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GGS Being Burnt


Apr 7, 2013
no, it sounds more like a culture being destroyed, beats me why so many people are happy to concede 'its just kalyug' when clearly our history is being rewritten by those with an agenda.

However it would be appear the enemy is more within than outside, kalyug????, no, this is not kalyug, just a combination of stupidity, ritualism and the desire for power.

we are in the dark age of Kalyug and its just the beginning.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
we are in the dark age of Kalyug and its just the beginning.

Despite GURU NANAK JI SAHIB spending His Time writing an ENTIRE SHABAD to explain this Kalyug/Raam yug nonsense..SIKHS continue to beta this DEAD HORSE !!!

GURU NANAK JI has written..clearly and transparently that..its the HUMAN and his MIND/Mann that is solely RESPONSIBLE for all his actions- good and the bad and the Ugly and the Beautiful...Nothing could be CLEARER..but its very very very CONVENIENT to blame..Klayug..ones parents..ones childhood..broken marriage of parents..divorce..torture..discrimination..bullyin g..BLAH BLAH BLAH..for ones FAILINGS....and the BEST FLOGGING HORSE especially among the BABAS/DERAS/Mahapurash/Sri 108's..is KALYUG...Father rapes his 2 month old granddaughter..GHOR KALYUG hai Ji..mother in law burns the enw bride in a gas cylinder explosion..GHOR Kalyug hai ji... 20 Year old Grandson rapes his 98 year old grandmother...GHOR KALYUG hai ji...

GURU NANAK JI saw this HYPOCRACY..and wrote a SHABAD on it...!!! Read it please and let the poor "Klayug" fellow go...its none of his fault...call a spade a spade and admit it....when you are caught stealing the Goluck..admit it...dont go around saying..OH its Kalyugs fault..oh my father never gave me enough pocket money...oh my mother sued to cane me daily whenever i stole from her purse...or Never Mind..Its between ME and the GURU !!! GURU NANAK JI already SAW through this BS...psychology stuff...500 years ago !!!!

Regards to all kalyug hai ji types...No offense meant or taken...


Apr 13, 2006
we are in the dark age of Kalyug and its just the beginning.

Dont worry abneet ji, Its Kalyug and one of the drawbacks of it are that we are having more corrupted minds in this yug.

ਕਲਜੁਗਿ ਰਥੁ ਅਗਨਿ ਕਾ ਕੂੜੁ ਅਗੈ ਰਥਵਾਹੁ ॥੧॥

at the same time we have Guru Nanak's message,

"ਕਲਜੁਗ ਮਹਿ ਕੀਰਤਨੁ ਪਰਧਾਨਾ ॥
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜਪੀਐ ਲਾਇ ਧਿਆਨਾ ॥"

Let others do what they feel right, after all its all guru's Hukum. If there is no night , then who would respect sun? Lets us consider it as a wakeup call for us :)

I never felt of a need about buying full guru Granth sahib in written form before, but now I do, and credit goes to those brothers who burnt it..


Apr 7, 2013
Despite GURU NANAK JI SAHIB spending His Time writing an ENTIRE SHABAD to explain this Kalyug/Raam yug nonsense..SIKHS continue to beta this DEAD HORSE !!!

GURU NANAK JI has written..clearly and transparently that..its the HUMAN and his MIND/Mann that is solely RESPONSIBLE for all his actions- good and the bad and the Ugly and the Beautiful...Nothing could be CLEARER..but its very very very CONVENIENT to blame..Klayug..ones parents..ones childhood..broken marriage of parents..divorce..torture..discrimination..bullyin g..BLAH BLAH BLAH..for ones FAILINGS....and the BEST FLOGGING HORSE especially among the BABAS/DERAS/Mahapurash/Sri 108's..is KALYUG...Father rapes his 2 month old granddaughter..GHOR KALYUG hai Ji..mother in law burns the enw bride in a gas cylinder explosion..GHOR Kalyug hai ji... 20 Year old Grandson rapes his 98 year old grandmother...GHOR KALYUG hai ji...

GURU NANAK JI saw this HYPOCRACY..and wrote a SHABAD on it...!!! Read it please and let the poor "Klayug" fellow go...its none of his fault...call a spade a spade and admit it....when you are caught stealing the Goluck..admit it...dont go around saying..OH its Kalyugs fault..oh my father never gave me enough pocket money...oh my mother sued to cane me daily whenever i stole from her purse...or Never Mind..Its between ME and the GURU !!! GURU NANAK JI already SAW through this BS...psychology stuff...500 years ago !!!!

Regards to all kalyug hai ji types...No offense meant or taken...

I didn't say we Sikhs should label all problems because of Kalyug its just that there is little light over the cloud of darkness in this age. Again its Waheguru's hukam and the play he has set is being played. We can't change it and blame him for making all the worse. But I agree no need to blame all our problems because its Kalyug. It can play a part on it but again we should know better.


