true Naam).

Some Baabaas claim to have met Guru Naanak Jee.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is the present Guru of Sikhs. Should Sikhs follow their present Guru or fake Baabaas and preachers who are teaching Sikhs from other writers?
Please clear your stand first. (post 18)
May I ask if someone has met Baabaa Guru Granth Saahib Jee and received the wisdom of true Naam Sabad?
Sri Guru Granth Sahib's translators and their communicators have proven that they have not.

My curiosity is to know why these preachers are leading Sikhs away from their Sabad Guru, suggested by the true Gurus innumerable times. (also post 18)

The reverend Guru's first message is JAP. Today Sikhs have learnt everything else than what true Guru suggests, from whom?

Post 37

Sabad Guru is not the printed matter. This is where Sick Baabaas and preachers have mislead Sikhs.
Once a person receives the true Sabad he realizes what is Grace and respect of even the written statements from the Gurus.

I tried to bring this in limelight because all Baabaas and preachers I met, up to now consented that they were searching for the true Naam Sabad also. They never dared to say this on stages though.

Post 39

Spiritually Orphanage children have been trying it since long to receive Naam or, in other words, The True Sabad from your preachers and Baabaas.
One does not receive Naam from your Sabad Guru either. Naam is Sabad Guru.
Your question proves how lost the so-called Sikh seekers are? Thanks to your Baabaas.

Every true Sikh deserves Truth. True seekers want to know this also. Why nobody talks truth at Gurdwaaraa stages?
Wisdom of Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is to enliven, not to believe.

Please throw away the chaff (preachers) from mind and read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee again.

Please do not play dirty politics here. My critic is of fake Baabaas, Preachers and Translators.
For my reverend Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee I have highest regards and respect.

Post 44

Perhaps some may prefer to discuss other writers like many preachers are doing in Gurdwaaraas.

As I said earlier, we do not know exactly who the gurus, preachers, baabaas are. They are out there it appears in large numbers. Whoever they are; they are fakes; they are unable to transfer the wisdom of the true shabad; they give out false information; they are asking people to hang on recorded messages; they are cheating souls; they are diverting people and they are spiritually poor; they are unable to share wisdom; they are concerned about business; they have people reading other writings (which ones you don’t tell us); they are teaching everything except what they should be teaching; and they are sick.

You keep saying this over and over. Here and elsewhere in the forum. Some would say these are scare tactics. Others might say that you are doing a public service by alerting us. At what point do we begin the discussion?

If you want to have a discussion, as you say you do, then others have to have a voice, and not wait to be told they are victims of false baabaas, and so forth.

If listening to recordings is a misleading thing, why do you have recordings on your web site?

You want us to hear Guruji singing. That is fine. But it won’t happen on the Internet.

Maybe you are making a theological point--- that SGGS is not Guru, rather the Shabad is Guru. This argument has been and is taking place in several places on SPN.

But most important – no one in this thread has said they are a follower of a Baabaa etc. So why are you speaking as if we are being mislead by individuals who are poor, sick and diverting us from jap? IMHO This is not what is diverting us from jap.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Aad0002 Jee!

Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is regularly giving the message to receive Naam Sabad and its Simran or Jap.
I have traveled in many countries. I visited the Gurdwaaraas there and did not come to know one Sikh who did not complain. Those thirsty souls are increasing in number every day. They miss the wisdom of true Naam Sabad. They get frustrated when they meet the next preacher who again suggests them a Paath (reading) of Hymns from Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee. The unsatisfied seekers try every technique these Baabaas teach them but nothing works. I am talking about People who visit Gurdwaaraas.

I was in Delhi few days back. A group of people told me that a Baabaa came to their house and gave them a technique. He asked them to speak 'Waah' while inhaling and 'Guru' while exhaling. They were doing this for some months till someone raised a question who stopped doing this suddenly. He said he was no more interested inhaling 'Waah' (praise) but throwing 'Guru' out from him. He wanted that he could breathe in the true Guru who resides for always in him.

Some others told me they were happy to visit Gurdwaaraa on Sundays where they were having some social gathering and cultural programmes.

