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God's Will And The Law Of Karma


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
What does God will? – Unity, societal cohesiveness, spiritual awareness and liberation, man existing as a solar autonomous force with love of his fellow mankind.

Law of Karma – the actions of one’s planting being reaped accordingly. In cases where morally upright persons of respectability and righteousness are cast into a hellish state, the question of karma arises, especially if evildoers are gaining rank by the downfall of respectability and the good. There are many laws applicable to karma. Some ascetics claim inherited bad karma. If our family is notable for its modest living with high standing then the issue of karma screams loudly as a question demanding to be reckoned with. We will invariably find in such circumstances where the good are suffering there are negative forces at play influencing the oppression and downfall of such a person. Natural sequential laws of karma are overridden by the ardent manipulating or suppression and downfall of what is their considered foe.

Cause of traversed Karma - Ordinarily karma is evil intentioned persons making harsh noises, and bad actions incurring the unspoken wrath of the atmospheric and cosmological forces. Man is a spiritual energy force, emitting good or bad energy and attracting in measure the same. Guilty consciences encourage one to subconsciously manipulate life cycle in a certain manner. Good karma gained by the bad affiliates of the good are hereditary and paid for at some later stage in life. All things have a cost and must be paid for, the agenda is not to have taken from life more than you have given, always be in credit.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Practice of humility and tolerance are important factors to one's spiritual progress.
As one advances spiritually, the path one treads becomes narrower and narrower
until it may be called the razor-edged path. The following shabad is self-explanatory on what Gurbani teaches us :-

Page 918, Line 19
ਖੰਨਿਅਹੁ ਤਿਖੀ ਵਾਲਹੁ ਨਿਕੀ ਏਤੁ ਮਾਰਗਿ ਜਾਣਾ ॥
खंनिअहु तिखी वालहु निकी एतु मारगि जाणा ॥
Kẖanni▫ahu ṯikẖī vālahu nikī eṯ mārag jāṇā.
The path they take is sharper than a two-edged sword, and finer than a hair.
Guru Amar Das - view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok
Jun 1, 2008
Sat shri akal,:D
s. namjap ji,:)

Sainty Ji,

It would be a good idea to rephrase your prime question which you feel has remained unanswered. This will allow others to participate in providing the answer. If PK70 doesn't want to answer your queries, you should not force him to.

The main problem is that some mens are not able to understand you or they don't have answers to your questions and they actually show that you are the one who is wrong such mens have false pride somewhere inside. I'm not saying they are fools or manmukhs.some of them agree that they are not intellectuals (i need not point out one:p) and are wandering on the path of Guru and they behave as muslim imam's the way imam quote Koran the same way they quote Guru Granth Sahib to prove their points.
and I'm sick of such things people here are ready to debate on sex , marriage , masturbation ,oral sex and not on the basics of Sikhism we have a look different from others on the basis that we believe in the will of God. anyone questioned what is will of God? if i did i never saw a health debate on it on the other hand leg pullings and abusing, taunts and all that. people really don't give a dam to Sikhi:}--}:.

you know namjap ji Passion is a mob of a man ,that commits riot upon his reason.
and the question I'm asking time and again is that was Guru ji passionate about Gods will? why did he never reasoned it in a proper manner?
hope this fool will get his answers.hope is what keeps me going in this thread:shifty:

~~wald Guru Nanak~~


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
OK Sainty JI,

Lets leave the past in the past and concentrate on the present moment. Let me ask you a question, Sainty Ji.

If God willed the creation of this duality world, then we are faced with cause and effect on the daily basis.
It is action and reaction in a sense. But if we do not react to what someone else said to us, in the manner
which that person expected us to react, then the energy "bomerangs back" to the sender because there is no receiver.

This I believe is part of the Law, the Hukam.


