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Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet?


May 9, 2006
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

TheSikhviewpoint ji

Welcome to the forum. Please have a browse of the topics and discussions and comment as you like.

However, when discussing interfaith issues, please keep in mind the disclaimer at the top of this page:

Unity in Diversity: Many members on SPN, come from various religious and cultural backgrounds and may have variable conflicting opinions. Religion and Philosophy are general but unique for each person's understanding and progress. If you disagree, simply accept the difference and ask for information you may not know. Unnecessary bragging, trash talk, childish arguments only take us away from the topic in hand. Please avoid them at any cost.

I've made the last line bold for emphasis. It is ok to have an opinion, but it's not ok to make derogatory statements towards an individual or their religion. :noticekudi:

Jul 1, 2012
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

well I do'nt think that i've posted any unhealthy comment....what i've posted is a reality and i've nothing to do with the man who started this thread. regarding the disclamer notice I must advice you to please put such notice as soon as such threads are created rather than when an answer is given in its response....and lastly but not leastly kindly do some mercy and show me where I went unhealthy in my comment...it started with brother and finished with fateh and in between the reality and truth...


May 26, 2011
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Ha ha "False prophet".. It seems unwise to tell people this of the same religion... we Sikhs here aren't muslim.. so they wont really believe..
Oct 18, 2012
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Please understand the whole of sikhism revealations is coming directly from god without the help of anything in between example angels..quran is coming thru the help of angels..sikhism rejects angels because they themself are lost in maya.. So in sikhism thought mukti cannot be earned thru the help of angels.. Some say angels has no desires.. Sikhism rejects this because all angels plus other deities are crying for a human birth plus grace of god, so the desires are there... Thru human birth there is free will and chance to earn grace of god for mukti.. Angels does not have free will,, they are following god comandments and singing the lord praises only.. But angels are also not attaining any grace of god.. So angels cannot teach us the path of mukti, return to god..destiny in sikhism is to return to god but destiny in islam is heaven and hell.. Sikhism rejects heaven and hell because in both cases ego-haumai is still there and further more heaven and hells are still located in maya region.. Islam has labeled the whole humanity as carrying original sins of adam and eve, except their prophet the choosen one..sikhism rejects this because grace of god is for the whole creation. Sikhism takes the soul to be the true self, but islam takes the body to be the one and about the soul they will say it s a god secret, man does not know anything about the soul.. In sikhism, the body or ego haumai cannot show us the path to mukti, but it will take you to maya to enjoy heaven and hell... Sikhism recommend it s followers to go into the 4th stage, where the true soul will manifest but islam only mingle arround with the 3 types consciousness, the highest here is sleeping without dreams, then wait till judgement day when everything is distroyed.. Sikhism rejects this because this 3 stages are all in maya region.. Sikhism wants us to be awake not sleeping, because mukti is only earned in waking state consciousness on earth physical plane in a human birth... Islam believe human birth is coming from the past sins of adam and eve..sikhism rejects this, because human birth are coming from past good actions.. So after a human birth it s time to run after mukti thru the grace of god.. But in islam they keep on running after good actions because their destiny is the heaven in maya. but they does not know by preserving the ego, death will always be there.. they did not made their destiny beyond maya because they think man is a original sinner and has desires. sikhism rejects this and say the lord s grace is very powerfull and there is no weakness in god and his grace.. since revealations in islam is coming from the limited angels, they think life and death is only taking place once.. But destiny in sikhism is SUCH KHAND, the highest heaven beyond maya and time and space and where there is no duality and ego, no male or female.. quran is brought down by only sound of the bell, but sikhism are full revealations thru the help of shabad naam directly from god.. this is my oppinion
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Oct 18, 2012
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

continue---- even though sikhism does not make a destiny to heavens or hell in maya region but sikhism does not deny the existance of heavens and hells in maya.. for sikhism every birth is a hell, because the entity is still in an EGO form, and death is always there. the real heaven is Such Khand where death, time, duality, and ego does not exist..this is where the true soul will manifest, true soul will usually listen only but not talking in languages. here there are no languages. here oneness with god is experienced.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

This thing always annoys me. Some Muslims throw this argument: Guru Nanak didn't claim he was a prophet, Muhammad said he was a prophet. So, Muhammad is the last prophet and Sikhs should submit to him..

