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False Prophets!

Jul 10, 2004
Namastae Vijay Singh ji, can you do any better than cutting and pasting stuff by Swami ji, your guru, your master. :) Why should i follow your Guru and not my Guru ? :)

What is your personal understanding of above statement ? Why do you, yourself, seem to follow Swami ji ? I would love to hear something from your own thinking ? Please do share.

I could not understand the context of the arguement by Swami ji. He is again opposing others philosophy ? So he is only contradicting his own statement that you posted somewhere else in this forum.

We will discuss.



Mar 9, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Critical Singh said:
Namastae Vijay Singh ji, can you do any better than cutting and pasting stuff by Swami ji, your guru, your master.
What can be better than the truth? A truth that only a true guru, as Swami Dayanand, was capable of disseminating fearlessly when the whole of India, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews were his adversaries.
Critical Singh said:
:) Why should i follow your Guru and not my Guru ? :)
Your Guru was a quack, a good reason to follow my guru who brought nothing new but reformed the ancient religion of the Aryas, the first religion of the world.
Critical Singh said:
What is your personal understanding of above statement ? Why do you, yourself, seem to follow Swami ji ? I would love to hear something from your own thinking ? Please do share.
My site is everything about my "own thinking". You see the truth is one, it is for all in all ages and all wise men propagate it the same way because their thoughts are in harmony with each other. So when you too have become wise, your thinking can be no different from mine as mine is with my guru and his guru before that.
Critical Singh said:
I could not understand the context of the arguement by Swami ji. He is again opposing others philosophy ? So he is only contradicting his own statement that you posted somewhere else in this forum.
You will have to ingrain good reasoning habits to understand the context of my argument. Since your intellect is of the static nature, then everything I say will be contradictory to you. So why not be sensible and peruse my site and show me where the swami or I have contradicited ourselves.
Here is more on Sikhism - you will love it.
Jul 30, 2004
Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
Jaikara Veer Bajrangi Har Har Mahadev!

sounds like zengoism.

Your 'true' Guru Dayanand was beaten by chapals in Benaras by Pandits as he is anti hindu.

Well there were three times that a Raigur who converted to Sikhism called DitSingh Made your Pandit Dayanand a humble pie.

Dayananda did bring light of aceint Aryas is not true?

so he became mediator to truth for you.Ya Our Guru was not like your as you think him to be quack.

Our Guru is one Who Made your Vedas.Our Guru Vahi Guru Gurubar Akal is God self.That God lives in US.So there could be a differance between you and your Guru.But we are one with our Guru.

Our Guru is Sakshat Parbram and no one else.That Guru is still guiding the fingers of das to answer you while typeing on keyboard.

Just tell Das from where Dayanand got Vedas and from where he got teaching.By exiting world.That world was his Guru. And in Each atom of world our Guru lives.So Guru of your Guru is our Guru.

We are in fact Gurubhai of your Guru.

Just tell Das how is your God and Why Dayananda could act,speak or do something? Why he ate and why he digested?

by the way.As a Khalsa we enjoy the position of Guru.We are Khalsa as we purely in God we have faith.And no Guru no book no prophet and no maiah or no can come in between us and God.

But can you define God? How is God ,Where does God lives? And are Laws of nature always absolute?

Akal Sahai!

If some one reads Satyarth Prakash,

It appears that Dayand Swami Ji were themselves a false founder of False faith by False interpetation of Holy Vedas.


Mar 9, 2005
Ontario, Canada
vijaydeep Singh said:
sounds like zengoism.

Your 'true' Guru Dayanand was beaten by chapals in Benaras by Pandits as he is anti hindu.

Well there were three times that a Raigur who converted to Sikhism called DitSingh Made your Pandit Dayanand a humble pie.
There is no question left unanswered by me against any of the religion I have condemned. One of the greatest evil of sikhism is wearing of a turban, it fries (heated) up the brains and leaves the wearer brainless to reason. I have done my duty by posting my site here and those desirous of truth must go where the it is.
Jul 30, 2004
Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Well this thing you are telling to a person who under went mundan Sanskar(Shaving of head in childhood).

