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Islam Is Halal Meat Scientifically Proven Right?


Aug 8, 2011
I have seen Muslims claim that halal method is more humane and the animal does not feel pain after a few seconds of the incision.
This seems to be rather untrue according to scientific research.

BRAIN signals have shown that calves do appear to feel pain when slaughtered according to Jewish and Muslim religious law, strengthening the case for adapting the practices to make them more humane. "I think our work is the best evidence yet that it's painful," says Craig Johnson, who led the study at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Johnson summarised his results last week in London when receiving an award from the UK Humane Slaughter Association. His team also showed that if the animal is concussed through stunning, signals corresponding to pain disappear (New Zealand Veterinary Journal, vol 57, p 77).



Aug 8, 2011
It was also proposed to in the Dutch parliament to ban ritualistic (Halal and Kosher) slaughter on the pretext of it being inhumane (although i do not understand how killing is can be humane in the first place)

The Dutch parliament voted on Tuesday to ban ritual slaughter of animals, a move strongly opposed by the country’s Muslim and Jewish minorities, but left a loophole that might let religious butchering continue. The bill by the small Animal Rights Party, the first such group in Europe to win seats in a national parliament, passed the lower house of parliament by 116 votes to 30. It must be approved by the upper house before becoming law. It stipulates that livestock must be stunned before being slaughtered, contrary to the Muslim halal and Jewish kosher laws that require animals to be fully conscious.

“This way of killing causes unnecessary pain to animals. Religious freedom cannot be unlimited,” said Marianne Thieme, head of the Animal Rights Party, said before the vote. “For us religious freedom stops where human or animal suffering begins.”



Dec 3, 2011
I have seen Muslims claim that halal method is more humane and the animal does not feel pain after a few seconds of the incision.
This seems to be rather untrue according to scientific research.

Searching Ji
I had already mentioned this in the previous post.
My point is not being critical of your post, mentioning the scientific research. I appreciate you researching and presenting this.-Very Good and thanks.
The point I was trying to make was that anyone who has studied advanced biology, namely neurology will know this from theory without the need to refer to research.

Using my knowledge of neurology/biology, I will explain further, trying to use simple terminolgy for everyone to understand.
After reading all posts and seeing different viewpoints, combined with scientific knowledge, I have come to a concluding decision that is based on scientific and practical points only.

Read very carefully!!!

The advantage of halal, I know it was mentioned in a previous post, is the fact that the blood is allowed to be drained. This draining does help in 2 ways.

1) The blood is what carries most of the disease and toxins. When drained away, the remainder contains a lot less toxins, this is what some muslims refer to as 'pure',- as it is infact more pure due to less toxins. The blood contains toxins, bacteria, virus etc......It does not contain anything positively healthy ie.. getting rid of the blood, will not get rid of healthier or positive elements. ie. eliminating blood will NOT increase or concentrate toxicity elements, unless certain organ of animal is diseased- then it would be unfit for consumption anyway.

Note. .. this is an argument for halal, however in this day and age, it doesn't really apply. Unless, your in suburbs of Texas or somwhere with your own naturally reared chickens for you own consumption- without any antibiotics, supplements etc....

2) The draining also helps keep the meat soft. Often you will hear people claim that one tastes better than non-halal or halal, depending on personal preference ( remember steaks are served rare/medium/well done according to personal preference- some may like it soft and chewy, others may not.)

This is very true, many would be able to tell the difference from true halal and true jhatka. However, animals are stunned before hand in most environments ( not sure, how it goes in industrial halal settings), therefore in practice it's difficult to compare the 2 extremes.

How does the softness arise ? -when infact one may think that it would be the opposite, as you would get more dryness and rigidity with less blood.

I will try to explain, using simplified terms-

-Our muscles store gylcogen, this is an energy source.
Now, imagine your biceps for eg. -as one works/trains on these with weights etc, they grow in size and become more rigid. To maintain the rigidity and stiffness, one has to keep the glycogen activated by continued training and use.