For God's sake people, use your grey matter...and have a life...
Guru Nanak Sahib is our Guru, the holy teacher...and his pedestal is unsharable to anyone...



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

This thread goes back years. It was a wind-up thread intended to get Sikhs wound up over an irrelevant statement... kind of like breaking up a wedding by tripping the bridegroom's uncle and then saying he deserved it because he wasn't watching where he was walking. Poor uncle! He did realize he needed to be on guard for a set-up followed by a sucker punch. There is no point to it because no one ever claimed Guru Nanak was a prophet to begin with, including Guru Nanak. So why walk into the ambush? Or if you know it is an ambush, just call it for what it is and leave the reception. Who wins in this kind of argument?
Oct 18, 2012
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Guru nanak did mention, that whoever who can come forward and show him the path of naam, he is ready to touch their feet..this is what we call in sikhism the art of practising humility, minus the pride.. the muslim prophet mention that he is the chosen one and the last prophet.. in sikhism we call this an act of pride, not humility.. guru nanak did mention that god is not partial, his grace is for everyone.. further more the NAAM in islam mention in QURAN is only sound of bell.. in sikhism we went much further then this.. in islam they believe god is talking, in sikhism listening is more vital..when you say god is talking that means their revealations are only coming from universal mind-- kalaam.. but actually god is much higher then this.. WHATEVER COMES FROM THIS KAALAM, IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO REGION OF TIME AND SPACE ONLY.. actually the true ONE GOD-akal purakh is seated much higher then this kaalam-universal mind..they islam are only taking on the immanent part of god that is sargun, but they forgot about NIRGUN.. At the beginning when there was nothing, there was no sargun yet, but only nirgun- unmanifested one was there.. destiny in sikhism is to rise higher then time and space, and only naam is the true guide..
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Sep 17, 2013
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

:peacesign::) Sir.....Hindu or musalmanoi......Shubh Amlaan Baajoh Do-no Roi.....means good deeds only define a human and not one is born in.

what is in Muhamad The Great and Gurus the Greats.......

Only fools fight in foolish debates....enjoy the wonders of this universe by being tolerant and good to humans and nature by living wisely.

Every one is unique not only the great prophet or the gurus all are unique and no one shall on this universe shall be repeated....we may not be able to judge.......

if we r unkind we r not following Great Mohamad or the Granth Sahib
if we are not perceiving Allah or Ram in this universe...and the mankind.....
what so if I boast of being one of the Religious minded and an Egoistic personality.....

and where there is ego there is no god or allah Khudai.......only fools ego and the ego fights......

What happened if Allah has made to born a Hindu or a Sikh and happened If Ram Narayan had made me to born a Musalim... All these are on the Natures Law....

Today one is born Sikh and ....praise Sikh ;ife...a muslim a momins life...a hindu ... a hindu lifestyle.......all are biased and limited with ego...when we shall have true inspection and live like humans....take all the Avatars , Gurus and Prophets my Mankinds...Mine .. Avtars , Gurus and Prophets.......who will acertain that a Great Human have said the Allah is Finished with the Qualities and now no Great Humans can be produced in this universe any more........ I Disagree....whether a Sikh,a Hindu or a Momin says such foolish takes...... all such are rubbish:)
More over I feel that it is only the task of the mischievers of mankind to declare such statements ..... in the name of the enlighted ones......

Had RAM RAHIM ...GURUS had shared the same Time Space they would rather enjoy the Bhakti... Naam instead of proving who is right because all must have been at equally great levels of sprituallity......

Please do not compare such degro way... Kuran is equally loveable as is Sri Guru Granth Sahib.... and so is the Hindus.....scriptures.......only LOVE...seeing Almighty in all is the religion...rest is Ego......

Treat every one as your own......loving family......like your Kids....
Allah Hafiz.....