Who does not know this situation among Sikhs? My strong wish is to see the old, new and coming generation progressing in spiritual as well in worldly matters. It is just not possible with the ways they are preparing preachers, in my observation.

My questions are not to tease anybody.


These are few words on this topic.

The true Guru is HE, whom Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee and all the Gurus call 'True Guru' and that is Sabad Guru.
True Guru is not that whom one can print, read and he starts working. If this would work then the labor, working on the printing machine or the tape recorder, would get Muktee first.

Preachers are anyway working hard to teach techniques. Does that really work? Where is the wisdom of the Sabad Guru? Please do not try to convince me that they print it in a book to receive. I only have to imagine it, believe it, own it, read it and respect it and the Book transfers it.

Balbir Singh


Mar 1, 2008
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Mkm Jee!

Quote "I askeposts but am told by you only that there is PK70 group."
It does not matter how many masks a person wears. One recognizes the pudding head by his actions.

Is it an answer to my question? as there is a saying that thieves think all are theieves, according to that, you may have a mask of a Sikh with a sect agenda.

Quote "Here is an other simple question judge ji, does after seeking Naam from your shabad guru one starts attacking others personally if they ask any question?"
Spiritually Orphanage children have been trying it since long to receive Naam or, in other words, The True Sabad from your preachers and Baabaas.

Again it is not an answer to my question, are you frustrated with my question?

One does not receive Naam from your Sabad Guru either. Naam is Sabad Guru.
Your question proves how lost the so-called Sikh seekers are? Thanks to your Baabaas.

I dint know you have so good imagination about others.

Quote "So Sikhs believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib, why to even bother debate the vaak" Guru mannyo Granth"?"
Every true Sikh deserves Truth. True seekers want to know this also. Why nobody talks truth at Gurdwaaraa stages?

You have blames, judgments but the truth

Balbir Singh "Guru Jee has written that true Guru is the Sabad Guru. God appointed it so."
Mkm "Kindly explain us where it is written by Guru Gobind Singh Jee and said it is appointed by God, I will be thankful."
These are not my words and thoughts. From where one learns such things?

You are lying here. What is the use of talking about Gurbani with you!

Balbir Singh "The same Guru writes that by reading a Granth one does not receive true Naam Sabad."
Mkm "Kindly give a quote where Guru Gobind Singh ji wrote that by reading Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee one does not receive true Naam Shabad."
Please do not change my statements.

Who is the same Guru? Kindly read your quote. Again you are twisting

Quote "You should give valid quotes who are those saad or saint if Sikhs cannot receive Naam from Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee?"
Please throw away the chaff (preachers) from mind and read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee again.
Again it is not an answer to my question. Before you guide me, you need help from some one.

Balbir Singh "What Sikhs know are all wall hangings, in my observation."
Mkm "Only your observation is not enough to judge the whole community."
Rarely someone comes to the right place and receives the wisdom of Naam. Most of the Sansaarees spend life observing wall hangings. Preachers provide them extra assistance.

Again it is only your observations because you don’t know people and you are writing about them.You are not sansari? you behave very much like sansaaris

Quote "I was thinking we are discussing Guru , Shabad Guru not the rituals?"
The true Sikh is one who has received true Naam Sabad. Bhaysdhaaree Sikhs are busy with empty rituals.

Again it is not the answer to my question You have a trouble to understand others, what can you teach.

Quote "You are saying please" come to know true Naam Shabad" but never explain it. Explain it please if you know, now I doubt you know.
Please do not live in doubts further.
My doubts are only in you because you are just saying things against people who just question your statements.

Mkm "There is a sect Naamdhari, they dont believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji as a Guru since they have made a living Guru . . ."
Balbir Singh "Sorry. I do not know anyone from them."
Mkm "I didnt say that you knew them, what I meant that they do not believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee as Guru but rather worship a human."
What have those achieved who only believe in Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee?

How do you know about the whole Sikh community?, people with so much limitations do what you are doing when you answer my questions. Look at yourself first before questioning others

Better follow Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee and receive true Naam Sabad.
I am following, I do not need your advice any more.

Quote "How dare you call Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee a printed matter?"
How do fanatics know Him otherwise?
To me you sound more fanatic than them

Quote "Sikhs experience all ten Gurus presence in Guru Granth Sahib jee and revere it high."
I realize God in these messages.

It is not worthy of comment because comedy is to just laugh at.

Quote "Nations fight over a flag. Because Flag represents a nation, they dont call it a piece of cloth. Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee represents all Gurus and all wisdom Sikhs needs to have."
Why millions of Sikhs are seeking and searching Sabad Guru still?

Are they knocking at your door? That will be bad if they do

Quote "What do you have? A habit of making low class derogatory statements about Guru of Sikhs."
Please do not play dirty politics here. My critic is of fake Baabaas, Preachers and Translators.

I am not here to deal with politics, I feel. it is a disgrace for a human to offend others under the mask of a spiritual guid and truth seeker.

For my reverend Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee I have highest regards and respect.
You behaved contrary to this statement.

Quote "After reading above statement about Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee, I doubt there is any truth in your statements."
Some are never able to feel good luck.
Ok you have become now a “good luck” guy?” Learn first to respect others before talking about Gurbani and spirituality.:shutup:


Mar 1, 2008
Respected aad ji

Your work is appreciable, you have put all Balbir singh's statements together so that can all can understand what he is up to. Unlike him, it was done with a respectful behaviour.
You have shown the mirror, a few try to analyze self after seeing the mirror.
By the way I am a female, living in Chandigarh:thumbup::up:


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Can someone please refer one Vaak from the true Gurus that explains? One receives True Sabad or Naam through a Granth?

Balbir Singh

Let me give you an analogy Balbir Singh Ji.

Kauda Rakshash fell on Guru Nanak's feet. Why ? Was it because he saw Guru Nanak's swaroop (Physical body) and instantly recognised him ? The answer is No.
He asked for Guru Ji's forgiveness when he heard Guru Ji's wisdom. This same wisdom of all the Guru Jees are in SGGS. Do Sikhs need another Guru ? Answer is No.

Balbir Singh Ji, in the past you have started many threads with funny titles e.g. Who's the Mother of Waheguru. I won't say that you haven't changed because you have. I might have to close this thread because you are found wanting by spreading negativity under the guise of helping the readers.
Give me an authentic reason why I shouldn't close this thread and allow it to be continued.

~ namjap ~


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Mkm Jee!

Such a long post but not one word is in this for the true Sabad Guru.
Please forget Balbir Singh and say something about your experience with the Sabad Guru. God and Sabad Guru are the same. Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee and all the true Gurus also have full praise for the Sabad Guru. The blessed ones receive the Sabad Guru in present life. They do not need another Guru anymore.

I have seen lost creatures carrying a copy of the printed book and searching for the Sabad Guru.

Sabad Guru is the first and ultimate Guru.


Namjap Jee!
Truth is not easy to swallow, specially for those whose mouth is full of lies.

I have hopes that someone from Sikhs would participate and confirm the Godly message from the Gurus. Perhaps no one of your Baabaas knows what is the Sabad Guru.
Some posters have tried their best to divert the topic vainly. Can they really hide ignorance?

Ignorance is an attribute of Mayic Sansaar. That is why Sansaar is visible.
God is invisible. God is Wisdom.

Have the moderators given up the hopes that a participant may say something about the true Naam Sabad? They may close the thread.

I love waiting for the Guru to say something more about the Sabad Guru.

Balbir Singh


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Balbir Singh ji


I have hopes that someone from Sikhs would participate and confirm the Godly message from the Gurus. Perhaps no one of your Baabaas knows what is the Sabad Guru.
Some posters have tried their best to divert the topic vainly. Can they really hide ignorance

It seesm You are too busy to notice anything else beside messages of MKM ,PK70

Infact I have written twice reagarding your post and raised queries reagrding you suggestions

http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikh-s...html#post77587 (Do Sikhs need another Guru?)

BUT I fail to attract your attraction to those .

Is something sansaric also playing here that dont let you cant notice anything else but the posts by MKM and PK70??

Jatinder Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Respected aad ji

By the way I am a female, living in Chandigarh:thumbup::up:

Most respected mkm ji,

I am honored to meet you. You are very knowledgeable about Gurbani and Gurmat, someone to learn from. And from Chandigarh :cool: Very cool! I have never visited Chandigarh, but everything I read says that you are in a place thriving with spiritual and intellectual pursuits. This is my pleasrue. :up: Back to you.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Jatinder Singh Jee!

