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False Prophets!

Jul 30, 2004
Falsification of Islam by rabid arya Samajis

Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Das is opening this thread to answer the questions raised by singhvj Ji.If adim wants he can put it under false prophets thread.

Originally Posted by vijaydeep Singh
God entered in Jesus like holy ghost like your neurotranmitter enter in your hand to let it move as your brain want it to move.

You are a brainless twit, even a jackass has better brains than you do.
Isn't God omnipresent - here, there and everywhere? Why does he have to enter when he is already there? As a matter of fact He is All-pervading, meaning that He is in everyone and not only Christ.

Well Das is happy that you are angery.Yes das Nanas and Mamas are also angery.Anger is a mark of frustration.And it is the start of defeat.

Well read what das said.

well Das may think that you clould not be in your hand. Or perhaps your brain might be not in your head but in your toe Singhvj Ji.

The way you are in your hand but till your neutransmitter does not order your hand from your brain hand does not work.so till God who was in Jesus since birth as God is in all.But as god wanted that form of God to be extra oridnary so in that form some truth was realised(you have not realised it as yet) and it was delivered to mankind by God via one of the form of God called Jesus.

Yes in fact God also does not want all to go on truth.As if this happen then no one will have as much respect of truth as God want.So God in the form of you or Dayanand also spreads untruth and in the form of Arya Samajis also go on that.

If God is in all then from where on earth are you harping on Karama or deeds of soul and from were on earth are you talking of natural laws.If all is God then where is soul and where is birth and where is nature and where are deeds(Das knows the answer but ask you As you have very great brain)

Originally Posted by vijaydeep Singh
Next thing.Guru Nanak DEv Ji were chrsitian as well As Muslim as well as Hindu. Problem here is that you are still to know God if you know God then only you could understand.

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Abu Dawud's Hadith is the third most respected Hadith in Islam. Aisha said, "The Apostle of Allah (Muhammad) married me when I was seven years old." (The narrator Sulaiman said: "Or six years."). "He had intercourse with me when I was 9 years old." Abu Dawud, Vol. 2, #2116

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Well you were talking about child molestation as like all prevert Arya Samajis you have frustated vulgarity in your heart.

Das can tell that yes child molestation does occur in Arya Anathalya(Orpanage run by Arya Samaj).Dayanand was incapable to even mastrabute leave aside molesting but yes Arya Samajis do fulfill the unfullfill desire of thier great Guru perhaps in third gender.

Then you talk about Rasool Akram Salla Lahe Salle Wa Wassalam.

Das can use some quotes of rig Vedas in same light puting light on phidelphia in that society but it will be misinterpetation as you have done to holy Haddith.

Remeber that thier are many such haddithas you say this is third.And some are valid other not like you also do not follow Puranas so in the same way many Muslims also do not follow haddith.

By the way it is very crazy on your part that you are quoting someone else as a sayer in Haddeth.Hadeeth is what Prophet Said.And you are talking about Aysh(Razi's) Saying.Any simple non Muslim and Muslim would have been misguieded by you.Sunn is what holy Prphet did.And Haddeeth is what he said.And holy Kuran is waht was delivered to him by Allah by Jebrail.

Coming to intercourese.Aysha was rescuded by Prophet and he might have been given her a legal relation as in Arebia till the time of Pagan idol worshippers who also followed Vedas and that shows the power of Islam on your Vedas that at present not even known.

If Das is not mistaken it is natural law of your type which says Truth always win.So this means that holy Kuran is ture so it won and defeated Vedas not only in Arebia but in Areas where they where writtan(Afghanistan and Pakistan).

Coming Back to Hazrat Aysha(Razi.) Matter.It is said that Prophet loved her.And for you if you love even if your doughter it wil be an intercourese.Perhaps Swami Dayanand ji also loved some elder lady of your family sorry! he was incapable to love.So perhaps swami Hansraj ji could have done this.

(Das gives full authority to adimin or moderators to edit his post but till singhvj ji are on this forum das knows nasty things will keep on happening as Akal is Nit Narayane Krur Karme).


Das can also add two things.

As logic used by Singhvj Ji to prove Guru to Rasool Sahib and to prove both of then wrong.

Dayanand did what was in vedas correct!

There are instance of beef eating in Veda or Even there are instance of slavery in vedas.So shall Das say that dayanand was a beef eater and was preaching and practising Slavery.Das can say that as per Vedas foreced labour did come to Islam also.

