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Atheism Do You Believe In Waheguru


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Still not getting why chanting of "Waheguru" is done at sikh religious place.
What belief makes us do so, if it is so meaningless.

and further what the topic says
Do you believe in "Waheguru"

My foolishness and ignorance have shown up,
Please bring some light

WaheGuru means Praise of GURU,

This is done to please GURU

And GURU keeps

away from hardships,
away from negatives,
away from difficult task,
and pass it on to weaker fellows who are not believers.


We should praise boss
to get appraisal,
to sanction leaves and other benefits so on.

There is root thought behind every action

Definetly action is perform at sikh congregations, consciously, sub consciously or un consciously

Religious Perspective which preachers have,
Sangat which performs also have.

Please share the conscious perspective of action.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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Mar 13, 2013
Its a thought provoking story and really makes us feel to see things differently
beautifully fictionally put up in context with the human thinking
at the same time we can also ponder about that irrespective of what the other baby believes in mother or not ,the mother nourishes both alike

sometimes i too ask myself is there really someone called GOD who exists?
i asked one of my friend one day that sometimes i find myself believing and having faith to be useless and in vain
being a muslim he told no no at the time of ressurection god gonna ask me why i have not believed him
well i dont know how true was his reply according to his beliefs but deep inside i question myself and i think its part of the journey.I feel its ok to ask yourself about all these things.
Being a seeker sometimes you find yourself a believer and sometimes as an atheist
i think only by rejection our minds own beliefs which we have percieved we can move forward to seek ahead with the truth.(again its not neccessary what you perceive up as truth is really truth or not)
There are sometimes our perception about creator changes with time according to how we move ahead in life ,according to the circumstances and situations
for me in my childhood god was nobody else than Guru nanak(may Nanak forgive me for my foolishness in childhood),with changing time you realize and go deep into the things to seek and realize many new things but only if you seek and explore and are ready to give up the ego you carry for the truth.


Aug 28, 2012
Its a pretty story but from a Sikh point of view it does not work for me on several levels


This infers there is an afterlife, something other than this life, something to make preperations for, its Vedic, not Sikh.


To me, this implies we live in a world where God loves us and all we need to do is worship him, open our mouths, and he will provide for us, a bit more Abrahamic, but I still cannot see any Sikh thinking.


Ah yes, God is here to take care of us, bless us and help us pass our exams, marry, fall in love, feed us, we are not helpless creatures under the power of some deity, we are Sikhs, capable and in consonance (damn spell checker changed that to incontinent, good job I noticed)


Waheguru is not a person, it does not have a personality, it is nothing but the truth, the eternal truth that exists to be aligned with

I suppose you could always lean towards the Abrahamic or the Vedic and prepare yourself with ceremonies and rituals for the big day, but I prefer to focus on what is happening right now, myself.

In other post you have replied to my furnishing proof of Gurbani accepting the existence of spoofs, spirits and imps etc. where I am unable to post a reply thereto as you must have done something so that I am unable to reply to your meaningless posts.
If you have any sense of respectability reply whether you accept the Gurbani version or not. Beating about the bush renders you of having a very shallow intellect. It does not make sense to ask me to dig further in a taunting way. A man who is accustomed to taunting has no self respect. So beware.
Now let me know whether you agree to Gurbani that I have posted or refuse to accept. Act like a gentleman.
I wonder why the so called Giani (Jarnail Singh) is not joining the issue. deleted/spnadmin If instead of sticking to the issue in question anybody who joins Harry Haller in speaking ill of me deleted/spnadmin Discuss issues not personalities.
In my opinion SPN is a forum of sincere and respectable persons and therefor I wish that the good name of the Forum is not tarnished.
There is no place to taunt each other while discussing. Replying irrelevant replies gives away that person's mental status.
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Nov 5, 2010

ਕਬੀਰਾ ਜਹਾ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਤਹ ਧਰਮੁ ਹੈ ਜਹਾ ਝੂਠੁ ਤਹ ਪਾਪੁ ॥ ਜਹਾ ਲੋਭੁ ਤਹ ਕਾਲੁ ਹੈ ਜਹਾ ਖਿਮਾ ਤਹ ਆਪਿ ॥੧੫੫॥ {ਪੰਨਾ 1372}
Kabir says..Where Gyaan Knowledge is present..so is Dharma religion...in places where Jhooth-False/untruth resides..there resides Paap-distance form Him..Where LOBH- greed avarice resides its accompanied by Kaal DEATH of conscience.where there is abundance of Forgiveness, compassion..there resides HE HIMSELF.