But on attaining adulthood became one With uncut hairs and turban.

This person Das vijaydeep Singh. finds that his mind is more cool then without turban.

Well if you wear Turban and have Kes(uncut Hair) and have Faith in Akal.Then you could understand.Das think you have not expirance like that brother.

By the way in Satyarth Prakash your Swami Dayananda Ji were also look very much angry may be he was wearing a turban too!

You may now feel angrey without turban.In Nihungs Dayanand is a hero of Comedy but for Das he is for tragedy. :eek:ohyeah:

Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Das can only request brother vjsingh Ji to read and understand Vedas again and do not understand us Dayanand Ji understood it.

There is no book which can bind God who is in nature and in universe and if anyone say that Veda do it then he needs to understand truth a bit more.Das did see your site long ago.

As a Nirmala studying Vedas since Vishnu Second Sikh of Gurubar Akal and of the world.Das can say that holy Vedas are scriptures of Sikhism and Arya Samaj or Dayanand does not know the true meaning of them.


cow is Aghnya as it does not kill anyone and not Aghnya for not to be killed.In Sanskrit there are many words with one word having even underred meaning like go is cow as well as Indri or senses.


Jan 21, 2005

Can you defend your views without maligning others?
Your Guru was a quack, a good reason to follow my guru who brought nothing new but reformed the ancient religion of the Aryas, the first religion of the world.

It only weakens your position if you are unable to answer a question but instead resort to name calling. You will find that in this forum we are respectful of each others beliefs and try to stick to arguing the positions in a rational manner. For example taking your "first religion of the world" claim:

BAD:who cares if it was the first religion of the world it is stupid

GOOD:What follows from the belief that Aryanism was the first religion of the world (it wasn't by the way)? Does first neccesarily mean better? The first scientific theory on the position of earth in the universe was that it was the centre of the universe and everything revolved around it. It is not better then the commonly held current view on the position of the earth because it was first.

Also do you have any evidence for this disrespectful statement:

One of the greatest evil of sikhism is wearing of a turban, it fries (heated) up the brains and leaves the wearer brainless to reason

Does it also follow from this that people that wear shoes can't run fast because their feet warm up? Or none of the great thinkers who ever wore any head coverings were rational? However, I suppose you can discount all of what I say because I am wearing a turban and am irrational on the basis of this.

I am also uncertain as to your persuasion strategy. Is your strategy to baselessly attack people's beliefs and be blatantly disrespectful so that they will find your views more persuasive? Has this ever worked for you? I have a suggestion for a different strategy for you that would be far more effective in a philosophical (dare I say any) forum:

1.state your position as clearly as possible with careful reasoning
2.be respectful of others' beliefs (ie. don't resport to name calling or other ad hominem attacks)
3.if someone raises a point that goes against yours do not give a knee jerk reaction but rather consider it and respond after giving it some thought.
4.be open to adjusting your position if new information becomes available.

I think that you will find the above strategy to be more effective than the one you have been employing so far. Ultimately, I think we all come to forums such as this to grow as individuals. If we come with an open mind and are respectful to one another it can be a positive and an uplifting experience.

Kind regards to all,

Ravi Singh


Jul 18, 2004
Satsriakal to all and Singhvj Ji!

Are you the result of following Swami Dayananad Ji?

It is shame to you for bringing dishonor to your existence.

You don't have to prove that you have a master and Vedic knowledge.

True Sikhs are already convinced.

Balbir Singh
Jun 1, 2004
Ignorance is a Bliss

Singhvj said:
There is no question left unanswered by me against any of the religion I have condemned. One of the greatest evil of sikhism is wearing of a turban, it fries (heated) up the brains and leaves the wearer brainless to reason. I have done my duty by posting my site here and those desirous of truth must go where the it is.

Welcome singhvj to SPN,

With due respect, you have done your duty by posting a link to your website but due to 'static nature' of your website, you have left no option for seekers to enable them to openly discuss your 'hatred' against all religions. Unfortunately, static nature only reflects the weakness in your arguements on your website that you cannot indulge in open discussions. Someone has rightly said "Ignorance is a Divine Bliss..." :)

I hope you continue to visit SPN on regular basis, as some of us would love to hear your understanding on various spiritual issues...

Enjoy & have fun !! :)

Best Regards


Jul 3, 2004
Some people like vjsingh go about propagating faleshood in the name of truth. Such people despite being bashed intellectually and repeatedly do not feel any shame rather go on repating a point, under the influence that repeating falsehood ....will make it sound like truth.

This is NOT TRUE any more .. !!

As a starting point the advise to vj singh is to go and read a book by Dandi Sanyasi - Ram Tirath Ji about whats Vedas, puranas etc. actually contain and why Guru Granth Sahib is the Sarbottam Dhrama Granth.

Our friends the moderators are truely very moderate, but you wont find BabbarSher lacking in aggressivenes.. rest assured... ur remarks will be met by matching remarks..

More or less Dayanands rants were dismissed as nothing more than quacking of a daffy duck.. a mad old man of India.

So which dieteies are you worshipping now.. Varuna ...poor thing,, he was so beaten by Vishnu that people forgot to worship him ;-)

I guess you should be doing Asmedh Yagya soon, so that you can conquer Saudi Arabia and US etc.. or is it that George Bush is a Aryan instead of Christian and you performed the same for him so that he could conquer all of middle east ..hmm

"""My site is everything about my "own thinking"."""

Your own thinking.. What happened to your Gurus thinking.. Wasnt he the One True Guru ... blah blah blah.. anyway we know you are a Manmattia .. and we know thats the reason of your madness ...so no need to elaborate ..

Great .. All hail the wise old mean of India .. There are examples of your wiseness on your website.. did you pass out of primary school as yet .. or still stuck somewhere...

""One of the greatest evil of sikhism is wearing of a turban, it fries (heated) up the brains and leaves the wearer brainless to reason.""

lol... looks like your Swamis brain also got fried.. when he walked in the sun with his bald pate... so to cover it up he resorted to wearing the turban..

Only could find 2 types of pics of the swami.. one where he is rund mund and the other with a turban..

U dodo.. the turban prevented deep frying of his brain .. and if there is anything of sense that came out of the Swamis mouth it was because of the turban..

Ajje we time hai... start following ur guru ... start wearing the turban.. u will save some brain


Jun 3, 2004
Looks like VJsingh has accepted defeat..

People like him know nothing but hatred.. how can one who hates so much love anything.. It is one thing to criticise constructively, another to be stupidily degrading.

I think he seriously lacks intellectual and grey matter, otherwise he would be willing to come out in the open and challenge people to debate.. in forums. Rather he has chosen the more easy method of writing down his views, creating web pages and just shrugging of ideas of discussion.

vj it is very simple.. the rules of this forum require you to discuss .. without being degrading .. this is not a marketing forum for you to give your links without defending them.

One way communication is not encouraged..

It is very interesting to note that your True Guru was defeated by a gursikh of Guru Nanak Ji not once but many a times.. The whole conversation is documented and has also been published by eminent newspapers. :advocate: So its quite hilarious when we find a chela of this one true guru .. ;-) coming up and challenging the roots of sikhi, making false claims and setting up a poorly designed and written website. Are you going to do your own thinking and not follow ur one true gurus teachings .. ?? hmm looks like u r a guru in the making . keep it up .. :whisling:

Truly.. Maya has great influence on people and for eons they stay away from the light of God..


