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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
All we need now is a black van with a big red Khanda full of Jhatka
Harry veer ji I will be happy to drive the said van in Canada on the RIGHT side of the road. You can be the driver in UK driving on the LEFT side (wrong side of the road lol) of the road.

I will even dare to drive it near some Radhaswami temples in Canada if you return the favor in UK. mundahug

Sat Sri Akal.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="MSHTML 9.00.8112.16437">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="11%" align="left">
</td><td valign="top" width="89%" align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="87%" align="left">This is the Punjabi version of the tract entitled Tau Kio Murgi Mdrai, which was originally published in Punjabi in April 1995 and reprinted in January 1998. The booklet was well received in India as well as abroad. The readers from abroad expressed a keen desire to get it translated in English and hence this English translation of the original Punjabi booklet.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="left">Download the book for free

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="11%" align="left">
</td><td valign="top" width="89%" align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="87%" align="left">This is the English version of the tract entitled Tau Kio Murgi Mdrai, which was originally published in Punjabi in April 1995 and reprinted in January 1998. The booklet was well received in India as well as abroad. The readers from abroad expressed a keen desire to get it translated in English and hence this English translation of the original Punjabi booklet.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="left">Download the book for free</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>

Sorry, I haven't got time to repond to the Vashnavite gibberish that is disguised as Sikhism. This mumbo jumbo is advocating Ahimsa, something the Guru's strongly rejected. The fool that wrote that leaflet thinks he is higher than the Akal Takht.Here is the Shabad from where he got the quote from.

bayd katayb kahhu mat jhoothay jhoothaa jo na bichaarai.
ja-o sabh meh ayk khudaa-ay kahat ha-o ta-o ki-o murgee maarai.
mulaaN kahhu ni-aa-o khudaa-ee.
tayray man kaa bharam na jaa-ee. rahaa-o.
pakar jee-o aani-aa dayh binaasee maatee ka-o bismil kee-aa.
jot saroop anaahat laagee kaho halaal ki-aa kee-aa.
ki-aa ujoo paak kee-aa muhu Dho-i-aa ki-aa maseet sir laa-i-aa.
ja-o dil meh kapat nivaaj gujaarahu ki-aa haj kaabai jaa-i-aa.
tooN naapaak paak nahee soojhi-aa tis kaa maram na jaani-aa.
kahi kabeer bhisat tay chookaa dojak si-o man maani-aa.

Do not say that the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran are false. Those who do not contemplate them are false.
You say that the One Lord is in all, so why do you kill chickens?
O Mullah, tell me: is this God's Justice?
The doubts of your mind have not been dispelled. Pause
You seize a living creature, and then bring it home and kill its body; you have killed only the clay.
The light of the soul passes into another form. So tell me, what have you killed?
And what good are your purifications? Why do you bother to wash your face? And why do you bother to bow your head in the mosque?
Your heart is full of hypocrisy; what good are your prayers or your pilgrimage to Mecca?
You are impure; you do not understand the Pure Lord. You do not know His Mystery.
Says Kabeer, you have missed out on paradise; your mind is set on hell.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji

First point to note is that halaal and bismil, does not mean kill but refers to a specific form of ritual slaughter. Put into context this is a comment on the Muslim sacrifice ritual where either a goat or a chicken is kept in the confines of the home and then ritually slaughtered as obeisance to Abraham. Kabeer is mocking the futility of this ritual and saying, that why are you doing this sacrifice just to emulate Gods asking of Abraham to kill his only son? It is a futile gesture that will not sway God. Abraham was sacrificing his son to God, however all the sacrifice in this instance has achieved is destruction of the outer shell of the chicken. The soul wont travel to God, but merely to another form. One can only understand this if one has a basic grasp of history. In this instance the person who tried to use this tukh as an anti-meat quotation was unaware of the Koranic context and had an extremely poor knowledge of Semitic history.

So you can see he even got the shabad wrong.

If you have any queries read this link:

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Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Its not for me to judge why you eat meat or don't eat meat.

If you have compassion and a longing for God our creator you would see that Animals
have the same organs as Humans.

If you had compassion for animals you would hear their cries when they are taken to the slaughter house.

When we work on our inner self by raising our vibration we are then able to see the AURAS of others.
We notice that the Aura of many meat eating people are sickly and send off a vibration to the Other dimensions. Come feed of me I have eaten meat.