Feb 25, 2008
It starts with ego and continues with it till it gets dirty. Intellectuality brought civility in the society but this ego intoxication many times supersedes every bit of intellectuality and civility as well. Intellectuality inspires to remain civil but ego pushes it to jump into jungle-thinking to blur the luster of intellectuality. Ego forces others to judge others without looking into their own selves about how much capability they have even to understand simple examples. An example of a frog is given by Guru Nanak in Gurbani to express how one doesn’t become aware of the good stuff in the surroundings, in that case ego can question
“How a frog can understand music, it is not proven scientifically” That’s not intellectuality but stupidity for not understanding metaphors. Gurbani quoting is to understand what Guru says, if the interpretation is not satisfactory, who feels problem with it, should interpret it better way and let others decide if that new meaning sounds better in stead of blaming or judging others. Comparing Gurbani quoting to Kuran quoting of Mullah is a sheer display of ignorance nourished by that ego that keeps thinking stagnant to own created righteousness. That is another reason, as per History, people who think themselves more intellectual than all others, act stupid too. Almost all established scholars agree about being inable to understand Gurbani to its complete sense on many instances. This site is to discuss many kinds of discussions, sex and other topics are very important for the youth. They ask questions here to get some information. It is not against Sikhi if the Sikhi is not a different than we most of have known about it. Gurbani addresses almost all issues we face every day. I feel, personally, that the ones who have problem with disagreeing and who harbor out of control judgmental behavior should look them selves to mirror before they point fingers at other. Picture will be perfect clear:yes:[/FONT]
Nov 16, 2007
was Guruji passionate about Gods will?

I think, Yes. First bani in Guru Granth Sahib starts with pauris explaining 'Hukam'. It has to be important concept in Sikhism. Why is important to understand 'Hukam'?
Aside from it being 'the truth', another reason is 'ego', 'Ego' is one of most powerful emotion we have to fight in our lives. Accepting 'Hukam' is essential to kill that beast. We must understand whole universe is pre-destined since first incident in universe. Every action cause a reaction and every action is also caused by another previous action.

I will try to explain a little bit more.
If we think carefully about our life, we will realize that life is nothing but sequnce of events or incidents. Some are small. Some are really big. Most we can't even remember that those occurred. One thing led to another and I end up writing these thoughts on my computer. One thing led to another and you end up reading my thoughts on paper or computer screen.

Is there any chance this present would have been different than it is now?

I watched a movie 'Butterfly Effect' sometime few months back. The name of the movie refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. In little more simpler words, a small action done now may cause a very big reaction sometime in future. Another example is a ball rolled from top of hill may go on rolling across many valleys before stopping depending upon conditions and slope of hill.

If we analyze this Butterfly Effect, another question comes along.

If flapping of butterfly's wings can cause big tornado in future, how can a butterfly flap a wing without anything causing it ? Something must have caused it to flap in first place.

This universe came into existence unknown time ago (Big Bang or any other expalainations) and after first incident in this universe, sequence of events started to happen as per the Laws Of Nature. One sequence of events led to another and another led to many other. Every event happened as a result of some number of events and resulting event happened after taking account Laws Of Nature.

These sequences are running in whole universe from minute level to grandest levels as per Laws Of Nature and will reach a position of final fate for universe sometime in future.

To explain further, I will take two successive moments in timeline of universe.

First moment is there. Every part of universe (smallest to grandest) is at a certain place. Just think about that moment with whole universe standing still. We agree that nothing can be changed in this moment. To change anything in this moment, we have to go back in past and that is impossible.
Laws of Nature are absolute. We can't change it.

Let us move to next moment. This next moment is result of every part of universe (smallest to grandest) in previous moment and Laws of nature controlling the outcome to this next moment.
We understand first discussed moment was unchangeable and Laws of Nature are absolute. How can we say this second moment could have possiblities of more than one?

I understand it is very hard to accept we don't have any choice. Some usual objections we would have in mind will be like--
"I am master of my will. How can anybody control it?"
"If nothing is in our control, how can we responsible for our actions?"
"Why one has to face hardship or painful experience, if one was not even responsible for it in first place?"
"If everything is pre-destined, should we stop doing any effort"
All the answers are in first part i.e. accepting His Hukam. But we will discuss more in detail.
Nov 16, 2007
Is there anything like Free will?