Still not getting why chanting of "Waheguru" is done at sikh religious place.

What belief makes us do so, if it is so meaningless.

and further what the topic says

Do you believe in "Waheguru"

Response of Conscience Mind is there

For self realization not for post or reply,

Is there Aura or Influence of Position, Religion or Else

Put a magnet and a iron of same shape and type one cannot identify magnet and iron,
till iron is in influence of magnet.

Separate them and watch magnetic strength of each, one will experience AURA.

So do human mind

Why GURUDWARA is required for practice of religion,
someone cannot come out of family chores within at home,
is it AURA or magnetism of relation or something else.

Guru is everywhere inside outside than why Temples, Religous places not a self practice
and self realisation.

There are further more takes
when own mind is under influence
impacts righteous decision of mind.

is that AURA "True Nature"


its hinduism, muslim, christainity, sikhism.

Its natural and SAT SANG, truth of nature.

SADH Sang, who practices truth of nature.

Its rare to find Sadhu, and Sat Sang in Kal Yug.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
Beautifully said again as usual Sahni ji...but then again..the "Aura" of an aura..sounds too good to just discard as utter RUBBISH...its NOT only "beggars and {censored}" who simply LOVE to dig through garbage Dumps..many SIKHS also love to go through the RUBBISH BIN OF GURU SAHIB....and these lovers of "Vedic?? whatever that came before sikhism etc etc.. recyclable items"..keep on dragging pieces of such rubbish back into "sikhism"...
I must admit almost all PAINTERS can see this aura..thats why pick any painting of a holy person and there is the Aura floating around his head...those painters must have different eyes...

Sat Sri Akaal,

People are selling AURA pics, to earn livelihood and to earn money.

Its commercial every where, when it comes to money or dollars

be it religion education or health its sold.

AURA understanding needs some scientific awareness and experience too.

In sikh religious places it is sold and is lying in house hold of 99.9% sikhs.

How one can deny own action.


One just do actions in un conscious way through primitive mind set.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Mar 13, 2013
Ravneet ji
i want to ask one question from you and forgive me if my foolishness comes acrose from that question

is god biased that he will keep people away from hardships and negatives only when you will praise him by chanting waheguru waheguru day and night?

did Guru Gobind singh too didn't encountered hardships in his life why god gave him hardships when he was the Guru Himself?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I just deleted a thread which was an invitation to Palaingtha ji to debate. A better way to go: Start a debate on an issue in the Hard Talk forum under Debates. Make sure the debate is about an issue or concern; not an invitation to have it out on personal differences.

Please note that I have edited out personal accusations on earlier comments in this thread. As far as I can tell no moderator or admin has deleted any posts or moved them to moderation.

p/s Debating personal differences can take the thread way of course.
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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012

Waheguru is not a person, it does not have a personality, it is nothing but the truth, the eternal truth that exists to be aligned with

This is just your opinion... I can not see how the creator would be just 'truth' because then you are equating our creator to science. Waheguru (Which must 'exist' as being... and conscious of creation) for me, is not just an interchangeable term for 'science'. I don't 'pray' to science...

Perhaps a better way to explain your views, would be to say in the post that it is your opinion, rather than put it out there as the absolute truth? Because many people believe in Waheguru as creator... and not as merely science.


Nov 5, 2010
Ravneet ji
i want to ask one question from you and forgive me if my foolishness comes acrose from that question

is god biased that he will keep people away from hardships and negatives only when you will praise him by chanting waheguru waheguru day and night?

did Guru Gobind singh too didn't encountered hardships in his life why god gave him hardships when he was the Guru Himself?

Sat Sri Akaal,

This is what I have asked for,
what is the objective behind repeated chanting,
Only person who is getting it practiced or a practicing person can reply to it.

I have already shared my ignorant views.

What happens to your mind,
if you have done mindful hard work,
for that you are thrown out of your home,
because your hardship has disgraced kin of kings
you have not been given right position one deserves
because of caste, religion or politics

Why people staying abroad are not willing to come to India

Its not hardship, but one wants positive results,
Negativity of the system (body system, family system, social system, religious and political system) keeps you away from home.
One may live or die, its of no concern, but fight for righteousness shall continue.
Hardships will be there.
The first initiation is our own mind than body, be aware of own mind, this is only enemy, which will let you down.

praising of position/ location, falsehood etc

Our Guru's have done lot to clean the religious and political systems.

