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False Prophets!

Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
"One of the greatest evil of sikhism is wearing of a turban, it fries (heated) up the brains and leaves the wearer brainless to reason."

But I still cannot understand why was Swami Dayanand wearing a Turban !!!

I am not sure, But someone told me that he started wearing a Turban after reading about Sikhism. Babbarsher ji, do you have any information regarding this ?
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Namaste all,
I am not a Sikh and do not pretend to have more than a shallow knowledge of Sikhism. However I can speak from my spiritual perspective.

I do not see my need for a mediator nor do I think there can be one between me and Lord Shiva, I use the word Shiva but any name means the same.
My essence is Shiva and by removing layers and attachments to the temporal world I will realize consciouness as Shiva.
I can be guided rishis on my path and by guru but no one can be an intermediary. The guru I am given is not given to all and a guru given to someone else may not be given to me.
I can not presume what another may need on his or her spiritual path to be critical of their guidance. What I feel free to criticize are statements one may say who is critical of my path. Indeed all are on a spiritual path.
This I believe.
Sep 11, 2005
What is Shiva ?

A Wild State of Sexual Orgasm or What ?

If not then why worship Shiva Lingam ({censored} ) ejaculated inside the Vagina or Parbati ?

It is said that when any worshipper pours water on the shiva lingam , then it calms down the sexual craziness of Shiva and Parbati both , then both bless the Worshipper .

Couldn't find any Head or Tail out of this ?
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
I am unaware of what you are talking about a wild sexual state. Do you have some sexual hang up that you try to overcompensate for. The lingum is a symbol for Shivas creating.

I don't see how your post pertains to the topic. Do you have no respect for other faiths or is it a habit for you to speak when you are lacking knowledge?

Om shanti shanti Om

Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
It seems that Satyaban has used 'Shiva' for the Almighty God.
The Creater of this universe has No name. And All names are HIS. We may call HIM by any name.

But, Originally Shiva ( Satyaban's Avatar ) is the Shiv Lingum which is worshiped in the form of 'Lingum in a sate of perpetual union with the vagina of Parvati'.
Sep 11, 2005
What is Knowledge ?

How Does it Look Like ?

Where Does knowledge Lives ?

When knowledge will arrive ?

What knowledge will do ?

Where knowledge goes ?

Who is father and mothe of Knowlege ?

Have You seen knowledge ?

How does knowledge tastes ?

What is the color of knowledge ?

.......... ???????????????? .............
Sep 11, 2005
Why there is Dualism , Double Standard or Doglapan in everywhere ?

If a common man roams about naked in the public he/she is called "Besharam" , Shameless and what not ...

But if a comman man is successfull and Great , if he/she roams naked in the public he/she is not called but respected .

perception of general public about the same object changes as a common man elevates himself/herself towards success or greatness ...

The same dirty thing becomes a thing for praise ...

The same dirty thing has not value ,

But people start making interpretation out the same dirty thing , to find out the message .....
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
devinesanative said:
Why there is Dualism , Double Standard or Doglapan in everywhere ?

If a common man roams about naked in the public he/she is called "Besharam" , Shameless and what not ...

But if a comman man is successfull and Great , if he/she roams naked in the public he/she is not called but respected .

perception of general public about the same object changes as a common man elevates himself/herself towards success or greatness ...

The same dirty thing becomes a thing for praise ...

The same dirty thing has not value ,

But people start making interpretation out the same dirty thing , to find out the message .....

Yes, Man is expert in dualism. Rather Master in the Art of Dualism. Animals are lucky to be free from this 'virtue'.

If we want we are capable of finding Sprituality, Art, high philosophy and what not in Dirt and Filth !!!

Haven't we seen umpteen number of dipiction of sexual acts in Hindu temples all in the name of Spirituality.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Just imagin the level of spiritual degradation ..... Man worshipping God in the form of a "Large erected {censored} inserted in the Vagina of a female" .... This Object is a source of veneration and worship by millions of human beings !!! Uncountable number of such objects all over this country where young females are supposed to pour milk and water to cool the sexual ecstasy of God and in return you are supposed to get blessings from God. What God .... !!
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Now coming to Sikhs.....

Just imagin the basic human nature prevals everywhere ....

Some of us do not seem to find offense at the Triya Chritra !!!!

And we would find excuse to justify it !!!!

After all Humans and Humans.

I sometime feel no number of Prophets can change Human Beings. The history of the last 2000 yrs is a clear evidence. Man has committed and continues to do so, the most evil acts in the name of religion !!! Religion that is supposed to elevate us to a higher spiritual level makes us do extreme unreligious acts.
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Did you think it was so nice you had to post it thrice:down:
Obviously you have sexual hang ups and see things too literally. Your lack of knowledge and understanding is easily correctable.
Sep 11, 2005
A knowledgable person , neither defends nor gets angry ........

Why are you defending and getting angry ?

Why are getting embarassed ?

Your way of expressing does reflect that you still have doubts about your faith .

Its like the same thing , When a thieve is queried (who had actually done crime of theft ) about the theft he instantly says ,. I have don nothing , I have done nothing ...
Sep 11, 2005
Satyaban said:
Did you think it was so nice you had to post it thrice:down:
Obviously you have sexual hang ups and see things too literally. Your lack of knowledge and understanding is easily correctable.[/quote]

The above line is Cliche and is used by each and every person to defend himself or herself as a phychological pill to shut the mouth of others and nothing else.
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
devinesanative said:
Satyaban said:
Did you think it was so nice you had to post it thrice:down:
Obviously you have sexual hang ups and see things too literally. Your lack of knowledge and understanding is easily correctable.[/quote]

The above line is Cliche and is used by each and every person to defend himself or herself as a phychological pill to shut the mouth of others and nothing else.

I think our friend can speak for himself. I don't have to defend anything. I put my thoughts out there with no expectations. because to do so would be selfish.
Jul 30, 2004

As per Triya Charitar 266 a princes questions that how can a stone trapped in a Vagina ie Shiv Linga can be God.

It is correct and Das agree that Shiv Linga can not be a a God.

As per Shaivs who tend to reach near Divine knowledge there are a few things.

In Tandav Sotutram writtanby Rvana ,Shiva is termed as Nirankar or formless so in Triya Chairtar 405 it is said that Great God or Mahadev is term used for eternal Shiva(in form) while not understanding Formless's secterts.

In old books true Shiva was not the one born out of Brahma but was light without limits and ends of it Vishnu in the form of Pig and Brahma in form of swan could not get as they were fighting after thier creation that they are the God.(Three of them are folllowers of Akal ie Tin Chele Parwan).
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
vijaydeep Singh,
I don't understand what you are trying to say.
My belief is not that Shiva Lingum is God nor do I think you will find any other Kashmiri Shaivites who do. What I do believe is that God is everything, to include you and I, everything seen and unseen to include the spaces inbetween. All is God and there is nothing without God. Hence if God is in you, me, and all else why not in a stone?

I really have not had any friends who are Sikhs but have met some to include my personal physician and had not met such intolerance and lack of respect.

I believe every faith is equally valid and would not be critical of yours.
Jul 30, 2004
Respected Satya Ban Ji,

Har Har Mahadev and Jai Shri Ram.

As per our Faith Salvation is in the Hand of Akal.

Anyone be it even non Beliver can get salvation as Akal wants.

Das himself worshipped Shiv ling not long before while he was hindu.

Akal wanted to salvage Das so he become Sikh.

Das was not writing it to you but to other two members who are after you.

We have a sort of ailment in us that many of us think that anything before Guru Granth Sahib was wrong and all after them will be wrong as they known the way of Prtestants or Arya Samajis who does the same with Holy Vedas or Holy Bibles.

This is good to the person like Das who Follow Sanatan Sikhism as thier offesive words ward of neo convertts to Faith and no one even thier coming generation does not follow them.

ihn Vedas also term Rudra is used but for formless.

Das just wants to say that Actual Shiva is Akal or Allah who is also Called Yehova and is God of Sikhs.

at the stage of Salvatioin while being alive that is seen in all absorbed anf nothing but that so no form as all form are of that.

Old Sanatan Dharam Scriptutres likie Veda,Upnishads and Holy Puranas justify that.

das is at yuor side:wah:

With the coming of Adi Guru Granth Sahib we are able to get the correct meaning of old scriptures also correctly as they(Adi Guru Darbar) are vaste and say nothing is impossible and all is relative but Akal/Allah/Shiva/Yehova/Ram.

So puting that it is contradictory to others shows our lack of knoweldge towards them.

And as Triya Charitar were mentioed here so did Das wrote about them(which you off course do not know).

At last Das only wanted to prove that as per Sanatna Dharam Scriptures
True God is Omni obsorbed.Brahman ,Vishnu and Mahesh are creations.

varous Brahmas,Vishnus or Shmbhu/Shankers wrere various humans with some titltes,Guru got that in Dasham Granth 300 years before present days Sanskrit Shoolars and more then being spritualism they were more humanly.

the Shiva which gave form to Vishnu who made Brahman from Lotus from Nabh of his stomach and Brahma who made Rudra/Shiv Sanker/Sambhu etc.

so Shiv which we worship is light and eternal and not the won which lives a man on Kailash takes form or destrroys the world but rather itself can be destroyed.

Das recomendes you to have faith in your Shiva and if Real Shiva wants you will Shiva's willing know the truth some day.

Best of luck:wah:
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Respected Styaban

I agree with you when you say --

"God is everything, to include you and I, everything seen and unseen to include the spaces inbetween. All is God and there is nothing without God. Hence if God is in you, me, and all else why not in a stone?"
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