Alot of the guys know that when they stop working out, they eventually lose the rigidity and stiffness in the bicep.- This is because the glycogen is not activated at the site and energy from the muscle is used in other parts of the body- to put it in simple terms (it's actually more complex)

-Another thing to note is 'rigor mortis'- This is the term used for the stiffening of muscles after someone dies.- almost as if they are contracting their biceps. -This occurs because glycogen is activated at the muscle sites soon after death.
Also when we use the 'jhatka' -sudden blow method- there is a sudden shock that stimulates the release of glycogen.
This leads to stiffening- which causes the meat to be tough and harder.

There is no sudden shock in halal except at the first cut of jugular and carotid artery, then the animal becomes relaxed as blood is drained away. This is a neurological action and NOT of the animal feeling at peace- or less distressed.

So, this explains why jhatka results with tougher meat than halal.

Note also,- The argument that ' animal struggles less with halal' is based on these grounds.

As most realise that jhatka-leads to stiffness, then they associate this sudden stiffness/shock with more struggling pain. Compared with halal, where there is less stiffness,then animal seems more at peace. When infact, pain levels are no lower with any method- It's a false perception and fact.

Another important fact, again from my knowledge of theory is that relating to blood clotting. This phenomenom occurs with the jhatka method which in turn can lead to spoiling or infection of the meat, the longer it remains uncooked.
Also note- even halal will get spoiling the longer it remains uncooked, but at a lower rate than jhatka.
The blood clotting also contributes to the hardening and toughness due to accumulation of clotting factors.

I have tried to mention the main points concerned relative to neurology and biological theory. There are many more complex factors involved that the average person will have difficulty to understand because of complicated terminology. However, there is nothing more that I can simplify in argument of jhatka or halal. The main points and false perceptions are explained above.

Thank you
Lucky Singh
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
ALL this argument is Totally FAKE....and POINTLESS..because MUSLIMS will NEVER ACCEPT NON-HALLAL. PERIOD.
ALL this beating about the bushes vis a vis helath...purity..scientific basis for pain..less pain..no pain..blah blah blah etc is just "arguments for arguments sake"...it WONT Chnage a single thing..that is Muslims MUST have Hallal. PERIOD. NOTHING MATTERS....Bottom line is HALLAL is COMPULSORY for MUSLIMS.....no two ways about it.
A MUSLIM wont even walk / pass in front of a NON-HALLAL butcher/shop etc...in MALAYSIA such Non-Hallal meat counters are KEPT well AWAY / Far away/ PROMINENTLY LABELLED/so a Mulsim wont accidentally pass nearby/see the non-hallal products ......in wet markets Non-hallal stalls are WALLED OFF because they "offend" muslims passing by...BUT cow carcasses are placed in full view becasue apparently Hindus cant be "offended" simply because its a muslim majority...so Hindus can squeeze past a bleeding cow and still be OK....but not the other way around...
THIS is a RELIGIOUS MATTER..so what can scientific discoveries,proofs of pain no pain etc etc..have in this matter..NOTHING . Mulsims beleive ALLAH commanded Hallal and thats IT. period...A GOOD MUSLIM has to beleive totally in that Message.


Dec 3, 2011
ALL this argument is Totally FAKE....and POINTLESS..because MUSLIMS will NEVER ACCEPT NON-HALLAL. PERIOD.
ALL this beating about the bushes vis a vis helath...purity..scientific basis for pain..less pain..no pain..blah blah blah etc is just "arguments for arguments sake"...it WONT Chnage a single thing..that is Muslims MUST have Hallal. PERIOD. NOTHING MATTERS....Bottom line is HALLAL is COMPULSORY for MUSLIMS.....no two ways about it.
A MUSLIM wont even walk / pass in front of a NON-HALLAL butcher/shop etc...in MALAYSIA such Non-Hallal meat counters are KEPT well AWAY / Far away/ PROMINENTLY LABELLED/so a Mulsim wont accidentally pass nearby/see the non-hallal products ......in wet markets Non-hallal stalls are WALLED OFF because they "offend" muslims passing by...BUT cow carcasses are placed in full view becasue apparently Hindus cant be "offended" simply because its a muslim majority...so Hindus can squeeze past a bleeding cow and still be OK....but not the other way around...
THIS is a RELIGIOUS MATTER..so what can scientific discoveries,proofs of pain no pain etc etc..have in this matter..NOTHING . Mulsims beleive ALLAH commanded Hallal and thats IT. period...A GOOD MUSLIM has to beleive totally in that Message.