Mar 9, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Re: Ignorance is a Bliss

Aman Singh said:
Welcome singhvj to SPN,
Thank you Aman Singhji and I am indeed happy to be here.
Aman Singh said:
With due respect, you have done your duty by posting a link to your website but due to 'static nature' of your website, you have left no option for seekers to enable them to openly discuss your 'hatred' against all religions.
Maybe you missed by discussion boards where free speech is always guaranteed, in spite of how ignorant or intelligent one may be. I hate what is false and a religion that is a breach to reason, science and natural laws is false. The hatred you refer to belong to those (Nanak, Muhammad, Christ, Budha, etc.) who invented new religions. Had they truly respected them, as you now claim, they would have embraced one of prevailing ones of their time. Do you know why they didn't, if it was not hate?
Aman Singh said:
Unfortunately, static nature only reflects the weakness in your arguements on your website that you cannot indulge in open discussions. Someone has rightly said "Ignorance is a Divine Bliss..." :)
So why did you invite me over here when you were fully aware before of my weaknesses to indulge in open discussions? I cannot respond to everyone here but whoever is desirous of the truth, my discussion boards are open for them. And certainly, if Swami Dayanand was defeated by one of your Sikh gurus, then it should be no problem for any sikhs to defeat me in a dialogue.
Aman Singh said:
I hope you continue to visit SPN on regular basis, as some of us would love to hear your understanding on various spiritual issues...

Enjoy & have fun !! :)
Best Regards
It seems we already have an issue, many are offended because of my joy and fun in exposing what is false. All the mediators that have come throught out the ages to bring a new religion are quacks, and Guru Nanak is no exception. All these hypocrites did, were, they brought divisions not only against other religions, but even their own. Look how many sects they are in every religion, if there were any truth in them, how come they are so divided? Yes the Vedic religion was the first and like a child who is born pure and innocent so too was the first religion (Vedic) born pure and innocent to the world.
Jul 13, 2004
Vijai Singh ji (ID Singhvj),

I suggest to keep your webpages not static ones, so that you can discuss the issues instead of just expressing your views. Then u may realize what hole you have blocked yourself in.

Further, Sikhs' kesh and turban have specific importance. I would love to discuss with you, for your atam-gyan. In case of your willingness, please feel free to express your views and a desire to learn.

Regards, Arvind.

PS: Ravi Singh ji mentioned ethics of a discussion, let us stick to those. Thanks.
Jul 30, 2004
Akal Sahai

dear Singhvj!

It is you have come here not we go for you.

And we do not have time to go for thotha(useless) Bakwad(talkitiveness) your < mod cut> Guru started that is the reason that you stand no where today.

Then it was mere a humble Sikh like Das who broke the logic of dayananad based upon Brahmsutra(you may not have herad or read it.Had you done then you would have been a Sikh).

Well As a Sikh Das is Hindu,Muslim ,Budhist and Christian all at one time.But you are hardly a follower of any religeon.Yuor are Nastik(non Beliver).While talking to you is like talking sorry like reciting a flute in the front of buffalo.Bhans Ke Age been Bajana.

Das will tell the truth about your Arya Samaj as his Grand father from mother side also harps like you.And eats an humble pie.Das will tell you about yuor Vedas and do answer them here .Just wait and let him type..

Moderator's Note: Please maintain your calm. Thanks.

So Dear singhvj Ji

Das is givng a link over here and come here and answer the questions

Das has lots of work and like you Das is not wasteing his spare time(as empty mind is home of satan).

So Das is not going to got to your area but if you want it is your duty to come and discuss with das on that link.Das was to join his work from next week and was to give two important issue's an end.due to telling the history of your creed Das had waste a whole day.

Das wants you to laugh A LOT and make fun of belivers be it Hindu be it Sikh
be it Christian or be it Muslim.That will only the fasten the end of your creed from the face of the earth.

Perhaps Akal has created you so that you make fun of us.And our faith in Akal becomes stronger and let world has a lesson by sorry state your cult reaches by doing this sin in evil era of Kaliyuga.

