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Hinduism Idol Worship?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
we SIKHS do mention Bhagat Prehlaad and Harnaksh etc in Gurbani....BUT if you look at it in REALITY...did anyone MISS the Keerreeh walking on the HOT PLATE to reassure Guru Arjun Ji that the hot plate was actually quite COOL ?? Did I miss the Harnaksh coming out of the Burning Fires under Guru Arjun Ji to tear Jehangir/Chandu etc to bits ?? I am sorry i have never heard of any "keerreeh" floating in the boiling pot to assure Bhai Dyala Ji that he is actually sitting in iced water...or walking along the Bloody saw sawing bhai Mati dass into tow halves that its all IMAGINARY red sauce and not his blood at all...
SIKHI is REAL STUFF.....our Guurs hsowed this..our sikh brothers showed this..evne our mothers hsowed this by wearing their kids torn bodies around their necks....no keerreehian walking around..and no harnaksh creeping out to tear the ????? BECAUSE to SIKHS it is AKAL PURAKH on BOTH SIDES...thats why Guru Arjun ji didnt need to call upon harnaksh to tear Jehangir...and instead said..DOS NA KAHOON DEVOHN....reality of Gurmatt..!!

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
SIKHS are NEVER SCARED....Bhai kahoo ko det naeh..Na BHAI mannat aan is GURU JI DECLARING this FACT in no uncertian terms....BUT..yes our enemies have alwsy loved to imagine that the SIKHS are scared...Guru Arjun ji wasnt scared of the Hot plate and boiling water and burning sand..Bhai mati Dass wanst scared of the saw..bahi sati dass wanst scared of the burning cotton..Bhai Dyala wanst scared of being boiled alive..Guru Teg bahdur ji wanst scared of the sword...heck even Baba Zorawar singh ji and Baba Fateh Singh Ji just "kids" of school going age werent scared either..thats why SIKHS call them BABA JI even thiough their age was 7 and 9 !!...Bhinderawallah wasnt scared either..it was the huge over armed Indian Army that was SCARED...BHAI kahoo ke det neh..na BHAI mannat AAN has been proven so many times..its uncountable...:singhbhangra:

Please don't forget us Kaurs. Our exploits are not very well recorded, but we've been there, too!.

I can speak from my own experience. In Delhi, we weren't afraid. I suppose I should speak only for myself, but we were well prepared and relaxed and even joking up until the actual moment of attack. During the fighting itself, there was no time to be afraid. I, at least, was just too angry to feel fear.

After the fighting, when I was washing the faces of our dead, I was struck by the serenity on their faces. I was equally struck by the terror on the face of the bad person that I killed. What a difference!

The rest of the time, we were all just ordinary Amritdhari Sikhs; in battle, we became more. I think this is normal Sikh behaviour.

I hope this isn't going to far OT.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Mai ji..when I write SIKHS...I mean ALL Sikhs..Singhs, kaurs, bhujangees, amritdharees, keshdharees, and non-keshadhrees . Thats usually the case with others too..no gender identification needed. and i agree 100% with you about the kaur contribution...from mata Sulakhnni ji, mata kheevee Ji, Bibi bhani ji, Mata ganga ji, Mata gujjar kaur ji, Mai Bhago Ji..etc etc...no doubts at all.:tablakudi:

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Originally Posted by prakash.s.bagga
For the first time I am realising a true character of A Gur Sikh.Wonderful
I am surprised Sikhs are so scared .
Sikhs scared? That must be a joke. Sikhs simply don't scare. lol

What does Nala do in the face of danger? - YouTube

Also, we love and respect Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji. We worship Ek Onkaar, Waheguru, use whatever name you like. wahkaur

Mai ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said. My only reason to challenge Parkash Singh ji trying to insert his Hindutva mentality which I am assured with every post of his was because he mentioned,"I am surprised Sikhs are so scared". He cunningly did not add himself as a Sikh.

The other interesting point to notice is whenever he has been challenged about his Hindutva stance and given his own posts to prove that, he does the same thing in a kiniving manner and erases his quotes from the post while leaving the posts intact and changes the subject. He has done the same time and again and when caught and asked to respond in an honest manner, he rather starts accusing others and changes the subject as if the things never took place. I have asked him to teach us about the mistakes he points out in us, he never has the nerve to do that. If he wanted his Sikhs to learn what he has in him, he would gladly share it but he has not so far. I hope he changes his mind because otherwise no one is a fool to know his true agenda.

