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Explain This In Dasam Granth

Sep 11, 2005
Dear Friends

"and release our tension and stress and have

This misconception about the Sex by some of our
elders is Driving the Younger People Towards
Sexual Indulgence.

And this is the reason for many couples having the
wrong conception , which makes them go for extra
marital affairs .....
Enough Damage has been done by wrong
interpretation of Sex .....
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Harsimirit Kaur Ji

I have Kalaafgan's Book - Bipran kee Reet to Sach da Marg Vol 10- in pdf format, It deals with the Dasam Granth. It exposes the dirty and the pervert 'so called' literature in the dasam Granth which some of the Sikhs have the 'guts' to call as Gurbani !!! And to give it the same status as Guru Granth Sahib !!!
I just cannot understand the logic of the Taksali mind.
You just cannot read these passages of the Charitra Katha in a Sangat or with your family members !!!

If you want to go through it I can try to mail these files to you.

Manbir Singh
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Here is something which forms apart of Dasam Dranth. Can any Sikh in a proper state of mind say that it is a writing of Guru Gobind Singh Jee !!!!
You may need to copy the text below and view it in Word using Punjabi fornt
or see this link

kI ieh bSd dÈmyÈ-ricq hn?

(1) inrol aÈlIlqf qy nÈf pRcfr krn vflI rcnf
posq, BFg, aÌIm iKlfie .. (cirqR 402, 1358)
afsn qf qr1, dIXo bnfie ..
cuSbn rfie2, afilSgn3 ley ..
ilSg4 dyq, iqh Bg5 moN Bey 28 ..
Bg5 moN ilSg4, dIXo rfjf jb..
ruic6 AupjI, qrunI7 ky ijiX 8 qb ..
lpit lpit, afsn qr1 geI ..
cuSbn krq, BUp2 ky BeI .. 24..
gih9 gih qih ko, gry10 lgfvf ..
afsn13 soN, afsnih13 Cuhfvf ..
aDrn11 soN doAU, aDr11 lgfeI ..
duNhU kucn12 soN, kucn12 imlfeI.. 26 ..
1L hyTF 2L rfjf 3L gly nfl lgxf 4L purK jnn ieSdRI 5L iesqRI jnn ieSdRI 6L kfm leI AuqÈfh 7L jvfn iesqRI 8L mn ivWc 9L pkV pkV ky 10L gl nfl 11L hoT 12L iesqRI dIaF CfqIaF, . 13L gupq aSg 14L ivWc

suBr syj1, AUpr bYTfXo .. (cirqR 402, 1356)
BFg, aÌIm, Èrfb mSgfXo..
ipRQm khf, inRp soN, ien pIjY ..
bhuir muJY, mdnfkuÈ dIjY .. 8..
1L god, ibsqrf 2L rfjf 3L pIE, 4L purK kfm-ieSdRf.

posq BFg, aÌIm mSgfeI .. (cirqR 357, 1313)
duhUS Kft1 pr, bYiT cVHfeI2 ..
cfir3 phr qf soN, kir Bogf4 ..
Byd5 n lKf5, dUsry logf.. 11..
ieh ibiD qf ko, roË bulfvY ..
kfm Bog kir, qfih pTfvY 7 ..12..
1L mSjf, plSG 2L KfDI-pIqI 3L sfrI rfq, 12 GSty 4L Kyh KfDI 5L krqUq dI iBxk 6L jfixaf, smiJaf 7L vfps Byj idSdf sI.
posq, BFg, aÌIm mSgfvihN .. (cirqR 365, 1319)
eyk syij1, doAU bYiT cVHfvihN .. 7 ..
kYÌih2 hoq, rsmsy 3 jbhI..
kRIVf krq, doAU imil qb hI ..
BFiq5 BFiq, qn afsn lY ky ..
cSbn6 hOr, afilSgn kY 8 ky.. 8 ..
1L ibsqr Auqy 2L Èrfb nfl 3L mWsq 4L Kyh KfxI, kfm KyzF krnIaF 5L qrHF qrHF dy
6L cuSmxf 7L jPI pfAuxI 8L kr ky.