Sep 17, 2013
Re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

This thing always annoys me. Some Muslims throw this argument: Guru Nanak didn't claim he was a prophet, Muhammad said he was a prophet. So, Muhammad is the last prophet and Sikhs should submit to him..
:) I have already agreed ...stating...all..Avatars ..RAM, KRISHAN...BUDHA...MAHAVIRA, MOHAMAD...TEN Gurus....and all englighted ones there after and at present who so ever are.....are mine...are of the man kind and like scientists do not discriminate scince in the name of scientist...but see science as scence....so do I believe in single line of philosophy.....only one dharma..man kind :) no fight.. :)
God Bless All......
Nanak Naam Chardi Kala teray Bhanay Sarbat Ka Bhalla.......

For God's sake people, use your grey matter...and have a life...
Guru Nanak Sahib is our Guru, the holy teacher...and his pedestal is unsharable to anyone...
Jan 14, 2010
Sikhs do call, Guru Nanak as their Prophet. Which is wrong, becos hazrat Muhammad [SAW]was the last prophet, and all others who claim to be one, are hypocrites and false prophet.

Guru Nanak was no Prophet just reformer, it would be clear by reading the fowlling.

Qualities of a Prophet of God

No one can become a prophet of God by his own choosing or effort; Allah has to choose him to be His prophet. And Allah chooses only such persons who have all the qualities necessary for that role, and He does so at the appropriate time in history, and then He protects His prophets from falling into the kind of errors that do not suit a prophet.

The first duty that a prophet of God does is to tell his people that he has been appointed a prophet by God to invite people to His way. Thus, a genuine prophet claims to be a prophet of God, though this claim in itself is not enough. But first and foremost, a prophet has to claim himself to be a prophet of God. The people often question this claim and threaten him to give up his claim. They may even offer him all kinds of temptations that ordinary humans would fall for. But the genuine prophets ignore these and go forward with their God-given mission.

So, the first question you need to ask your Sikh friend is: Did Nanak really claim to be a prophet chosen by God to lead people out of darkness into light?

If the answer is “no,” tell him that this proves that prophethood was conferred on him by his zealous followers and it is meaningless to continue to argue that Nanak was a prophet.

If the answer is “yes,” the second question is: Did Nanak approve of the roles of earlier prophets of God, especially the prophet who came just before him, Muhammad (peace be on him)?

If he says “yes,” ask him then how one can reconcile the fact that Muhammad was the Last Prophet of God and the claim that Nanak was a prophet after the Last Prophet.

The third question is whether all the Sikhs believe that their holy book, called the Adi Granth, was revealed to Nanak by God. If they say “yes,” ask them whether there is any statement to that effect in the book itself and whether Nanak said that the Adi Granth had been fully revealed to him by God. If the answer is in the affirmative, your Sikh friend has to show the proof that the above statements are true, from the Adi Granth itself. This will not be possible for him to do for the following reasons:

1. The Adi Granth is a collection of the writings of many Gurus including Nanak. It was in 1604—Nanak died in 1539—that Arjan Dev, one of the ten Gurus, compiled the hymns of Guru Nanak along with the compositions of both Hindu and Muslim holy men like Jaidev, Surdas, Sheikh Farid and Kabir. The compiled book was enshrined by Arjan in the Golden Temple with the name “Adi Granth.”

2. A prophet of God is a model for all his followers in all aspects of life. But in the case of Sikhism, we find that it was not Guru Nanak, but the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, who organized the community of Sikhs into a khalsa, “a spiritual brotherhood devoted to purity of thought and action.” He taught his followers to wear long hair (kesh, denoting saintly appearance), underwear (kachha, denoting self-control), an iron bangle (kara, denoting purity in acts), a comb (kangha, denoting cleanliness of mind and body), and a sword (kirpan, denoting fight for a just cause).

3. Towards the end of his life, the aged Nanak returned home to Punjab and settled down at Kartharpur with his family. People came from far and near to hear his hymns and preaching. After his death, his Hindu followers thought him to be a Hindu and his Muslim followers thought him to be a Muslim.