We are Vibration
Animals and vegetables are vibration.

The other Dimensions are Vibration
where many millions of predators await to come into our dimension to feed off
what we eat and through our Kam Krodh Lobh Moh Hankar.

This is what our Gurbani and all scripture teach us.

Be pure Eat pure

When an animal is killed the cries of its salaughter permeates into the very core of their being into their organs and the flesh.

However its only when your inner concience awakes - is when you
realise this.

So until then its futile to bring in arguments that killing and eating animals is Humane.

You start by saying you are not judging but your entire post is judgemental. How would you like it if a I called you a turbaned vegatarian Brahmin? Would you not be insulted?

So why are you judging what is pure and not pure. Muslims say Halal is pure, so is that pure for a Sikh?

You talk about cries of the animal but try listening to the cries of your fellow man and help them before you contemplate helping animals. Otherwise we Sikhs are nothing but cow worshipping Brahmins!!!!

Sorry to be so blunt but your posts are the most condascending I have ever read on this forum.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Well, this ongoing debate keeps raising more and more questions.
I have read through many of the posts and checked the references quoted....(I thought that advanced physics was mind bogglingly tough)

....well, I can in all honesty say that prior to gaining this knowledge, I had the false misconception that meat is totally forbidden in sikhism like intoxicants.

Thanks to SPN, that the misty haze before my eyes has somewhat cleared up.

Although I had sometimes queried if it was just the ritualistically prepared (halal), and I'm sure that many more have done exactly this.

I don't wish to raise any more questions (as we will just keep going in circles), but I realise very clearly that there are many many people out there, especially here in the west that have the same misconceptions as I did.

I'm not trying to say- thank you for the non-veggie arguments, so that I can go enjoy a 12oz sirloin, or pull out those burger king coupons/vouchers that I threw in the trash.......No,no.. I'm not going to use the arguments as an excuse by any means. But the arguments containing comprehensive info and facts will help me conjure my own answer.

I realise it's more of a decision based on factors outside the scope of sikhism- correct me if I'm wrong..
...........This is the conclusion that I have come up with.....again, correct me if i'm wrong.
I think any corrections I will get are going to stem from personal viewpoints, which I now realise is the answer..( ie... here's the facts and info..- go make up your own mind).

Before I got into this topic, I had a simple definite answer.
After going through the information, my answer now is a big question mark!!!

My concern is how to get the many others to realise these misconceptions??

As we have seen from these posts since 2006 and nearly 100 pages, it can and will take a very very long time to get a correct justified answer (if one would ever exist)

Many of the posts have been well documented with relevant points.
Maybe if we just gave some simple, straightforward personal viewpoints without trying to justify ourselves it may give a more realistic perpective and approach.
ie. something like the voting polls we have, but without the last explanation option..

Sat Kartar

Lucky Singh

All you have to do is read page 1. Forget the rest of the debate. Basically note the following points:

1) Akal Takht has ruled a Gursikh cannot be excommunicated for eating meat.
2) Gurbani quotes for pro-veggie arguments are all misquotes. Bani does not say either way
3) Bani basically states its up to you. Forget arguments of pain etc. If YOUR conscience says NO then don't eat. If it says yes than eat. Do not think either position is superior.


Dec 3, 2011
All you have to do is read page 1. Forget the rest of the debate. Basically note the following points:

1) Akal Takht has ruled a Gursikh cannot be excommunicated for eating meat.
2) Gurbani quotes for pro-veggie arguments are all misquotes. Bani does not say either way
3) Bani basically states its up to you. Forget arguments of pain etc. If YOUR conscience says NO then don't eat. If it says yes than eat. Do not think either position is superior.

Randip Singh ji.

Thanks. This is the exact same conclusion I have come to.

I'm glad that most of us are thinking alike, this is a sound reason for me to be coming to spn.
I'm also glad that this subject was was raised in the first instance...Many Thanks.

Sat Kartar

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Randip Singh ji.

Thanks. This is the exact same conclusion I have come to.

I'm glad that most of us are thinking alike, this is a sound reason for me to be coming to spn.
I'm also glad that this subject was was raised in the first instance...Many Thanks.