Apr 7, 2013

I guess a time when Sikhs were in the forests, because there was a price for every Sikh head on a spear was just a walk in the park then!

Yeah those Sikhs still had faith in GGS different from today. No one alike Bhai Bota Singh can be found today. :whatzpointsing:

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I never felt of a need about buying full guru Granth sahib in written form before, but now I do, and credit goes to those brothers who burnt it..

It is good that history is being destroyed, some might even say an entire culture, just to inspire you to buy a full sggs.

I didn't say we Sikhs should label all problems because of Kalyug its just that there is little light over the cloud of darkness in this age

what cloud of darkness? there is no price in your head, you have a full belly, you have freedom, you have the potential to be anything. Are you suggesting dark spirits roaming around making everything bad? What exactly is a cloud of darkness? is one mentioned in the SGGS? What is so different from other ages? Are you taking inspiration from Jehovah's witnesses? should we building an ark in that case, for the coming flood?

Again its Waheguru's hukam and the play he has set is being played

Ah, so your saying that its all Wahegurus fault! Waheguru invented Kalyug and now its coming, and there is nothing we can do, apart from maybe sacrifice a few chickens,

We can't change it and blame him for making all the worse. But I agree no need to blame all our problems because its Kalyug. It can play a part on it but again we should know better.

Ah so we cannot change it, but we cannot blame all our problems on 'him', but we should know better......yes, we should know better, we should know enough to realise that this sort of talk, in my ever so humble opinion, takes us back to pre Guru Nanakji days where fear begat rituals, and if the great man was here today, he would probably dismiss your kalyug with a wave of his hand.

He stood against kalyug, he stood against everything represented by kalyug, his message was ever so simple, take responsibility!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Look for the Kalyug Shabad that applies to this situation...not the metaphorical one...Kalyug mein Kirtan pardhana doesnt mean that Kirtan is NOT pardhana in ???other Yug ?? and thus if this question is answered correctly..Kirtan in Kalyug means something different from GHOR KALYUG HAI..its Kalyug fault ???

Kalyug raath etc is also NOT relevant to whats being said..that somehow its "Klayug" thats responsible...Our Gurus came in this same "yug"...and its MYTHICAL to claim that DWapur etc was 100% Full of 100% Do gooders..and there were no liars, no cheats..etc etc..or Satyug etc...and all the KOORR is only for Klayug ??

The "YUGS" are metaphors. Its the SAME HUMAN MIND that is the sinner/the sant/holy/unholy..throught the ages...Satyug is not magically all good and Kalyug is magically not all bad...its the MAN that is to blame.


Apr 7, 2013
It is good that history is being destroyed, some might even say an entire culture, just to inspire you to buy a full Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

what cloud of darkness? there is no price in your head, you have a full belly, you have freedom, you have the potential to be anything. Are you suggesting dark spirits roaming around making everything bad? What exactly is a cloud of darkness? is one mentioned in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji? What is so different from other ages? Are you taking inspiration from Jehovah's witnesses? should we building an ark in that case, for the coming flood?

Ah, so your saying that its all Wahegurus fault! Waheguru invented Kalyug and now its coming, and there is nothing we can do, apart from maybe sacrifice a few chickens,

Ah so we cannot change it, but we cannot blame all our problems on 'him', but we should know better......yes, we should know better, we should know enough to realise that this sort of talk, in my ever so humble opinion, takes us back to pre Guru Nanakji days where fear begat rituals, and if the great man was here today, he would probably dismiss your kalyug with a wave of his hand.

He stood against kalyug, he stood against everything represented by kalyug, his message was ever so simple, take responsibility!

This is the age of where the light represents good and the cloud of darkness is most people of this world not following the right way of truthfully living. Jaswant Singh Khaira did a speech using that symbolism. Also Guru Nanak met Kalyug in its form as Max Arthur Macauliffe stated in his translation of Janamsakhi.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
This is the age of where the light represents good and the cloud of darkness is most people of this world not following the right way of truthfully living. Jaswant Singh Khaira did a speech using that symbolism. Also Guru Nanak met Kalyug in its form as Max Arthur Macauliffe stated in his translation of Janamsakhi.

oh well, you need to tell that to 3HO, they seem to be celebrating the age of aquarius!