We will start again by looking at some hypothetical situations to better explain my point.
An individual is born and bred in Nazi Germany during rise of Hitler. Like most of Germans he was born with superiority complex. Second factor added was atmosphere in Germany at that time. People were mesmerized with writings and lectures of Hitler. It made him even more convinced of his superior race. Then during first years of World War II, Germany came across quick victories. It made him more sure of his master race. So at any given time how can he exercises free will? Every thought of him was influenced by number of factors. Current atmosphere being the most dominating. He was believing every word Hitler said and was even ready to lay down his life for these principles. If free thought does exist, people in Nazi Germany and people in present Germany would have same thoughts. But there is a big difference in opinions between 1940's German and 2005's German.
A recent skilled immigrant from Cuba in Canada got a well paid job in Montreal. He is very atheist by nature. Every morning he leave for job and see a big church on his way. Daily he reads messages like 'Come To Jesus' on the billboard outside church. He just laughs it out. As he is making good money, soon he buys a big house and moves in it along with his family. Things are very rosy and then at once he gets notice from his job that employers are laying off whole shift due to shortage of new orders. His beautiful world starts to collapse. He starts sending his resumes everywhere in panic. His monthly expenses are so big he can't simply even afford a day off from work. Tensions starts to going up. Another thing happen is his loving son fell sick with high fever and he has to take him hospital for immediate testings. His heart is pumping. He is losing almost everything at once. He has no force on the things happening around him.

Next day in stress, he is again driving to work and see a new message 'Jesus Is Solution To All Your Problems'. He stops his car and goes in. He prays in front of idol of Jesus for saving him from mounting problems. When he reaches his management informs him that they got a new order from Europe and he will get a promotion. Immediately he receives a phone call from his doctor that his son in well now and he had a minor infection only. This Cuban immigrant is a devout christian for life now. Do you think he has independent decision converting to Christianity? Did his problems disappear because he prayed? His son has a minor infection even before he prayed in church. Orders from Europe were well on way even before he went to pray. But prevailing conditions turns him into a christian. Free thinking does not make him a christian but his inability to stand pressure sure does.
A girl is born to a white farmer in Texas. She finished her school in small Texas town. In her school, she had some Mexican friends. Her parents did not really like it but never said a word to her. After finishing she got admission in a university in New York. In New York, she met a black gentleman and she fell in love with him immediately. They went out for few months and then they got married in local Registrar office. She informed her parents about the marriage. Parents were never comfortable their daughter marrying a black guy, but they can't stop it from happening. Do we think it could have happened 100 years back in Texas? Crowd would have lynched black guy over even looking at white girl. They got the same genetics as 100 years back. So why different decision is OK now? Reason is simple. No decision is independent. It is decided by factors surrounding it. A white guy will be thinking twice before voting for black president in 2008. Maybe in next 50 years, he won't even notice it. Or opposite could happen. We simply don't know. What I am trying to say here is that individual view will be decided by factors surrounding situation at that time. Again no free thought.
A boy is born to parents of Pakistani origin in UK. Even though parents are not very religious, they kept on taking boy to local mosque every evening without missing even once in boy's whole childhood and teenage years. With Indian genetics, prevailing racism in UK and continuous Koranic teachings by ultra Conservative imams turned this innocent little boy to a British born fanatic Muslim who hates every non-Muslim and believe every word his religious book says. If same boy was born in Pakistan, even with same amount feeding of Koranic lessons, he would never become as fanatic as he had become in UK. Missing factors would be racism, identity crisis and maybe some other mild ones. How can he exercise free will here? He looks at every situation through eyes of Koran. Then he tries to remember what his prophet would have done in this situation. He interpret multi meaning Arabic words from Koran to convince his mind that Koran is best science book in world and has every modern invention mentioned in it. His mind never let him think that why new inventions are not coming out of it and he is able to interpret old discoveries only? He uses all his brain power to prove his book right, he can never use his brain to decide what is right. He can never think outside his views. And you know, in reality nobody can.
Every decision he takes is influenced by current situation, his ultra-conservative upbringing, his Indo-Arab bloodline and many other unknown factors. He could never take a independent decision.
If we humans have choice of free will, why over 95% of people stay in same religion they are born in? Reason, they get influenced by environment they live in and take decisions accordingly. No individual is able to change future with decision made by itself. Shakespeare said it well in As You Like It, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." We play our parts without choice and perish.