So, for him he knows why Sikhs are afraid, sans him because of the obvious reasons which shows a lot.He knows that Sikhs can NEVER BE afraid.

Thanks for the lovely post.


Tejwant Singh
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
we SIKHS do mention Bhagat Prehlaad and Harnaksh etc in Gurbani....BUT if you look at it in REALITY...did anyone MISS the Keerreeh walking on the HOT PLATE to reassure Guru Arjun Ji that the hot plate was actually quite COOL ?? Did I miss the Harnaksh coming out of the Burning Fires under Guru Arjun Ji to tear Jehangir/Chandu etc to bits ?? I am sorry i have never heard of any "keerreeh" floating in the boiling pot to assure Bhai Dyala Ji that he is actually sitting in iced water...or walking along the Bloody saw sawing bhai Mati dass into tow halves that its all IMAGINARY red sauce and not his blood at all...
SIKHI is REAL STUFF.....our Gurus hsowed this..our sikh brothers showed this..evne our mothers hsowed this by wearing their kids torn bodies around their necks....no keerreehian walking around..and no harnaksh creeping out to tear the ????? BECAUSE to SIKHS it is AKAL PURAKH on BOTH SIDES...thats why Guru Arjun ji didnt need to call upon harnaksh to tear Jehangir...and instead said..DOS NA KAHOON DEVOHN....reality of Gurmatt..!!

Gyani ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said as usual. No one could have done a better job than you always do.

It is sad to notice that some Sikhs are not able to differentiate between the Hindu mythology mentioned in the SGGS, our only Guru, from the Gurbani itself. They take it as one and start worshipping Prahlad and other Hindu deities which are mentioned simply as metaphors and to prove a point about these mythologies.

This is the reason we are unable to practice Gurbani because we do not understand it and take a few words as mantras and become convinced that if we repeat them daily for an hour or so, then miracles would happen and everything will be hunky dory.

We, Sikhs fail to understand that this is the reason our Gurus wrote Gurbani so we could get rid of the repetition of some concocted Mantras so that we can study,understand and practice Gurbani in order to breed goodness within.

I wanted to explain the same thing about Prahlad and other Hindu mythologies used in the SGGS and why to Taranjeet Singh ji, but it seems he has already made up his mind and more importantly, you always do a better job in this field than I can ever do it. I hope he heeds to your post.

I am still waiting from Taranjeet Singh ji, his explanation so he can teach me as a Sikh what he meant by his post regarding Prahlad and why he thought this to be a true story.

It is easy for us Sikhs to point out mistakes in others but when asked to be corrected, they go on a mone vrat, one more thing that is not part of Sikhi.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Mai ji..when I write SIKHS...I mean ALL Sikhs..Singhs, kaurs, bhujangees, amritdharees, keshdharees, and non-keshadhrees . Thats usually the case with others too..no gender identification needed. and i agree 100% with you about the kaur contribution...from mata Sulakhnni ji, mata kheevee Ji, Bibi bhani ji, Mata ganga ji, Mata gujjar kaur ji, Mai Bhago Ji..etc etc...no doubts at all.:tablakudi:

Gyani ji,

I know YOU mean all Sikhs. It's just that we are so often forgotten that I like to see Kaurs explicitly named along with the Singhs.

It is great that we are wives and mothers, as Singhs are husbands and fathers. I think a lot of people need to be reminded that we Kaurs are warriors, too.

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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Mai Harinder Kaur ji I will never ever reach your level of abilities in handling adverse situations. You are a person beyond praise but a guiding light for many.

I do have a request if you can consider.

I believe the Sikhs worldwide would be so blessed if you will consider writing an Autobiography of yourself, family and experiences from a to z. It will definitely be an en-lightener to many of younger generation growing up in the west.

If you need help in this endeavor I will be happy to so contribute my labor and effort. Just a suggestion.

May the season and the New Year be the harbinger of ever better times for yourself and family.

Sat Sri Akal.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Mai Harinder Kaur ji I will never ever reach your level of abilities in handling adverse situations. You are a person beyond praise but a guiding light for many.

I do have a request if you can consider.

I believe the Sikhs worldwide would be so blessed if you will consider writing an Autobiography of yourself, family and experiences from a to z. It will definitely be an en-lightener to many of younger generation growing up in the west.

If you need help in this endeavor I will be happy to so contribute my labor and effort. Just a suggestion.

May the season and the New Year be the harbinger of ever better times for yourself and family.

