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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Confused about the non - veg thread

TigerStyleZ ji

Get some 3x5 cards. On one of them write out the section in the Sikh Rehat Maryada that talks about meat. Keep it handy in your wallet or pocket. Pull it out and show it to anyone who may need information.

The undermentioned four transgressions (tabooed practices) must be avoided

1. Dishonouring the hair;
2. Eating the meat of an animal slaughtered the Muslim way; (that means ritually slaughtered)
3. Cohabiting with a person other than one's spouse;
4. Using tobacco


Keep several of these handy on different topics. Don't get into arguments with most people on most of these subjects. Meat is the type of subject where changing minds is not likely to happen soon. Make your case and move on.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Confused about the non - veg thread

But now I´ve found a link that says the opposite...


I am aware of this web site. There are many many many many web sites on the Internet where Sikhs either as individuals or as sects re-interpret the tenets of Sikhism to suit their sectarian purposes, religious beliefs, and even political agendas.

So the question for you my friend is which road will you take? Sikhi demystified as Guru Nanak intended, or Sikhi made complicated according to dozens of different agendas?

That is why I said above - we are not going to change minds any time soon. The choice is to accept what is in Gurbani and the SRM - which is Sikhi demystified - or wallow in controversy - which is Sikhi made complicated. The choice is yours.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Confused about the non - veg thread

Forum members, respected all. Be on notice to the possibility of trolling on this threat, on the subject of meat. But also other threads related to meat, hair, sex, and tobacco. These discussions can go in circles and inflame passions. If decorum unwinds I will take the necessary action. Thank you.


Mar 30, 2011
Re: Confused about the non - veg thread

Mhh, I think it is indifferent which way i choose, the main point is that i will choose one. But thanks for your help.

That is your choice. This thread, "Confused about non veg, etc." is now merged with Fools Who Wrangle over Flesh. :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: can a sikh eat meat?

Harwinder ji

Thanks for your question. We have several threads on eating meat and Sikhi. I am going to merge this question with the thread Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh. You can get a lot for your answer there too. :) spnadmin


Mar 12, 2009
Re: Consumption of Alcohol Amongst Sikhs

Barusby Ji,

The "TEETH" argument doesnt stand at all.
Human Teeth are NOT exactly like those of the cow, horse, elephant, buffalo, sheep - purely vegetarians. They have NO TEARING TEETH..mostly GRINDERS ONLY.
The teeth of PURELY FLESH eating animals are more inclined to TEARING flesh and very less towards GRINDING.
However Humans have BOTH types..TEARING ones as well as GRINDERS. Other primates like Monkeys oran utans, gorillas etc also have this DUAL Combination.

This is BIOLOGY and can be proven absolutley. ....unlike Gurbani tuks which cna be "misconstrued/truncated to change their tune...meaning..etc according to ones own opinions.


Man is not designed to eat meat
This can be confirmed by comparing the physiology and anatomy of vegetarians and meat eaters.

A piece of meat is just part of a corpse, and its putrifaction creates poisonous wastes within the body. Therefore meat must be quickly eliminated. For this purpose, carnivores possess alimentary canals only three times the length of their bodies. Since man, like other vegetarian animals, has an alimentary canal twelve times his body length, the rapidly decaying flesh is retained for a much longer time producing a number of undesirable toxic effects.

Vegetarian diets are bulkier than those containing animal products, because they are relatively high in carbohydrates and fiber. Overeating, obesity and constipation are generally not seen in vegetarian. It can take up to 5 days i.e. 120 hours for meat to be digested and eliminated. Putrifactions is the prime source of growth of undesirable bacteria, which is the common cause to disease in flesh food. A plant-based diet is eliminated from the body within a period of 24-hours, thereby preventing any potential accumulation of toxins.

If the vegetarian diet has less fat it takes less than 24 hours to be digested and eliminated. Higher the fat in vegetarian diet longer is the period that is more then 24 hours for digestion and elimination. If the diet of juices of fruits and vegetables is taken, it takes 12 to 15 hours for digestion and elimination. If solid fruit and vegetables are eaten it takes more hours for similar function. Every body knows this fact in his daily life. While eating different types of diets, constipation and loose-motions (dioherrya) are correlated with the type of food consumed.