The corner you have given me in your heart is a palace for me. Right now I am trying to decorate it for the right ceremony.

Balbir Singh
Jan 6, 2007
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Jatinder Singh Jee!

The corner you have given me in your heart is a palace for me. Right now I am trying to decorate it for the right ceremony.

Balbir Singh

A true Sadhu/Gurmukh would have responded here as " ....do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss the heavenly glory". Why does not a Sadhu/Gurmukh not want to meet every "Tom, **** and Harry" it is simply because he does not have the time to waste. Wasted time is like a living hell because it detracts the spiritualist from his beloved Lord. He is not interested in creating personal relationships or be in a company where praises are showered at him. It is only the "bhekhey" that seek audiences.

Guru Amardas ji, in Anand Sahib tells us "Anghron jin ka moh tutta TIN KA SHABAD sachey sawaria". It is renunciation both inwards and outwards that is the KEY to spirituality. This is what leads one to the living death. This is the path of Guru Nanak and Sikhism.

In answer to the foolish question in the thread "You are not even listening to the Gurus you have, what would a new Guru do for you that the previous have not done".
"Guru bechara kya karey, jab sikhon mein chook". It is the student that is at fault and not the Guru. Dr Khalsa ji, Read and understand Anand Sahib. It contains is the philosophy of a sachiara. All that, that is said by others is false. That includes myself. Why? Because what you will discover within yourself will be the TRUTH.



Sep 16, 2004
n answer to the foolish question in the thread "You are not even listening to the Gurus you have, what would a new Guru do for you that the previous have not done".
"Guru bechara kya karey, jab sikhon mein chook". It is the student that is at fault and not the Guru. Dr Khalsa ji, Read and understand Anand Sahib. It contains is the philosophy of a sachiara. All that, that is said by others is false. That includes myself. Why? Because what you will discover within yourself will be the TRUTH.


Thanks for pointing out!

i will definately keen your words in mind and will conc on Anand sahib for help.

also this statement of yours I will always keepin mind

Because what you will discover within yourself will be the TRUTH.

Thanks for your concern

Jatinder SIngh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Sau hath rassa sireh teh ganddh - one hundred yards of string..and right at its end is the knot !!!
The "printed matter" is just the MEDIUM. Today the same Divine Message can be had thru the internet sites via download/realplayer audios.CDs/DVD/BluRay/hard diks/floppies..flash cards..memory sticks.. From 1469-1708 we had this same Divine Message thru the Living Human dehs of the Ten Gurus ( who collected the same message from various sants like bhagat kabir Ji, ravidass ji,Ramandand Ji, Namdev Ji, Sheikh farid Ji..bhatts, and many others and put it together in one place in the SGGS ).
Would Bhai Gurdass Ji have even dreamt about todays MEDIUMS when he was scribing the AAD Granth in front of Guru arjun Ji in 1660's ? Can anyone among us say with certainty what will be the MEDIUM in the next 1000 Years... Paper might even go out of Fashion real soon as we cut down forests and finish off all our timber - but will that mean that the DIVINE MESSAGE will be out of fashion ?? Simply becasue its not "printed matter" ?? No of course NOT.
The SHABAD GURU..the WORD has always been and will always BE..we are humans and of necessity this "Shabd Guru" has to be channeld to us thru a MEDIUM we can understand and comprehend...language/vocabulary/grammar rules/semantics/sounds/metaphors/scripts ALL "have their limitations" BUT our GURUS managed to fit it all into a medium we can understand and comprehend..of course being of this EARTH..its Not PERFECT as SHABAD GURU IS..BUT all importantly this"imperfection" only goes so far as the MEDIUM...it doesnt extend to the DIVINE MESSAGE. Thus the "paper..for example can get wet and break down..can get old and discoloured...can tear or be burnt in a fire...BUT NOT THE DIVINE MESSAGE !!
From this it is naturally to be followed that the REAL SATKAAR of the Divine Message is to READ..VICHAAR...and Live our lives accordingly...Mould our own lives to GURBANI is truly respecting the GURU. There is no need for anyone else..baba/priest/jathedar/gyani/granthi/living guru whispering in your ear..we are to Discover within ourselves our MOOL..the ROOT and meet the SAADH, the Brahmgyani..the Gyani..the GURMUKH...the SANT that is ALREADY DEEP WITHIN US. The GRANTH ( referred to as mere "printed matter" by some ) is the Master Architectural-Plan so to speak on which we are to base/build/construct our palace..any questions and we can ask the Master Architect already living within us...can anything be simpler than that ??
Love and respect towards all..Sarbatt da Bhalla..