Gyani ji, I understand and accept your comment.
However, the basis of my facts were in relation to arguments and claims made by Islam that are scientific. This thread is about 'scientific'

I did state the following line 'I have come to a concluding decision that is based on scientific and practical points only'.

Recently, New Westminister in UK has refused to keep halal meat at it 20 plus restaurants even though they get a number of muslims.
Their reason for refusal was ' on basis of cruelty'- which obviously is no genuine reason,- they were too worried to state otherwise!!

No one can even say if President Obama has halal at the Whitehouse (there have been numerous rumours). Why don't they make an official statement ??- They know whatever they say won't be accepted by large numbers.

Yet, muslims do expect everyone, everywhere to obey islam and have halal available everywhere!!

I wonder what the reaction would be if it was available, but at double the price !!!- we would hear different arguments.

What would the reaction be if Indians demanded jhatka in islamic dominant countries.??

From what you have stated happens in Malaysia, I think we know what reactions we would expect world wide!!!

I know you feel that we are rambling on trying to justify and argue, when at the end of the day the islamic view will remain just as strong.
But, the least we can do is examine their arguments given to us in the west based on false theories that they do the animals a favour...etc....etc...

In this sense, my argument and others are NOT false and pointless. It is the only way a neutral outsider (average gora) would understand.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I have seen for sale in London

Halal Rice

Halal water
Halal flour

and other foods as well

what does this all mean

ALL THAT means is the product is certified free of any Non-hallal processes, ingredients etc etc...no pork fat was used to say..oil the atta chakee !! or no pig was ever allowed to roam the wheat field !!...no pig products used in any way...no alcohol used...and certified FIT for a Good Muslim to use and consume.
So Halall is NOT confined to animal slaughter...its a Concept in Islam to be followed by muslims...so consummables like soaps, perfumes, oils, toothpaste, medicines, drugs etc etc all have to be hallal certified so a Muslim can use it without a worry.
IN Malatysia we have Hallal Ceritfied RESTAURANTS. coffee shops, hotels etc...that means theres nothing non hallal used anywhere near by too...no such thing as a ladle used to serve a non-hallal dish and then used to serve a Muslim..no way....in schools if kids bring home food..that has to be Hallal too..just in case a muslim child eats it...the best some teachers can do..is advise the Non Muslims to EAT their own food and the Muslim kids to eat theirs...so no cross Hallalification occurs !!..wehave gotten used to this as we are a minority....dont let the WEST go UNDER such absurdities because there Non Muslims are in the MAJORITY.


Aug 8, 2011
Lucky Singh ji
Thank you for your detailed post. I am not disputing what you have stated logically. Its just that I have never found my meat chewy or hard because it was jhatka.
I also think that jhatka is less painful compared to halal as the spinal cord is severed resulting in interruption of pathway of pain from the dosral horn in the spinal cord?
I will like to have your views on it.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
I have seen for sale in London

Halal Rice
Halal water
Halal flour

and other foods as well

what does this all mean
Probably it also implies that no Qafirs were used in the production, processing or delivery of the stuff. A closed shop to allow the Muslims to serve Muslims while shutting others out. Not bad if you want your own merchants, shopkeepers and producers to be stronger versus the competition. For me at the end of the day it is little hocus-pocus.