Factual Indicaters of Vegetarianism
Prof. W.C. Rose of University of Illinois and authority on protein diet, says, “About 23 gms. Protein in a day is all one needs.” Persons eating meat get on the average of 83 gms. of protein a day which cause many diseases. It is well known fact that people may go for a number of days without protein yet suffer no bad result. The fruit alone, if amply supplied in sufficient variety, would provide people with enough protein to meet the actual body demand of about 23 gms. Mrs. Ellen G. White, the leading Writer on health, wrote in the book “Meat is the greatest disease breeder that can be introduced into the human system” Denmark during the First World War in 1918 remained on vegetarian diet for one year and established world record for lowered death rate-34% due to marked decrease in the illness rate. Eating meat by the whole nation the next year sent the death rate back to its pre war level.

Dr. E. V. Mc Collum, the leading nutritionist of John Hopkins University gives his opinion that any one who chooses to eliminate flesh food from his diet is better off.

People who consume animal products are 10 times more susceptible to heart diseases, 40% more susceptible to cancers and at increased risk for many other illnesses, including stroke, tuberculosis, obesity, appendicitis, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and food poisoning. Meat contains accumulation of pesticides and other toxic chemicals up to 14 times more concentrated than those found in plant food. Dr. Carrel Alesus, noble prize winner in 1912, proved that length of life depends largely on eliminating waste and adding nutrition to the cell. Aging and fatigue are hastened by flesh food which increases wastes of various poisons that the animals would have eliminated. The urea and the uric acid, which would have been eliminated by animals from their body, remain in the slaughtered flesh consumed by the person who takes meat. These poisons cause many disorders in the body. Another damage facing the meat-eater is the diseases in animals that get propagated through meat-eating. The rapid rise of Leukosis in Cattle induced blood cancer or Leukemia among the children in USA. Meat is the most putrefactive of all foods. When it spoils in intestines, it can make the persons more violently ill than any other food.

Dr. Wendell Stanley, Noble prize winner in 1957, confirms that cancer germs are communicative. People are continuously eating flesh that is filled with tuberculosis, cancerous germs and other fatal diseases. Saturated fatty acids in the flesh food cause many diseases like heart diseases, atherosclerosis and many forms of cancer, stroke and degenerative diseases. A high intake of animal protein causes an excessive excretion of calcium, thereby causing loss of calcium from bones, which in turn increase the risk of developing osteoprosis, kidney and gall bladder stones. Excess protein from meat diet has been linked to kidney stone, osteoporosis and heart disease and some cancers. Any normal variety of plant foods provides more than enough protein for the need of body. Large amount of antibiotics are being fed to livestock to control bacterial diseases which are becoming immune to these drugs at an alarming rate. Of all antibiotics used in USA 55% are fed to live stock. These are passed on to those persons who eat flesh.

John Robin’s book ‘Diet For New America’
says that it is strange but true that U.S physicians are as a rule ill-educated in the single most important factor of health, namely diet and nutrition. Out of 125 medical schools in U.S. only 30 require their students to take a course in nutrition. The average U.S. physician is exposed to only 2.5 hours of study on nutrition. These doctors in U.S. are ill equipped to advice their patients to minimize foods, such as meat, that contain excessive amounts of cholesterol and are known causes of heart attack, cancer, strokes, diabetes and brain diseases, alzhemere, Parkinson's disease and other fatal diseases.

Food consists of 2 components:

1. Essential nutrients.
2. Bioactive compounds for health promotion and disease prevention.

Plant based diets or chemical power houses are rich in these bioactive compounds - phytochemicals.These phytochemicals include indoles, thiocyanates, coumarins, phenols, flavonoids, terpenes, protease inhibitores and plant sterols that may protect humans from many cancers and other diseases.