I am also slightly confused, your trying to argue that these yugs are real and that they exist, yet, you then refer to it as 'that symbolism', which one is it!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
That "Janamsakhi" has been proven False and so is its non-existent "author/Group of authors". It was purportedly authored by a lifelong HINDU "companion of Guru nanak ji ( to BALANCE the Muslim companion Bhai Mardana Ji !!! ) who Never existed becasue he is not mentioned by anyone including Bhai Gurdass Ji who has written his historically accurate 40vaars and is the calligrapher of the AAD GRANTH under direct supervision of Guru Arjun Ji ).
This Janamsakhi is very DEROGATORY towards the House of Nanak and very complimentary to the REVOLTED by-line beginning with Sri Chand the rebellious son of Guur Nanak ji and the sons of Guru Angad Ji, Guru Ramdass Ji, Guru Har rai Ji and others about whom it is written as "the sons who disobeyed the father, went MAD with ANGER at being bypassed for Gurgadee etc etc etc...This Parallel IMPOSTORS LINE of Guru Claimants was very very STRONG and gave lots of trouble to Guru Arjun Ji, and others.
TODAY...just look at the power of this LOBBY..it has managed to get a PUBLIC HOLIDAY declared for Sri Chand Birthday, when there is NO SUCH for GURU ANGAD Ji's Gurpurab !!! IF that can happen TODAY..imagine the powers be that were at work post Guru Nanak Jis passing...and Gurmatt was just a "child"...although then as today there was a POWERFUL ANT-SIKH Govt and authority at work also..Back then was.."FINISH THEM OFF"..today its ASSIMILATE THEM...

Macauliffe simply "translated"...just as the Gurbilas patshai Chhevin was also FIRST TRANSLATED by a MALAYSIAN GRANTHI....and SECOND TIME again also in a MALAYSIAN GURDWARA by a professor from Punjab who stayed in the same Gurdwara as the Original translator !!!( and pretended to be a simple GRANTHI working on a secret project !!) BUT that doesnt mean...its all true..

One will have to choose..IS Klayug a real living breathing DEMON (Mahapursh/waddehbabaji/sri 108 gappis like hari singh rnadhawa thakur singh gyani pehova etc etc group) or just a METAPHOR....for TIME...IF you beleive in the fire breathing Dragons and Harry Potter stuff..then this is right up your alley...welcome to the world of Arthur and Knights of the Round Table (Sants of the Round Pugghs... and CHOLAS instead of Teghs and Barchhas !!! Read Guru nanak Jis GURBANI about how such DEMONS were supposed to BLIND the MUGHAL ARMIES of Babr...and defeat the Mughals attacking India...But the REALITY as Guru nanak ji saw with His own eyes is described beautifully in his Shabads to bhai lalo...There were NO round puggh chols wearing ANGELS in satyug..or Gopi swinging sants in Dwapur and there are No fire breathing flesh eating demons in kalyug...GURBANI is for us Humans to IMPROVE OUR DAILY LIVES....not have nightmares about the weird monsters and dragons spewing fire from the sky..ha ha ha those are FAIRY TALES or GAPP SHUPP..entertainment only for IDLE MINDS...a Sikhs mind is always on SATTNAAM...:interestedkudi::mundaviolin::mundaviolin:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
btw..the unholy and unseemly "haste" being shown to PROMOTE Sri Chand is actually a round about way to NEGATE the Gurgadee bestowed on Guru Angad Ji...!!! Subtle way to say that Guru nanak ji was WRONG..the rightful successor is Sri Chand who has been "wronged"...that is Why there is NO GURPURAB PUBLIC HOLIDAY for Guru Angad sahib Ji....when Sri Chand is a NOBODY as far as Gurmatt is concerned...if you count "blood line" then there are many many many such blood lines...which ones to choose from..Bedis to Bhallas Sodhis to...Pehovas and ram rahims etc etc:mundaviolin: etc etc...


Apr 7, 2013
That "Janamsakhi" has been proven False and so is its non-existent "author/Group of authors". It was purportedly authored by a lifelong HINDU "companion of Guru nanak ji ( to BALANCE the Muslim companion Bhai Mardana Ji !!! ) who Never existed becasue he is not mentioned by anyone including Bhai Gurdass Ji who has written his historically accurate 40vaars and is the calligrapher of the AAD GRANTH under direct supervision of Guru Arjun Ji ).
This Janamsakhi is very DEROGATORY towards the House of Nanak and very complimentary to the REVOLTED by-line beginning with Sri Chand the rebellious son of Guru Nanak ji and the sons of Guru Angad Ji, Guru Ramdass Ji, Guru Har rai Ji and others about whom it is written as "the sons who disobeyed the father, went MAD with ANGER at being bypassed for Gurgadee etc etc etc...This Parallel IMPOSTORS LINE of Guru Claimants was very very STRONG and gave lots of trouble to Guru Arjun Ji, and others.
TODAY...just look at the power of this LOBBY..it has managed to get a PUBLIC HOLIDAY declared for Sri Chand Birthday, when there is NO SUCH for GURU ANGAD Ji's Gurpurab !!! IF that can happen TODAY..imagine the powers be that were at work post Guru Nanak Jis passing...and Gurmatt was just a "child"...although then as today there was a POWERFUL ANT-SIKH Govt and authority at work also..Back then was.."FINISH THEM OFF"..today its ASSIMILATE THEM...