I don't know how to praise boss

I am foolish ignorant

but after hard work if negativity comes

GURU's BANI have blessed to make my mind balanced

Its very difficult to kill ignorance of mind,

people love to spend dollars for aura,meditation without awareness of events.

Its just to share experience so that one understands science behind it.

One may go to dera's spend dollars to understand and balance there own mind

I feel blessed by nature, for making my mind aware at no cost,

so one has to give back, way it has come.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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Apr 3, 2005
Ravneet ji
i want to ask one question from you and forgive me if my foolishness comes acrose from that question

is god biased that he will keep people away from hardships and negatives only when you will praise him by chanting waheguru waheguru day and night?

did Guru Gobind singh too didn't encountered hardships in his life why god gave him hardships when he was the Guru Himself?

God can be questioned in thousand's of ways , the way he has created inequalities in world.few people were born with all facilities and don't even know what real dukh is like.for many others they don't even know whether they can get food at night or not


Apr 3, 2005
Is 'properly' chanting Waheguru or any word for that matter a good treatment for sore throat, arthritis or diarrhoea then?

If millions can claim that homeopathy which is considered as pseudo science has cured their illnesses then why Can't chanting waheguru cure illnesses?
may be thought power or belief has much more effect on body than science estimated.


Mar 13, 2013
sat sri akal kds g and brother ravneet ji
my question to my elder brother ravneet ji was only because he mentioned that god should be praised so that he will keep you away from hardships and other sufferings and pass it on to other weaker fellows.
meaning if you wont chant and praise god he will provide you sufferings and hardships.
Isnt He or she "Nirrvair".?

If you are talking about hardships in terms of negativity then i can agree with which brother ravneet has talked about in his latest post.
Compare it with the Guru's life
they all too had hardships in life
life of Guru Gobind singh ji have been full of struggles and hardships yet his faith,His Mind was firm strong.
Hardships comes in everyday's life and only blessed people realize the bliss behind the hardships.I find people walking on the true path of righteousness always faced with hardships and struggles.People with blessed visions have always been oppossed and tried to be suppressed (our history has been full of such examples ) right from the beginning of time ,they had to bear agony of the world who couldn't digest the truth that such people were speaking who were REAL devotess.

Yes there are many who have so much facilities and some who are faced with so many hardships.Some having so much food that they have to waste it and some even dont know when and in what form the next meal will come.
But isnt that a part of HUKAM itself?

In my view merely chanting waheguru waheguru wont get us anywhere till one realizes his own self.
There is an old saying "Muh Mai Ram Bagal Mai Churi" .Replace it with the word Waheguru .
Its so easy for a person like me to speak waheguru waheguru waking up early in the morning .Whats difficult in that? you just have to utter these words.

But again everybody has his/her own experience ,for some it works as merely chanting waheguru waheguru make you remember The Creator .
One of my friend has his own experience regarding to this.
He don't utter any such words
he just creates a feeling inside to remember creator then just surrenders every act of his daily works and just try being thankful for everything and seek strength for the future.
i sometimes try to think about the science behind this and i come up with this conclusion.The feeling of being thankful for everything takes you away from the things you have not been able to perform or not been able to get.Your mind focuses on the the positives not neccessarily about one's own life but sometimes just a thought of being thankful to the creator for small little things can take your mind away from all the days negatives ,Automatically the thoughts of depression vanishes ,Surrendering yourself gets you rid of your ego,and seeking strength gives the courage to move ahead.


May 24, 2008
Guru Nanak did not forget. If he didn't tell us explicitly, there is a good reason. Perhaps it is for us to discover for ourselves.

Could the reason be to mislead us? Is it like those dongy sadhu,yogies power seeker want to keep it secret. Like they Nanak did not want to tell this so called mantar to only one person ( bhai Lehana). He told next and so on n and.
It is said that Guru Hargobibd when he was in jail told those rajas and other criminal in jail to recite naam. What did he tell those people to recite? All this sound like Hinduism to me. Like Radha suami give naam and tell them not to tell any one. If the naam is so good for humans then why keep it secret? Tell all so people can benefit from it.

Maybe it is true that there is no logic in religion. It is all blind faith.

Never build your faith on another person's faith. Know your self!


Nov 5, 2010
he just creates a feeling inside to remember creator then just surrenders every act of his daily works and just try being thankful for everything and seek strength for the future.
i sometimes try to think about the science behind this and i come up with this conclusion.The feeling of being thankful for everything takes you away from the things you have not been able to perform or not been able to get.Your mind focuses on the the positives not neccessarily about one's own life but sometimes just a thought of being thankful to the creator for small little things can take your mind away from all the days negatives ,Automatically the thoughts of depression vanishes ,Surrendering yourself gets you rid of your ego,and seeking strength gives the courage to move ahead.

