Balbir Singh Ji,
Sorry to say that I haven’t found any merit in you debating. You jump from a point and come up with another one which has no importance in relevance to the debating point. It is not only I observed, many have and expressed their views in aligning to my conclusion.
Question rises” why to waste time on a guy who claims to be blessed one by frequently stating only blessed one experience; however acts just contrary to the standard of Divinity. I am going to post here your posts in response to various members of this site just to prove how good you are at avoiding reason, playing word games and when logically shut up, you start taking U TURN from your own statements. Aad002 ji has very civil way put your laundry before you but you just refuge to recognize it.
First of all I shall start with posts in # 683.
Namjap ji just suggested you to be fare
Following was wrote by Namjap ji
Let me give you an analogy Balbir Singh Ji.
Kauda Rakshash fell on Guru Nanak's feet. Why ? Was it because he saw Guru Nanak's swaroop (Physical body) and instantly recognised him ? The answer is No.
He asked for Guru Ji's forgiveness when he heard Guru Ji's wisdom. This same wisdom of all the Guru Jees are in SGGS. Do Sikhs need another Guru ? Answer is No.
Balbir Singh Ji, in the past you have started many threads with funny titles e.g. Who's the Mother of Waheguru. I won't say that you haven't changed because you have. I might have to close this thread because you are found wanting by spreading negativity under the guise of helping the readers.
Give me an authentic reason why I shouldn't close this thread and allow it to be continued.
Your response
Namjap Jee!
Truth is not easy to swallow, specially for those whose mouth is full of lies.
This is the way you have responded, do you remember my quote about your being unable to swallow the truth about intelligence of members of this site?( yopu may say please give it again here because game is to go on. You are just trying that here man, you do not speak the truth. Right on this site it is proven you lie
You also boast in 683 that some members of this site tried in vain to divert topics, every body should know how quickly you divert, then blame others. Here is your another blame
“some posters have tried their best to divert the topic vainly. Can they really hide ignorance? The blessed ones receive the Sabad Guru in present life. They
do not need another Guru anymore.
Look at the last sentence, I have underlined it. No clarity, a space is kept to debate further and if caught, subject can be changed. How? The blessed ones, who? You never answered the question even when you were asked to. Receive Shabad Guru? What do you mean by that here ? Next sentence is about rejection of Guru. This is totally against Gurmat. Sikhs are tought to ponder over Gurbani, and seek the creator. After saying that, I must mention that you state many times Sikhs Guru is Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Total ambiguous commentary, throwing a bait to listen to the ****.
Quote "It may harm some new comers."(683)
Above you are suggested by namjap ji that your confusing and contradictory statements may confuse new comers, look what is your resoponse
It may harm the business of many fake Baabaas.( 683)
This is a hint towards your own business otherwise when others debate, they talk against Babaas and fake preachers but do not talk about their business. Who worries if a new business is open, the customers or the existing owner of a place?Hope point is clear.
YOUR Quote Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is the present Guru of Sikhs. Should Sikhs follow their present Guru or fake Baabaas and preachers who are teaching Sikhs from other writers?
Just above you said” The blessed ones receive the Sabad Guru in present life. They do not need another Guru anymore”.
This statement is just to disguise as a believer of Guru Granth Sahib Ji because you wouldn’t deny need of Guru otherwise.
Down you questions translator or Tirlochan Ji
AMiq kwil nwrwiexu ismrY AYsI icMqw mih jy mrY ]
ANiq kwil nwrwexu ismrY EysI icNqw mih jy mrY ]
anti kaali naaraa-inu simrai aisee chintaa mahi jay marai.
End time remembers Naaraayan, dies in such thoughts,
bdiq iqlocnu qy nr mukqw pIqMbru vw ky irdY bsY ]5]2]
bdiq iqlocnu qy nr mukqw pIqMb{ vw ky irdY bsY ]5]2]
badati tilochanu tay nar muktaa peetambaru vaa kay ridai basai. ||5||2|| SGGS Ang 526-10
Speaks Tilochan, that Nar is liberated. Peetaamber resides in his heart.
My curiosity is to know why these preachers are leading Sikhs away from their Sabad Guru, suggested by the true Gurus innumerable times.