Sat Kartar

I was priveledged enough to be asked to edit the original essay and verifiy the sources. I used to flip flop about veggie and non veggie. Now I do not. There have always been veggie and non veggie Sikhs. Accept it. Respect each other. No one Sikh is better than the other. Keep Sikhs unified.
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Jan 17, 2012
london uk
All you have to do is read page 1. Forget the rest of the debate. Basically note the following points:

1) Akal Takht has ruled a Gursikh cannot be excommunicated for eating meat.


Satnaam waheguru

I presume the Akal Takat makes the rules for others to follow.
Just wondered how they came about the answers?
Did they achieve them through meditation or through the Holy Scriptures.
Did they consult a body of people to come to their decisions?

Its not for me to judge who eats what, I say again, you are welcome to eat what you want.

I speak from my personal experiences through meditation and
practical experiences which the divine has bestowed on me.

To me EGO means Edging God outwards.

I try my best to write with the awareness that the same who God resides in you and others
also resides within myself. Its not for me to criticize any one one.

I still remember the Lesson I was taught about Not judging others lest I be judged.

It appears there a shift of conciousness going on in this thread as it has reached nearly a hundred pages.

This is good its getting everyone thinking, questioning and supporting their own attachments.
We all have attachments some to eating some to gambling some to smoking etc etc.

Many of us have Karmic attachments like anger or love which are downloaded into our conciousness at birth, dependant on our stage of evolution!

Ours is the cycle of Lives, the ''Wheel of Eighty Four'' , the ''Wheel of Births and Deaths''
in which all living beings have been imprisoned for countless ages.

I have no desire to patronize in a superior manner which is what the dictionary states is the meaning of Condescending.
I do not need this Karma.

Satnaam Waheguru


intr.v. con·de·scend·ed, con·de·scend·ing, con·de·scends 1. To descend to the level of one considered inferior; lower oneself. See Synonyms at stoop<SUP>1</SUP>.
2. To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner.)


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Ours is the cycle of Lives, the ''Wheel of Eighty Four'' , the ''Wheel of Births and Deaths''
in which all living beings have been imprisoned for countless ages.
Amarjit Singh Bamrah ji there is only one issue with your approach. When you state things as being Sikhism and hence to be consistent with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by corollary. For example the wheel that you refer to above. I have no idea who you have followed in your understanding or learning of Sikhism, the above is not supported by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and hence you are making false statements as a Sikh about Sikhism. That is where the issue is. You can believe or do what you want at a personal level. When you project these to be Sikhism then their is stronger validation and judgement needed in stating things.

Now it goes without saying that you are a good person at heart and a compassionate one too.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Pyario Jios,
Lets not forget that there can be and really is.."Attachment to FALSE and Fake teachings/meditations/teachers/masters/babas/hallucinations/" etc etc..and a person is perfectly entitled to his "Attachment" and should be left to deal with it as best as he can/cannot. This type of Attachment is really hard to recognise esp if it afflicts Ones self....


Dec 3, 2011

This is good its getting everyone thinking, questioning and supporting their own attachments.
We all have attachments some to eating some to gambling some to smoking etc etc.

Many of us have Karmic attachments like anger or love which are downloaded into our conciousness at birth, dependant on our stage of evolution!

Amarjit ji
I'm not entirely sure that everyone suppports or encourages attachments that seem more like vices. A compulsive gambler or smoker is not likely to encourage the practice to those around him.

I can't see how eating is an attachment, I feel it is an essential need for survival.

Anger and love- I would never have thought that a new born baby has these embedded in it's conscious. I have always thought that a new born is at its most complete innocence and has the physical needs for survival.

All the things that everyone of us has difficulty in detaching- I class these as attachments.
Even the love for mother,brother, wife, kids etc.. these have elements of attachment.
Consumption of certain foods can also be an attachment as a lot of people would experience difficulty in detaching from chocolate, pies, meat etc...etc. whereas there will be a few that can detach with ease.
It is these few who have a state of mind that we should aim for.
To them detaching is just like removing and disregarding an item of clothing for good.

The more we can detach with ease, the easier it becomes to attach with the divine, and vica versa.