The National Academy of Sciences USA has recently suggested an increased intake of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Protective effect of a vegetarian diet is believed to be due to the following values:
a). Mono and poly unsaturated fatty acids are better for overall health as compared to saturated fatty acids in flesh food.
b). The essential fatty acids like Omega 3, are found in green vegetables and linseed (Flaxseed) whereas Omega 6 fatty acids are abundantly found in fresh food as well as plant food rich in saturated fatty acids. The best ratio for healthy brain & vitality is less than 3:1 (Omega 6 and Omega 3). Higher ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 causes many fatal diseases as mentioned above.
c). Anti-oxidant vitamins, which are very essentials for protection from heart, cancer and other diseases, are very rarely found in flesh food but available in abundance in plant food.
d). Minerals like potassium, sodium and other micro nutrients are abundantly available in plant food.
e). Phytochemicals which are very essential for prevention of diseases are only available in plant food.
f). Fiber being very rich in Plants is very conducive for protection from many diseases like constipation, intestinal colon cancer and diabetes. Flesh food has very little fiber contents.
g). Plant protein is better than flesh food protein for avoiding the occurrence of many diseases.
Effect on our organs

Kidney is the organ that is adversely affected by various toxins. This vital organ, which extracts waste from the blood, is strained by the overload of poisons introduced by meat consumption.

Non-vegetarian animals can metabolize almost unlimited amounts of cholesterol and fats without any adverse effects. On the other hand, the vegetarian species have a very limited ability to deal with any level of cholesterol or saturated fats beyond the amount required by the body. When, over a period of many years an excess is consumed, fatty deposits (plaque) accumulate on the inner walls of the arteries, producing a condition known as arteriosclerosis i.e. hardening of the arteries. Because the plaque deposits constrict the flow of blood to the heart, the potential for heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots is tremendously increased.

A high intake of animal protein causes an excessive excretion of calcium, thereby encouraging the loss of calcium from bones, which in turn increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, kidney and gall-bladder stones.

Prevention of Disease

Ø Diets rich in plant foods – whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, and seeds – are associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Ø Nuts (eg. almonds, groundnuts) are rich in mono- and poly- unsaturated fatty acids.They decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol (“bad cholesterol”) and also decrease the ratio of total HDL to cholesterol.
Ø Fruitarians have the highest proportion of Vitamin C in their diet. It has been found that fruitarian biochemicals are similar to the neuromolecules in the electrical synapses of the brain. It is believed that perception of the senses is more sharp when there is less animal fat shrouding the nerves.
Ø A new modality for treatment of hypertension is based on dietary changes. This is known as DASH - “dietary approach to stop hypertension”. This approach uses natural foods that are rich in potassium and low in saturated and total fat.
Ø In the US and other developed countries cardiovascular diseases, cancer and strokes are the three leading causes of death in addition to diabetes and brain diseases. Vegetarian diets protect against all of these.
Ø Gall stones are also less frequent in vegetarians.
Ø Increased intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced risks of Alzheimer disease, cataracts and some of the functional decline associated with ageing.
Ø Food sources rich in dietary fiber, folate and Vitamin C (such as fruits and vegetables) protect against gout.

Probability of Diseases in Non-vegetarian:-

Over a thousand diseases could be contacted by humans while eating the flesh and products of animals. Ex: Brucellosis, trichinosis, toxopl, asmosis, ptomaine, Histoplasmosis, Salmonella infection (prevalent in canned food)

Production of biochemical equivalent to anger & fright:-

Research has indicated a relationship between the adrenal poisons secreted by frightened, terrified animals during slaughter and aggressive behaviours. Adrenalin is a long protein chain enzyme; persons who eat the animals flesh are eating the biochemical equivalent to fright and anger.

Nutritional Reasons
The main protein foods in a vegetarian diet are the soya beans, pulses (peas, beans and lentils), nuts, seeds and grains, all of which are relatively energy dense. As the average protein level in pulses is 27% of calories; in nuts and seeds 13%; and in grains 12%, it is easy to see that plant foods can supply the recommended amount of protein as long as the energy requirements are met.