Gyani jarnail Singh


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Gyani Jarnail Singh Jee!

Quote "The "printed matter" is just the MEDIUM. Today the same Divine Message can be had thru the internet sites via download/realplayer audios.CDs/DVD/BluRay/hard diks/floppies..flash cards..memory sticks.. From 1469-1708 we had this same Divine Message thru the Living Human dehs of the Ten Gurus ( who collected the same message from various sants like bhagat kabir Ji, ravidass ji,Ramandand Ji, Namdev Ji, Sheikh farid Ji..bhatts, and many others and put it together in one place in the SGGS )."
It is sounding great that some have understood it.

Quote "Can anyone among us say with certainty what will be the MEDIUM in the next 1000 Years... Paper might even go out of Fashion real soon as we cut down forests and finish off all our timber - but will that mean that the DIVINE MESSAGE will be out of fashion ?? Simply becasue its not "printed matter" ?? No of course NOT."
Hopes and desires give a Jeev rebirth, not only up to one thousand years.
Better come to know Truth of Naam Sabad in this life, if possible right now.

Quote "The SHABAD GURU..the WORD has always been and will always BE..we are humans and of necessity this "Shabd Guru" has to be channeld to us thru a MEDIUM . . ."
This medium is not mind, understanding, language, vocabulary or grammar.
This medium is the true Guroo, SaaDhoo or the true Saint.

Quote "From this it is naturally to be followed that the REAL SATKAAR of the Divine Message is to READ..VICHAAR...and Live our lives accordingly...Mould our own lives to GURBANI is truly respecting the GURU."
Please do not talk like a teacher. How can one follow GURBAANEE when the translations in Punjaabee are not correct even?

Quote "we are to Discover within ourselves our MOOL..the ROOT and meet the SAADH, the Brahmgyani..the Gyani..the GURMUKH...the SANT that is ALREADY DEEP WITHIN US."
That is interesting. May I ask why the Sabad Guru is still outside?

Quote "The GRANTH ( referred to as mere "printed matter" by some ) is the Master Architectural-Plan so to speak on which we are to base/build/construct our palace..any questions and we can ask the Master Architect already living within us."
Why people are not asking the Master what is the true Sabad?

Quote "can anything be simpler than that ??"
You have tried it best.

Balbir Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Quote "we are to Discover within ourselves our MOOL..the ROOT and meet the SAADH, the Brahmgyani..the Gyani..the GURMUKH...the SANT that is ALREADY DEEP WITHIN US."
That is interesting. May I ask why the Sabad Guru is still outside?

Balbir Singh Ji,

This is something even I want to know - why are we saying that Shabad Guru is on the outside when SGGS says it is in the inside.

ਅਨਹਤਾ ਸਬਦ ਵਾਜੰਤ ਭੇਰੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
अनहता सबद वाजंत भेरी ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Anhaṯā sabaḏ vājanṯ bẖėrī. ||1|| rahā­o.
The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad is the vibration of the temple drums. ||1||Pause||
Guru Nanak Dev - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]

ਅਨਹਦ ਸਬਦਿ ਸੁਹਾਵਣੇ ਪਾਈਐ ਗੁਰ ਵੀਚਾਰਿ ॥੨॥
अनहद सबदि सुहावणे पाईऐ गुर वीचारि ॥२॥

Anhaḏ sabaḏ suhāvaṇė pā­ī­ai gur vīcẖār. ||2||
The beautiful, Unstruck Sound of the Shabad is obtained, contemplating the Guru. ||2||
Guru Nanak Dev - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]
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