No thought in world is random or independent in nature. There is multitude of known or unknown factors affecting individual mind like genetics, upbringing environment and number of series of events going in his brain like chemical reactions, brain structure changes, eating and drinking habits etc. If we are able to take into account all the events, then there is only one decision possible to be made by brain of any individual with no alternative ever.


Feb 25, 2008
No thought in world is random or independent in nature. There is multitude of known or unknown factors affecting individual mind like genetics, upbringing environment and number of series of events going in his brain like chemical reactions, brain structure changes, eating and drinking habits etc. If we are able to take into account all the events, then there is only one decision possible to be made by brain of any individual with no alternative ever.(quote lalihayer Ji)
That alone is enough to understand the ultimate Hukam prevailing not only on us but through the universes." HUKAM n kiha jaaee" hint is enough for a follower of Guru Nanak as inter -relation between all work directly or indirectly and are effective to and from all sides.:yes:
Nov 16, 2007
We do have illusion of free will. On our level we think, we are free to do whatever we want. There is another theory given by a proponent of free will,

"Suppose two men before a chessboard,--the one a novice, the other an expert player of the game. The expert intends to beat. But he cannot foresee exactly what any one actual move of his adversary may be. He knows, however, all the possible moves of the latter; and he knows in advance how to meet each of them by a move of his own which leads in the direction of victory. And the victory infallibly arrives, after no matter how devious a course, in the one predestined form of check-mate to the novice's king.

Let now the novice stand for us finite free agents, and the expert for the infinite mind in which the universe lies. Suppose the latter to be thinking out his universe before he actually creates it. Suppose him to say, I will lead things to a certain end, but I will not now decide on all the steps thereto. At various points, ambiguous possibilities shall be left open, either of which, at a given instant, may become actual. But whichever branch of these bifurcations becomes real, I know what I shall do at the next bifurcation to keep things from drifting away from the final result I intend."

The creator's plan of the universe would thus be left blank as to many of its actual details, but all possibilities would be marked down. The realization of some of these would be left absolutely to chance; that is, would only be determined when the moments of realization came. Other possibilities would be contingently determined; that is, their decision would have to wait till it was seen how the matters of absolute chance fell out. But the rest of the plan, including its final upshot, would be rigorously determined once for all. So the creator himself would not need to know all the details of actuality until they came; and at any time his own view of the world would be a view partly of facts and partly of possibilities, exactly as ours is now. Of one thing, however, he might be certain; and that is that his world was safe, and that no matter how much of it might zigzag he could surely bring it home at last."

I don't have to give that long clarification for this argument. We are talking about Creator Lord here. He caused first action. He created laws of nature. He must realize from first event to last event, what will happen? A car engineer knows everything about car, how it will behave, how it will run, what are the specifications. A machine designer prepares proofs for his machine and knows all the details of his machine parts, metals used, behaviour of metal parts under different temperatures, pressures and almost most of the conditions.
We are talking about Creator here. He is not bound in laws of nature as we are. He created everything including matter, time, space, laws of nature and all we see or unable to see. How can we think of him as a master chess player who plays good chess but does not know all the details going in his opponent's mind? If William James compares Lord to a master chess player, then for sure he must be talking about some lesser God. Creator God must be above both these players and had it planned how both of these players, master and novice, will behave in each and every condition and fate planned by Him must be fix and absolute with no other alternative.

Let us take a look at making of any decision by human mind. There are three factors to decide the outcome. Biology, genetics and socialization. First factor load the gun, second aim it and third factor shoots it. Biology is beyond our control. Genetics are determined by biology of our body. So genetics too are out of our reach. Third factors is socialization, which is result of sequence of events set in motion much before our birth. How can we even think to change it? With all three factors absolute and out of our control, how can our decision be independent or free? It can't be.
Khalsa ji, let us do veechar. Understanding 'Hukam' is very important. If we 'understand' it, only then we can accept it. I would appreciate your comments.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Is there anything like Free will?

