Chaz Jee
do you live in manchester
Birmingham ji
Chaz Jee
do you live in manchester
Watched Coldplay live the other weekend in manchester...they were super cool...some of their songs would be good on this blog...
I shouldn't be surprised, well normally I would rather stick pins in my eyes, however, they do have one song that I seem to have been playing for years on end,
a classic....
i also listen to a lot of Drum n Bass....not really love basedbut the beats usually get my up and moving
my tastes are quite simple, anything 80's!
i do...
right or wrong, i don't think true love is expressed that often appears with conditions...
for example...if i love my partner...but she cheats on me...and wants to leave
i love her and as a result want her to be happy....
true love then would be...
i want her to be happy...whether its with me or someone else...and you let that person move on with only good wishes in mind...
from a personal perspective...that would be true love...unconditional..
In the game of Life, Karam and acceptance of karam= True Unconditional Love.
God is fearless in serving us our karams whether good or bad, He himself has experienced every scenario that has been experienced. After many ages He discovered himself to be Truth.
why?f your wife cheated on you, she should expect the slap of karma somewhere down the line.
using her brain?If she isn't served karam, how else will she learn?
I accept no such thing, to accept such a thing brings a wider debate on the disabled, the raped, the dying, the dead, the abused, in my view Sikhism has no place for such carrot/stick concepts.You should accept that both yours and her karam will be served as deserved.
I disagree, I do not accept karam, does that mean I will never know true unconditional love?
My understanding is that god was always true, from the beginning, rather than a period of deity self discovery.
using her brain?
I accept no such thing, to accept such a thing brings a wider debate on the disabled, the raped, the dying, the dead, the abused, in my view Sikhism has no place for such carrot/stick concepts.
but you said earlier that god after many ages discovered truth, now your saying something else, how can I put any weight on your definitive comments if you duck and dive so? Perhaps you should make it clear these are your opinions and thoughts that are open to debate rather than definitive statements that can be changed at your whim.Yep God was always True, we all are,
Truth never changes, it's not just a word, it means what it is- it is All that is, without any illusions- and God was the First Truth Knower.
I understand that some find it difficult to accept karam, but if you can't be at peace with Gods will, then how can you be all loving- you're not accepting Him in every action.
Re: Calling
yes, its normally something I have done wrong, thankfully, I don't believe in karmaI'm of the opinion that you've been singled out for a reason.
If you don't believe me, have a look at the similarities between you and the rest of god's gang.
- Moses - Ex 3:4, God said, "Moses, Moses - here I am". He led...Exodus
- Samuel - Sam 3:6, God called out, "Samuel". Ministry Worker...
- Paul - Acts 9:4, "And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecute thou me?’...Persecutor turned Ministry Worker - Christianity
- Harry Singh - [slot reserved, watch this space]....hmm !
Like you, they were all singled out for the maker to mould into shape the vessel to carry His message.
Your soul is upon the lathe of the Divine Being grounded and polished until it reflects the glory of its creator [Waheguru].
You can run but you can't hide !
And, that handsome Harry, is "true love". All else is PLAY [leela].
See all of life's experiences as stepping stones to bring you to this pitch of perfection where you can "converse" with God on a 121.
..God is truth [sat], hence the reason Nanak called Him "satnam".God was the First Truth Knower.
..try glossing it up, for example, 'what goes around comes around'. Isn't that a another way of explaining karam ? The truly wise will know what is right, do what is good and be forever, kool n deadly.I understand that some find it difficult to accept karam
..yes, from a theoretical perspective within most ideologies. Sikhism provides a window for comfort to see the positive side of even the worst tragedies if one was to adopt a holistic approach.We reap what we sow, thats the law of karma.
Every-so-often I look across the room and see her doing whatever she may be doing at the moment and I realize at once why it is I love her so.
In reality there are only two true emotions: Love and Fear. ALL OTHER emotions come from those two.
if there is only you say in many posts...and as Gurbani Describes...
then in reality....does fear really exist?