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Hard Talk How Many Sikhs Have Married Out Of Caste/race?

Have You Married Out of Your Caste/Race/Tribe? Why or Why Not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 113 38.4%
  • No

    Votes: 181 61.6%

  • Total voters


Jul 8, 2006
Re: How Many Siks Have Married out Of Jaat/Zaat (Caste/Race)

not being born a sikh the idea of different caste's based on what your job role is is somewhat bemusing to me and smacks of discrimination much the same as rascism none of which have a place in any religion. the man who cleans the streets is as important as the man the who owns the factory that makes his brush because without one another niether could exist. the jeweler who makes masses of money trades in others sins, one of adorenment yet he is supposedly more respected than a man who who empties his bins. Foolish are the people who discriminate on whatever grounds be it race, caste or religion.
God will jugde you on the way you treat others and if you disriminate then your seat at the side of God will have already been taken. on a personal note i met a sikh lady and got married now have two beautiful children who are not confused and are taught to treat all living things with respect. my relationship was born out of love without a care for differing skin colour, race or religion. their are now three exrta sikhs in the world because of it cant be that bad can it
Dear Tony Ji,

Sat Shri Akal to you and family.
Honestly stated.
Nice reading n thanks for the 3 gifts to sikhism.

God Bless.

Guru di beti

Jan 30, 2007
Re: How Many Siks Have Married out Of Jaat/Zaat (Caste/Race)

As a SIKH, caste doesnt matter. in our religion, there are no caste system. but society has created the sub-divisions of SIKHISM. there, are Jatts, Arorras, Kathris, Rajputs....

well, i dont see a difference, we all go to the gurudwara and somewhat beleive in the same Gurus and Gurbani.

i am Arora marrying a JAtt. we are both Sikh. there are differences in the standard of living, but thast everywhere these days.


Jan 5, 2007
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

when guru gobind singh ji laid the foundation for khalsa in 1699m wasnt any caste system immediately abolished? there is also quotes in the guru granth sahib disregarding caste.


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

Heh well not being Punjabi nor Indian in origin, and being a relativly new(6-7 years) white convert to Sikhi I was already married when I found Sikhi.

My wife and kids are Atheists, although I was answering some questions on God possed to me by my oldest the other day, so things may change.
Apr 13, 2006
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

guru fateh
i feel that caste and religion are two diffrent thongs. with in a religion people can be from diffrent castes as we see in sikhism. dasmensh pita guru gobind singh ji brought people fron evry nook and corner of indian sub-continent , people from diffrent castes into the fold of sikhi , gurmat or we can say KHALSA. so i think in sikhism there is no place for castes. practically people want to marry in the same caste because it is easier to find out about the families backgrounds etc. and people belonging to same castes have a concept of seeing same people and interacting with their so called extended afmily at diffrent family occassins etc. so we shell just see the practicality of things. though in my opinion we shell not get stubborn or fanatic about the caste systems and try and extend our family beyond the castes. world is a good place to live in and have a large extended family. but at the same time i do not support intra-religious marriges . religion is a matter of faith - faith in god and the faith in practices of undersatnding and praying to the same. most of us get our religion from our parents and by birth we enter into the religion. so we get trained in a religion from an early age. we practice the faith for a long time. we shell question the faith at an early age so that we can be sure of our path for a later life, if we have to do it at all. but what we do is that when we enetr the youth we try to question evry thing because of the rebelious nature of the age. thus lot of times we say what is there in religius diffrence we are human after all and are in love with the other person. what happens after marriage? we become rider of two boats ( do kashtion ke sawwar). or we see one of the person eighter compromising on its faith or changing it altogether. children out of such wedlocks do fall in the delima of which faith or religion to choose. why shell we get into all this? why can't we find people of our chice in our religious community after such population explosion?
these are my personal views which i hv shared with all . this is my first post so forgive me if i hv deviated from the topic. i wuld appericiate a reply.
bhullaan di khima
waheguru jee ke fateh.


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

Satinder Ji,

You are of course correct, there is no place for castism in the Sikh faith. Unfortunatly there seems to be an emergant cross over between Sikhi and Punjabi/Indian culture. It is easy for me, a non Punabji white convert to Sikhi to see, yet it seems hard for those Sikhs with family ties to the Punjab to realise this, and I am often mistakenly 'told off' for badmouthing Indian/Punjabi culture.

Personly I feel that Sikhi transends any culture.
Apr 13, 2006
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

guru fateh
thanx for shaering the thoughts.veerji it had taken 300 yrs for guru sahib to teach us and reform us to get rid of the age old barriers of discrimination wther caste based or colour or creed. but it had taken a few years to forget and use own intellect to start the things all ovr again. i can understand and apperitiate your anguish on the issue of caste /race discrimination among sikhs but it is so very deep rooted that every sikh will have to make an effort now to fight this menace.
but as far as marring in diffrent religion is concerend i still maintain that eighter of the two individuals would have to make sacrifice and compromise with the other person's faith/religion. otherwise the confrontations will take place. evry reiligion talks about god but evry body has diffrent viewpoint to understand it and reach the level of togherness with the waheguru. so two diffrent viewpoints can not stay together. this is what we had seen in the world since ages. their offsprings would also be raised amist the confusions of two faiths.
i wuld apperitiate ur frank views on my opinion.
guru fateh


Mar 26, 2007
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

I am a white, american male, turning 17.. i am planning to marry a punjabi girl i'e known since i was 12.



Sep 16, 2004
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

He also said that if I was to marry someone of a different caste, then he'd disown me.