We will start again by looking at some hypothetical situations to better explain my point.
If we humans have choice of free will, why over 95% of people stay in same religion they are born in? Reason, they get influenced by environment they live in and take decisions accordingly. No individual is able to change future with decision made by itself. Shakespeare said it well in As You Like It, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." We play our parts without choice and perish.

It is a matter of fidelity than of free will or choice. Scholars and seekers of truth will each tell of all religions being paths to man conquering his mind, and gaining spiritual liberation from the prevailing forces rousing and casting him to the wind. Fidelity is growing with ones religion, what may seem unfounded, with maturity, a greater sense of intellectual integrity becomes as a pure truth. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism are the world major religions. The Prophets of each determined mans need for faith and understanding, battle hate and sin and be free in thinking, action and spirit. Mankind can attain this state of spiritual sahej only when he detached, frees himself from the fear, hate and ignorance, greed, need and false necessity inclining him to run with the herd and efface his spiritual tendency for immediate needs, a need or desire he knows not what is generated by. Man know thineself for it is only when you comprehend the will that casts you as its slave that you will see the enemy lurking is within you. Fidelity to ones faith requires dedicated devotion, understanding and a resistance of popularised current market trends taking the masses in a particular direction. All religious tenets and fundaments are correct, it s man that distorts to mislead to his own purpose usually born of a fear, need or personal wrathfulness.

What is free will - Free will is being governed by the will of reason, love and peace. Reason is truth, the word. Faith in the word, until or understanding is gained. If people thought consciously of the cause and consequence of their actions, thoughts and intentions they would then have free will. To determine one’s own path without genetic hereditary patterns misleading blindly, overcoming the debris of fear and hate in embedded behavioural patterns programmed into the subconscious, unknown consciously to his own mind. To know oneself is to be free willed, free thinking, free in Spirit ...


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
The butterfly effect, the actions of one butterfly initiates a cyclical reaction, a pattern of behaviour, how bizarre does this sound. The catalyst was the oracle of reason and wisdom, how did it arise that the unconscious reaction of a butterfly can cause earth moving reverberations. What is a catalyst, what are the forces and factors creating a cataclysmic effect on the environment and atmosphere. All influential individuals with a degree of attention are able to motivate, inspire, generate a surge of emotion and change the course of history. Many impediments are implemented to allay any such one force having such a causal effect.

It is said and true God look upon the world at any time when thus inclined and reacts according to what he observes. Imagine he in passing observes a foul natured atheists lambasting against the existence of such a supernal father. The great power of God would react in kind and much hate be manifest upon innocents for the actions of one. Imagine one terrorist committing an assault against a nation he feels invades, besieges, and seeks to undermine his motherland. He takes action, many bombs are places and many lives taken. Thereafter all his brothers and race are known by his action and judgment. Life is such. All are ambassadors of their nation, religion and creed.

Indeed environmental factors and peer pressure colour a man’s thinking and judgment. The purpose of bani or scriptures is to retain truth and reason over mind, matter and social trends. Man is as immaculate as is creator. To consider oneself less than ideal and place oneself in the gathering of the good is a contradiction of terms, a misplaced humility and course of action. Humility teaches man that until he knows himself he knows nothing. To know oneself is to be free. It is therefore mortals enchained and enslaved that voice loudly what others intuit subconsciously.

Sainty Ji, you are a respected and much loved contributor here. Intellectual purity and spiritual peace will gain you the greatness inherent in your words and actions. Silence is preferable to speaking biased and angry words in reaction to perceived misjudgements. Here is wishing the Jesus Christ a happy birthday. A fellow brother of Nanak Ji amongst the sons of the Almighty Creator.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Guess I have to move things now. I really dislike this part of being a leader. Truly I do. We try to put a cap on things so they do not get out of control. We do not like to meddle with the expression of opinion by members of SPN.