Sat Sri Akal.
Ambarsaria ji,

I am no more than what any Amritdhari, aspiring Khalsa is called upon to be. Amrit is neither a joke or a children's game. If the Sikh allows it, it will change her/him internally. When these things happen - and, of course, they will - the aspiring Khalsa will be given whatever is necessary to handle them. Also, don't forget that I was patit for 20 year (1986-2006). None of us is perfect.

As for the autobiography, others have tried to get me to write one. That would entail reliving every event and I have no wish to do that. For now, my blog,The Unringed Bell, will have to suffice. It contains all my autobiographical posts from all my blogs.

Thank you for your good wishes. Lol, it won't take much for 2012 to be better than 2011 for me.


May 26, 2011
People born into the Sikh religion (that do not follow {cut hair, eat meat)) aren't Sikhs at all... they are rakshas, demons. I was told those people who drink/eat meat are demons. I bet the guru ji thinks so too :)

Sikhi teaches you to take care of yourself and others.
that is such a lie, if that was true; then whats the point in praying and reading religous texts? *LOL*



May 26, 2011
Hey, don't say that that is wrong. I never made fun of your guru ji's and your blabbering on with false accusitions. Also this was not a myth it IS all true, Ganga devi is true, have you EVER heard the story of RAVIDAS BHAGAT? He brought her out. She is the daughter of Brahma dev and her mother was not Brahma's daughter lol, I admit Brahma created Saraswati BUT he created her with his powers and not but having sex. Uggh.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
People born into the Sikh religion (that do not follow {cut hair, eat meat)) aren't Sikhs at all... they are rakshas, demons. I was told those people who drink/eat meat are demons. I bet the guru ji thinks so too :)

that is such a lie, if that was true; then whats the point in praying and reading religous texts? *LOL*


1380038 ji,

Guru fateh.

I have no idea what your number means and why are you SCREAMING? Who told you the above. I am glad you do not believe in that nonsense. You claim to be both Hindu/Sikh. What does that mean? Please clarify.

But the factof the matter is that both Rakshas and Demons belong to Hindu mythology and show the negative energy and awful sides of people.

So, if you believe in that nonsense, which I am not offended by, it shows more about you than about anything else.

Let me educate you a bit what a Sikh means. A Sikh is a learner, a seeker, a student which means one learns not breed hatred and anger in oneself. Sikhi is to breed goodness within and seek for the truth. It seems, you do not like the latter. One can conclude that from your SCREAMING.

Do you eat meat or any vegetables?

There is no prohibition in eating meat in Sikhi. Life is nothing but bacteria and organic means having becteria. We as human beings have to eat life in order to survive. I thought you knew that but your anger that you have bred within has clouded your reasoning.

Never be afraid to learn which you seem to be. Check what Hindu mythology means. You can Google it and learn from it and then learn to interact. There are many mythologies. For example Greek, Mayan, Inca etc etc. We should learn from these metaphors rather than embracing them as truth. We can find truth through them.

So are you a Sikh or not?:)


Tejwant Singh


May 26, 2011
I understand what you are saying, but the whole hinduism could not be a lie and I kist felt like expressing myself. Also that was not screaming xD just capital letters for attention. It is all true, like I get offended when you guys call it mythology, because it was not a myth, it was recorded down just like Sikhism and our Guru ji's parents were Hindu as well. I'm vegan by the way, I also understand the bacteria part, but if we can help out by becoming vegetarian, why not? In the dasam granth it says people in kalyug will be like dogs wrangling over flesh and that was proof enough to me that the dasam granth is accurate because it is happening write now (grocery stores sell meat ect)! Thank you for speaking to me with respect :shy:

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Shouting will not make myth into reality..myths remain myths becasue they are myths.
One thing that makes amyth easily recognisable is that it follows closely myths elsewhere..flying cows and cows that make wishes come true...devtas like Shivji raping other peoples wives..devtas like Brahma raping their own daughters...devtas that have the female reproductive organs stuck all over their bodies (proclaimed rapist/sex offender myth style)...avtaars that have hundreds of thosuands of sex partners and millions of progeny..all that is pure MYTH - no two ways about it. Gurbani totally REJECTS such untruths and myths out of hand...Gurbani teaches a realistic way of Life that any common person cna easily follow..

Gyani ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said, as usual and thanks for calling a spade a spade. There are many in here who claim to be Sikhs but embrace Hindu mythology and are too afraid to admit or get upset when challenged or/and keep mum and change the subjects. There are many so called in Sikhi baana here that believe in this nonsense you have so bluntly and truthfully mentioned.

