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Islam Is Halal Meat Scientifically Proven Right?


Aug 28, 2012
These meat vs non-meat discussions never have a conclusive end. That is why some forums have banned this discussion.

Gurbani challenges both viewpoints to show meat eaters and vegetarians that neither of them know what true spirituality is. Thus, they are living in hypocrisy when they use religion to justify their dietary choices.

In regards to draining the meat of blood to make it healthier, that is based on medicine from the Middle Ages.

Mad cow disease is present in all tissues of the cow. Same with scrapie found in sheep. Also, everyone knows the dangers of ingesting undercooked meat.

For any religion to be a 'genuine one' it must have a singular set of dos and don'ts which we call as "Sikh Maryada" and therefore, there could be no deviations at the whims of its followers. For one's food habits, every one is at liberty to have his choice. If any one Sikh says he is inclined not to eat Non-veg hereafter it is O.K.; he is not breaching any of the Sikh Tenets. But if he advises others or looks down upon others who are Non-vegetarians he is not propagating Gur-Sikhi but his own model of a religion.
Sikhism is a Genuine religion and, therefore, has an established philosophy and a singular set of rules called "Sikh Maryada"
Banning its discussion on any forum is ridiculous. What harm is there when we discuss the Sikh Ethics. The younger generation will become familiar with it and abide by the Sikh Maryada.
I am not familiar with the health aspect of preparing meat as discussed by you and therefore I have no comments to make on this issue.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji used to go on hunting expeditions with his Sikhs and in Guru Angad Dev Sahibs kitchen meat was served as part of Guru-ka-Langar. When some Brahmins were at Amritsar to teach Sikhs, the ancient language, Sanskrit, the visiting Pandits requested Gur Arjan Dev Ji to avoid totally the cooking and serving of Non-Veg dishes in the Langar which Guru Sahib accepted and thereafter the practice continued with Veg only.


Jan 19, 2014
For any religion to be a 'genuine one' it must have a singular set of dos and don'ts which we call as "Sikh Maryada" and therefore, there could be no deviations at the whims of its followers. For one's food habits, every one is at liberty to have his choice. If any one Sikh says he is inclined not to eat Non-veg hereafter it is O.K.; he is not breaching any of the Sikh Tenets. But if he advises others or looks down upon others who are Non-vegetarians he is not propagating Gur-Sikhi but his own model of a religion.
Sikhism is a Genuine religion and, therefore, has an established philosophy and a singular set of rules called "Sikh Maryada"
Banning its discussion on any forum is ridiculous. What harm is there when we discuss the Sikh Ethics. The younger generation will become familiar with it and abide by the Sikh Maryada.
I am not familiar with the health aspect of preparing meat as discussed by you and therefore I have no comments to make on this issue.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji used to go on hunting expeditions with his Sikhs and in Guru Angad Dev Sahibs kitchen meat was served as part of Guru-ka-Langar. When some Brahmins were at Amritsar to teach Sikhs, the ancient language, Sanskrit, the visiting Pandits requested Gur Arjan Dev Ji to avoid totally the cooking and serving of Non-Veg dishes in the Langar which Guru Sahib accepted and thereafter the practice continued with Veg only.

It's fine to discuss this topic. I was simply stating that there is never a conclusive end to the conversation. These arguments arise when one group accuses another group of not following Sikhi. We all know that Guru Nanak said fools argue over meat and flesh.

Langar has always been vegetarian because it is meant for all people (Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, etc). Everyone can agree that roti and sabzi are okay to eat :D

Btw: I eat meat...


May 9, 2006
We all know that Guru Nanak said fools argue over meat and flesh.

Correct, and SPN has a thread for that. :D http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikh-sikhi-sikhism/8828-fools-who-wrangle-over-flesh.html The current 1258 post count in that thread is evidence of the never ending argument you've mentioned, Sherdil Ji.

Regarding animals slaughtered in accordance with Islamic customs, it is astounding how much the slaughterhouse industry is being infiltrated by these practices, covertly. It's also amazing how many people (non-Sikhs) will happily ignore this fact.
Sep 19, 2013
Not entirely sure how you can prove a type of meat 'scientifically right'.

Anyway, the debate about whether Halal meat is healthier than secular western meat is a moot point. Most animals in the west are in fact slaughtered by cutting their throats, although they are stunned/anaesthetised first and no prayers are said or anything. Even if you eat pork you are eating meat that's been killed via bleeding.


Apr 7, 2013
You all should go visit a slaughterhouse one day and see why its soundproof, in the middle of nowhere, and the poor conditions animals are in. Trust me I was all pro-meat until my visit there. Now on the topic of halal meat, I see nothing in praying while killing the animal. Just another useless ritual.

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
You all should go visit a slaughterhouse one day and see why its soundproof, in the middle of nowhere, and the poor conditions animals are in. Trust me I was all pro-meat until my visit there. Now on the topic of halal meat, I see nothing in praying while killing the animal. Just another useless ritual.

Or watch the movie "If Slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian" by Paul McCartney...


Aug 28, 2012
It's fine to discuss this topic. I was simply stating that there is never a conclusive end to the conversation. These arguments arise when one group accuses another group of not following Sikhi. We all know that Guru Nanak said fools argue over meat and flesh.

Langar has always been vegetarian because it is meant for all people (Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, etc). Everyone can agree that roti and sabzi are okay to eat :D

Btw: I eat meat...

It is excellent that in our Guru-ka-Langar, Dal, Roti and Subzi are served and there are no left overs.
What I have stated of meat having been used in GuruKa Langar is a historical fact. No shying away from eating meat as Guru Nanak Sahib cooked meat at Kurukshetra Mela to highlight that eating anything when there is an Eclipse is NOT AT ALL HARMFUL.
Jan 14, 2010
As far as I understand it, strictly speaking, meat is allowed in Sikhi... as long as it is not killed the Muslim way (extrapolated to also mean kosher since the method is similar). Since Sikhi believes that the essence of the creator resides in everything in creation, the animals and even plants are no less a part of that creation than we are. So in that sense, There really is no distinction between plant and animal when it comes to being a part of Waheguru's creation. The reasoning behind not allowing meat killed the Muslim way comes from the fact that animals have nervous systems and a higher consciousness than a plant would, and killing that way causes unnecessary suffering. Also, it makes no sense to sacrifice something in the name of God, when it's God's very own creation you are sacrificing! Hence, Sikhs are against praying over an animal in this way as they are killed. So as per the SGPC mainstream rehet, meat is allowed in this context.

Having said the above, there are sects (eg. AKJ) that have more restrictive rehets that they follow. Among other things like no jewelry at all (when the mainstream rehet says only that ear / nose piercings are not allowed), no makeup at all (when the mainstream version says only that mehendi is bad), they also extrapolate the meat issue to mean vegetarianism. Then of course, there are varying degrees of that as well... some allow eggs and some don't for example. You would know if you took Amrit under one of these sects as Panj would tell you what is allowed and not. You would likely know ahead of time anyway, and it's your choice to take Amrit with them or not anyway.

Of note though, most Amritdharis I know, even under the main rehet, are vegetarian by choice. There are many spiritual paths that advocate spiritual progress being hindered by eating meat, since it's more primal basic and animal in nature... there are MANY people on many different spiritual paths (not just Sikhi) who say that being vegetarian definitely helps with their spiritual progress, meditation etc. by lifting them above the basic animal instincts.

And getting back to the OP...even Muhammad heeded the warning "Do not allow your stomachs to become graveyards!" and so many Sufis are also vegetarian.
I agree with Harkiran kour ji


Aug 11, 2012
In the above write up you have said that one of the critera for Halal in the health of the animals is that they not eat excrement.
Any explanation why Muslims do not avoid eating chicken on the ground of "Chickens eat human excrement?" When poultry farms were not set up people used to breed chicken for eggs and meat as a part of their household. These chicken lavishly enjoyed human excrement. For centuries Muslims like others enjoyed chicken dishes. Your argument do not stand on this point.
Ask a veternarian he will tell you if chickens eat excrement.


Aug 28, 2012
Ask a veternarian he will tell you if chickens eat excrement.
For about 15 years there were chickens raised in our household for eggs or chicken meat, and I have several times seen chickens relishing excreta of local children in the bylanes.
Of course, chicken do not eat excreta in proper Farms and so do the Pigs bred in farms.
The Thakurs of UP avoid chicken just because chickens eat excreta.


Aug 11, 2012
I have not shown appreciation of the write up. I don't know how my name is recorded there.
Now i want to ask the writer of these passages "Has any research been carried out to prove that after an animal is slaughtered by Halal Method, all the blood is drained out?" It is absurd and preposterous.
Cutting an animal by running the knife in slow motion (Halal method) on the neck of the animal gives it more pain than the Jhatka Method. Saying prayers at a Butchery carries no sense.
I have not shown appreciation of the write up. I don't know how my name is recorded there.
Now i want to ask the writer of these passages "Has any research been carried out to prove that after an animal is slaughtered by Halal Method, all the blood is drained out?" It is absurd and preposterous.
Cutting an animal by running the knife in slow motion (Halal method) on the neck of the animal gives it more pain than the Jhatka Method. Saying prayers at a Butchery carries no sense.

These fantasies are in the mind. Repeating them again and again might give some satisfaction but not make them facts.
The muslim method of slaughtering an animal is not to do it slowly. That is not the criterion. The point is to cut the throat without severing the spinal cord. This method enables the heart to pump out most of the blood. The recommendation is to make the cut in max one and half stroke of a very sharp knife. Note I said "recommendation". The reason given for this recomendation is to minimise the pain to the animal. If you know any sikh living in place in india with lot of muslims they will attest that this is the common understanding. Therefore the "slow motion slaughter" is a figment of imagination. Maybe because the assumption being jhatka involves severance in one go thus the other method must be slow to prolong the pain.
I live in punjab now and can attest that the animals like goat and sheep usually go through more than one jhatakas.
It may also surprise you that animals(unlike birds) in most western modern day non halal slaughterhouses also follow the process of not severing the spine.
I have visited a few small FDA aproved slaughterhouses owned by vietnamese origin peoplein USA they even slaughter the chicken without severing the spine. They attribute it to taste. This also being their traditonal way.
Jan 14, 2010
what ever theories you give in the light of science I wonder why all muslims brothers bring science in between as they don't have faith in their religion that is why they take help of science, I ask you some question that will clear your doubts kindly reply below given questions.

1. while doing halal what is important to recite Kalama, cut the pipe to drain out blood or both
2. Do you think in halal whole blood from body is drained out I mean to say 100% blood
3.How you can say pain is less in halal method I read one of the article of one the doctor he put his theory like this that our senses are connected to brain through spine cord, in Jatka head is removed from body automatically animal does not feel any pain or minimum pain as senses are removed, and in case of halal while blood is drained out animal is in sense and death is caused by draining of blood along with suffocation so according to him animal do suffer pain along with suffocation which is worst part of it.

4. you may or may not be knowing that theories of science changes if another better theory with logic come the previous theory is rejected, so for your kind information I tell you there is one more theory that says these animals got sense and when they are taken for slaughtering they got releases some hormones due to fear which are not good for health at all so your discussion of hygienic or unhygienic does not hold good

Lastly I tell you Sikhi view we are not supposed to eat kutha meat it means any meat that is scarified in the name of GOD our view is we cannot sacrifice anything of GOD as everything belongs to him, Moreover sacrifice is generally done to convince GOD because in our minds we think that by killing animal we are doing something wrong that is why we recite his name and make sure now this thing is sacrificed or purified in the name of GOD, moreover in Sikhi we don't give importance how to eat , what to eat , what to wear , how to wear etc etc, you know why because our philosophy is we got this human life to recite his name and finally merge with him(GOD) we are not into eating or dressing or into looking good nor we are into converting other to our religion because by doing this we cant achieve our goal of merging with GOD Guru Nanak says if you are hindu or muslim be true hindu and true muslim that is how you can get place in GOD's court.
you people talk about this world how to live in this world how to manage everything then you relate it to science but don't understand that science itself is not sure about existence of GOD then why you people always bring science in between. first try to clear you views what is important for you Science or your holy book
I don't know if halal is scientific then how come it help you to merge with GOD