Sat kartar
Lucky Singh
Jan 17, 2012
london uk
Amarjit ji
I'm not entirely sure that everyone suppports or encourages attachments

Anger and love- I would never have thought that a new born baby has these embedded in it's conscious. I have always thought that a new born is at its most complete innocence and has the physical needs for survival.
Sat kartar
Lucky Singh

Veerji Satnaam WahegurU ji

The Incarnational Personality, Incarnational BODY & Karma Knots

Before Birth

Once the Core Veil and our first karma knot are created ), we have become an individual being, an incarnational personality. Now, experiences become ‘my history’, and that history conditions ‘my’ consciousness. This is the beginning of our karma and our incarnational journey.
Our incarnational journey occurs through our incarnational body—it is our incarnational vehicle, our vehicle for moving from life to life. But the key is not the vehicle, it is the consciousness of the incarnational personality itself—its ‘karmic mind’—which holds our karmic issues, positions, attitudes, and all our past-life history, and generates personal life experiences from that. It is one of the two major keys to our conditioning. (The other is our genetics, our ancestral history.)
When the incarnational personality incarnates, it comes into the spine and aligns itself with the karmic body (an energetic body in the spine that arises with the physical body and other energetic bodies), once the fetus is developed enough to have a spine.

Although the incarnational personality’s consciousness must be present at conception, it cannot really “embody” until there is a spine.

The spine holds these personalities.

Once embodied, although the incarnational personality looks like a bubble that sits around the body, its core is aligned with the karmic body and all of its history and issues are deeply imprinted there, creating a very thin but very dense line, the length of the spine, extended within the vertical center of the spine. (This is not the kundalini, which is a dense physical energy and is comparatively quite a wide channel.) Our most fundamental karmic issues are held as little “knots” on this line, so we call these knots ’karma knots’.

I can write more of this if its of interest


There is only one God, He is Omnipresent.
he is the same who exists in you and me and every particle of creation.

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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
The Incarnational Personality, Incarnational BODY & Karma Knots
Veer Amarjit singh bamrah ji do you actually care to note the topic of the thread, how others have responded and then post or you post sundry irrespectively! It is quite insulting and counter-productive for the focus of dialog on thread subject. It may be interesting stuff but you need to post it in right threads or start a new thread.

Please be considerate.

Sat Sri Akal.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom

Satnaam waheguru

I presume the Akal Takat makes the rules for others to follow.
Just wondered how they came about the answers?
Did they achieve them through meditation or through the Holy Scriptures.
Did they consult a body of people to come to their decisions?

Its not for me to judge who eats what, I say again, you are welcome to eat what you want.

I speak from my personal experiences through meditation and
practical experiences which the divine has bestowed on me.

To me EGO means Edging God outwards.

I try my best to write with the awareness that the same who God resides in you and others
also resides within myself. Its not for me to criticize any one one.

I still remember the Lesson I was taught about Not judging others lest I be judged.

It appears there a shift of conciousness going on in this thread as it has reached nearly a hundred pages.

This is good its getting everyone thinking, questioning and supporting their own attachments.
We all have attachments some to eating some to gambling some to smoking etc etc.

Many of us have Karmic attachments like anger or love which are downloaded into our conciousness at birth, dependant on our stage of evolution!

Ours is the cycle of Lives, the ''Wheel of Eighty Four'' , the ''Wheel of Births and Deaths''
in which all living beings have been imprisoned for countless ages.

I have no desire to patronize in a superior manner which is what the dictionary states is the meaning of Condescending.
I do not need this Karma.

Satnaam Waheguru


intr.v. con·de·scend·ed, con·de·scend·ing, con·de·scends 1. To descend to the level of one considered inferior; lower oneself. See Synonyms at stoop<sup>1</sup>.
2. To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner.)

Amarjit ji You are doing it again!!! Please stop. We're not children here.

Look basically there are two issues here:
1) One about Sikhis and Bani.
2) One about personal ethics.

The two are not necessarily the same.

If you believe 1) (Bani) says you cannot eat meat then you are plain wrong. Please post the quote from Bani (nowhere else) here that states Sikhs must be vegetarian beyond reproach. Please note do not post that leaflet as it has even got the meaning of basic shabads wrong.

If you are saying you have a 2) personal ethical issue with eating meat then that is a seperate issue.

Furthermore, the argument you are using is one based on Ahimsa and Vashnavite Hinduism is rejected by Sikhi. In fact your average Vashnavite Brahmin actually allows Kshatriyas to eat meat, because they must fight. We Sikhs are Sant and Siphahi i.e. Brahmgyanis and Kshatriya, so again even by Hindu Vashnavite standards the vegetarianism does not apply.