But in the end we have to be judge, jury and executioner. Geez! :confused:


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
My response was to your signature, Lalihayer Ji. One who is immaculate sees his Lord reflected from the skies, about and within. He senses his Creators vulnerability, responsibility, and his adversity. Our Lord is as patriarch as immaculate and perfect, as Omnipotent and Powerful as his creation allow. The creation must have faith in his word and doctrine prior to the gaining of understanding and realisation of man as particle or fraglet, being the entire sum contained in a mortal portal of humanity. When others question with misinformed apparatus of thinking, Gods power and House is diminished in stature, tainted will all adversarial sin and wrongdoing, and desecrated by heathens and atheists about us. Why does God allow mans suffering is probably the same reasoning as to why Man allows his faith and God to be blasphemed against and destructed by tyrannical regimes and corrupt governments protecting their own indefensible actions and interests whilst setting the mob upon an exposed and unprotected Creator and his institution of religious wisdom. Both mans and Gods reluctance to action is probably based upon the same line of logic and thinking, for man is but an extension and part of the pervading spirit, be it in its purest and perfect form, or corrupted and made bestial beyond recognition of any semblance of humanity and decency.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
If one feels unclean and defiled one sets upon a path of self cleansing, the mind of anger and the negative thinking it creates, the body by cleansing internally and without with peace and love, itself generating a healing and detox of the entire bio system. This cleansed soul cannot think with harshness, or speak foul words and we are thereby cleansed. How can man be filthy, and if he were he would not deign to utter the sacred word of the Father upon his lips until he was cleansed. As one would not visit his house without bathing and donning ones best apparel.

There is no reason for man to be vile if he becomes aware and conscious of any inherent vileness within him. Consciousness is a greater part of the cure. They are vile who mule like refuse to admit wrongdoing or fear the harsh consequence of their erroneous ways. How can one who has love of the Lord and the company of his fellowship be vile. To infer so is to encourage other virulent antagonistic forces to his threshold in the hope of God accepting the filth ridden or impure of heart. There is no reason to be so when cleansing is exacted within hours with enlightenment, faith and love.

You will concur or maybe you will disagree. It is a matter of state of mind, emotional wellbeing, and a strong firm faith in one’s ability to overcome such pitfalls.

This good gentleman beating his head against the cold stone of Gods heart. All is required if for one of stronger faith to hold him tight until his demons leave and he finds a shoulder upon which to lean. Who would be that good soul ...


A father would rather see his blood perish and die than be dishonoured or defiled. The caste and race of the invasive enemy may change, but the circumstance remains.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
If one feels unclean and defiled one sets upon a path of self cleansing, the mind of anger and the negative thinking it creates, the body by cleansing internally and without with peace and love, itself generating a healing and detox of the entire bio system. This cleansed soul cannot think with harshness, or speak foul words and we are thereby cleansed. How can man be filthy, and if he were he would not deign to utter the sacred word of the Father upon his lips until he was cleansed. As one would not visit his house without bathing and donning ones best apparel.

There is no reason for man to be vile if he becomes aware and conscious of any inherent vileness within him. Consciousness is a greater part of the cure. They are vile who mule like refuse to admit wrongdoing or fear the harsh consequence of their erroneous ways. How can one who has love of the Lord and the company of his fellowship be vile. To infer so is to encourage other virulent antagonistic forces to his threshold in the hope of God accepting the filth ridden or impure of heart. There is no reason to be so when cleansing is exacted within hours with enlightenment, faith and lov

I think this is great! Something to ponder more than one or two times.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Page 624, Line 11
ਭਾਂਭੀਰੀ ਕੇ ਪਾਤ ਪਰਦੋ ਬਿਨੁ ਪੇਖੇ ਦੂਰਾਇਓ ॥੩॥
भांभीरी के पात परदो बिनु पेखे दूराइओ ॥३॥
Bẖāʼnbẖīrī ke pāṯ parḏo bin pekẖe ḏūrā▫i▫o. ||3||
There is a veil between us, like the wings of a butterfly; without being able to see Him, He seems so far away. ||3||
Guru Arjan Dev - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]
Last edited by a moderator:


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Studies of sets of twins separated at birth and studied upon maturity show a set of distinct patterns that give validity to a predestined fate or karma to an individual’s life. This fate whether good or bad is not entirely infallible as some sorcerers can cure ill fatedness, yet is contradicts many presumed tenets of nature and nurture and their effect on producing a thinking, coordinated and cohesive society.