[font=Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith
We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah
if it is (indeed) He Whom ye worship. (2:172)[/size][/font]


We slaughter according to the dictates of Shariah and again we take seafood without slaughtering it with the permission of Shariah. Allah has created all beings and He knows what is best for us. However Islam being ‘Deen-e-Fitrat’ (the religion of nature), we can and we must find out the logic behind such orders that are objected to by others so that we may prove to them the truthfulness of Islamic way.

In Islamic Shariah, while meat (of permitted animals) is permitted the consumption of blood is prohibited. Your friends who argue with you may themselves not be prepared to consume blood even after being cooked. The Islamic way of slaughter assures that blood gushes out of the animal’s body, while it is retained inside the body of the animal if it is killed abruptly. The consumption of meat of such animals in whose bodies the blood is retained is unhygienic. Consumption of blood is harmful for human beings while meat devoid of blood is wholesome.

As for charge of cruelty to animals in slaughtering them the Islamic way, it has now been proved scientifically that Halal slaughter is the humane method while western method of killing by stunning inflicts acute pain to the animals. Professor Schultz and Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany disclosed this after the following experiment. They implanted several electrodes surgically at various points of the skull, just touching the brain of several animals under test. Then some animals were slaughtered by a swift deep incision as desired by Islamic Shariah, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides as also the trachea and oesophagus while others were stunned using a captive bolt pistol as is done in western countries. EEG and ECG were recorded on all the animals under experiment. The experiment amazingly revealed that the animal brain did not feel pain as EEG recorded zero even when the animal’s body was convulsing vigorously, letting out the blood in the Halal method of slaughter. On the other hand EEG showed intense pain immediately after stunning in the western captive bolt stunning method, even though the animals were unconscious.
Those animals, whose respiratory system is such that they breathe inside and cannot survive outside the water, are Halal. The flow of blood in the bodies of such animals is so minimal that it does not flow out no matter how their bodies are cut. Hence there is no need of slaughtering them to draw the blood out of their bodies.


Aug 11, 2012
For about 15 years there were chickens raised in our household for eggs or chicken meat, and I have several times seen chickens relishing excreta of local children in the bylanes.
Of course, chicken do not eat excreta in proper Farms and so do the Pigs bred in farms.
The Thakurs of UP avoid chicken just because chickens eat excreta.
Actually it is the other way round. Chicken peck at everything that does not mean they eat everything. Of course chicken can eat their shit but dont do so normally.
It is modern(as you say proper farms) farms that make chicken eat shit in form of feed and also making it so difficult to avoid what with intensive farming in multi level cages.


Aug 11, 2012
what ever theories you give in the light of science I wonder why all muslims brothers bring science in between as they don't have faith in their religion that is why they take help of science, I ask you some question that will clear your doubts kindly reply below given questions.

1. while doing halal what is important to recite Kalama, cut the pipe to drain out blood or both
2. Do you think in halal whole blood from body is drained out I mean to say 100% blood
3.How you can say pain is less in halal method I read one of the article of one the doctor he put his theory like this that our senses are connected to brain through spine cord, in Jatka head is removed from body automatically animal does not feel any pain or minimum pain as senses are removed, and in case of halal while blood is drained out animal is in sense and death is caused by draining of blood along with suffocation so according to him animal do suffer pain along with suffocation which is worst part of it.