If you still cannot reconcile this I suggest you research your own esteemed ancestor Jassa Singh Ramgaria (Bamrah), who was a devout Amritdhari Sikh who ate meat and fought like a LION!!! What you are saying is actually a slap in the face of your great ancestor.:noticemunda:
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Aug 7, 2008
emotions are a componenent of higher beings,are present in animals and human beings not in plants!if u overlook feelings and emotions ,you are becoming insensitive!if u overlook the cry of an animal when it is being killed,you already suppressed a part of spirituality in you!i would ask why not to eat humans!u would say that would eliminate species!ok agreed,but suppose someone recently died of an accident ,he is still fresh,why to burn or bury him,why not to eat him!i tell you why,because we are sensitive to our species,because we have feelings ,emotions!!next thing which resembles you is an animal!it has emotions like you!when you cut a goat and you find a foetus in its womb,if u can overlook that,then i would say you already have hurdle in your spiritual path! !but jus being veggie doesnt gives u spiritual superiority,there is lot more aspects of it!thats why guru nanak said fools who wrangle over flesh!my take is i would eat flesh only when i dont get anything to eat,because humans being higher species have right to sacrifice lower species for its on survival,!but jus for sake of taste of tongue!im not doing it!so only god knows what is real truth,but one shld follow his heart on this subject and not fight over it!if ur convinced you shld,if not u shldnt!if u keep your sensitivity to an emotion expressing non human species,there are better chances you will remain sensitive to your species.baaki guru nanak di awastha was supreme!ordinary human beings like us are at the first stage of spirituality are affected by such things!after eating heavy meal ppl like us who are so senses driven struggle to concentrate and meat is a heavy meal no doubt!it may not matter at higher awastha but for beginners it does matters!but it is too complex a matter to get to the root of!i think ppl should follow their heart!if u dont have any question marks,you should eat it,if you have ,then you shldnt?


Aug 7, 2008
its funny when name of the thread is fool who wrangle over flesh,we still are wrangling over it!guru nanak declared it non issue,we shld not be even discussing it!follow ur heart on it!baaki sikhism is not a religion of rules ,its a relligion of principles!because rules become hackeneyed and outdated from time to time,but principles always hold true!


Aug 7, 2008
baaki spirituality is something to be experienced not argued!baaki gurbanis take on meat eating is ,jus overlook this question?its not important!there can be many arguments in its favour or against it,but tht would be just waste of time,because there is no clearcut answer to it!

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
emotions are a componenent of higher beings,are present in animals and human beings not in plants!if u overlook feelings and emotions ,you are becoming insensitive!if u overlook the cry of an animal when it is being killed,you already suppressed a part of spirituality in you!i would ask why not to eat humans!u would say that would eliminate species!ok agreed,but suppose someone recently died of an accident ,he is still fresh,why to burn or bury him,why not to eat him!i tell you why,because we are sensitive to our species,because we have feelings ,emotions!!next thing which resembles you is an animal!it has emotions like you!when you cut a goat and you find a foetus in its womb,if u can overlook that,then i would say you already have hurdle in your spiritual path! !but jus being veggie doesnt gives u spiritual superiority,there is lot more aspects of it!thats why guru nanak said fools who wrangle over flesh!my take is i would eat flesh only when i dont get anything to eat,because humans being higher species have right to sacrifice lower species for its on survival,!but jus for sake of taste of tongue!im not doing it!so only god knows what is real truth,but one shld follow his heart on this subject and not fight over it!if ur convinced you shld,if not u shldnt!if u keep your sensitivity to an emotion expressing non human species,there are better chances you will remain sensitive to your species.baaki guru nanak di awastha was supreme!ordinary human beings like us are at the first stage of spirituality are affected by such things!after eating heavy meal ppl like us who are so senses driven struggle to concentrate and meat is a heavy meal no doubt!it may not matter at higher awastha but for beginners it does matters!but it is too complex a matter to get to the root of!i think ppl should follow their heart!if u dont have any question marks,you should eat it,if you have ,then you shldnt?

I've never been convinced by the taste of tongue argument, or the spirituality one.

Bani clearly stats (read the very first post) that only human in human life do we truly attain consciousness, and it is that which is precious.