(2) byÈrmI dIaF hWdF pfr qy nSgI ÌfhÈ bolI .
kYN quih kfit krY sq KSzf .. (cirqR 312, 1267)
kY dY moir3 Bg4 ibKY lSzf .. 11..
1L aQvf, Xf, jF 2L sYNkVy tukVy 3L myrI 4L iesqRI gupq aSg 5L purK gupq aSg.

iek idn BFg, imqR qy leI .. (cirqR 325, 1281)
posq sihq, aÌIm cVHeI ..
bhu riq1 krI, n bIrj igrfeI ..
afT2 phr lig, kuair3 bjfeI4 .. 10..
sB inis5 nfir, Bog jb pfXo ..
bhu afsn6 kir, hrK7 bZfXo .. 11..
8dÍY Gitkf, jo Bog krq nr ..
qf9 pr rIJq, nfir bhuq kr..
cfir10 phr, jo kyl kmfvY 12 ..
so ikAuN n iqRX ko13, icq curfvY .. 12..
rYin14 skl iqn, qruin15 bjfeI16 ..
BFiq BFiq ky, sfQ hSZfeI17 ..
afsn kry, qruin bhu hfrf ..
cuSbnfid20, nK18 Gfq19 apfrf .. 13 ..
1L Kyh Kfx dI ikRXf 2L 24 GSitaF qk 3L kuafrI kuVI 4L nfl Bog kIqf 5L rfq 6L kfm ikRXf dy afsn 7L KuÈI 8L do GVIaF (pOxy ku GSty df smF) 9L aijhy purK 10L 12 GSitaF qk 11L kfm kRIVf 12L kry 13L iesqRI 14L rfq 15L jvfn iesqRI 16L nfl Bog kIqf 17L Bog kIqf 18L nhuS, nfKUn 19L mfrny 20L cuSmx afidk

lInf sKI pTfie1, iqsY Gir2 .. (cirqR 350, 1307)
kfm Bog ikXo, lpit3 lpit kir..
eyk qruin4 aru, BFg cVHfeI5 ..
cfir6 phr, inis 7 nfir bjfeI8 .. 9 ..
1L Byj ky 2L Gr ivKy, zyry ivKy 3L gly lg lg ky 4L jvfn iesqRI 5L pIqI 6L 12 GSitaF qk 7L rfq 8L nfl Bog kIqf, nfl Kyh KfDI.

pRQm1 jfr2, jb Dkf3 lgfXo .. (cirqR 383, 1342)
qb rfnI, lY Zol bjfXo ..
jb iqh ilSg4, su Bg5 qy kfZf ..
iqRX 6 idX 7 Zol Zmfkf8 gfZf8.. 10..

1L pihlf 2L Xfr, pr-purK 3L kfm-ikRXf 4L purK jnn-ieSdRf 5L nfrI jnn ieSdRI 6L jvfn iesqRI 7L idWqf, bjfieaf 8L ZmWkf 9L AuWcf

ab lptuh1, moih2 afin3 pXfry.. (cirqR 399, 1353)
hm rIJI3, liK4 nYn5 iqhfry6 ..
1L jPI pfAu 2L myry nfl 3L af ky 4L moihq ho geI hF 4L dyK ky 5L aWKF 6L qyry

eyk huqo1, iqh2 TF3 ko jogI .. (cirqR 45, 869)
nFgI kir nfir, iqn4 BogI5 .. 6..
1L sI, huSdf sI 2L Aus 3L QF 4L Ausny 5L Kyh KfDI

(3) afcrn-hIxqf df Èrmnfk pRcfr

vf suSdir ko, kCU n bsfXo2 .. (cirqR 135 qy 1011)
mulF3 ky sSig, Bog kmfXo ..
bIqI rYin, BorY4 jb BXo5 ..
iqh phucfie, qhI6 iqn dXo .. 9..
aYsI ibiD, iqh roË bulfvY ..
hoq Audoq7, iPrSg pTfvY 8 ..
mn mfnq ky, kyln9 krY ..
BFiq BFiq ky, Bogn10 BrY..