4. you may or may not be knowing that theories of science changes if another better theory with logic come the previous theory is rejected, so for your kind information I tell you there is one more theory that says these animals got sense and when they are taken for slaughtering they got releases some hormones due to fear which are not good for health at all so your discussion of hygienic or unhygienic does not hold good

Lastly I tell you Sikhi view we are not supposed to eat kutha meat it means any meat that is scarified in the name of GOD our view is we cannot sacrifice anything of GOD as everything belongs to him, Moreover sacrifice is generally done to convince GOD because in our minds we think that by killing animal we are doing something wrong that is why we recite his name and make sure now this thing is sacrificed or purified in the name of GOD, moreover in Sikhi we don't give importance how to eat , what to eat , what to wear , how to wear etc etc, you know why because our philosophy is we got this human life to recite his name and finally merge with him(GOD) we are not into eating or dressing or into looking good nor we are into converting other to our religion because by doing this we cant achieve our goal of merging with GOD Guru Nanak says if you are hindu or muslim be true hindu and true muslim that is how you can get place in GOD's court.
you people talk about this world how to live in this world how to manage everything then you relate it to science but don't understand that science itself is not sure about existence of GOD then why you people always bring science in between. first try to clear you views what is important for you Science or your holy book
I don't know if halal is scientific then how come it help you to merge with GOD

First thanks for the brother epithet. It is welcome and i might say expected from a sikh.
You may be confusing me for some one else though. I have not used any scientific explanation for halal. Nor is my purpose is to prove which is better/correct halal or non halal. Each to his own way.
My intention behind posting on this forum was to provide an view of what is the Halal way as per the normally held understanding among muslims. What are the understanding behind various rules of halal as normally understood by muslims. I by no means want to prove anything.
My personal view on slaughter is that the process of getting killed must be extremely painful. We can debate till the cows come home as to how one method is less painful or more. I doubt we will know for sure. However a very sharp knife and cutting the throat in a quick stroke or two or for the matter a one stroke jhatka may some what not prolong the considerble pain for the animal.
Also as my first post noted Halal is not "Sacrifice" to god or to any one else. The question of it making the animal pure or unpure creation does not arise. Muslims typically classiy animals as halal or non halal. Halal is directly translates into permitted/ permissible. Eg halal income. Ie income earned in a permissible way ie income that is not through stealing or upsurping others rights or cheating.
The purpose of uttering Bismillah, Allah O Akbar(I begin this in the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest) is for the muslim to akcnowledge that he is slaughetring an animal made permissible by Allah for him as food. The Allah o Akbar is thanks giving for permission. In bollywood slang it would translate to " God tume ne mujhe is ka meat khane ku permission di hai, God tussi great ho"
I wonder what is the context when sikhs say " Wahe guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe guru ji ke fateh"
Well any way you can see that Halal is not the sacrifice that many claim it to be. Wether it fits the definition of "katuta" or not is for sikhs to decide.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
First thanks for the brother epithet. It is welcome and i might say expected from a sikh.
You may be confusing me for some one else though. I have not used any scientific explanation for halal. Nor is my purpose is to prove which is better/correct halal or non halal. Each to his own way.
My intention behind posting on this forum was to provide an view of what is the Halal way as per the normally held understanding among muslims. What are the understanding behind various rules of halal as normally understood by muslims. I by no means want to prove anything.
My personal view on slaughter is that the process of getting killed must be extremely painful. We can debate till the cows come home as to how one method is less painful or more. I doubt we will know for sure. However a very sharp knife and cutting the throat in a quick stroke or two or for the matter a one stroke jhatka may some what not prolong the considerble pain for the animal.
Also as my first post noted Halal is not "Sacrifice" to god or to any one else. The question of it making the animal pure or unpure creation does not arise. Muslims typically classiy animals as halal or non halal. Halal is directly translates into permitted/ permissible. Eg halal income. Ie income earned in a permissible way ie income that is not through stealing or upsurping others rights or cheating.
The purpose of uttering Bismillah, Allah O Akbar(I begin this in the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest) is for the muslim to akcnowledge that he is slaughetring an animal made permissible by Allah for him as food. The Allah o Akbar is thanks giving for permission. In bollywood slang it would translate to " God tume ne mujhe is ka meat khane ku permission di hai, God tussi great ho"
I wonder what is the context when sikhs say " Wahe guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe guru ji ke fateh"
Well any way you can see that Halal is not the sacrifice that many claim it to be. Wether it fits the definition of "katuta" or not is for sikhs to decide.


Guru Fateh.