As Islam is Vedic and many preachers in Delhi are now agreeing that Vedas was one of the many holy books which preceded Kuran(holy Kuran talks of many prophets and holy books but mentions only a few).

Then as singhvj Ji are talking of God in all.Well he is going totally against thier own Guru Dayanand.

And even if some one knows that God is in all like some one knows that bribe is bad yet take it.So just by knowing God in all is not sufficent but we will have to feel it and have faith in that also.That can happen by mercy of God.

By the writing of singhvj Ji das could see that he is in great mental pain.And he think all are in that pain.How painfull could be a life of an Arya Samaji.Even a pig who is to be sent to salughter house may not feel such a pain.
Jun 1, 2004
Re: Falsification of Islam by rabid arya Samajis

On the behest of vijaydeep Singh Ji, this thread is again open for "Discussions".

Everybody, please behave like a civlized human being. :)

Best Regards
Jul 30, 2004

thanks brother.

Das would again urge you to call Mr. Rajinder Nijjer as he is the only person who can go to the level of singhvj Ji.

Das can think like members Rajs or Muslim as both have faith and by thinkinh like them Das also feels peace but when das enters the mind of singhvj Ji Das feels the fire of hell there or if logically speaking das thinks like him it is painfull as Gurmat says even if one is devoid of God for a second one is in evil era of Kaliyuga.

And das feel Kaliyuga near him when he tends to feel and think like him.So das urges all of the members that for eternal bliss of Gurmat do not rember what singhvj ji write and take it lightly and not seruosly as his writing are full of contempt and hatered.And by in corporating them he are going to have high level of haterd.

He is giving us what he has.

Well Das only wanted to ask him one big question.

If God is in every one then why is not God in Holy Bible,Holy Puranas,Holy Kuran or three Sikh scriptures?Was God absent from thier writers or was God gone for hunting for the head of swami Shrdhanand Ji when all holy books mentioned above were wriittan.Writer,Book,Ink all had God in them so how can they be false?

Then if all is God from where we have individual souls?From where each soul has its own deeds or Karma?From how can an individual soul then get rebirht?

what is the differqance between soul and body if God is in both?

Das want to know how wise our member singhvj are .


Mar 9, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Singhstah[color=red said:
]<mod cut>[/color] dont ever
say that about my guroo sahib<mod cut>
Vj ~ This is what we call protecting religion by killing those who oppose it. Did your Guru instruct you to kill those who insulted him? If so, then you, your guru and your religion are for the birds. My religion is indeed true religion because I and my guru are protected from or above those who seek to insult us.
Jul 30, 2004

Vj ~ This is what we call protecting religion by killing those who oppose it. Did your Guru instruct you to kill those who insulted him? If so, then you, your guru and your religion are for the birds. My religion is indeed true religion because I and my guru are protected from or above those who seek to insult us.

By this tendency of faith Dayanad was not a son of {censored} of Kabul and your name is vijai Singh and not imtiaz Khan.

In Pakistan due to this Sikhs still exsit but you are elimnated.

ThAT faith is true which is shown on road or in practicle your bravery or courageousness is only to talk neither your faith nor can you stay in practicla life.

Non of the evil doer of Arya Samajis great leader could be punished and nor they leanrt any lesson.

Our Guru does not need protection from us.Our Guru protect us.As you said that God is in all,That God is Guru.And that is in all Panths.Islam,Chrsitinaity or Khalsa.

If you want to see the actual power of this Guru go in front of a mosque and shouot your inner feeling towards Rasool or Go in front Guru Dwara and loudly say what you say on internet.

Das willl recomend you to book seat in hospital with internet connection to tell Das about your expirence.

Das can say that if this tendency was not in us then Das would not have been doing his profession and would have enjoed some call center Job in kushy office of Gurugaon.

Be it our God Akal,Or be it any any human in which Akal lives.A person who tolrates useless slander is equly respossilbe for that sin as as a salnderer.

You love Nathuram godse Das also love him.he was like the same.Your Bhagat Singh for his Guru was his communism why did he killed Sandards?


We do not kill anyone but our Guru in us.

and who so ever has to end his time of life is sent to us to be eliminated by our Guru as Our Guru is in our Enemy also.

Some one please tell him Sakhi of bhai Kananya
or visit

Jun 14, 2004
There is only one true God and He is the God of the Vedas which is the source of the highest of ethics and morals and above all the source of all sciences.

To claim that god can only be obtained from the vedas is wrong.