May Akal Bless you and may you write more such things.But rember that in dark if someone lighten a bit of lamp and little bit space aroound could be seen.That does not that there is nothing beyond where light goes.There are eyes on which darkness does not effect.They can see in Dark without light.

Das refuse to accept the explantion done on Veda by nayik Mat or Swami Dayannand as logical.They are false.Vedas are not false but those who misinterpret them are false.


Jul 13, 2004
Originally Posted by Critical Singh
Why should i follow your Guru and not my Guru ?

Your Guru was a quack, a good reason to follow my guru who brought nothing new but reformed the ancient religion of the Aryas, the first religion of the world.

<Mod Cut>

Moderator's Note: Lot of profanities in this post. Please maintain a discussion oriented culture. Thanks.

Singhstah veer, If you disagree, talk to me via PMs.
Jul 30, 2004
Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear Singhstah Ji,

Kindly maintain your cool.If opponents enragres you he wins the half battle.

Singhvj Ji

Kindly visit


and after reading it rewrite your essay on debunking Sikhism.

Jo Bole So Abhay,Sanatan Dharam Ki Jai


Jun 3, 2004
""And certainly, if Swami Dayanand was defeated by one of your Sikh gurus, then it should be no problem for any sikhs to defeat me in a dialogue.""

lol lol lol .. where did u get this joker from? Aman.. u have been drinking Lassi again.. man I warned u it can be dangerous :rofl:

Daynand ji maharaj :eek:ohyeah: (ur Guru) was defeated by a humble sikh Gyani Ditt Singh Ji.. They say ur Guru ran away with tears of humiliation in his eyes. ( I think u dont read posts or history or articles or for that matter anything...like Vijaydeep said, I guess u did not even read vedas. )

Did u even see the photos of ur Guru..with a turban... poor thing..always opposed turbans and wanted to be rund mund .. but only a turban could save his egg pate from frying. (as BabbarSher pointed out)

Anyway we are not very knowledgable sikhs.. just a bunch of people trying to know about sikhi...but I think all will agree that it wont take much to outclass you.. with philosophy of Gurmat. (outclass is a too classya word for too unclassy a person like urself)

Why like mentioned above, a Dandi Sanyasi himself exposed the Vedas and their contents openly.

Discuss all that you want to ..right here right now and u wont find us backing away.. or lacking..

Anyway what does Indra eat nowdays .. ? The meat of a Bull ? errr isnt that written in the Vedas..

U havent addressed any questions from a lot of people in this thread itself..so better start addressing them...go and ask ur Guru for help ..

Jun 1, 2004
Well, i think he has asked for sometime to respond all these queries raised by you and others... so, let us give him all the time in this world to reply to our queries. Let us be fair with him. :)



Mar 9, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Aman Singh said:
Well, i think he has asked for sometime to respond all these queries raised by you and others... so, let us give him all the time in this world to reply to our queries. Let us be fair with him. :)
Where is the fairness in this dialogue?
I asked earlier
"Maybe you missed by discussion boards where free speech is always guaranteed, in spite of how ignorant or intelligent one may be. I hate what is false and a religion that is a breach to reason, science and natural laws is false. The hatred you refer to belong to those (Nanak, Muhammad, Christ, Budha, etc.) who invented new religions. Had they truly respected them, as you now claim, they would have embraced one of prevailing ones of their time. Do you know why they didn't, if it was not hate?"

Can any of the Sikhs, especially those who claimed Dayanandji was defeated in a debate, respond to the above (in red) statement?


Jul 18, 2004
Satsriakal to all and VJ Singh Ji!
With God's Hukum one gets birth and sings the praise of His creation.

With God's Hukum another one gets birth and hates His activities. These activites include birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Sikhs.

I am sorry to say that I could well understand why Dayanand Ji wrote so much against other religions in his book 'satyaarth Prakaash'.

Perhaps Dayanand Ji had found God in all. Also, he might have found hate and anger godly.

Is this the case with you also?

Balbir Singh
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