Let me cite an example,

EXAMPLE: During my student years I worked weekends at a grocery store in London owned by a Sikh. Lot of the clientele was West Indian origin. Such loved pig-tails as a delicacy. The pig-tails used to come in large containers of brine (heavily salted water) mixed with the pig tails. One day while moving the drum of pig-tails there was an accident and pinkish brine water spilled over Rice Jute bags. We had to think if to throw the rice so damaged out to garbage.

We talked to the owner. He said no way he wanted to throw the rice out.

Guess what it was turned into,

SPECIAL: Pig-tail flavored rice. All was quickly grabbed by the shoppers.

One reason I will never be able to run a grocery store.

So may be a lot of clever marketing and some how a claim of purity and uniqueness gets embedded in Halal propaganda too.



Dec 3, 2011
Lucky Singh ji
Thank you for your detailed post. I am not disputing what you have stated logically. Its just that I have never found my meat chewy or hard because it was jhatka.
I also think that jhatka is less painful compared to halal as the spinal cord is severed resulting in interruption of pathway of pain from the dosral horn in the spinal cord?
I will like to have your views on it.

I know what you mean about the meat being chewy or not.
I think we don't experience this to a large degree as mass production of both meats is not far off, in the sense that most animals are raised with non genuine diets (protein pumpers,supplements) and in a non genuine environment. Also, stunning beforehand is commonly used in both cases,I believe.
Therefore the two genuine extremes of both meats are not readily available.

Good point about the jhatka being less painful. I have agreed that in the past, and still do based on actions of neurons,ganglia and post-synaptic activity.
However, we have to remember that to quantify or measure pain is very difficult.
One persons scale is not the other persons.
Even for the manufacturing of analgesics, it's actually the tolerance to pain that is commonly used in trials to measure the drug's effect.
With jhatka, the chances of the pathways being blocked, hence numbness and anaesthesia effect are much higher. Therfore the chances of the animal experiencing numbness is higher. This again, cannot be definite for all animals as different pathways can come into action to relay the responses to the brain.
But in general, we could definitely say that with jhatka the animal is more likely to experience numbness and therefore less pain.

Here, we are talking about the instant of being killed, the first few moments before death. There has been mention that draining interupts the transmission of signals across pathways. Now, this can infact happen, as the conduction of impulses and signals across neuron synapses requires nutrients that are readily available from blood.But the actual drainage would have to be done for some time before there is enough depletion of most common Na, K, Ca,- the animal would most likely have been dead before this could take affect. So, the immediate drainage would not directly affect nerve transmission as such - the pain pathways would still be very much active.

I didn't mention this earlier, as in all honesty I didn't find it appropriate to try and justify jhatka over halal.
It is the misconceptions about halal that I wanted to scientifically clarify.

At the end of the day, both are acts of killing for consumption.
The animal doesn't have a choice and even if it did, what favour would we really be doing ??
Plenty of halal consumers actually believe that they have done the animal a favour,- this is a wrong, inhumane belief.

Sat sri akaal
Lucky Singh


Aug 8, 2011
I didn't mention this earlier, as in all honesty I didn't find it appropriate to try and justify jhatka over halal.

That is a good point and as Sikhs we are not restricted to only eat jhatka.
We must realise that jhatka is not a prescribes method of killing an animal in Sikhism. Its only that we must avoid halal.
If a stunned animal is slaughtered like it is in halal I have no problem in having it as long as religious prayers are not said over its bleeding body.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

Didnt feel a thing?

Kutthaa was used as a tax forcefully upon the people during the mogul empire.

It is still used as a subtle weapon of suppression by Muslims.....in Mughal times it was ILLEGAL for a Non-Mulsim to even keep a Sharp KNIFE...thats one of the reasons for the weird looking crescent shaped instruments used to cut (cheeer) saag etc in Indian kitchens...to get meat you had to get to a muslim butcher/kazi..