Arshdeep Ji,

Mind for where the seed of action grows (Ant Karan), shall be clear,

That's the way it is, only the objective behind action shall be clear, body can follow any path.

I regret for disclosing secret pathways of my mind, though this was done at very personal way,
without making sound and going to deras,
or other places.

But topic initiated was so good, it opened foolishness

Enjoy bliss with balance of e motions.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

Whatever they knew or experienced is RIGHT HERE in SGGS..Collected Complete Wisdom free for all..PIO DADDEH DA KHOL DITTHAH KHAZANAH..Guru commands us to open and read the SGGS. There are no ********** Passwords that are hidden !!!

No other prophet etc wrote a single word in their own hand..everything comes second hand or worse..multi-hand...or via "angels" etc. to illiterate humans but written in Human language !!.

The TENTH GURU..even knelt before the Five to take the Pahul from them..erasing the Guru-Chela division...as this was going to be the standard after the SGGS was made Guru...and the FIVE were going to represent the GURU in Person.

The NAAM is nota word..not a mantra to be chanted..the NAAM is PRACTICAL LIVING as per SGGS Standards ...Simply LIVING as per GURMATT is NAAMFUL LIVING.
People take to "chanting etc.." because its much EASIER...

IF it was declared that an aspiring Medical Student could just BORROW the Medical books form a library, put them under a Rumallah and DAILY CHANT "Hippocratic Oath" for a number of times..and be declared FULLY QUALIFIED DOCTOR...just imagine..just HOW MANY MILLION DOCS we would have....just about as many Engineers, Pharmacists, Teachers, Writers, etc etc etc...EVERY HUMAN being would be a qualified professional >>>???? and so CHEAPLY too......

THIS is the reason why we have a MILLION + 1 SAINTS/BABAS/DERAS !!! It costs absolutely NOTHING to be a qualified Baba Ji...One just has to CHANT..and beat the hell out of Dholkis and chamtas....Bebeh Main sant bannogaa !!! Uneducated Illeterate people making FOOLS out of the MASSES... 99% of these DONT LIVE NAAMFUL LIVING...:mundakhalsaflag:


Jan 22, 2005
Besides above, all the six thousands sabd of SGGS highlights upon my deficiencies and is all about myself as a first person to be truthful and not for others. Unlike the general belief that most the sabds are just repeat, a close look shall reveal, Guru sahib through six thousand different concepts tried to explain us how to be sachiar but as Bhagat Kabir Ji regretfully says, “ਚਚਾ ਰਚਿਤ ਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਹੈ ਭਾਰੀ ॥ਤਜਿ ਚਿਤ੍ਰੈ ਚੇਤਹੁ ਚਿਤਕਾਰੀ ॥ ਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਬਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਇਹੈ ਅਵਝੇਰਾ ॥ ਤਜਿ ਚਿਤ੍ਰੈ ਚਿਤੁ ਰਾਖਿ ਚਿਤੇਰਾ ॥੧੨॥ God has painted the greatest picture of the world with various colors which are used a metaphore, but these wondrous creations (Forms) have now become the cause of concern, as mankind is emotionally involved with them and have diverted to worship the picture of His creations instead of pratically living truthfully.” - Guru Granth ang.340.15. I think we need one more Guru Nanak now. This is the reason all the derawalas have their "magic words" that they tell their snake oil buyers to chant it so many times to get rid of their aliments.

Most of the sabd in SGGS demands to respect the creator by living truthful life but instead of respecting we are believe in karamkand.

best regard


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Nothing in mind, creates null, and with empty mind experience/sense true nature

For Eg One has TV with thousands of channel, but one is satisfied with five channels
how to explore more in life.

There are five basic senses, but more derivative senses.

Sense of direction, motion. heat, touch, pressure, e motion, magnetics, colour, mirror etc.

More to explore this world,

Religion and science are no way separate, science comes through religion.

But perspective is lost.

Hinduism, Christanity, Muslim, Sikhism is all about TRUE NATURE and Science.

Right perspective is lost.

One can meet
Ganesha (Stomach and Digestive System),
Shiva (Mind and Nervous System),
Naina (Visual System),
Brahma (Brain and related study),
Vishnu(Circulatory System)
within body,
nothing to explore outside

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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