That "Janamsakhi" has been proven False and so is its non-existent "author/Group of authors". It was purportedly authored by a lifelong HINDU "companion of Guru nanak ji ( to BALANCE the Muslim companion Bhai Mardana Ji !!! ) who Never existed becasue he is not mentioned by anyone including Bhai Gurdass Ji who has written his historically accurate 40vaars and is the calligrapher of the AAD GRANTH under direct supervision of Guru Arjun Ji ).
This Janamsakhi is very DEROGATORY towards the House of Nanak and very complimentary to the REVOLTED by-line beginning with Sri Chand the rebellious son of Guru Nanak ji and the sons of Guru Angad Ji, Guru Ramdass Ji, Guru Har rai Ji and others about whom it is written as "the sons who disobeyed the father, went MAD with ANGER at being bypassed for Gurgadee etc etc etc...This Parallel IMPOSTORS LINE of Guru Claimants was very very STRONG and gave lots of trouble to Guru Arjun Ji, and others.
TODAY...just look at the power of this has managed to get a PUBLIC HOLIDAY declared for Sri Chand Birthday, when there is NO SUCH for GURU ANGAD Ji's Gurpurab !!! IF that can happen TODAY..imagine the powers be that were at work post Guru Nanak Jis passing...and Gurmatt was just a "child"...although then as today there was a POWERFUL ANT-SIKH Govt and authority at work also..Back then was.."FINISH THEM OFF" its ASSIMILATE THEM...
Macauliffe simply "translated"...just as the Gurbilas patshai Chhevin was also FIRST TRANSLATED by a MALAYSIAN GRANTHI....and SECOND TIME again also in a MALAYSIAN GURDWARA by a professor from Punjab who stayed in the same Gurdwara as the Original translator !!!( and pretended to be a simple GRANTHI working on a secret project !!) BUT that doesnt mean...its all true..
One will have to choose..IS Klayug a real living breathing DEMON (Mahapursh/waddehbabaji/sri 108 gappis like hari singh rnadhawa thakur singh gyani pehova etc etc group) or just a METAPHOR....for TIME...IF you beleive in the fire breathing Dragons and Harry Potter stuff..then this is right up your alley...welcome to the world of Arthur and Knights of the Round Table (Sants of the Round Pugghs... and CHOLAS instead of Teghs and Barchhas !!! Read Guru nanak Jis GURBANI about how such DEMONS were supposed to BLIND the MUGHAL ARMIES of Babr...and defeat the Mughals attacking India...But the REALITY as Guru nanak ji saw with His own eyes is described beautifully in his Shabads to bhai lalo...There were NO round puggh chols wearing ANGELS in satyug..or Gopi swinging sants in Dwapur and there are No fire breathing flesh eating demons in kalyug...GURBANI is for us Humans to IMPROVE OUR DAILY LIVES....not have nightmares about the weird monsters and dragons spewing fire from the sky..ha ha ha those are FAIRY TALES or GAPP SHUPP..entertainment only for IDLE MINDS...a Sikhs mind is always on SATTNAAM...:interestedkudi: