But coming back to my life's woes , its still a big issue finding a good partner even if I were to live a 'satisfactory' and 'happy' life as gay man . Because the options only boil down to 3
1) marry a woman
2) stay single lifelong (sounds scary)
3) marry a man
option 1 is like having a marriage with some serious lacking
option 2 is totally horrifying
option 3 is what I want , but EVEN THEN the problem is in finding a partner and TRUST ME this problem is bigger than the problem of how to get a visa to sweden !!
WHY ? because first of all , we are jst 5% of any population , so that way first off the number of available partners boil down in numbers
Secondly , it is difficult to find a faithful partner . There are not much role models for homosexuals who wish to live a married life . Yes , some are there with happily married with kids . like Ellen DeGeners , Neil Patrick Harris , FB cofounder Chris Hughes , etc
but they are like very rare !
ITS STILL A SAD STORY for most gays , even in america !
I also blame their habits to some extent (non-monogamous , more into sex than serious relationships) , but I don't blame them fully because lets face it they have been thrown at fringes for so long , so how can we expect serious relationships or happier , healtier lifestyles from them !
I see potential boyfriends around me on daily basis , but its depressing because most of them are not gay !

So , I can't get a guy I like , and the ones I might get I don't like . Fortunately for heterosexuals , this prob never emerges , because they have 95% of dating pool !
So , this is also a big problem -- finding a groom ! (if at all I am to move in that direction)
Would anyone like to comment on this problem ?