1L sSudr iesqRI 2L vWs ivWc 3L mOlvI 4L svyrf 5L hoieaf 6L AuQy hI 7L svyrf
8L Byj idSdf 9L kfm-kRIVfvF 10L Kyh Kfx.

inkit1 afpny, qfih suvfvY ... (cirqR 295, 1243)
iqh iZg2 apnI, syj3 ibCfvY ..
jb qf sSig, inRpiq4 sÍY5 jfvY ..
qb iqRX6 qf sSig, Bog kmfvY .. 13..
kis 7 kis rmY 8, jfr9 ky sSgf..
dil mil10 qfih, krY srbSgf11 ..
BFiq BFiq qn, Bog kmfeI ..
soie rhY, qXoN hI lptfeI12 ..14..

1L nyVy 2L kol, nËdIk 3L ibsqr 4L rfjf 5L sON jfey 6L iesqRI 7L Gut Gut ky 8L Bog krdI 9L Xfr, prfieaf mrd 10L rgVdf 11L sfry aSg 12L jPI pf ky.

mo1 so Bog, mIq2, ab krIXY.. (cirqR 154, 1040)
Xf icSqf qy, nYku3 n zrIXYy .. 14..
pkir mIq ko, apny Aupir lXo cVHfie ..
qF soN riq4 mfnq BeI, lpit lpit suK pfie .. 15..

1L myry nfl 2L imWqr jI 3L QoVf ijqnf vI 4L ipafr, kfm- kRIVf.

rfjf ipXq, aml1 sB BfrI .. (cirqR 245, 1159)
BFiq2 BFiq soN, Bogq nfrI ..
posq BFg, aÌIm cVHfvY ..
pXfly3 pI, pcfs ku jfvY .. 3 ..
cfir4 phr riq5 krY, aiDk suK pfie kY ..
ho, jo rfnI iqh rmY 5, rhY AurJfie kY .. 4 ..

1L nÈy 2L keI qrIikaF nfl 3L ipafly 4L 12 GSitaF qk 5L Kyh Kfey, Bog kry.

eyk purK1 suSdr huqo2, rfnI lXo bulfie .. (cirqR 77, 906)
Bog3 aiDk qf sON ikXo, ihrdY hrK Aupjfie .. 3..

1L afdmI, mrd 2L sI 3L Kyh KfxI 4L KuÈI

aink purK qf soN sdf, inis1 idn kyl2 kmfih .. (cirqR 7, 819)
3sÍfn 4hyir lfjq5 iqnih, ieik afvihN ieik jfihN .. 2..
1L rfq idn 2L Kyh KfxI 3L kuWqf 4L dyKky 5L Èrm KFdf sI.

Last edited:
Jul 30, 2004

das has already started the thread on Kanjer Kavita and will give his views regrading where the writiers are going wrong.


next thing comes that Baba Virsa Singh,Dr Jodh Singh,Dr Sher Singh Kashmeer,Bhai Randheer Singh etc may nt be the part of Taksal nor das himself is yet may respect Taksal.

on weather we can get God by sex or Not then there is one sect of Shakti worshippers who use Tri Makkars ie Mass(Meat),Madira(Wine) and Maithun(Sex) to get thier God who they call perhaps Mahakal.

As per Gurmat nothing is impossible and if Akal wants then these Makkaris may get salvation as only God has control to whom God want to unit with self but as per Dasham Granth,when Akal will have Alfa or Athkarkh state then all creation weather sinner or good doer will be united with God till then some wil be unites and other will be reborn and Hell and heavan are false.The story 402 was stating the same that follower of falsehood falls for falsehood.