From the foregoing, we understand that Guru Nanak was not a prophet of God, but a religious reformer of his times.

Dear Jinni and Muslim

After reading your thread I was bit confused and surprised too, how some people can be so ignorant that they just read the sentence and takes its meaning which suits them.

Tell me who said Muhammed was last prophet according to you God said through quran which was reveled to Muhammed ok right I agree with you but brother don't you use logic he is there fore last prophet but last prophet in ISLAM not for whole world because as per you people prophet comes to guide people when everything is going in wrong way, people are suffering so God send prophet who lead people out of darkness into light. so what you think after muhammed all people start living as per the will of GOD the presently century in which we all are living maximum people are suffering in the whole world so now what you say GOD should not send anyone because he already send muhammed. GOD will send prophet because GOD is not having any binding nor he has signed any contract with muslims that he will not send any other prophet, brother its common sense whenever people divert from true path and indulge in wrong deed GOD will send his men now its upto you, you can say him prophet, messenger or anything else so same is this case when Guru Nanak came people were into wrong deeds all were without direction he is also prophet or we say him Guru


Feb 13, 2016
Mr . Jinni. First answering your question of whether Guru Nanak Dev was prophet i would ask you Was mohd.a real prophet ? Which i believe he was not?

It is narrated in Bukhari (hadees) when first time jibril came to mohd he was scared. What kind of beloved Prophet will get scared from a angel.

During the first revelation, Gabriel was rather forceful with Muhammad and succeeded in terrifying him:

The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Mohd replied, "I do not know how to read.
The Mohd added, "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, 'I do not know how to read.' Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, 'I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?' Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said, 'Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists) has created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous." (96.1, 96.2, 96.3)

Then mohd returned with the Inspiration and with his heart beating severely. Then he went to Khadija bint Khuwailid and said, "Cover me! Cover me!" They covered him till his fear was over and after that he told her everything that had happened and said, "I fear that something may happen to me."
Sahih Bukhari 1:1:3

One other hand Guru Nanak directly got relevation from Waheguru (Lord). Guru sahib says " jaisay mai aaway Khasam ki baani tasra krey Gain wey Lalo" meaning The way Revelation ( word of lord) is revealed by Waheguru (Allah) to me , in the same way i narrate the knowledge further.
Jan 14, 2010
Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

I have already made it clear that Muhammad is last prophet, but he is last prophet of Islam. God has not yet signed any agreement with my muslims brothers that he will not send any prophet to world, my muslim brothers are misguiding people by saying he is last prophet of whole world, he cant be last prophet. its up to God's will if he wants or if situation arises he can send any number of prophets.
when everything is going in wrong way, people are suffering so God send prophet who lead people out of darkness into light. so no religion can claim our prophet is last because all rights reserved to GOD only.
Hope all will agree with this logic.


Jan 22, 2005
Unlike Hindus who believes a revered soul coming down as a human being and this concept is derived from bhagvat geeta chapter 4 verse 7-8 which says yada yada hi darmesiah that whenever there is decline of dharma and the rise of Adharma, O Arjuna, then I manifest (or incarnate). I incarnate in every age for protecting the good, for punishing or transforming the wicked, and for the establishment of Dharma, I manifest myself to protect the good and to establish the righteousness I will be born and in Islam ch.34, v28 almost similar concept is there that he sent his messengers Mohammed as last prophet whereas in gurbani the concept of manifestation of God is different. Wherever there is truth He is there. He (virtues) are always here and whosoever loves can manifest the divine virtues through the arrow of sabd guru to render justice guru mere sangh sada hai naalai or satguru mera sda sda n aavai j jaey and does not go and come back. It that state of mind guru sahib utters 'jaisi mai aavey khasam ki baani'. It thus falsifies or dismississ the revelations or commandments of Mohammed.

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
I find it kind of odd how the OP mentioned that a prophet can't just self-declare, and that it's up to "allah' however didn't Muhammad self-dclare himself as the last prophet?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji on the other hand, was quoted as saying he was just a servant of God... in other words he was humble and not self proclaiming himself as someone great.
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