High concentrated protein in flesh food is not conducive for the health of mankind. The natural source of protein from vegetation is far better for health purposes. Besides, there is plenty of protein in soyabean, pulses, nuts and other seeds and is easy to digest.


The Bible indicates that for ten generations before the flood, when the people were vegetarian, they lived an average of 912 years. After the flood they began eating flesh food and their life of next ten generations was shortened to an average of 317 years. A government study comparing the non drinking, non smoking Mormons Christians to non drinking, non smoking vegetarian, Adventist Christians confirm that Adventists lived an average seven years longer. The National Geographic reported that three longest lived tribes in the world were Centenarian Vegetarians. They are the Hunzas of Tibet; the Azerbaijaines of the Caucuses and the Villcabamba of Ecuador. The Eskimos of North Pole live on mainly flesh food. Their average life span studied by the experts is hardly 30-40 yrs. The following persons who lived longer life in the world were vegetarians. They were Camele Toza of America, 187 yrs., Peters Jortan of Hungary 185 yrs., Henry Jonkin of Park Shire 161 yrs. Joseph Regton of Italy 160 yrs., Thomspor of England 152 yrs., Lady Cantarine of Counton Desmais 146 yrs. and Jonathan of Harport 136 yrs.

Bishnoi (Vishnoi)is a sect of Hinduism started by their Guru Jambeshwar in Rajasthan who belonged to Kashatriya (Rajput clan) around 1500 AD. They follow 20+9 principles of humanity. They are strict vegetarian and do not take any intoxicants, drugs, alcohols and cigarette etc. They do not take even cereals. Their diet consists of millets, grams, lentils, vegetables, green mustard, gram, spinach and other traditional old vegetables. They eat water melon and its seeds which are dried and mixed in the millet flour. They consume liberal quantity of curd and butter milk from camels and sheep. They strictly follow “Ahinsa” i.e. they do not kill animals, birds or even perennial plant for keeping the ecological balance. In Bishnoi villages, the wild animals and birds like deer, nilgai, rabbits, pea{censored}s and other birds roam and flutter very close to the Bishnoi’s houses because these wild animals and birds perceive that they would not be harmed. In adjoining villages, where other communities kill and eat their flesh, not a single trace of these wild animals and birds is found. There are rare and unbelievable examples where the Bishnoi ladies brought up deer babies by feeding them on their breast milk and feeding their own kids on sheep milk. There are also exemplary deeds of the Bishnois who sacrificed their lives for defending the wild animals and birds against the hunters like princes of the royal families. About 30 years back, the average lifespan of the Bishnoi clan was more than 100 years and there were many examples in the past where more than 50 percent crossed the age of 125 years. Even now, when the western diet and culture has invaded this clan they are still vegetarian and their average lifespan is still more than 90 years which is 20 years more than the average lifespan of other communities of that area who take flesh food.
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Apr 3, 2005
Re: Consumption of Alcohol Amongst Sikhs

How about this?


There are people who cannot even imagine 'meal without meat'. But it has been observed that more and more people are choosing vegetarian diet. So the question is whether it is essential to include meat in your diet or you can well do without it? Is meat good for you? If it is good, then how much meat is enough and when it gets too much? Let us sort out all these questions to keep your diet healthy and balanced.

Is Meat Good for You

The simple and plain answer to the question 'is meat good for you' is 'yes'. Let us find out why is meat good for you.

Meat is packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals. We all know that protein is necessary for efficient metabolism and good functioning of all organs and so we cannot underestimate the value of meat as a source of protein. Scarcity of protein can badly affect your vital organs, like heart and liver. Meat contains almost all amino acids.

Meat is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12, which enhance the functioning of the nervous system and liver. These vitamins are useful for healthy eyes, skin and hair. Anemia, memory loss and weaker immune system can be experienced if there is scarcity of B vitamins. Meat and some dairy products are considered as the main source of vitamin B12. Vitamin A and D are also present in meat. Vitamin A is required for good vision. It also supports bone and teeth development and offers you healthy skin. Vitamin D promotes calcium and phosphorus absorption, which in necessary to maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium and selenium are present in meat. Iron strengthens your immune system, while zinc controls the process of regeneration and maintains the optimal balance in organism. Selenium is required for easy breakdown of fat and other chemicals in the body.

