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May 2, 2006
I think like this :

In this case Person who we are saying is "Sikh" .. I m pretty sure being in Jatt community very good chances are he will be clean shaven. Secondly if not then chances are he will be wearing turban but that is it. So any ways there is a very few percent chance that this boy is even what we so called " Sikh" as per religion. If that is the case why to worry .. non - sikh marrying non - sikh doesnt matter.

Baki apan kudi nu puch lena hain :

indespairx : Does this guy wear turban ?

I will say .. this is more of cross cultural marriage rather then any thing to do with religion. As if boy is a porper sikh he will look for a girl with proper Sikh values. ( doesnt meant any negative to both boy and girl )

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Balwinder singh ji

Why is it wrong to visit jattworld? I also visted Hinduunity,ummah,stormfront
etc.Now does it mean I want to create controversy with everybody.

As far master Tara singh is concerned I used his statement because It is well known fact that upto that time caste was not much a factor among sikhs While deciding who is going to be leader of Sikhs

BTW do you believe I wrote something wrong something which is false ,if it is so then please refute it.

Jattworld is an incredibly racist site, and in my view does more harm to the Jatt community than helps them. I have posted there in the past, and have had real abuse for not being Jatt. Saying this, I know many Jatts (especially here in the UK) who actively promote intercatse marriage amongst Sikhs so as Sikhs do not marry outside their faith.

I think the hard-liners in the Jatt community are fast becoming a minority.


Oct 28, 2010
I don't know what sikhism says about marrying other religions, but if it is prohibited then the fact you guys are bf/gf means he isnt a strict sikh. So if he REALLY wants to be with you, then he will be with you regardless of what his parents say. If he is not man enough to go against his parents wishes (which are discriminating) on an issue that involves HIS life then you should ask yourself if he is a man.

If you are an honest person then there is no reason for his parents to reject you.


Jan 14, 2011
Hindu Panjabi Boy and Sikh Girl

Hello friends,
I don't want to refer my name or location just want to share my situation to get some replies from you guys, I am a Hindu boy of Punjabi cast and i am in a relation with a sikh girl from past 2years and we both truly loves each other, We didn't tried anything impure and stupid in our relation as we want that when we tell our parents about the relation we can say that with confidence that we just loved each other nothing else.
Truly and frankly saying(no offense pls) I didn't respect Sikh religion 2yrs back, But the day i met her I felt a very true respect about Sikh religion and If I talk about today I have learned Japji Sahib path and we used to go gurdware many times.
I respect her thoughts and religious beliefs, You all knows in Punjabi's their are no such restrictions about love marriage , Inter-Caste or Inter-Religion marriage, But her parents are too much concerned about her marriage, They want that the girl must marriage to a sikh boy only and they are not wrong at their side as they have seen many couples just divorced because of difference in religious beliefs, If we will marriage they will not talk to her and If we don't marriage with each other we can't live.
I am ready to marry through sikh customs in Gurdware if her parents want to, She can continue her religion after marriage also but how can I convince her parents as I know they will not listen to me and believe me.


Jan 14, 2011
Re: Hindu Panjabi Boy and Sikh Girl

Sorry for double posting, Don't know its allowed or not, Just want to say I thought you had deleted the topic when I didn't saw it in Questions and Answers column.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Hindu Panjabi Boy and Sikh Girl

Blank ji

I don't see a similar thread in Questions and Answers. There two similar threads, in other parts of the site. Maybe you could give me the link, but as far as I can tell it does not really matter that much if there are no duplications. This thread however needs to be in a different place -- in fact I am going to move it to Sikh Sikhi Sikhism/Questions and Answers in a few minutes. Thank you for being so considerate.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Re: Hindu Panjabi Boy and Sikh Girl

Blank ji,
I have moved your query into the relationships section and changed the title to reflect the nature of your query. Thank you for your understanding.

It might be helpful for you to look at other similar cases as there have been many similar threads. Please remember that the advice given over the internet is given from very different perspectives and personal experiences and may not accurately reflect your situation.


Jan 14, 2011
Re: Hindu Panjabi Boy and Sikh Girl

Blank ji,
It might be helpful for you to look at other similar cases as there have been many similar threads. Please remember that the advice given over the internet is given from very different perspectives and personal experiences and may not accurately reflect your situation.

Thanx for giving some time on thread, I can understand different peoples have different way of thinking and views, I respect them all. My love will not change and I am sure.

P.S - After reading many threads and different similar posts, Let me clear 1 thing to all the reader that I don't want her to change her religion, I want that both of us will follow both the religions, We follow Sikhism more or Hinduism more that doesn't matters to me.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Re: Hindu Panjabi Boy and Sikh Girl

This thread may help as answers some questions http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikh-rehat-maryada/33861-can-sikh-girl-marry-hindu-boy.html

Marriage is not as simple as saying both religions are accepted. There a lot of practical considerations that you should both think about and talk through thoroughly beforehand. Communication is the key so you both know how the other person thinks and therefore will have less conflict later. How to deal with children is probably the biggest issue.


Mar 10, 2011
Cross religion. Is it acceptable in Sikhism?

I was just wondering as a white agnostic man what your position is ona Sikh girl dating a man from another religion/race. Ive been persnally effected by as my girlfriend of 2 years is Sikh and wants to break up due to fear of what her family will say or do if they found out.. Is i really that bad?
Oct 19, 2012
hi everyone!!

i'm also new here, so please be gentle with me :)

i had a similar problem as you, although vice versa, i am a white girl, not religious , dating a sikh man.. we have now been together for 5+years. However in the begining it was hard for us, a Sikh man, with a white girl was something we saw frowned up alot from both cultures. but in the begining, we had to keep our relationship a secret, as both families were sort of against mixed race relationships/marriages, i think for about the first 9months we didnt meet eachothers families and the friends we introduced eachother too were limited due to news "spreading" to the families. but love kicked in, and we had to introduce eachother to our respective families. - boy was this scary! but once my family got to know my boyfriend they adored him, and everything changed for the better.....BUT my boyfriends family were a mixed bunch. his older sister hated me, still does to this day and iv never had a chance to say more than two words to her before she bolts from the room or just point blankly refuses to talk to me while in the same room as me, his brother doesnt talk to me unless he has to, ( which i dont mind, becos his bro is a total waste of space.) his mum loves me to bits, always kissing my cheeks, hugging me or talking to me. his dad was the hardest one of all. he believed my boyfriend should be with a sikh female, even went as far as banning me from the house when i had done nothing wrong, argued with my boyfriend over the problems of marrying a "white girl" and even went as far as trying to arrange a marriage for my boyfriend to a sikh girl. but over time. his dad came around to me and now talks to me and even offers to help me with any problems i have. and now me and my boyfriend have been together 5+years and still as madly in love as we was in the begining, it doesnt matter that he's sikh and im white, it matters how we feel of eachother, and that we love and respect and cherish eachother, if all we had was our religions, and belifes....i dread to think what my life would be like with out him :-(

i guess what im trying to say, in a long winded round about way ( sorry guys i tend to ramble) is, yes sometimes there are going to be problems in a mixed relationship when it comes to the families and traditions and opinions, but when you are in love and are willing to put in the effort for eachother, then it ur family will see this, and come around ( in an ideal world. i understand some people can just be stubborn) i was lucky.... some people might think their families wont approve, but u dont know untill you try! keep a relationship a secret from fear of "what other people think" is alot harder than any other aspect of the realtionship. xx
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