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Has Www.sikhsangat.com Been Infested By Intolerant Neo-fascists?

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Jun 12, 2006
I am amazed at the penetration of media achieved by pro khalistan supporters, which suprisingly find no currency with people "living in" punjab

That may be because many of those who did support such views in the Panjab "vanished" into thin air with the help of the Punjab Police. The rest are probably too terrified to openly express their views as a result.


Sep 16, 2004
That may be because many of those who did support such views in the Panjab "vanished" into thin air with the help of the Punjab Police. The rest are probably too terrified to openly express their views as a result.

I can realte to later part of your statement. And dont thinkthis is concsious terror. this something that is at subconcious level of people as after all this turnmiol and bloodshed people just dont want to even visit this issue even in there thought s and just ignore this totally .

The mainm issue in India is about human right sand everybody is suffering and not just one community


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
Dr Khalsa ji

i agree India doesnot have a great record for human rights, but everything is comparative right?

Dal veerji,

i know there were excesses done by Police and the legal system has been slow, but this does not mean that there is persecution of one community

and terror is not of police, terror is of losing one's brother/sister to terrorists, who bombed in public places, shot openly, intruded people's house at night, even forcibly taking money at gun point( they called it Kar Seva ... LOL )

I know i am going to get the reason of Black Cats, and yadda yadda, religiousness of Khalistanis....

but thank you, if believing in India as my country and its constitution is a delusion, i am happy doing so :)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
all liberal minded sikhs must counter the fanatics.most sites are ONEMAN operated but carry grandiose titles like "PANTHIC"..KHALSA..etc as if the one man represents all sikhs or khalsas. What they promote must be taken with a ton of salt...best is to PROMOTE ACTIVELY sites such as this one SPN..One of the BEST if i may say so..
Gyani jarnail Singh


Apr 3, 2005
all liberal minded sikhs must counter the fanatics.most sites are ONEMAN operated but carry grandiose titles like "PANTHIC"..KHALSA..etc as if the one man represents all sikhs or khalsas. What they promote must be taken with a ton of salt...best is to PROMOTE ACTIVELY sites such as this one SPN..One of the BEST if i may say so..
Gyani jarnail Singh

I agree with you gyani ji that SPN is the best.but the people who visit and contribuite on this site are quite small compare to sikhsangat.On sikhsangat you have around atleast 30 to 40 posts per day but here the actual number of contribuiters are quite small.i don't what is the reason behind it.


Mar 26, 2007
I agree with you gyani ji that SPN is the best.but the people who visit and contribuite on this site are quite small compare to sikhsangat.On sikhsangat you have around atleast 30 to 40 posts per day but here the actual number of contribuiters are quite small.i don't what is the reason behind it.
Quality, not quanity...;)


Apr 3, 2005
Quality, not quanity...;)

Because of this logic sikhism is going to die.you need both quality as well as quantity
quality emerges from quantity .without quantity there will be no quality.

let me give you give an example out of 100 so called sikh there is 1 true gursikh.if there are 1000 sikhs then chances are there will be 10 true gursikhs.but if only 10 so called sikhs left then there is chance that there will be no gursikh.so quantity is very important.


Mar 26, 2007
Because of this logic sikhism is going to die.you need both quality as well as quantity
quality emerges from quantity .without quantity there will be no quality.

let me give you give an example out of 100 so called sikh there is 1 true gursikh.if there are 1000 sikhs then chances are there will be 10 true gursikhs.but if only 10 so called sikhs left then there is chance that there will be no gursikh.so quantity is very important.
i was reffering too the number of psots, not sikhs, bhai-ji...


Mar 26, 2007
but that logic is also applicable to posts.
Of course, but do you really think we need alot of sikhs making posts?

While it helps, i'm sure, we need more sikhs, not more posts. Who cares if we get one new sikh that makes 20 posts - Why not 20 sikhs making one quality post?

I agree with what you're saying, but do you think ALOT of lower quality sikhs will truly help sikhism in the long run?


Apr 3, 2005
Of course, but do you really think we need alot of sikhs making posts?

While it helps, i'm sure, we need more sikhs, not more posts. Who cares if we get one new sikh that makes 20 posts - Why not 20 sikhs making one quality post?

I agree with what you're saying, but do you think ALOT of lower quality sikhs will truly help sikhism in the long run?