Halal meat is a sacrificial offering to Allah (or one may call him/her and it by any other name/s) The Source of All there is does not need any 'Thanks' from anyone. It is rather insulting to the Source in my opinion.

Please read the the following two, one from the Independent newspaper andhttp://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/what-is-halal-meat-the-big-questions-about-religious-slaughter-answered-9331519.html

And the other one from BBC.

Why would a god you worship need any sacrifice for himself by you? It shows nothing but Me-ism (as defined here in my response to the excellent article by IJ Singh.


Please share your views.

Thanks and regards

Tejwant Singh

What is halal meat?
By Nick EardleyBBC News
  • 12 May 2014
  • From the sectionUK

Most halal chickens are stunned, Defra says
There have been calls for clearer labelling of halal products in shops, restaurants and takeaways. But what is halal food? And why are campaigners so concerned?


What is halal meat?
Halal is Arabic for permissible. Halal food is that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran.

The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe.


UK slaughterhouses must be completely halal compliant
Animals must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter and all blood is drained from the carcass. During the process, a Muslim will recite a dedication, know as tasmiya or shahada.

There is debate about elements of halal, such as whether stunning is allowed.

Stunning cannot be used to kill an animal, according to the Halal Food Authority (HFA), a non-profit organisation that monitors adherence to halal principles. But it can be used if the animal survives and is then killed by halal methods, the HFA adds.
Jan 14, 2010
First thanks for the brother epithet. It is welcome and i might say expected from a sikh.
You may be confusing me for some one else though. I have not used any scientific explanation for halal. Nor is my purpose is to prove which is better/correct halal or non halal. Each to his own way.
My intention behind posting on this forum was to provide an view of what is the Halal way as per the normally held understanding among muslims. What are the understanding behind various rules of halal as normally understood by muslims. I by no means want to prove anything.
My personal view on slaughter is that the process of getting killed must be extremely painful. We can debate till the cows come home as to how one method is less painful or more. I doubt we will know for sure. However a very sharp knife and cutting the throat in a quick stroke or two or for the matter a one stroke jhatka may some what not prolong the considerble pain for the animal.
Also as my first post noted Halal is not "Sacrifice" to god or to any one else. The question of it making the animal pure or unpure creation does not arise. Muslims typically classiy animals as halal or non halal. Halal is directly translates into permitted/ permissible. Eg halal income. Ie income earned in a permissible way ie income that is not through stealing or upsurping others rights or cheating.
The purpose of uttering Bismillah, Allah O Akbar(I begin this in the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest) is for the muslim to akcnowledge that he is slaughetring an animal made permissible by Allah for him as food. The Allah o Akbar is thanks giving for permission. In bollywood slang it would translate to " God tume ne mujhe is ka meat khane ku permission di hai, God tussi great ho"
I wonder what is the context when sikhs say " Wahe guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe guru ji ke fateh"
Well any way you can see that Halal is not the sacrifice that many claim it to be. Wether it fits the definition of "katuta" or not is for sikhs to decide.
Brother Parvez
thanks for your reply firstly I did not got proper response of my 4 question please answerer them so hat we can come to conclusion. secondly if I am not wrong Bismillah means in the name of GOD so logically it is clear its not recited for thanks,
Jan 14, 2010
Brother Parvez
thanks for your reply firstly I did not got proper response of my 4 question please answerer them so hat we can come to conclusion. secondly if I am not wrong Bismillah means in the name of GOD so logically it is clear its not recited for thanks,
Sorry brother Pravez
that was for muslim who posted that
Jan 14, 2010
[font=Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith
We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah
if it is (indeed) He Whom ye worship. (2:172)[/size][/font]


We slaughter according to the dictates of Shariah and again we take seafood without slaughtering it with the permission of Shariah. Allah has created all beings and He knows what is best for us. However Islam being ‘Deen-e-Fitrat’ (the religion of nature), we can and we must find out the logic behind such orders that are objected to by others so that we may prove to them the truthfulness of Islamic way.

