Hello Narayanjot
WOW! My heart is melting! Once again thanks! I do not want to ascribe to my opinions some sort of discernment, since obviously I do not know enough to discern the gloriously deep meanings of the GGS conceptions, but, may I say, that IF as the GGS is saying the Hukam is, 'driven by our karma , then its technically not God's will (I say technically, because in a greater sense EVERYTHING is God's will) Rather it seems to be that it is God's Eternal Law , a deeper more profound Asha which is a also a profound concept in and of itself, in Zoroastrianism and stands both for physical laws and ethical ones as well as Truth and Right. To be an Ashavan (literally a lover of Asha) is to be seeking righteousness and trurfulness , to be seeking God's Eternal Law, its somewhat like being aGurmukh.
I am .. heck, I do not know howIi really feel , the concept is so incredibly deep there is nothing that can describe it enough. I mean Asha is a complex and deed concept but this ... Asha is like as complex as a children's riddle compared to do this. I mean I always thought that Zarathushtra was the greatest human mind in the last 3500 to 4000 years but this , this is ... am at a lost for words, something not easy for me since as you may have noticed I am always expressing myself

But this ... gee, this is DIVINE
Where has this been all my life? How come this is not better known? I mean even obtuse teachings are fairly well known, but this, this ocean of spirituality, is not better known? I can't believe it? Narayanyot this has to be shouted from the roof tops whispered in the ears, broadcasted over all the radios and TVs of the world! This, and I HAVE BEEN STUDYING RELIGIONS ALMOST 24/7 FOR 29 YEARS NOW, HAS NO EQUAL AND I AM NOT EXAGGERATING, WHICH OF COURSE YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE SINCE I AM SHOUTING, BUT I CANNOT HELP MYSELF:happy:
Can I ask you a question and is serious, more serious than you may think. Has any one considered translating, into the vernaculars of different peoples, all those terms like naad, gurmukh, hukam etc , I mean there must we hundreds, that are in GGS English and Spanish version alone, so that non-Punjabi speakers and those not familiar with this truly amazingly and wonderful faith get to better understand the message at first impression?
You, all of you, Narayanjot, Mai, Lee, Caspian and the others have truly been a blessingg to me I hope, that I can keep on learning. I am just scratching the surface and .. again all I can say is WOW!
Be Blessed!
Who is becoming more and more curious