Till we do not know what is evil,say we are made to sit in Radeo active chamber with protective gear on to prepair us to counter actual nuclar attack else without simulated situation we may not counter the actual trouble situation.So Dasham Granth does tell us and describe us varoius evil which may be encountered by us while we fight to protect the weack from strong who are evil.

It was started at large scale by Tanth Guru who made us like him to fight the large and Bad foe who could have misguided us.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
If the tenth Guru started detail description of sex as depicted in Dasam Granth, then why not read these dirth readings as kukamnama or do katha or recite together in public like is done with Sukhmani Sahib? You argue it is Gurbani, but Guru Gobind Singh said Guru Granth Sahib is Gurbani. Also Guru Granth Sahib teaches "Pothi Parmeshar Thaan" Guru Granth Sahib is the to God. The fifth Guru already explains briefly that sex knows no difference between great of small, tall or short, "Ooch neech samaveneh" Shlok Seheskriti M 5. Guru ji did not need to go into gross detail. But Hindu Pandit sacred literature and poems do contain graphic sex, not necessarily to be dirty, because their usage of sex detail writing is less conservative when it comes to writing about them in texts.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
I think that to any right thinking mind it would be amply clear that these dirty writings of Dasam Granth cannot have any relation with sprituality. And to attach this rubbish with our Gurus is nothing but a high level of Akiratghanta.

Those among us who say that this is Gurubai, should have the guts to start reciting these portions of Dasam Granth with their family members, Should frame these wrtings and display it in the bed rooms and guest rooms. They should explain the meaning of these writings to their sons and daughters. Do regualr kirtan of these. These people cannot even face sadh sangat openly in Gurudwaras and do the Katha of such rubbish stuff. They connot do it. Certianly they cannot do any of these with this lecherous writing.

It is unimmaginable how these people are able to call themselves as Guru Ke Sikh and have the tremity to attach such lecherous writing to our Guru Gobind Singh Jee, who sacrified everything his whole family for Sikhs.
Its shame on us.
Sep 11, 2005
What A Duality ? Duality is in Every Sect , Cult , Religion ....

When a normal Human Being does anything or indulges in Sex , It is called dirty , mind is dirty ........

But , When Some Great People Do , An Elaborate Justification is Given in a Very Eloquent and Beutifull Way ...... And the Justifier Himself Feels Proud , Mature by doing so , As if has done a Great Job .........:{;o:
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Devinesanative ji

Yes, may be for some these writings may replace present day pornographic material.
But I tell you, myself being a doctor can safely tell you that even these writings would be useless for these who need viagra.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
That's unique idea for impotent people to chant it. But I think there are betters way for helping the impotent, such as chanting Gurbani or getting medical consultation.

What is evil? It is only in the mind, we interpret things as good or bad. More important, we need no discern what is proper and improper. There is a time for this and a time for that. We can not judge people, but we can judge with common sense and Gur gian what is proper and when.

Sex is a holy gift of God bestowed on us by His grace to procreate and show affection to our spouse. It is considered evil if not done with one's spouse, and it is considered sacred if done with one's spouse.
Sep 11, 2005
Now I have Understood that why Ragis and Thadis Give justification , for themselves doing Nain Matka while Performing ..........

They Justfy by saying that our Gurus Never told us to do anything Such thing ..........

Some Say Like That :

"Bau Ji Aje Te Tokh ke Pag Nahin Banni Di , Nahin Te Kudiyan Sabhalaniyan Mushkal Ho Jau gi" ....... These words are from the People From the Delhi who do Prachar by visiting different Cities .........

Now , I understood ....... the Secret Of their Saying ........ They must Have Read DASAM GRANTH ...........OMG
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Sex had always been used by Dharam ke Thekedars ( Brahmins ) in our country since ages. They had fooled the masses showing them the great use of sex in religion. Brahmins made people donate their young beautiful daughters to Temples for the exclusive use of the brahmins. Others with connections and dvine blessings could also enjoy it.