Meat contains fats named linoleic acid and palmiotelic acid which play an important role in preventing your body from cancer and harmful viruses. Good fat can offer you more energy and can help improve your body's resistance to surrounding environment and unfavorable conditions. Good fat enhances the development of brain. Thus meat is needed to have intelligent brains as well. These were the main benefits of eating meat.

Eating Meat: Bad Effects on Health

Thus the answer to the question 'is meat good for your health' is 'yes', but there are also good evidences which suggest that eating too much of the wrong types of meat can be problematic for some. For example, over 100 epidemiological studies have proved that there’s a relationship between cancer and meats.

The question 'is meat good or bad for you' cannot be answered in one word. It needs explanation. Yes, meat is good for you but it is good when you 'cook it right and cut the fat'. Doctors say that red meat should be eaten occasionally and it would be better if you don't eat red meat at all. According to the American Dietetic Association, lean beef is as good as skinless chicken when it comes to lowering cholesterol. But according to study reports, too many antibiotics, hormones and other drugs are given to animals raised in mass factory farms and they are fed an unhealthy mix of pesticide-laden grains. Eating meat of animals raised on corporate factory farms is thus unhealthy for human beings. Animals should be raised in humane and natural (raised on pastures or grass fed) conditions. Studies have shown that grass fed beef contains less fat and more omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and other beneficial nutrients compared to grain-fed beef. Frying, searing, grilling, broiling or cooking red meat at high temperatures triggers the production of heterocyclic amines, chemicals that may cause cancer.

There are various types of meat and eating too much of the wrong types of meat can increase the disease risk for most people. Meat eaters should not avoid other healthy foods mentioned in the food guide. It is possible that most meat eater's diet tends to be high in calories, high in saturated fat, and low in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, etc. Meat eaters should include both meat and high fiber foods, fruits, and veggies in their diet. A balanced diet is a key to healthy life.

Processed meats and blackened or charred heavily grilled meats are the most problematic meats. Diarrhea after eating red meat can be easily prevented. Red meat should be cooked well enough so as to destroy the harmful effects of E.coli bacteria. The minimum temperature to cook red meat is 160°F. Remember, you should not put the cooked meat in the same container where the uncooked meat was kept. Avoid eating any meat that has been kept in refrigerator in the raw state for more than two days.

Similarly, including lean cuts of meat is essential to avoid unwanted fat that increases the risk of obesity and the consequent health hazards. You should read more on effects of too much protein and recommended protein intake which will help you know in detail, how much meat should be included in your diet.

Raw meat diet is sometimes suggested since over-cooking destroys some necessary enzymes and proteins. But eating raw meat can cause food poisoning and may increase the risk of salmonella infection, resulting in a severe stomach upset, diarrhea and nausea. Tapeworm infection, abdominal pain can also be experienced after eating raw meat.

'Is eating meat good for you' should no more be a confusing question. You may eat the right kind of meat in the right amounts and thus meat can definitely fit in to an overall healthy diet. Besides health, meat is a solid part of a muscle-building or muscle-preserving diet. The high protein, B-vitamin, iron and zinc content is definitely important. I hope the article has answered the question 'is meat good for you' and you will follow the above instructions religiously.
By Leena Palande
Published: 7/5/2010


Anyway leave this and give some practical examples.Koreans very high IQ,Meat eaters.Blacks best athletes, Meat eaters ,Whites quite strong powerful and tall.meat eaters.Indians vegetarians hardly any acheivement In physically demanding sports ,more prone to heart disease and Diabetes.

The point is if meat is very bad as pointed by you then communitties like Brahimins,Jains etc should have been the healthiest people on Earth compared to muslims ,whites and blacks which are ravenous meat eaters

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
One of the ways to make the warrior Sikhs sisiies is to make them vegetarians similar to Brahmins Jains etc......meat eating Sikhs as big as Hari Singh nalwa scare the living daylights out of Pathans and brahmins ruling delhi...our langauge.our culture..our religion...our lands..everything is under attack..why not diet too ???