I am also not happy with English translation because words some time sound cripple; however, right here, translator is doing if not very good at least O.K. Now question is, who are the preachers here? Good example of ambiguity to linger on
Now lets take another example, question is asked by mkm
"Are you suggesting that since"Guru manyo Granth" is not in Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhs should not believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji as a Shabad Guru?"
Your answer
Sikhs are tamed to believe that the message 'Guru manyo Granth' is from Guru Gobind Singh Jee. This is a false information and misleading.
Lets assume, you got elevation about this truth, why couldn’t have you answered it with explanation. Questioner is pointing out about believing in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, not who said or not. If Sikhs believe in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then the statement is not misleading them.
Your quote(numerously repeated)
Truthful Sikhs deserve truth.
Well, where is the truth then?
Quote from Singh Jee "This is ridiculous, Sikhs are debating about if we need another Guru."
Here is your response
Ridiculous is to seek any other Guru than the Sabad Guru, the true Naam.
Singh ji is strictly talking about the thread, and your answer has no relevance to his( I hope) statement.
Another example of your games.
Singh ji Quote "I humbly say to you stop this nonsense we have one Guru and that is Sri Guru Granth Sahib."
Look at your response
It is perfectly all right. Please have it. May I ask? When will people follow the true Guru?
What is this? A strategy to linger on
Singh Ji Quote "Humbly bow down to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib for Sri Guru Granth Sahib is our living Guru.
Look at your reaction"
Please do not let someone cheat your soul listening, the living Baabaa sitting beside the true Guru.
What if Singh ji has Guru Granth Sahib Ji at home, will you be able declare there is a Baba behind GGS Ji? This is merit less reaction
AAD JI ASKING TO DISCUSS THE POINT INSTEAD OF GOING AWAY HERE IS YOUR ANSWER Quote "If there is no need to discuss this then why did you start the thread in the first place?"
Your response about same the Babaas
Many Baabaas on stages in front of the Sikh audience are preaching that it is enough to have the printed message of the Gurus. God's Grace will fall on its possessors automatically.
That is not what she said, is it little difficulty to understand simple English?
God's Grace falls on a person when he receives true Naam Sabad and comes to know its Simran.
This is a statement no one, I am aware of, ever questioned, you keep using statements like this like a ritual
Again Babaas are not going out of your mind,
Your QouteThis is the difference. All the Gurus say that the Sabad Guru and God are the same.
The fake Baabaas but say that God and the printed material bounded are the samein the
Again Quote from Balbir Singh now a Baabaa who can share the Godly wisdom of Naam or true Sabad with seekers?"
Gyani Jarnail Singh Jee' response "YES Balbir Ji...The Baaba is "BABA NANAK" and we can all read what He has to say in the SGGS....from Panna 1 - 1429...."
See your response
Some Baabaas claim to have met Guru Naanak Jee.
Why Babas phobia is expressed again and again, we don’t care about them, HIS HuKam prevails During Guru Sahibaan times, there were meane, pirthya, who cares, Sikhism is alive
Always You ask others to give quote, look how you answer same kind of question
mkmQuote "You should give valid quotes who are those saad or saint if Sikhs cannot receive Naam from Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee?"(683Post)
Please throw away the chaff (preachers) from mind and read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee again.
aad0002 ji” to make you aware how you stooped low but look how you are reacting
uote "I asked you questions and you have attached my name with PR70. I read PK70 posts but am told by you only that there is PK70 group."
It does not matter how many masks a person wears. One recognizes the pudding head by his actions.
This is both a personal attack and you have used a derogatory term to describe mkm . A pudding head is a derogatory terMy comments are as a participant. I recuse myself as a moderator. But another moderator has already requested that you and others turn down the heat.
Perhaps aad0002 ji first made you aware of the fact that you are insulting other member then she writes up the “disclosure as MOD
You ignored both and came up with new kind of game of words. Here is your response
moderating suits, your nature better.
My statements are not personal. Those are general as I have observed. An individual should not take it personally either
Only YOU are right
Another quote from aad002 ji Quote "If this is your message then why are you posting in forums? That is why I asked you before, Why did you start a thread about Sikhs and Guru and then turn around and tell us not to discuss these points because all we should be doing is jap? Since everything we read and hear is false, we should jap. Some of us jap, some discuss, and some of us jap and discuss. What are you trying to say?"
Here is your response,
Should participants stop discussing and referring the true Gurus because they have already written everything important?
