Balbir ji
When you started the thread this is the question you posed.
Do Sikhs need another Guru than the true Sabad Guru? Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee also suggests the same Sabad Guru.
What are your views? Please express it.
To me this sounds as if you were interested in what people thought and had to say. It sounded as if you were interested in a discussion.
Nine posts followed in which every single individual said that Sri Guru Granth Sahib was Guru and there was no need for another Guru.
But did you really want to have a discussion? You have either directly stated, or you have implied, that various individuals are following gurus, preachers, baabaas, recordings, and written copies of SGGS. Because of this they are being misled by these same gurus, preachers, baabaas, recordings and written copies of SGGS. We cannot tell who exactly is being mislead. And we cannot tell who exactly is misleading them. It is as you say very "general."
Balbir ji, you have said that your main message is jap. But this is what you have had to say more than anything else in the thread.
Post 12
I do not know which Guru has said so. Is he your Guru who has said so? I have not found this Vaak in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.
Post 29
God's Grace falls on a person when he receives true Naam Sabad and comes to know its Simran.
This is the difference. All the Gurus say that the Sabad Guru and God are the same.
The fake Baabaas but say that God and the printed material bounded are the same.
This is another question why these preachers are not able to transfer the wisdom of true Sabad.
Does anyone know a Baabaa who can share the Godly wisdom of Naam or true Sabad with seekers?
Sikhs are tamed to believe that the message 'Guru manyo Granth' is from Guru Gobind Singh Jee. This is a false information and misleading.
Truthful Sikhs deserve truth.
Not even once the true Gurus asked people to hang on them or their recorded messages and feel that they have reached the Sabad Guru.
I am not asking anyone to seek and meet a fake Baabaa whom Gurdwaaraa committees are inviting for misleading Parchaars. I am trying to aware the readers to seek and receive the true Sabad Guru.
Please do not let someone cheat your soul listening, the living Baabaa sitting beside the true Guru.
post 33
Surely one can read and do vichaar on the world literature of his choice. Why do they but establish this business in Gurdwaaraas besides Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee? Why they divert Sikhs to other directions than the true Guru? Have they become spiritually so poor that topics from Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee are completed? Is the beant (infinite) Keertan of Hari Sabad over? Has it begun at all in a so-called Sikh of the present time?
The impulse is to improve true spiritual growth with right practices of an individual, not the Guru.
Preachers have always been worried about their business.
God sends true Gurus on earth to create true Sikhs (learners of true Naam).
Some Baabaas claim to have met Guru Naanak Jee.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is the present Guru of Sikhs. Should Sikhs follow their present Guru or fake Baabaas and preachers who are teaching Sikhs from other writers?
Please clear your stand first. (post 18)
May I ask if someone has met Baabaa Guru Granth Saahib Jee and received the wisdom of true Naam Sabad?
Sri Guru Granth Sahib's translators and their communicators have proven that they have not.
My curiosity is to know why these preachers are leading Sikhs away from their Sabad Guru, suggested by the true Gurus innumerable times. (also post 18)
The reverend Guru's first message is JAP. Today Sikhs have learnt everything else than what true Guru suggests, from whom?
Post 37
Sabad Guru is not the printed matter. This is where Sick Baabaas and preachers have mislead Sikhs.
Once a person receives the true Sabad he realizes what is Grace and respect of even the written statements from the Gurus.
I tried to bring this in limelight because all Baabaas and preachers I met, up to now consented that they were searching for the true Naam Sabad also. They never dared to say this on stages though.
Post 39
Spiritually Orphanage children have been trying it since long to receive Naam or, in other words, The True Sabad from your preachers and Baabaas.
One does not receive Naam from your Sabad Guru either. Naam is Sabad Guru.
Your question proves how lost the so-called Sikh seekers are? Thanks to your Baabaas.
Every true Sikh deserves Truth. True seekers want to know this also. Why nobody talks truth at Gurdwaaraa stages?
Wisdom of Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is to enliven, not to believe.
Please throw away the chaff (preachers) from mind and read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee again.
Please do not play dirty politics here. My critic is of fake Baabaas, Preachers and Translators.
For my reverend Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee I have highest regards and respect.
Post 44
Perhaps some may prefer to discuss other writers like many preachers are doing in Gurdwaaraas.
As I said earlier, we do not know exactly who the gurus, preachers, baabaas are. They are out there it appears in large numbers. Whoever they are; they are fakes; they are unable to transfer the wisdom of the true shabad; they give out false information; they are asking people to hang on recorded messages; they are cheating souls; they are diverting people and they are spiritually poor; they are unable to share wisdom; they are concerned about business; they have people reading other writings (which ones you don’t tell us); they are teaching everything except what they should be teaching; and they are sick.
You keep saying this over and over. Here and elsewhere in the forum. Some would say these are scare tactics. Others might say that you are doing a public service by alerting us. At what point do we begin the discussion?
If you want to have a discussion, as you say you do, then others have to have a voice, and not wait to be told they are victims of false baabaas, and so forth.
If listening to recordings is a misleading thing, why do you have recordings on your web site?
You want us to hear Guruji singing. That is fine. But it won’t happen on the Internet.
Maybe you are making a theological point--- that SGGS is not Guru, rather the Shabad is Guru. This argument has been and is taking place in several places on SPN.
But most important – no one in this thread has said they are a follower of a Baabaa etc. So why are you speaking as if we are being mislead by individuals who are poor, sick and diverting us from jap? IMHO This is not what is diverting us from jap.