Mould our own lives to GURBANI is truly respecting the GURU. There is no need for anyone else..baba/priest/jathedar/gyani/granthi/living guru whispering in your ear..we are to Discover within ourselves our MOOL..the ROOT and meet the SAADH, the Brahmgyani..the Gyani..the GURMUKH...the SANT that is ALREADY DEEP WITHIN US. The GRANTH ( referred to as mere "printed matter" by some ) is the Master Architectural-Plan so to speak on which we are to base/build/construct our palace..any questions and we can ask the Master Architect already living within us...can anything be simpler than that ??
Love and respect towards all..Sarbatt da Bhalla..
Gyani jarnail Singh
This is why we should not worry about anything. This is what we need to remember. And this is what is hard. But we try.