YouTube - Steven Pinker: Chalking it up to the blank slate

Although I firmly hold the belief the mind is not at birth a blank slate but a created mass amalgam of the genetic predisposition of the parentage programmed into the new born child. Nature and nurture by the biological parents further augment such inherited traits. If the parents witness their certain undesirable characteristics evident in their growing child the battle against a self will ensues. A parent prone to picking its nose will balk at the subconsciously adopted bad habit taken upon the child. The child’s sense of assimilation with parent is broken when the parent objects to the fine tuned reflective behavioural patterns in the child. Recognition of this fact corrects the problem at source.
Jun 1, 2008
Sat Shri Akal,:D

I always had thought that life is a note book i would decorate it with different colours i would do what i like i would make my own destiny i would be my luck maker but i was wrong and everyone is right until he is proved wrong life is not a note book it is a book already written we simply read it out and so we are a reader of some one else wish may you call him a writer or God.Let me show you how can we simplify our lives.......

The life is like a book some times it seems to be all about comedy sometimes tragedy and at other times a drama .we can simplify each single minute of our life by being a very good and sensible audience.Take things lightly .Try not to commit mistakes because most of the mistakes which we commit can never be corrected.Don't think much about things that make you sad.Always try to be cheerful.Learn from yesterday to work today for a bright tomorrow.Life is after all a book strive hard to keep it clean and present it to next generation as a guide.Life is a book...........

~wald Guru Nanak~~

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004



that was the day he was born as human....

Most humans in human bodies..refuse to change their inhuman actions..and actions...that why its said..human-animal...human but acting like a monkey..a human barking like a dog....a human charging like a bull...a human acting like a *****..a prostitute..all these are OUR LIVES>>>INCARNATIONS...Karams..actions...and most importantly all of them are IN THIS ONE HUMAN LIFETIME !!!

The moment a "monkey in human body" realises his actions will NOT lead him towards GOD....thats when he is REBORN..REINCARNATED.....from "monkey" into "Human". Its a fact as long as a human continues to behave like a Dog in the Manger..he cannot acquire Godlike qualities....he will have to RELINQUISH the dog like behaviour and be REBORN as HUMAN to go on the path towards God....

ALL shabads about reincarnations and past lives and karmas etc mustbe read in TOTO..and then we will find thats why Gurbani declares that HUMAN BIRTH IS ONLY ONCE in lifetime chance to meet HIM....we are NOT BORN again and again..NO JI NEVER.

The "animal instincts" MUST be driven OUT of this "human body" to make way for GODLIKE qualities....BOTH cannot fit in..like they say two swords in a single scabbard ??

that is also what is meant by rebirth at khandeh batte dee pahul.... we are supposed to CUT OFF our HEAD....leave behind the OLD HEAD..and recieve a NEW HEAD...leave MANMATT of the Old days.....and adopt GURMATT of the coming new days. Here no body actually physically cuts his head off...no surgeon sews a new head back on to our neck....its all "SPIRITUAL CLEANSING"... FROM that DAY on we are to spiritually beleive in parents GURU GOBIND SINGH JI..birthplace KESHGARH sahib....no need to go changing ones BIRTH Certificate/passport etc to reflect the "Change" !!!! IF that were the case Guru gobind Sngh Ji would be listed as Father on 25 million passports and birthplace as keshgarh on millions of certs and documents...BUT many still go on emphasising "Physical..changes..births..reincarnations..rebirths..etc etc when there is absolutley NO PROOF of any such as no one has come back to say he is now a cow...or snake...et c etc
GURBANI emphaisies JEEWAN MUKTEE..we get our REWARDS HERE AND NOW...no greenfileds of heaven..no flowing rivers of honey and milk..no heavens and no hells...whatever we are we are NOW....our KARMAS are NOW....
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