- Jan 31, 2011
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while we may argue over love and the meaning of such, here is a music video regarding the opposite,
a video about not love..
a video about not love..
but you said earlier that god after many ages discovered truth, now your saying something else, how can I put any weight on your definitive comments if you duck and dive so? Perhaps you should make it clear these are your opinions and thoughts that are open to debate rather than definitive statements that can be changed at your whim.
In my view God was the truth creator, for him to know it, it must have been there before God, and nothing was before God
no, your not accepting your thoughts and theories in every action, to some being at peace will God's will may mean something other than accepting a punishment reward cycle. As for being all loving, can you please describe for me what such a state is, what it involves, and how such a person should view love?
*..what I was driving at was, the compartmentalisation of the word "love" and how HKJ likened it to "Waheguru", meaning, God [post #39]. The essence of which was to show that it's a matter for the heart and not for the head to evaluate. For example, take an orange, its round and everyone around the world is likely to agree; but as for its taste, it may vary from person to person. Where the former [roundness] an objective account and the latter [taste] subjective.I disagree, I think love can maybe not be quantified, but we can certainly see what love is not, to some love is being looked after, to some love is doing the looking after, to some love is to be given things, to some it is to give, to some love is sex, to some love is being in control, to some it is to be out of control, although love may indeed be personal, I think true love can be clearly defined as something pure and without agenda.
..cupid, maybe !only the truly stupid are truly honest, it does take grace or brains to be honest, just stupidity and lack of forsesight. I am honest because I have nothing to lose, they say familiarity breeds contempt, I would say honesty does the same.
..no sir, not at all ! What I am, you are not. You cannot become me and I cannot become you, hence, this beautiful diversity in nature. If you feel or are of the opinion that I'm in some way or form trying to impose or indoctrinate you and others with my belief n value, then pls be explicit. We can switch to football. However, I can assure you of my sincereity and prelidictions to be quite conservative and in fact, contrary. I believe in free spirit and liberal society.Drink this and join us? Hmmmmm as {censored word, do not repeat.}ed up and {censored word, do not repeat.}ed as I may be, the only thing I have left is that I am still my own man, I'd kind of like to keep it that way, I've never been good with clubs and associations, I think Groucho Marx said something interesting on the subject.
...Harry is a name, a noun. We can "know" Harry, but we can't experience "being" Harry. Which brings me neatly to tie-up the loose end of saying the same of "love" [* see above], a noun. A state of being, just as Being Harry is a state of "being", so is Love a state of Being. Who would know Harry for sure ? Alone Harry, of course ! Although, jo public will have a bloody good idea [perception] of who Harry is, but alone Harry can experience the Harry "is" factor. And, it was to this end that I wanted to dichotomise "thinking" and "feeling" as two separate entities of knowing and experiencing; where the former an activity of the mind, subject to "objective" testing [anyone can know love], the latter, an activity of the heart, which falls within the ambit of "subjective" testing [only the experiencer can feel love]. In a nutshell, the difference between knowing something and feeling something is fundamental in determining and defining its true nature. And, love is a commodity that falls within the feeling factor, and is therefore subjective.but I thought god was everywhere and in everything, in any case, I have no heart, no soul, I am just me, Harry.
..I love you like I love my own brothers and think you're a beautiful soul. And since, we're all on a journey, albeit, in different carriages of the one train, lets share our views, beliefs, values n experiences from within those carriages. Remembering of course, it's the journey and not the destination that is the 'be all end all' of this here Life.I can see why, its little fun, but unfortunately, I have wounds to lick, scars to heal, I need to play the game better, I am playing it with too much innocence, I am a child playing an adults game, I bow, however to your gaming ability, par excellence.
...I quite like the term "awakening".In very real terms I am just working out the logistics for such, I gave myself until fathers day to move forward, that is tomorrow, today, I intend to destroy this personality, it has taken me as far as it can, tomorrow, we start flicking switches, there are banks and banks of switches all turned off, we slowly have to turn them on, call it a planned awakening, however, the points above are very relevant.
..you're not misunderstood by me, you are the future. I'm a constant annoyance and want to be part of the future too. Like I tell my own children, never forget the land of the "five alive" for that is your HISTORY.all these labels Originalji, no, I am no coconut, I am as misunderstood by the white community as I am the brown....
My parents are the only people whom I consider having a true love bond with, I enjoy their company, talking to them, I consider during these times the need to be around them as much as possible, I am not married, I have no kids, so I go home and watch indian films with them, I get a lot of pleasure out of that.
...we all do, such is human nature. But as warriors [Sikh] its better to perfect the one than to master several.Im a gemeni, I can battle with many things at the same time...
I disagree, I think love can maybe not be quantified, but we can certainly see what love is not, to some love is being looked after, to some love is doing the looking after, to some love is to be given things, to some it is to give, to some love is sex, to some love is being in control, to some it is to be out of control, although love may indeed be personal, I think true love can be clearly defined as something pure and without agenda.
ery True. In reality it is without definition, beyond logic- we love All without reason, and without agenda
I think it is very difficult to do anything without an agenda, I think not having an agenda is a sign of purity, but rare to find
Good morning, although mine tend to be a lot earlier than yoursGood morning H
its one of my favourite videos, and songs, it is a song about love, but then there appears to be two types of love, the love that is able to be felt, and the love that is aspired to.Beautiful track [#60]....reminds me of driving down the A66 from lake district to the A1, cutting through the pennines. Thank you for that, quite enjoyed it.
*..what I was driving at was, the compartmentalisation of the word "love" and how HKJ likened it to "Waheguru", meaning, God [post #39]. The essence of which was to show that it's a matter for the heart and not for the head to evaluate. For example, take an orange, its round and everyone around the world is likely to agree; but as for its taste, it may vary from person to person. Where the former [roundness] an objective account and the latter [taste] subjective.
accepted.no sir, not at all ! What I am, you are not. You cannot become me and I cannot become you, hence, this beautiful diversity in nature. If you feel or are of the opinion that I'm in some way or form trying to impose or indoctrinate you and others with my belief n value, then pls be explicit. We can switch to football. However, I can assure you of my sincereity and prelidictions to be quite conservative and in fact, contrary. I believe in free spirit and liberal society.
..Harry is a name, a noun. We can "know" Harry, but we can't experience "being" Harry. Which brings me neatly to tie-up the loose end of saying the same of "love" [* see above], a noun. A state of being, just as Being Harry is a state of "being", so is Love a state of Being. Who would know Harry for sure ? Alone Harry, of course ! Although, jo public will have a bloody good idea [perception] of who Harry is, but alone Harry can experience the Harry "is" factor. And, it was to this end that I wanted to dichotomise "thinking" and "feeling" as two separate entities of knowing and experiencing; where the former an activity of the mind, subject to "objective" testing [anyone can know love], the latter, an activity of the heart, which falls within the ambit of "subjective" testing [only the experiencer can feel love]. In a nutshell, the difference between knowing something and feeling something is fundamental in determining and defining its true nature. And, love is a commodity that falls within the feeling factor, and is therefore subjective.
From a scientific perspective, love can be and has been narrowed down to neurobioligical phenomenon, that is, the chemical sytems within the brain. Affairmation of which remains subjective in terms of its neural and biological base. That is to say, not all humans respond to all phenomena uniformaly and percieve/conceive experiences equivocally.
.I love you like I love my own brothers and think you're a beautiful soul. And since, we're all on a journey, albeit, in different carriages of the one train, lets share our views, beliefs, values n experiences from within those carriages. Remembering of course, it's the journey and not the destination that is the 'be all end all' of this here Life.
...I quite like the term "awakening".
..you're not misunderstood by me, you are the future. I'm a constant annoyance and want to be part of the future too. Like I tell my own children, never forget the land of the "five alive" for that is your HISTORY.
.It is a phase you're going through. You've experienced happy times and sad times; they've gone with the wind, so will these.
...we all do, such is human nature. But as warriors [Sikh] its better to perfect the one than to master several.
In actuality, True Love without agenda is the easiest most uncomplicated thing we can do,letting Maya/ the illusion get in the way of it is the only complicated part. If u realise All is God, then what's there not to love..
I would say the opposite myself, true love without agenda is the hardest most complicated thing we can do, we were born with agenda, some show theirs more visibly than others, but agenda is there, true, all is god, and all is worthy of love, but intelligence, tact and diplomacy are also required so that we do not turn into {censored}s, in my opinion.
It's not hard, we just make it complicated.
Agreed about the intelligence, tact and diplomacy. I.e if I love my family unconditionally but they keep on beating me, I need to logically accept that they are fools and move forward on my journey without them.
and what is this core ?There are of course lessons to be learned on the way, but the core of Unconditional Love remains unchanged.
my friend you make all this sound so simple, and it is anything but that, how can you remain true to yourself when you do not even know who you are? We are creatures of desire and habit, watch the gathering of people at the supermarket discount shelf, watch people dismount of a burning plane, it is quite easy to clock the consumers, and the enlightened, most people are defined by their clothes, their houses, their possessions, their status, take all that away and for many, you have nothing left. How does one remain true to nothing? Clearly first we have to know who we are, which is a bit of a rarity in this day and age.Remaining True to yourself and All around You is key.
Unconditionally Loving All doesn't mean falling for Mayas crap, we still remain grounded and rooted in the Truth of who we really are. Truth cannot be overridden by anyone or anything in this Khel.
again, I disagree, loving without agenda takes a purity that we do not have, maybe such purity can be introduced, but then with such purity anything is possible, however, we have to agree that to possess such purity, or find another with such purity is rare, we have to therefore conclude it is hard.
well its not quite that cut and dry, people don't beat other people, they just lie about agenda, they may just leech off you for a while, but because of the 'mystery' of love, it will be pleasurable for both of you, a true master of love can manipulate people very easily. much of what we know to be love, is not love at all, the stalker does not stalk for his love, the stalker stalks for themselves.
and what is this core ?
my friend you make all this sound so simple, and it is anything but that, how can you remain true to yourself when you do not even know who you are? We are creatures of desire and habit, watch the gathering of people at the supermarket discount shelf, watch people dismount of a burning plane, it is quite easy to clock the consumers, and the enlightened, most people are defined by their clothes, their houses, their possessions, their status, take all that away and for many, you have nothing left. How does one remain true to nothing? Clearly first we have to know who we are, which is a bit of a rarity in this day and age.
Do you know who you really are?