This is more of eaxample showing strong cultural /Social conditioning and it could be of use to mnay people in their life

Its is more rigid in case of Jatt SIkh Community compared to all others

In Sikhism on serious note nad not just hip hop label of proud to be sikh kind , its totally childish to look for social / psychological sense of security in such practice
But all in all its not in somebody hand the way they act untill they take on spirtulity seriously and also their life seriously

In my experience although I have lived most my life in India but in UK when i met my collegues at work place .The most miserable one I found was Indian Sikh , even Indian hindus were better why?
average Asian Sikh carries so much cultural burden with him that it makes life miserable to him especially in spirtual sense

So in spirtual sense such peopel with such rigids way of their life seems childish


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

<,The most miserable one I found was Indian Sikh , even Indian hindus were better why?
average Asian Sikh carries so much cultural burden with him that it makes life miserable to him especially in spirtual sense >>

jatinder veerji

can you please elaborate


Sep 16, 2004
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

Dear Amar ji

forgive me if something hurt anybody
I just write very quickly on forum and might say quite a lot in flow

what I meant precisely is just refering to the post of sand kaur in thread you can read it here :


sand kaur has mentioned that the first thing young peopel ask when in UNI is whats your Caste !!
I have come accross many AKJ sikhs in UK who sometimes take things too literaly and are quite critical about you if you dont fit in their way of life like

In Uk it was new thing to me to come in contact with large no of Muslim and south Indian , and many other sect like Praupadh hare rama hare krishna mission .I was intreseted in thoer material and used to attend their meeting occasionaly in Leeds Uni .
But my sikh brothers were quite critical toward me to an extent they didint consider me sikh either

Its just my opinion that Some groups of british sikhs have made themself so close and tight that even fellow sikh is not allowed leave aside any other spirtual fellow so it creates very closeness but may be this is the path for them in spirtuality but for me I like to be open and little reservations as far as spirtuality is concerned

One more good example from my experience : There is gurdwara in East London ( there there are three different gudwara) but this particular one is Khalistani Type with Pictures of Sant Ji and many Martyr of 84 on the walls . we ( me and some some south indian Dr fellows) use to visit frequently there as we were having coaching classes there in London . But Few of Old Sing ji there used to literally hate Monas ( haor cut peoples ) and obviously also me sometimes ( I dont know the exact reason !) and sometimes he even shouted for no reason in Langar but fortunately South Indian mostly dont undertand Punjabi ( even hindi they dont know) so they never knew why the old chap is furious . The reason I think is that they just dont like people who are not their Kind and th is what I call Cultural Burden thatthey have collected from no where .

Any way Inspite of his anger I visted that Gurdwara regulary just Ignoring him and may just trying to tease him more :)

All i have written is just my opinion and cant be generalised to be careful ! and opinion do differ in this big world

Jatinder Singh


Jan 15, 2007
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

I know this is going to sound offensive but I don't think I intend on marrying anyone Sikh let alone Indian. That doesn't mean I'm going to marry whitey but having been raised in an Indian household, seeig first hand how the men are raised on this petastol, has left a very bitter taste in my mouth about the men. I don't like the double standard, and perhaps I'll find that with other cultures but the slightest threat to my freedom turns me off...yes I've painted them all with the same brush but I'm still waiting for that 'exception' to come along and well I'm still waiting:)


Apr 3, 2005
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

I know this is going to sound offensive but I don't think I intend on marrying anyone Sikh let alone Indian. That doesn't mean I'm going to marry whitey but having been raised in an Indian household, seeig first hand how the men are raised on this petastol, has left a very bitter taste in my mouth about the men. I don't like the double standard, and perhaps I'll find that with other cultures but the slightest threat to my freedom turns me off...yes I've painted them all with the same brush but I'm still waiting for that 'exception' to come along and well I'm still waiting:)

so you are men hater feminist?


Sep 16, 2004
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

No shw is Indian Sikh men Hater Feminist to be specific !:)

Its all result of her personal experiences and cant be generalised
But personal experience is kind of best guide to you so cant help in such situtaion


Jan 15, 2007
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

no I'm not a man hater feminist lol! but I think that alot of Indian men/guys that I have encountered (emphasis on 'I') are similar due to their upbringing. They are all birds of a feather....


Jan 15, 2007
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

No shw is Indian Sikh men Hater Feminist to be specific !:)

Its all result of her personal experiences and cant be generalised
But personal experience is kind of best guide to you so cant help in such situtaion
"No shw is Indian Sikh men Hater Feminist to be specific !

See....this is exactly what I'm talking about. I specifically mentioned that my comments were not meant to be offensive but I guess children must be replying to my thread. I make ONE comment about my own experience and I'm a 'feminist' lol you are just proving my point that most of Sikh men are living in their double standard dream world where if we dare speak out about ANYTHING we're painted as feminists...I'm not at all offended, I'm happy that you helped me prove my point-thanks:)


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

i understand your perspective jatinder ji

thanks for elaborating


Apr 3, 2005
Re: How many sikhs have married out of Caste/Race

"No shw is Indian Sikh men Hater Feminist to be specific !

See....this is exactly what I'm talking about. I specifically mentioned that my comments were not meant to be offensive but I guess children must be replying to my thread. I make ONE comment about my own experience and I'm a 'feminist' lol you are just proving my point that most of Sikh men are living in their double standard dream world where if we dare speak out about ANYTHING we're painted as feminists...I'm not at all offended, I'm happy that you helped me prove my point-thanks:)

When you write something on forum then you should be ready that the other person after reading your post could reply or ask a question.If i start writing offensive statement against sikh women then do you think i am going to be spared.sikh women of spn will retaliate and
someone could even call me (mcp).So this is not a case of double standard.