Brahmins had sexual acts nicely depicted on the walls of the temples in various sexual acts. We all know it. Brahmin poluted hinduism to the maximum. How could you think that he would leave Sikhism with out His dose of Sex. Did his best by creating this Dasam Granth. And we Sikhs are helping the brahmin in his dirty tricks.
Sep 11, 2005
harsimiritkaur said:
That's unique idea for impotent people to chant it. But I think there are betters way for helping the impotent, such as chanting Gurbani or getting medical consultation.

What is evil? It is only in the mind, we interpret things as good or bad. More important, we need no discern what is proper and improper. There is a time for this and a time for that. We can not judge people, but we can judge with common sense and Gur gian what is proper and when.

Sex is a holy gift of God bestowed on us by His grace to procreate and show affection to our spouse. It is considered evil if not done with one's spouse, and it is considered sacred if done with one's spouse.

That's It ! WoW

But People are one Step Ahead .........

Marry , Enjoy , Divorce ie MED , MED , MED again MED and continues .......

After Months After Months AFter Months ........

But When they are Questioned .............

Answer : It was with the Spouse only .........;)
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
We need to evaluate what sex is controlled in religion with taboos. Perhaps to balance society and also to protect us all from genetic imbalances. If we all had free sex everywhere with many partners, somewhere down the line someone is going to give birth to defective babies. The Samaritan people in Isreal are suffering this fate. They don't accept converts and the don't intermarry, and the children many are defective births.

God is not angry with wrong sex. It's all a matter of living under the hukam of God. Accepting the natural laws of the universe. So what happened to the Samaritans is a prime example of what happens, on a long range effect, if we do not follow hukam. You can't make God angry, because He is complete and always happy and at peace. God's punishment for wrong sex is the natural consequences that occur and this is true for any kind of sin. Many metaphysical things in the universe are affect by everything we and other things do. changiayan boriayan, vage dharam hadoor. Karmi apo apni ke nelle ke door. I all about cause and affect and effect.

I did not understand our Hindu Pandit brother Devan...'s last posting about Ragiis and Dhadhi jetas. But many of these professional ragis are not sipritual, only professional, they are just as human as regular people who go to work. They should be setting good examples, but they do not understand the very Gurbani they sing. If they would understand, then "suniyen dook paap ka naas" hearing to understand gurbani, the pain and sins will discontinue.
Gurbani is so holy and true, that it converts the soul. Christians teach from what Paul says, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God." Word of God is a means of explaining information of how to be an effective and successful person. All truth needs no defense. It is not a religion, but info, good info. If we accept hukam, then haomai kehe na koe, ego cannot control us. So this is the concept of Fateh, not a fighting battle against Mogels or angy Hindus, but victory over our ego. Knowledge of truthfulness is our release, our peace, our starting point. Truth knows no religion. The sun rises, regardless of the village's faith. We need to move with the flow of Reality.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Dear Devinesanative Ji, I appreciate your point how many people divorce and remarry over and over again. Many people don't know how to get along with the other. Sometimes people marry a crazy spouse. But we can't judge them with every case. Marriage is intented to be with one lifetime partner. Sometimes it doesn't work out. Couples have tried everything, including spirituality, but it doesn't always work for them. I am against divorce and remarriage for the reason of "having more fun or to experience with another partner." The fact is that we were not created to live lives alone, with no family, no children, no spouse. It is depressing to be alone. Some people are celebate priests, but they are not alone, because they are usually in a community. Some saniyasis are alone, but that is there choice and they are busy meditating.
Sep 11, 2005
How did you Come To know That Devan........... is Hindu Pandit Brother ......

What a Great Astrologer ...........

Tell Me Something More ........


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear Gursikhs you can see this page on http://www.sridasam.org/dasam?Action=Page&p=1358

Dear all, I really not agree with the said harsimiritkaurji's findings. Because this kind of writings doesn't belong to Sikhism. And moreover if Hindus are doing wrong to sikhi from the first day of Sikhi to till today, then there is no doubt that they have done foul in Sri Dasam Granth Saheb.
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