Macauliffe simply "translated"...just as the Gurbilas patshai Chhevin was also FIRST TRANSLATED by a MALAYSIAN GRANTHI....and SECOND TIME again also in a MALAYSIAN GURDWARA by a professor from Punjab who stayed in the same Gurdwara as the Original translator !!!( and pretended to be a simple GRANTHI working on a secret project !!) BUT that doesnt mean...its all true..

One will have to choose..IS Klayug a real living breathing DEMON (Mahapursh/waddehbabaji/sri 108 gappis like hari singh rnadhawa thakur singh gyani pehova etc etc group) or just a METAPHOR....for TIME...IF you beleive in the fire breathing Dragons and Harry Potter stuff..then this is right up your alley...welcome to the world of Arthur and Knights of the Round Table (Sants of the Round Pugghs... and CHOLAS instead of Teghs and Barchhas !!! Read Guru nanak Jis GURBANI about how such DEMONS were supposed to BLIND the MUGHAL ARMIES of Babr...and defeat the Mughals attacking India...But the REALITY as Guru nanak ji saw with His own eyes is described beautifully in his Shabads to bhai lalo...There were NO round puggh chols wearing ANGELS in satyug..or Gopi swinging sants in Dwapur and there are No fire breathing flesh eating demons in kalyug...GURBANI is for us Humans to IMPROVE OUR DAILY LIVES....not have nightmares about the weird monsters and dragons spewing fire from the sky..ha ha ha those are FAIRY TALES or GAPP SHUPP..entertainment only for IDLE MINDS...a Sikhs mind is always on SATTNAAM...:interestedkudi::mundaviolin::mundaviolin:

I think your referring to Bhai Bala Janamsakhi who is not even mentioned by Bhai Mani Singh or Bhai Gurdas ji.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Are any of the current online versions authentic?

Nope...GIGO..Garbage IN..garbage OUT..as in Computer geek lingo...the "online" versions are based on the fake one on "paper".....Prof sahib Singh in his Bilingaul Essay debunks this Janamsdakhi via the fake shabads attributed to Guru Nanak ji which are MISSING form the SGGS....so there you have it...an "Biography..supposedly commissioned by Guru Angad ji to learn about Guru Nanak ji form a companion who NEVER went anywhere with Guru Nanak ji but is supposed to know it all...and who quotes Shabads that Guru Arjun Ji DID NOT SEE FIT to include in SGGS under Mahalla Pehla !!...


Sep 2, 2014
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!
This kind of alteration has been done to almost all Holy Scriptures, including the Bible, Koran, and various others. The British first tried this in India when they held India as a colony. What is most interesting to note is that some of the more intelligent ones realized there is Huge Power in Guru's Word, and sought to alter Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, so the power would be reduced, and the Sikhs conquered.
Food for thought. :purple-pargi:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
How can fake shabads be inserted into Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji without changing the numbering?

Guru Arjun Ji foresaw that..hence the Iron clad numbering/totals etc...real Accountant style....

So the Additions come AFTER the LOCKED and SEALED Gate...the Raagmalla is appended AFTER the SEAL Mundawwnni Mahlaa Panjvahn. SEVERAL other fake banis..even a recipe for INK etc etc were also there alongside the raagmalla...BUT all thsoe were removed in 1935 onwards...leaving the raagmala as NOT GURBANI but available for anyoen who insists on reading it. This COMPROMISE FORMULA was arrived at due to the Intense PRO raagmalla a lobbying by the ...Deras/Taksals/Sants/Sri 1008, Sri 111 etc etc...

The AAd Granth of Guru Arjun Ji, sealed by Mundawnni mahla Panjvahn ( Mundawnni means SEAL)...was REWRITTEN and recompiled By Guru GOBIND SINGH JI..and Guru Ji ADDED various Banis of Guru TEG BAHADUR JI SAHIB...in 31 Raags...One extra Raag only used by Guru teg bahadur Ji as well)..so essentially the Mahalla 9 banis are all over the SGGS..BUT Guru GOBIND SINGH JI kept the additions/numberings/totals exactly in LINE with thsoe put in by Guru Arjun ji...and Guru Gobind Singh ji once again PLACED the SAME LOCK>>SEAL>.Mundawwnni mahalla 5 at the END. This is Rock Solid Proof that the Mundawwnni mah. 5 is indeed the Locked seal END of SGGS. Anything after that is fake and not put in by Guru Gobind Singh ji. Anyone can scream till the cows come home..but the Mundawwnni mah 5 is unbreakable...
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