God cannot come to his own limits - you are contradicting yourself
Jul 30, 2004
Wahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Wll das can say that singhvj Sahib are not Bad hearted but he knows something but has not realised that truth.

Knowing truth and realsieing it are differnt things.

say we calle osetrich as Shutar Murg.(some know that)

Some understand that also.

Some even see Shutar Murg and even may not have known the name or would have understood abouot it.some see only its picture or Photograph while some feel it also.

So what he was preaching that God is in all is ture but he needs to realise it.If he wants Das can help him.

he can visit site

Das can tell him even something other then what is there.

Das has no hate towards him or his Guru as God Akal is in all.

Das used Bad words just to let him realise that it hurts as it hurt brother Singhstah.

Das tenders an apology to him on behlf of young man Singhstah also but Singhvj must remeber this thing that survival of fittest and our childerns are fit on truth.

singhstah is like those two young men who were told to side with lie in Sirhind but they prefered truth and thence were put into wall.

Had they said that if captors levae them and they will become Muslim and will not attacke captors they would have been let off but those childern said that they will make an army and atttack the captors.This is why captors killed them.

Das can say Vedas are root,Holy Bible is Trunk,Holy Kuran is Braches and Three scriptures of Sikhs are fruits and Flowers.

Tree is grown to get fruits and Flowers.

Why should some one uproot the root separate it from tree.Root will dies without tree.And perhaps root can regenrate same thing from which it was separated.

And seeds from Fruits or Flowers also can make many roots and tree.

So Das can say that Fruit is Gurmat givne to us by God and we must use it.Akal Bless.

May Akal bless Singhvj Ji also.


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear friends, It is not only one but singhvj like persons are in the world today and in before. Gursikhs oftenly place Singh after first name, And this Singhvj claims as sensible but seems to be most senseless person on this site. Because we are known Singhs and we no need to place it before our 1st name. Because we don't need to highlight our status, we are very well known in history and in present. I just want to know by the frozen brain of singhvj that why so many aryasamaji's wear turban and your swami worn it. Don't there brain burnt inside and given you a senseless birth. And please give some heat to your brain singhvjji that where was your aryasamaj in the battle of independence where 80% of shaheeds are sikhs, but they were little populated in india as 2% in total. Your brain is frozen MAN. You are in Canada so please go to see a good doctor there where you should get your turbanfobia removed from that frozen area. And please tell your doctor to give some nourishment to your brain that it can remmember some turbans of your aryasamaj or otherwise let their turbans into sikh's chapals. Thanks Darling. Go to your hole where you come from.


Oct 6, 2005
Re: Ignorance is a Bliss

singhvj wrote:
It seems we already have an issue, many are offended because of my joy and fun in exposing what is false.

You haven't exposed anything!? You are one of those quacks that follows any swami around and asks for charity. Your swami didn't defend people's rights to freedom of worship, brotherhood, or equality for all. He might as well advertize on zee tv.

Maybe someone so feeble minded could fall for the FALSE self proclaimed guru dayanand. Who might I add must be a coward, hateful little prick like yourself, who is trying to get a running start on a new religion. I'd become a muslim before believing in something so assinine as daynand, aka hindu swami.


Oct 6, 2005
There is only one true God and He is the God of the Vedas which is the source of the highest of ethics and morals and above all the source of all sciences.

Yep...so he created the caste system, dowry, sati, and idol worship, blind fruitless rituals...the list goes on...


Oct 6, 2005
Vj ~ This is what we call protecting religion by killing those who oppose it. Did your Guru instruct you to kill those who insulted him? If so, then you, your guru and your religion are for the birds. My religion is indeed true religion because I and my guru are protected from or above those who seek to insult us.

instead...you guys insult others...weak. Like abbot and costello. Gurus of the Sikh faith defended for the common good of people. Your self proclaimed guru wants to stand on the shoulders of the people before him, and claim himself as a guru.

Can someone provide a psychiatrist for singhvj to see? I think he's flown over to the cukoo's nest now. Hey...does dayanand have an 800 number?
Jul 30, 2004

Respected Aman Singh Ji,
vjsingh has same frame of mind as respected devinesanative.

both are of equal 'intellectual might'.

for devinesanative,
yoo can go and seek his email from his site and call him.
Jul 30, 2004

reason for Das saying this is that respected devinesanative are more then a match for vjsingh Ji who infact pained das for a long time.

das is a bit emotional but devinesanative are rational so he/she can defeat vjsingh in debate which das can not think of.
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