Just like in a school you cannot expect only toppers to study similarly on a site we should not expect only posters who make top quality posts.We need all types of sikhs here.
After all who knows some of the the sikhs which you are calling lower quality could become great sikhs in future.


Jul 31, 2007
Diamonds are always rare, otherwise they are not called diamonds. Whether they are sikh or hindu according to any definition doesn't matter. The rarity makes them diamond. Only diamonds matter not coal and they remain so whether they are called hindu or sikh.

Increasing base is an egoistical process. It only fans fanaticism !
Quality is always better than quantity. Look at sikh history.

Sikhs lives for others not for themselves, others are not sikhs.. So how can non sikhs who would want to increase sikhism (or non sikhism) cos of their own interests make sikhs. Or otherwise tell me a person who has the power to make sikh out of a person like Guru Ji did. If not then it is better to start charity at home and be sikhs ourselves first.


Apr 3, 2005
Increasing base is an egoistical process. It only fans fanaticism !
Quality is always better than quantity. Look at sikh history.

Even guru's send masand to spread the gurmat and that's why many people came into the fold of sikhism.do you think we are sikhs today because our ancestors went to guru's.NO it is because someone was spreading gurmat and our ancestors liked it and they embraced sikhism.

i said it earlier and i am saying it again that quality cannot emerge without quantity


Jul 31, 2007
That is what I am saying the guru sent true masands then, who has the power now to send Masands, who can do that... Without guru's physical presence even masand's were corrupt.

Quality is not dependent on quantity, that is the property of quality.

Ok, for once lets assume all hindus become so called sikhs ( not the sikhs). What is that going to change except a few laws here and there. But yes it will poison the whole environment for sure.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
alas....I think they will divide further.....this sums up the very worrying trend of Sikhs splitting.....
Carbon Copy ?? That is not "Dividing" per se...its called proliferating like bacteria do...or amoeba division...
These all are actually just "OMS"..One Man Show operating woth grandiose names like "Panthic".."Khalsa" etc to put up a false front as if they represent the entire Sikh kaum....FUNDING is no problem...although genuine sikh forums like SPN are alwsy cash strapped and asking for donations just to survive ?? Ring any bells ?? Take their advice with a ton of salt..especially twisted gurbani logic on meat and other issues..so many good sikh sites like SikhFM that offered Gurbani Kiratan fell victim to these "EKTA ONE" types which now ONLY sell Baba and Sants Kirtan and dhaarnas along with genuine Kirtan..the way unethical manufacturers bundle a useless "toy" with a good product...bad for Sikhi Parchaar...but lets not despair..continue to support the liberal genuinely sikhi sites like SPN...my favourite

Gyani jarnail Singh

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I agree with you gyani ji that SPN is the best.but the people who visit and contribuite on this site are quite small compare to sikhsangat.On sikhsangat you have around atleast 30 to 40 posts per day but here the actual number of contribuiters are quite small.i don't what is the reason behind it.

SPN is by far the most maturest discussion forums on Sikh's and Sikhism.......sikh-history.com used to be good but seems to be very quiet.

What you find with Sikh Sangat is that one or two people are prolific posters there. The average age of people there is about 13, and many of them actually know each other in real life. So what they are in effect doing is publicising converstaions they may have privately on the internet......

Many people here are mature adults and do not have hours and hours to spend posting messages on the internet like 13 year olds....


Apr 3, 2005
That is what I am saying the guru sent true masands then, who has the power now to send Masands, who can do that... Without guru's physical presence even masand's were corrupt.

Quality is not dependent on quantity, that is the property of quality.

Ok, for once lets assume all hindus become so called sikhs ( not the sikhs). What is that going to change except a few laws here and there. But yes it will poison the whole environment for sure.

First of all masands were created by guru amardas ji and masands became corrupted later.
also not all masands were corrupt.many spread gurmat

now to your second question that if all hindu's become sikhs.then spreading of gurmat will be much easier.chances are many true gursikhs will emerge from them.

now let us assume if population of sikhs will declined to 20,000 then according to indian constituition sikhism will cease to exist.to recognise as religion,caste,clan you should
have atleast population of 30,000.The special rights that given to sikhs like wearing turban at government services would be over.

I am really sorry to say but in this political world to keep your spitual path alive you desperately need quantity.
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