In Islamic Shariah, while meat (of permitted animals) is permitted the consumption of blood is prohibited. Your friends who argue with you may themselves not be prepared to consume blood even after being cooked. The Islamic way of slaughter assures that blood gushes out of the animal’s body, while it is retained inside the body of the animal if it is killed abruptly. The consumption of meat of such animals in whose bodies the blood is retained is unhygienic. Consumption of blood is harmful for human beings while meat devoid of blood is wholesome.

As for charge of cruelty to animals in slaughtering them the Islamic way, it has now been proved scientifically that Halal slaughter is the humane method while western method of killing by stunning inflicts acute pain to the animals. Professor Schultz and Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany disclosed this after the following experiment. They implanted several electrodes surgically at various points of the skull, just touching the brain of several animals under test. Then some animals were slaughtered by a swift deep incision as desired by Islamic Shariah, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides as also the trachea and oesophagus while others were stunned using a captive bolt pistol as is done in western countries. EEG and ECG were recorded on all the animals under experiment. The experiment amazingly revealed that the animal brain did not feel pain as EEG recorded zero even when the animal’s body was convulsing vigorously, letting out the blood in the Halal method of slaughter. On the other hand EEG showed intense pain immediately after stunning in the western captive bolt stunning method, even though the animals were unconscious.
Those animals, whose respiratory system is such that they breathe inside and cannot survive outside the water, are Halal. The flow of blood in the bodies of such animals is so minimal that it does not flow out no matter how their bodies are cut. Hence there is no need of slaughtering them to draw the blood out of their bodies.

what ever theories you give in the light of science I wonder why all muslims brothers bring science in between as they don't have faith in their religion that is why they take help of science, I ask you some question that will clear your doubts kindly reply below given questions.
1. while doing halal what is important to recite Kalama, cut the pipe to drain out blood or both
2. Do you think in halal whole blood from body is drained out I mean to say 100% blood
3.How you can say pain is less in halal method I read one of the article of one the doctor he put his theory like this that our senses are connected to brain through spine cord, in Jatka head is removed from body automatically animal does not feel any pain or minimum pain as senses are removed, and in case of halal while blood is drained out animal is in sense and death is caused by draining of blood along with suffocation so according to him animal do suffer pain along with suffocation which is worst part of it.
4. you may or may not be knowing that theories of science changes if another better theory with logic come the previous theory is rejected, so for your kind information I tell you there is one more theory that says these animals got sense and when they are taken for slaughtering they got releases some hormones due to fear which are not good for health at all so your discussion of hygienic or unhygienic does not hold good
Lastly I tell you Sikhi view we are not supposed to eat kutha meat it means any meat that is scarified in the name of GOD our view is we cannot sacrifice anything of GOD as everything belongs to him, Moreover sacrifice is generally done to convince GOD because in our minds we think that by killing animal we are doing something wrong that is why we recite his name and make sure now this thing is sacrificed or purified in the name of GOD, moreover in Sikhi we don't give importance how to eat , what to eat , what to wear , how to wear etc etc, you know why because our philosophy is we got this human life to recite his name and finally merge with him(GOD) we are not into eating or dressing or into looking good nor we are into converting other to our religion because by doing this we cant achieve our goal of merging with GOD Guru Nanak says if you are hindu or muslim be true hindu and true muslim that is how you can get place in GOD's court.
you people talk about this world how to live in this world how to manage everything then you relate it to science but don't understand that science itself is not sure about existence of GOD then why you people always bring science in between. first try to clear you views what is important for you Science or your holy book
I don't know if halal is scientific then how come it help you to merge with GOD
Jan 14, 2010
Oh dear what a mess! Where to start to clean up your many misunderstandings?

How about with your dismissal of a SCIENTIFIC experiment that was held by a professor and doctor who proved with science not "speculations" & "opinions" that the stun bolt method caused more pain to the animal and produced unhygienic meat when compared to the halal method.

You also said that "If this speculation held any validity to it then the world would not be slaughtering millions of animals with the stun method as is the practice". Unfortunately just because it is practised around the world doesn't make it right. If you read that article (link in previous post above) by Jonathan Safran Foer he makes it clear that the stun bolt method is used because it is convenient when killing thousands of animals per day in slaughter houses, but doesn't mean that it is humane, and in many cases the animals suffer tremendously. There is also a good book called the "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser who also takes a closer look at the horrors of the stun bolt method.