Perhaps some may prefer to discuss other writers like many preachers are doing in Gurdwaaraas.
You even didn’t read her comments and came up with your Babaas phobia again
Here is another nonsense question from you?
“Can someone please refer one Vaak from the true Gurus that explain? One receives True Sabad or Naam through a Granth?(UR Q)
Go on page 387, 449 , 759, 1043, meaning in essence of a couple Vaak, answer is there
Embrace the love for the Guru’s hymns, if HE become merciful the pain is destroyed.(387)
“They to whose soul the Hymns of GOD are pleasing, continually quaff the nector. The Guru being pleased, I have obtained God and shall no more be pushed and buffeted(449)
As per your limited knowledge of Gurbani, you can ask again a question(experience from your statements) Where is the word Granth?
If that occurs, one must believe that stupidly has many colors. Source of Guru’s hymns, Gurbani, is Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhs do not need to find a special word for that. Aadooo2 ji explained you in detail how people learn from Guru Granth Sahib Ji but your memory is not commendable.
I am quoting same quote of yours again
Can someone please refer one Vaak from the true Gurus that explains? One receives True Sabad or Naam through a Granth?
You wrote”” a Granth, very ambiguous again, if it is referred to Guru Granth Sahib Ji, why “Guru” word is gone?
Again in 683 post you write
Who does not know this situation among Sikhs? My strong wish is to see the old, new and coming generation progressing in spiritual as well in worldly matters. It is just not possible with the ways they are preparing preachers, in my observation.
You wish that, but what about yourself, still a victim of contradiction, turning mean to those who questions you? Never expressed sorry but came with defensive words like this
Your quote”My questions are not to tease anybody.” 683 post
Very fairly namjap ji is addressing you
Let me give you an analogy Balbir Singh Ji.
Kauda Rakshash fell on Guru Nanak's feet. Why ? Was it because he saw Guru Nanak's swaroop (Physical body) and instantly recognised him ? The answer is No.
He asked for Guru Ji's forgiveness when he heard Guru Ji's wisdom. This same wisdom of all the Guru Jees are in SGGS. Do Sikhs need another Guru ? Answer is No.
Balbir Singh Ji, in the past you have started many threads with funny titles e.g. Who's the Mother of Waheguru. I won't say that you haven't changed because you have. I might have to close this thread because you are found wanting by spreading negativity under the guise of helping the readers.
Give me an authentic reason why I shouldn't close this thread and allow it to be continued. NAMJAP
Speaking about sargun roop
I have seen lost creatures carrying a copy of the printed book and searching for the Sabad Guru.
Have the moderators given up the hopes that a participant may say something about the true Naam Sabad? They may close the thread.
Your quote” Speaking about sargun roop
I have seen lost creatures carrying a copy of the printed book and searching for the Sabad Guru.
That is what you think about other human beings
NOW coming back to this present thread
THis is tthe way you started it,
Lately I had a chance to listen, Prof. Harpal Singh Pannu's lecture on Dasam Granth delivered at a seminar held in Sacramento in California. He referred Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee's Vaak from Dasam Granth.
Mai na Ganeshah(i) pritham manaaoon|| Kishan Bishan kab-hoon nah dhiaaoon||
I do not adore Ganesha in the beginning and also do not mediatate on Krishna and Vishnu
Today I came across the Vaak from Bhagat Kabeer Jee and its translation.
vavā bār bār bisan samĥār.
WAWA: Time and time again, dwell upon the Lord.
In response to that I said
MyQuote "The comparision seems out of context."
Why translations are different? Bisan is the same though.
Mai na Ganeshah(i) pritham manaaoon|| Kishan Bishan kab-hoon nah dhiaaoon||
I do not adore Ganesha in the beginning and also do not mediatate on Krishna and Vishnu
Lets see if the translation are different?
Today I came across the Vaak from Bhagat Kabeer Jee and its translation.
vavā bār bār bisan samĥār.
WAWA: Time and time again, dwell upon the Lord.
Bisan sammhār na āvai hār. SGGS Ang 342-10
Dwelling upon the Lord, defeat shall not come to you.
