sat sri akal
thanks for the wonderful article randip singh ji
Thanks for your kind words.
sat sri akal
thanks for the wonderful article randip singh ji
Chohan Sahib,Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguu Ji Ki Fateh
I read your article with great interest yesterday and I thought about posting a reply. It has served to firm up my belief even further.
Just for background - My family and I are all vegetarian and would never consider anything different. We are a simple Sikh family and do not follow any kind of Sikh or other movement or sect as you may call it.
I hope you don’t mind, but I humbly submit my personal comments concerning your article.
Fools who wrangle over flesh.
I am a fool for writing these comments, just as you are a fool for writing the original article. For I will not change your outlook on the issue just as though you will never change mine.
Just as your eyewitness accounts show there has been a division of veg and non-veg in the sangat for centuries and it shows no sign of changing.
Mistranslation and Misrepresentation of The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Which side of the sangat is doing this - can you or I, quoted scholars or giani's from either side of this issue claim you have complete understanding of the Guru, of Bani or of Waheguru..? Your analysis belongs to you and those who made it. However, if I were for a moment to take your analysis as correct then even then I see no justification for being non-veg just as you see no justification to be veg.
Spiritual Merit of Vegetarianism.
I do not believe there is much spiritual merit in being vegetarian - this is where I agree with many of the examples you have given. Vegetarianism alone is not a path to God. It is ones actions, love and devotion etc that brings one into union.
For example: By my writing this response, to your writing your article and propagating our viewpoints to the community we have both forever committed something to the accounts of our life actions.
For me meat is meat no matter how you obtain it, slaughter it, kill it, cook it, prepare it etc. For me there is a clear distinction between what is a living creature of the Lord's infinite creation and what the Lord created as vegetation. If there are areas of any doubt in between for me it is best to avoid than partake.
I know you have tried to tackle this subject in your essay and your interpretations - but for me none would convince me that I am not doing what is right.
So why not meat for me and many like me…?
I believe that you cannot have Righteousness (Dharm) without first having compassion (Daya). To kill, directly or indirectly any living creature merely for food would mean that I have lacked Daya. Killing is occasionally a necessary act, but I cannot condone it merely in order to eat. I would rather starve for the Datar will provide all I need.
I also believe in following the example our Guru's have shown us. They did not eat meat so I will not eat it.
How can one type of meat be permissible and another not? Surely the answer to that is within the essence of Sikhism.
Mistranslation and Misrepresentation of The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Which side of the sangat is doing this - can you or I, quoted scholars or giani's from either side of this issue claim you have complete understanding of the Guru, of Bani or of Waheguru..? Your analysis belongs to you and those who made it. However, if I were for a moment to take your analysis as correct then even then I see no justification for being non-veg just as you see no justification to be veg.
For me meat is meat no matter how you obtain it, slaughter it, kill it, cook it, prepare it etc. For me there is a clear distinction between what is a living creature of the Lord's infinite creation and what the Lord created as vegetation
So why not meat for me and many like me…?
I believe that you cannot have Righteousness (Dharm) without first having compassion (Daya). To kill, directly or indirectly any living creature merely for food would mean that I have lacked Daya. Killing is occasionally a necessary act, but I cannot condone it merely in order to eat. I would rather starve for the Datar will provide all I need.
I also believe in following the example our Guru's have shown us. They did not eat meat so I will not eat it.
How can one type of meat be permissible and another not? Surely the answer to that is within the essence of Sikhism.
Chohan Sahib,
yuor are great.
Das is realy an earthworm eating mud.We/I/me create Duja Bhav.We are no one to show compassion to anyone.If we think like that then our ego will increase manifold.Dharam or righthiousness is son of not our Daya or compassion or compassion of Akal unto us.Ie Faith or rightousness is gift to us by Akal.
We are not doer.If we be doer then to get retrun of that we may have to be reborn.Read Sukhmani who say I do again goes back to womb vagina(Garbh Jon)(to be reborn).
no one kills any one nor any one bring anyone to life.Akal gives life and Akal takes it back by which ever for Akal wants.In the form of Butcher Akal only kills another form of Akal ie goat.All is God.Same Akal as farmer kills plant another form of Akal.No other exists but Akal.Duja means any one second or other than Akal.Tujh bin Duja Nahi koi Tu Katar Kare So Hoyee.
this article does not say that that all sikhs should eat meat.the main aim
of this is to counter extreme vegetarian propaganda that vegetarianism
is part of sikhism and those people who eat meat are not sikhs.this article gives information that on the issue of diet gurbani is what is good for your health
god has not created fertile land all over the world.there are coastal areas,icy regions, please tell me what should people living there eat.a poor fisherman who earn his livelyhood by fishing is papi because he is killing animals,while a farmer who sprays pesticides on crops and kill millions of harmful as well as harmless insects is a good person.sorry to say but this type of theory needs a break.
what people choose to believe is or is not part of Sikhi is up to them. If what you are saying is true and Gurbani is silent on the issue then I can equally say where in Bani does it say go eat an animal.
When a new system of belief comes into the world we are always bogged down in reacting to contraversies because previous systems of belief took a position on such topics, when our religion did not take a position noone talked about it for years so it became a taboo, when it became a taboo busy-bodies who have too much time on their hands decided to debate about it, the answer is simple if it goes against your conscience then dont do it perhaps youre level of enlightenment surpasses that of others but dont infringe youre enlightened stae onto others cos they will never understand till they reach your level. This can be said of all schisms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Randip Ji - I am replying to your post (but not using the quote option as is would be too big)
I do not (nor should anyone) claim to understand the order of things as that is for Akal alone.
I do not disagree with your point that joon includes in many things (animal & vegetable)
As a vegetarian I must eat vegetation in order to survive.
However I choose not to kill (even indirectly) any of Akals' creatures that my own senses are telling me that they too have senses.
i.e. although a plant may "feel" the blade that cuts it down Akal has made it in such a way that any person (not matter what faith) cannot understand, acknowledge or comprehend that suffering.
I can however see that an animal can certainly feel, see and sense the result of the blade.
Therefore to knowingly and willingly cause suffering like that - I would lack Daya.
Therefore as I can knowingly survive without causing willful suffering to Akal's creatures - I choose to be vegetarian. To me, for Sikhi to have Dharam it must first have Daya.
Yes Dear Sir,hello
I'm sorry but I am not 100% sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to say that a the person has not part in the decision to kill an animal and it is completly the will of Akal.
If I have understood you correctly - then my reply to that would be if a person has no control over his actions then what would be the point of anything..?
if I have mis-understood then please restate.