Apr 24, 2011
Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

So I woke up today at 2 am and went to get some juice. When I went to go get the juice, I swallowed some meat that I had stuck in my teeth or something. It was really tiny. So should I go to the gurdwara?


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
re: Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

So I woke up today at 2 am and went to get some juice. When I went to go get the juice, I swallowed some meat that I had stuck in my teeth or something. It was really tiny. So should I go to the gurdwara?
I will first and foremost suggest brush and floss regularly.

If you are going to go to the Gurdwara follow simple level of cleanliness like going to school, meeting your girlfriend, etc.

Sat Sri Akal.


Jan 21, 2011
re: Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

Sat Shri Akal Ji
See Gurjit Ji first of all being a Sadhak you should not consume it as satwik food is very excellent for Dhyan .If you are going to Gurudwara you should definately wash your mouth properly . Because meat has so unpleasent smell which only vegeterian can feel . So by your smell other persons mind may deviate which is very very bad no need to say . Considering Guru Ji to be symbol of Guru Granth Sahib Ji he will also not like it . So avoid and go clean in terms of alcohol and non veg atleast .

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
re: Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

So I woke up today at 2 am and went to get some juice. When I went to go get the juice, I swallowed some meat that I had stuck in my teeth or something. It was really tiny. So should I go to the gurdwara?

Your body is made up of meat. What will you do with that?

It makes no difference whatso ever. It's all about how you feel about it.

There are no rules about eating meat and going to the Gurudwara. It will not make you less spiritual.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
re: Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

Sat Shri Akal Ji
See Gurjit Ji first of all being a Sadhak you should not consume it as satwik food is very excellent for Dhyan .If you are going to Gurudwara you should definately wash your mouth properly . Because meat has so unpleasent smell which only vegeterian can feel . So by your smell other persons mind may deviate which is very very bad no need to say . Considering Guru Ji to be symbol of Guru Granth Sahib Ji he will also not like it . So avoid and go clean in terms of alcohol and non veg atleast .

Please can we stop such whem.

It makes no difference what you eat before you go Gurudwara.

There is no smell from meat.

I would agree that people should not consume alcohol before going Gurudwara, as you will have difficulty in understand what is being said.


Oct 22, 2006
Re: Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

there is a reason for not eating meat before going to the gurdwara and it is as much spiritual as it is scientific. Meat take a lot of time and energy to digest. As such if you have a stomach full of meat before going to the gurudwara you will feel lethargic/ lazy and tired when sitting and trying to meditate or concentrate. So you should only avoid meat before you go to the gurudwara or pray at home if you have the intention to concentrate and meditate.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

When Guru nanka ji went on and on in such a LONG shabad about..we are born of meat - word used is Clear and unequivocal MAAS - we are made of meat..we marry meat, and when that meat dies we marry another meat, we have a tongue of MEAT ...(...and that same tongue is used to recite Naam !!!)...means Guur Ji is all for getting OUT of the RUT we all were placed in by the previous religious authirites....so lets follwo Gurbani and Guru Ji and get out of the RUT. Leave this issue BEHIND US where it really belongs..NOT at the forefront of our daily lives.
The last time I was on a Tapoban Forum somebody was very disturbed when during a typical AKJ Kirtan session, in the darbar sahib he accidentally swallowed a mosquito...and THAT tiny piece of "meat" cuased this person no end of distress..all the pleasure of the kirtan disappeared and he had to return home..and was contemplating PESH before the PANJ. So YES as Findingmyway has said ...we are all different...lets all be individuals and find our own way.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Re: Can I Go to the Gurdwara after Eating a Tiny Bit of Meat?

Anyone who knows me will know I am not a Christian! But seeing it is Easter, I thought I would answer the question with a quote from their Scripture! This is an edited version from Matthew 15:1-18:

"Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat."

Jesus replies:

"And he called the people to him and said to them, "Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person." Then the disciples came and said to him, "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?" He answered, "Are you also still without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person."

So, just a long-winded way of saying what Randip Ji has posted already!
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