Here you’re in an attempt to distort to use for your aim, that is all, I ignored your distortion though, you should have been questioned right there about distorted interpretation since all Sikh’s Guru Sahiban were believer of only deathless birthless entity of God and to understand sargun sroop of the Creator at the same time. Sargun sroop becomes obstacle to realize Nirgun sroop, I gave a quote, denial surged as per hope
You questioned me with my response
"In the waak you quoted by Kabir ji, Bisan stands for the Creator as it is also used by Guru Sahiban in various places."
Please provide a reference from the reverend Gurus where they have explained that Bisan is the creator. I will be grateful
My response
Respectfully I have to explain what I meant. As you have put a question “May I ask if Guru Gobind Singh Jee and Bhagat Kabeer Jee have different views on 'Bisan'? Please express your views. I will be thankful. SoI answered it.
I was just referring to the use of words like Bisan, Ram, Brahama. They are used in Gurbani in both ways. One for The Creator and the other for well established Hindu Gods/Avtar as well. Here are the following examples where Satguru Nanak uses Bisan in the same sense Guru Gobind Singh ji used as per your quote.
ਤੀਆਬ੍ਰਹਮਾਬਿਸਨੁਮਹੇਸਾ॥ਦੇਵੀਦੇਵਉਪਾਏਵੇਸਾ 839
ਤ੍ਰਿਆਖਹਿਬਰਮੇਆਖਹਿਇੰਦ॥26 0 Jap Ji
Balbir j Singh ji, Now look at the following quote from GGS JI. First use of Ram is for Hindu Avtar/God, Ram Chandar
ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾਬਿਸਨੁਮਹੇਸੁਦੇਵਉਪਾਇਆ॥ਬ੍ਰਹਮੇਦਿਤੇਬੇਦਪੂਜਾਲਾਇਆ॥ਦਸਅਵਤਾਰੀਰਾਮੁਰਾਜਾਆਇਆ॥ (1279)
In the following Guru waak use of “Ram” is quite contrary to the above use ( GGSJI 1279.), I mean it is used for The Creator, see below
ਤਿਨਮਹਿਰਾਮੁਰਹਿਆਭਰਪੂਰ॥37 Japji
I have expressed my opinions; you have the right to have your opinions about the “Truth” Obviously we disagree about” the Truth “strongly if I may say this!
Here you have picked up a new word”Hindu” for a game instead of paying attention to Satguru Nanak’s Vaak quoted above
You wrote "Balbir j Singh ji, Now look at the following quote from GGS JI. First use of Ram is for Hindu Avtar/God, Ram Chandar." And quoted
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu dyv aupwieAw ] bRhmy idqy byd pUjw lwieAw ] ds AvqwrI rwmu rwjw AwieAw ]
barahmaa bisan mahays dayv upaa-i-aa. barahmay ditay bayd poojaa laa-i-aa. das avtaaree raam raajaa aa-i-aa. 1279-18
Also, the above Vaak clearly states that Brahma, Bisan and Mahesh are created.
Guru Angad Dev Jee is also not explaining here that Brahma, Bisan, Mahesh or Das Avtaaree Raam is a Hindu.
Please let all know what has convinced you that they are Hindu.
I quoted
ਤਿਨਮਹਿਰਾਮੁਰਹਿਆਭਰਪੂਰ॥37 Japji
In the first quote, it is about "Ram Chandar" specifically.
In the second one it is about the Creator who permeates in HIS nature.
Ur response u eat up all the rest to avoid
ਤਿਨਮਹਿਰਾਮੁਰਹਿਆਭਰਪੂਰ॥37 Japji
Quote "In the first quote, it is about "Ram Chandar" specifically."
Your response
Thanks for no more entitling Him a Hindu. God's loving activity 'Ram Chandar' is also active in Sikhs. This is governing that is why it is The King.
So you turn happy because Hindu word was not used
HERE IS UR translation lets see how accurate is it
I do not persuade Ganesha first. I never meditate Kishan, Bishan. Ears listen but have no cognition. My consciousness is devoted at their feet.
Mr. Original ji(others are translators as per your accusation), in the above vaak, author is saying clearly he is not meditating on them, why he would devote himself to their feet then? This is an axample of an attempt to distort Guru Vaak to perceive a new cult obliviously
I advised u when u used harsh words against me but u have nothing to do with Gurbani
as you do, becomes a joke then. Here is Gurdev waak to keep in mind
hm nhI cMgy burw nhI koie ] pRxviq nwnku qwry soie ]4]1]2] {pMnw 728}
(I am not good; no one is bad. Prays Nanak, He alone saves u
What happened after that, you dragged mkm with my name obviously you have no regard for Gurbani, it is a business as usual.
