This is Great!
I came here as an atheist, which meant that I embraced the following
1. there is no god
2. all actions are done for the right reason, not for pleasing some celestial beardy
3. At death, you die, period
4. You operate within the rest of the world, you may do wrong and get away with it, but ultimately you have to deal with yourown conscience, again, not Mr celestial beardy, some of those actions will have consequences, good or bad
5. The meaning of life is to find a balance between what you want to do, and what you should do
And now, thanks to many many people on this forum, I have become a Sikh!!, which means the following
1. there is no god
2. all actions are done for the right reason, not for pleasing some celestial beardy
3. At death, you die, period
4. You operate within the rest of the world, you may do wrong and get away with it, but ultimately you have to deal with yourown conscience, again, not Mr celestial beardy, some of those actions will have consequences, good or bad
5. The meaning of life is to find a balance between what you want to do, and what you should do
6. There are teachers that are able to guide you, so you do not feel alone, these teachers have compiled a book, that if you read it, you will be able to experience and validate what is the truth, and what is not, the book is so beautiful and accurate, that it makes the truth come alive, so much, that you will feel you are sitting in front of all 10 Gurus while they instruct and teach you, not as a god, or a super being, but as normal men who achieved the impossible, and are now willing to help you do the same
I came here looking for more than this, for eternal life, and a god I could personalise, I am now happy to acknowledge, after some thought, and reading of the above, that a soul is a combination of knowledge gained through DNA (via birth), interaction with creation, and a few personal wild cards thrown in for fun. It encapsilates 'you', and when you die, it is integrated back into creation through burial, burning.
So this it, ladies and gentlemen, for the current setup that defines you and is you, dies when you die. I am not lauding this as the definitive answer, but it is certainly the one that I intend to live by for the rest of my days, or until a close study of the SGGS proves otherwise