Let's for the sake of the argument say that what Mr Numbers along with others in here that embrace Hindu Mythology to be true. If it is then , it means they practice the same as their gods and demigods did, hence are also rapists. The justice should take care of them.

Thanks for speaking the truth.


Tejwant Singh


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Bhain ji thanks for your post.
13800038 said:
I understand what you are saying, but the whole hinduism could not be a lie and I kist felt like expressing myself.
It is not for us to prove Hiduism is a lie. The only thing we know from a Sikhism perspexctive is what Guru ji has taught and what is in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. They taught againsta and showed so many beliefs to be utter nonsense. Since they were primarily teaching to Hindus, they used examples of Hinduism as metaphors and further showed that even highest of Hinduism pursuits like Vedas, Simiritees would lead to naught. This is from Guru ji as in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

13800038 said:
It is all true, like I get offended when you guys call it mythology, because it was not a myth, it was recorded down just like Sikhism and our Guru ji's parents were Hindu as well.
It is not you guys calling it mythology, it is what and how it is stated and used in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

I Admire your desire to be one humanist combining Hinduism/Sikhism, but you will have hell of a fight in your head if you were true to both. It just is not possible. The first manifestation of this will be anger and jumpiness and there is plenty of proof of that in your posts already.

Sat Sri Akal.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Hey, don't say that that is wrong. I never made fun of your guru ji's and your blabbering on with false accusitions. Also this was not a myth it IS all true, Ganga devi is true, have you EVER heard the story of RAVIDAS BHAGAT? He brought her out. She is the daughter of Brahma dev and her mother was not Brahma's daughter lol, I admit Brahma created Saraswati BUT he created her with his powers and not but having sex. Uggh.

Mr. Numbers,

What does HEY mean? And what does," I never made fun of your guru ji's" mean. I thought you claimed to be a Sikh as all Gurus belong to all Sikhs.

Are you showing your real side now? In fact you are a pretend Sikh. The Gurus belong to all Sikhs but you have just cut yourself off with your tirade.

Thanks for showing your real colours. We get visits like you quite often. People who lie in the name of their god/s.

What Gyani ji said is right. Read the true stories in the Hindu mythology and you will be surprised how evil your religion is. Your own common sense should reject all this as mythology and not true. But you want to embrace the evil side of your religion and make evil, rapes to be truthful. You have chosen that.

Thanks for admitting that you are actually a Hindu and a pretend Sikh. Nothing wrong with belonging to any religion if it teaches you to be truthful.

Tejwant Singh


May 26, 2011
Mr. Numbers,

What does HEY mean? And what does," I never made fun of your guru ji's" mean. I thought you claimed to be a Sikh as all Gurus belong to all Sikhs.

Are you showing your real side now? In fact you are a pretend Sikh. The Gurus belong to all Sikhs but you have just cut yourself off with your tirade.

Thanks for showing your real colours. We get visits like you quite often. People who lie in the name of their god/s.

What Gyani ji said is right. Read the true stories in the Hindu mythology and you will be surprised how evil your religion is. Your own common sense should reject all this as mythology and not true. But you want to embrace the evil side of your religion and make evil, rapes to be truthful. You have chosen that.

Thanks for admitting that you are actually a Hindu and a pretend Sikh. Nothing wrong with belonging to any religion if it teaches you to be truthful.

Tejwant Singh

I never said the guru's werent mine. I was speaking in sarcasm if you understand the gist of it.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
the Ganga twists and turns..just as any river does..naturally...and it also carries all the floatsam, the dead bodies, the carcases, the raw sewage...in times gone by its waters may have been hymallian glacier pure.....BUT TODAY its just another open sewer....It was Never a DEVI and never will be.....unless the "devi" loves sewage......when will people get real.....Sikhs dont have an issue with any one drinking/bathing/worshipping any river/sarovar/lakes etc...we just dont do it ourselves. As a matter of fact even the Sarovars surrounding Gurdwaras have to have Water Filteration Systems installed to purify the waters.....even though many beleive they are full of >amrit>??? Amrit needs to be filtered ?? lol...
The Ganga devi is a MYTH becasue the Lady of the Lake is also a myth...the Lady that came out of a Lake and gave the sword to king Arthur...same plot...same MYTH. The Only fact is that Bhagat ravidass Ji did exist ...while King Arthur is also a myth...
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