Now come back to Kamalpati word
ਚਾਰਿ ਬੇਦ ਅਰੁ ਸਿੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਿ ਪੁਰਾਨਾਂ ॥ਕਮਲਾਪਤਿ ਕਵਲਾ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਨਾਂ ॥੩॥
chaar baedh ar sinmrith puraanaan || kamalaapath kavalaa nehee jaanaan ||3||
The four Vedas, the Simritees and the Puraanas, Vishnu the Lord of Lakshmi and Lakshmi herself - none of them know the Lord. ||3||
It is still common in Punjab, people with name” Kawnal, are also called as Kamal, what a big deal, person is the same, Kabir ji at one place called Vishnu, bisn and another place Kamalpati, he is the same, Vishnu, Bisn. Saying it last time, you need to study Gurbani, it is not as simple as you boast about.
GOD’s names are numerous, they name HIM but fail to know HIM
This is my quote"Nanak panth word was never used by any Guru in Guru Granth Sahib Ji; however, every one knows what Nanak panth is."
Here is your response
Guru Naanak Jee walked and talked of only one Panth. That is Hari Panth.
Strange, lost Baabaas agree that Naanak Panth word was never used by any Guru in Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Still, they try to convince others that everyone knows what Naanak Panth is.
What you are saying Nanak Panth is used in Guru Granth Sahib? You cannot say even that because you have very poor knowledge about Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s Structure because you asked me to prove if Guru Angad dev haven’t written i "pauri"(stanza)n your yesterdays’s post I shall clear that too later in this post. What is this new term HARI PANTH? A cult’s name?
MY quote
I gave u guru vaak, GGSJI P-1279, name of bani but u kept saying it belongs to Second Mehl, first you said you couldn’t remember, here ur quote
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu dyv aupwieAw ] (17, mlwr, gurU AMgd dyv)
bRhmy idqy byd pUjw lwieAw ] (17, mlwr, gurU AMgd dyv) SGGS 1279
I gave you page, author of Rag Milaar Ki Vaar, you are just not accepting it. Every one who is reading this can find out on Guru Granth page 1279. See, you were saying to namjap ji, it is hard to swallow truth, how easy you swallow the truth with a factual support?
When I questioned your tactics to avoid truth, your response says all about you
My quote"You are habitual of asking” where is it in Guru Granth Sahib?” “ Does Guru say that?” Surprisingly there is a lot of things which are not found in Guru Granth Sahib ji but they are inseparable part of Sikhism like no reference is found in Guru Granth Sahib ji about Guru Har Rai, Guru Har Krishan ji and Guru Gobind Singh ji but they are inseparable part of Sikhism."
Your answer
The topic is about God's Attributes, not any Guru in human body of history.
All true Gurus love to sing God's Attributes, not about the history of their body.
I wrote about your statement in which you say” Raam Chand permeates in Sikhs. my
Quote "This statement of yours is very funny. Ram Chandrar is not active in Sikhs as you claim.
Your answer"
Please listen. Gurdev is singing.
sBY Gt rwmu bolY rwmw bolY ]
rwm ibnw ko bolY ry ]1] rhwau ] SGGS 988-16
rwmcMd kI lsitkw ijin mwirAw rogu ]1] rhwau ] SGGS 817-4
sRI rwmcMd ijsu rUpu n ryiKAw ] SGGS 1082-9
In above quotes, if you read whole shabad, you fill be surprised that it is not your Ram of Ayudhya, it is Creator, Guru called HIM Raam, Ram Chand
Because of shallow knowledge about GGS JI, you are adamant to accept a fact. t
his a wonderful proof how you take refuge in denial, check it out yourself. Quote is from Pauri(stanza), Guru Angad Dev never wrote a Vaar or a pouri(stanza) of any Vaar, study structure of GGS Ji, secondly, this stanza is authored by Guru Nanak.
pauVI ] bRhmw ibsnu mhysu dyv aupwieAw ] bRhmy idqy byd pUjw lwieAw ] ds AvqwrI rwmu rwjw AwieAw ] dYqw mwry Dwie hukim sbwieAw ] eIs mhysuru syv iqn@I AMqu n pwieAw ] scI kImiq pwie qKqu rcwieAw ] dunIAw DMDY lwie Awpu CpwieAw ] Drmu krwey krm Durhu PurmwieAw ]3] (pMnw 1279)s
You asked meYour question itself says you do not know how Guru Granth Sahib Ji is compiled. There are Vaars, in those Vaars, some slokes from Guru Angad Dev ji are given, there is no pauri(stanza) written by Guru Angad Dev, it is a fact, you need to study real hard because your question is out of line
Another post you questioned me, it is there,QT” Did Gurudev use
words wife or brother in the following Guru Vaak?”