Also, I eat meat occaisionaly to help my training. I don't particularly like the taste. I love my vegetarian food. In fact Indian vegetarian food tastes far better than Indian meat foods.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
IN ACTUAL FACT..all this JEEBH DA SWAAD... Taste..slavery of tonngue..blah blah blah...is all MUMBO JUMBO the FAKE Brahmgyanis. sri 1008's, swamis and rishis etc snats, mahapurashs etc love to ramble on and on about...........GURBANI tells us what the TONGUE should AVOID....and thats...CHUGGHLEE NINDIA..BAD MOUTHING....Thats the "Taste" the Human Tongue absolutely LOVES and is a SLAVE to....another Taste the Tongue loves is LIES...telling LIES...making up fake tales and SWEET TALKING to cheat, defraud.....BLOWING ones OWN TRUMPET is alos another beloved Taste of our TONGUE...Kainchee waang chaldee jabaan...a tongue that WAGS and CUTS like a Sharp KNIFE/SCISSORS.... THIS is the REAL VICE of the TONGUE....and GURBANI has so many examples of these that its UNCOUNTABLE....BUT no one "says" a single word against this VICE..because we ALL LOVE the TASTE....Now who or which baba Ji or sant ji is going to throw the Firts Stone since we all live in GLASS HOUSES....so we throw stones at the poor Goat..the Chicken (Taan kion MURGHHE Mareh..ha ha )..etc etc etc...while TRULY RELISHING in the VICES of the TONGUE....ha ha. ( TRUTH IS A BITTER KAURRA "TASTE"...as everyone knows very well..and the TONGUE HATES BITTER....so why Talk about that..eh ??? better to drag in the Chicken..or the goat and the fish..they cannot SPEAK for themselves..so we speak for them...how spiritual...wah wah.. and Since GURU JI CONDEMNED OPENLY the SWEET TASTE..( which all our tongues LOVE)...we IGNORE That VICE as well....who wouldnt love a barfee melting in his mouth..or amouth watering moto choor laddoo...even iof the nett result is DIABETES...and BP..and Kidney transplant,...and maputations...blindness..who cares..TASTE MATTERS (highly selective )


Aug 7, 2008
yes no doubt that it is only human form which can attain complete consciousness!but my point above was as guru nanak has said you cant get to root of this topic,so stop arguing over it!its waste of time!like the argument which i presented above in favour of not eating meat is something i have not found a perfect answer to refute it!but i also know it is not imperative to find answer to it too!but till i dont find a convincing answer to it,iam holding on to my principle!and again its not against guru nanaks bani!it is consistent with it!you just cant get to the root of this question and it is not an important determining factor in your spiritual quest,so just overlook it!but everything god does has scientific explanation to it!i mean nothing is random in gods plan!there is always a sequence in everything that happens in this universe!like body is body is vehicle for souls progression means as our hormonal alignment gets better we tend to use our body more efficiently and our consciousness progresses and we come to know about more spiritual secrets and ultimate stage would be when our bodies hormonal milieu will be in perfect state we will be at supreme consciousness!thats how god is inside us and not in seventh heaven!science jus unreveals mechanisms of god,it is not god!so my question is ,is eating certain kind of food good enough to disturb this hormonal milieu!a spiritually evolved person is too strong to overcome these small hormonal milieu disturbances,but are we who are at the first step of spirituality strong enough to overcome these influences!so thats scientific basis for my apprehension in not eating meat!as long as iam not getting my answer iam holding to my take of not eating meat routinely!and i know iam not disobeying bani in this regard!baaki sikhi is a religion of principles not rules!thats why its has universal appeal!baaki people who present the arguments of fatty acids and multivitamins are being way off track!all the multivitamins and amino acids and fatty acids can be gotton without killing an animal!you have milk and egg for that!the point is there can be umpteenth of arguments in favour and against eating meat!follow ur heart!

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
baaki people who present the arguments of fatty acids and multivitamins are being way off track!all the multivitamins and amino acids and fatty acids can be gotton without killing an animal!you have milk and egg for that!the point is there can be umpteenth of arguments in favour and against eating meat!follow ur heart!

Slightly off topic, but an amino acid essential for body building Creatine only exists in red meat, as well as large amounts of B12.

You can however supplement on this, but I don't this your body assimilates as well unatural products.

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