I am not concerned about whether it is impossible to drain all of the blood from the animal's body, but about draining the maximum amount which the halal method achieves.

Halal slaughter is not a religious sacrifice but a method to slaughter an animal. Muslims do not recite any verses from the Quran whilst slaughtering but begin my saying "In the name of God" (I don't know if the Jews recite from their scriptures).

I am not sure what circumcision has to do with the topic at hand.

Can you please explain what you mean by "Muslims and Jews have a tribal mentality in the case of eating pork", as I honestly cannot fathom what it is you are trying to say. Also pork is forbidden to Christians in the New Testament. "Of their flesh [Pork] shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you." [Leviticus 11:7-8]

Here are some things to consider regarding Pork and will illustrate some of the reasons why pork is forbidden in Judaism, Christianity & Islam, but which the Sikhs "does not believe in none of that. Period.":

*Pork must be cooked twice as long as any other meat, because there is always a fear of food poisoning from pork.

*Pigs do not have functional sweat glands. Sweating eliminates toxins, so if it doesn't sweat, it is not eliminating any toxins from it's body which is stored in its body and which is then consumed by the person eating it.

*Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, rotting carcasses, garbage, and even other pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves, grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. Occasionally while in captivity, pigs may eat their own young if they become severely stressed.

*You can always do an experiment, and put a porkchop and a piece of chicken in a cupboard for a week. After a week, see which one is more rotten. I guarantee you it will be the porkchop.


Most of the time I wonder why my muslims friends are always dependent upon science to tell non muslims that see our religion is scientific why they
take help of science, whether they are not sure about their religion or by adding word scientific they can easily do marketing of their religion, but you know this is hard fact that still science is have no clue about existence of GOD and if you depends more on science that shows you don't believe in almighty GOD, so its better to clear you views that you believe in Science or you holy book. ok

I usually ask all my muslim friend these question but I did not got answer after reading your article relating halal to scientific kindly answer the followings
1. while doing halal what is important to recite Kalama, cut the pipe to drain out blood or both
2. Do you think or you have any scientific prove that in halal whole blood from body is drained out I mean to say 100% blood
3.How you can say pain is less in halal method I read one of the article of one the doctor he put his theory like this that our senses are connected to brain through spine cord, in Jatka head is removed from body automatically animal does not feel any pain or minimum pain as senses are removed, and in case of halal while blood is drained out animal is in sense and death is caused by draining of blood along with suffocation so according to him animal do suffer pain along with suffocation which is worst part of it.
4. what is your idea of heaven

5. you people do circumcise what science say about it can you tell me ??? I want your answer then I will comment on it

you may or may not be knowing that theories of science changes if another better theory with logic come the previous theory is rejected, so for your kind information I tell you there is one more theory that says these animals got sense and when they are taken for slaughtering they got releases some hormones due to fear which are not good for health at all so your discussion of hygienic or unhygienic does not hold good as in this thread I have clearly mention that science experiments keep on changing so don't get excited if and theory relates to your questions.

Lastly I tell you Sikhi view we are not supposed to eat kutha meat it means any meat that is scarified in the name of GOD our view is we cannot sacrifice anything of GOD as everything belongs to him, Moreover sacrifice is generally done to convince GOD because in our minds we think that by killing animal we are doing something wrong that is why we recite his name and make sure now this thing is sacrificed or purified in the name of GOD, moreover our religion (Sikhi) we don't give importance what to eat how to eat, what to wear , how to wear etc etc, you know why because our philosophy is we got this human life to recite his name and finally merge with him(GOD) we are not into eating or dressing or dressing to look good and attract others nor we are into converting other to our religion because by doing this we cant achieve our goal of merging with GOD Guru Nanak says if you are hindu or muslim be true hindu and true muslim that is how you can get place in GOD's court.

I don't know if halal is scientific then how come it help you to merge with GOD or by converting other into your religion how it will help to get place in heaven
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