Though it is another game of word ;however, Sita Laxaman had relation with Ram Chand of Ayudhya, I have to explain it to you, why? Hoping you will end a stupid game of words, but you didn’t and cannot.
] rovY rwmu inkwlw BieAw ] sIqw lKmxu ivCuiV gieAw ] rovY dhisru lµk gvwie ] ijin sIqw AwdI faurU vwie
Here is your another distortion of Gurbani,
Your quote
Ab mo kau Bey rwjw rwm shweI ]
jnm mrn kit prm giq pweI ]1] rhwau ] SGGS 331-4
Whom Raajaa Raam has helped, their birth and death are gone and have received Param Gati.
What will happen with those who claim that Raajaa Raam is not active in them?
Original one ji, come out of dreams, it is all about The Creator, Raja word is also used for Creator. Whenever Guru ji gives reference to Ram King of Ayudhya, his actions are referred, story is referred. Don’t force on Sikhs your Hare Rama, Hare on Sikhs.
kih kbIr rwjw rwm n Cofau sgl aUc qy aUcw ] SGGS 338-14
Kbeer says 'I do not leave Raaja Raam, Sagal Ooch te Oochaa.
What will happen with one who is falling in deep darkness leaving Raajaa Raam?
Again, that Ram Raja you are referring is dead, Kabir ji is talking about the eternal RAM, who is real KING, The CREATOR
tYour Quote They may never let anyone recognize Raam who also weeps rarely in someone when He feels separated from God.
Only Nirgun sroop is realized not the sargun sroop, we are in it, because sargun sroop is a part of HIS creation-MAYA, so only you understand HIS sargun Sroop Period
HERE another distortion its pronunciation is RAM not RAMU use od onkr(_) read Dr SAHIB SINGH ji Grammar of Gurbani, his interpretation is way much clearer than yours because he know, you are a “guessman”
nw Eih mrih n Twgy jwih ]
nw Aoih mrih n Twgy jwih ]
naa ohi mareh na thaagay jaahi.
ijn kY rwmu vsY mn mwih ]
ijn kY rwmu vsY mn mwih ]
jin kai raam vasai man maahi. SGGS 8-4
Your quote
Thanks for referring the wonderful Vaak from Guru Arjan Dev Jee.
so muKu jlau ijqu khih Twkuru jonI ] jnim n mrY n AwvY n jwie ] SGGS 1136-5.
This is your explanation of the above Vaak. "Guru ji realized deathless, birth less Ram but not your king Ram of Ayudhya, a Sargun sroop. Sargun sroop is just HIS impression only."
Your Qt Translated Sikh Jee, please explain. Does Gurdev uses the word Raam in this Vaak?
Please do not worry if Raam is mine and of the Gurus.
You here totally sound like a translated Sikh as you give decree on others, now above statement is an answer to your previous question that Guru Ji didn’t realize your Ram Of Ayudhya but Nirgun Sroop of Creator who is deathless and birthless. Why even we need to look for a word “Ram” here? Your Ram is dead, Deathless and birthless Ram was realized by Guru. Why I am using word Name Ram here? To clarify about your bogus logic that Ram of Ayudhya( I use word Ayudhya to make you clear Guru ji just gave refrence to that sansari Ram you are stuck with) was realized by Sikh Gurus and that dead man permeates in Sikhs.Any sensible individual will understand what I answered
Finally, you have no substance to debate, no logic, no understanding of Gurbani add to it your answers as proved, are contradictory, ambigous and judgmental. In debate, such statements are called meritless efforts to debate. I now repent why did I
waste my time
on an entertainment of a confused mind. Numerous shops are opened in the name of NAAM, so what if I ignore another one. AND, I WOULD DO