" Sikhs DONT simmar or worship WEAPONS..Bhaguati or anything else.
Simple reason is that Bhagauti/weapon..is helpless by itself..it has no brains...the same SWORD in the hands of babar destroyed Emnabad town...the same sword in the hnads of teh Zalaad at Chandni Chowk cut off Guru teg baahdur Jis head...the same sword in Guru Gobind Singh jis Hands destroyed tyranny of Mughals..the same sword in baba banda Singh jis hands destroyed Sirhind...so HOW TO "WORSHIP" the SWORD ?? It is FORCED to FOLLOW the BRAIN of its OWNER..zaalam..or SANT.?? This entire simmar bahgauti thing is anti GURMATT and not sanctioned by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...please provde quotes from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ??"
I shall again say till the time we do not try to understand Guru Granth Sahib ji we would keep on bullshitting.
The only need is to follow Gurmat not MANNMAT. I guess Sukhmani Sahib has answers to all the questions being discussed in this forum.....
May almighty GOD give good sense to all the sikhs
YES JI...Sukhmani Sahib does indeed have ALL the answers...indeed every single page of SGGS has the answers..."IF" we care to treat them as such.
and not go looking for them answers OUTSIDE the SGGS..outside our one and only GURU..sarab kala smarath GURU.
I was astonished to read on another Forum about how Baba Nand Singh of Nanksar ( who is said to have seen Guru nanak ji in the Pages of SGGS in PHYSICAL FORM )..had this thing about the Hukm-Gurvaak. His thing was that IF the Gurvaak/hukm one takes after an ardass for GUIDANCE from Guru Ji...just happens to be.."NOT SUITABLE" ) not correct answer to ones ardass/beanti/dilemma )..THEN one should STOP reading the Gurvaak..TURN the Pages about..and then TRY AGAIN...IF this new GURVAAK is still lacking the answer we seek..then TRY a THIRD TIME...and then STOP FOR 24 HOURS !!! Come back the next day.
This is where we get..."ideas"...about..aaj da Hukm/gurvaak..CHANGGAH nahin see...OH..tuhadeh Anand karaj da Gurvaak..Kushee da nahin see...bacheh da janma hoiah..teh Gurvaak aiyah..Babab bolteh theh kahna geyeh ??? eh taan bhut ashubh vaak see...ek baar fir vaak lao gyani ji..
and our GYANI JIS have become adept at FINDING US the PERFECT GURVAAK..for any ocassion...KHUSHI..the Gurvaak will be Lakh Khuskhian Patshaheehan..je satgur nadar kareh...and the person PAYING FOR IT will be so happy the GURU is HAPPY TOO !! The Nanaksari trained Babbas/Granthis.... place paper marks at certian pages..to ENSURE the PERFECT GURVAAK..everytime !!!
IS this "truly UNDERSTANDING" SGGS ?? is this truly looking for answers from SGGS ?? Taking a Gurvaak is just ONE EXAMPLE of How we MANIPULATE our GURU for our own WAY..how we Cover GURMATT with MANMATT !!! There are many other ways....
ALL the NANAK JYOT is CONSISTENT...no Mehla goes agisnt any other Mehla...IF Mehala Pehla/Dooja/Panjavaan.... says BHAGAUTI is BHAGWAT KA RAANG...then all the others also say the EXACT SAME THING....thus IF some one
OUTSIDE the SGGS says .."NO...... bhagauti can also mean this and that.." then we MUST USE SGGS as TOUCHSTONE to check its authenticity..IF it FAILS the checkmark..the touchstone litmus test..then it FAILS. No arguments.