Aug 7, 2008
about the eeg experiment,well gentle man pain is a reflex at spinal level.higher centre summation generates emotion associated with pain.so you cant say by anybodies experiment that halal meat comes without pain!second most important point is halal is a ritual!when your spiritual path is a hostage of ritual it can never be absolutely right!because your brain still has questions that you need to take the support of an external act to fix your belief on god,you need more than gods name to progress,that means a lot of your spiritual effort is going waste!

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
about the eeg experiment,well gentle man pain is a reflex at spinal level.higher centre summation generates emotion associated with pain.so you cant say by anybodies experiment that halal meat comes without pain!second most important point is halal is a ritual!when your spiritual path is a hostage of ritual it can never be absolutely right!because your brain still has questions that you need to take the support of an external act to fix your belief on god,you need more than gods name to progress,that means a lot of your spiritual effort is going waste!

Halal is a purification ritual. A Sikh would ask, how can you purify that which is created by Onkaar?


Aug 11, 2012
I have seen Vietnamese also slaughter animals same way. I dont think they have any religious injuction for it. Just to remove blood which can carry disease.
Jul 1, 2012
well, hope i am not too late in this discussion....before arguing on halal and jatkha we should first know the basic principles behind both. now a days many islamic scholars have created a great misconceptions not about this topic but also about many other topics and thats why we can see a lots of our muslim brothers who even do'nt know the basics just come and argue on such topics on the basis of explanations being provided by such islamic scholars...so lets have some class of these students and their so called scholars on their own lines.....
1. halal is scientifically proven more hygienic: well am in the field of veterinary medicine from past 10 years and what ever scientific and unscientific associated with different ways of slaughtering the animals is known to me...i can not disscuss all the methods but surely about halal....in scientific language and literature halal means severing the jugular vein of animal such that maximum blood oozes out, but there is no mention of any particular direction or prayer......can any muslim scholar clear this air??? a halal is considered only when you put animal in particular direction and severe its neck while reciting the kalama and not only so only those meat are accepted as halal by islam which are done by either muslim or christian....so if halal is scientifically proven or in words of islamic scholars halal is what science says....kindly proove it by eating a chicken severed as per what science says as halal (without any particular direction, kalama & irrespective of religion of person doing it)...and for this test i am ready to volunteer myself to any of my muslim brother or scholar who says science says islamic way of slaughtering halal is best.
2. scientifically proven that islamic way of slaughter is more hygenic becoz. maximum blood oozes out of body: according to science, blood is a source of micro organisms (bacterial growth) and it is desired to flush out maximum blood out of slaughtered animal so that its shelf life (keeping time or we can say storage time till it is consumed) is enhanced. but where is this mentioned in islamic literature that blood is haram to muslims because it decreases shelf life????moreover islamic scholars also contend that blood causes various diseases but can anyone tell that if a disease is present in blood what are the chances of that diseases is not present in muscles of the same animal, after all muscles are also fed and nutrition-ed by blood???
3. animal feel less pain in halal method:: well can you tell me what is the level of pain if you keep a man in a chamber devoid of air?? my point is that there is lot of difference between pain and struggling. you shoot a man in head, he'll not struggle and die instantaneously but you keep the same man in a chamber devoid of air or in your terminology severe his jugular from neck, he'll struggle.....so which one is more humane.....one single sikh shot or slow islamic shot??? and by d way what you told abt. research done in university of Hanover Germany....that compared scientific halal with other stunning methods which do not include jatka becoz. in stunning methods animal's head remains intact with rest of body.
4. how come so called jatka done by sikhs is more better than islamic halal???: the three main reasons why muslims do halal are (a)to please god (b) to flush blood out as it is haram for them (but not haram from scientific reasons like bacterial growth) and (c) as a ritualistic feast in occasions like eid, and others. Now comming to sikh's jatka: in normal terms of life a sikh is advised to have simple meal, less meal and more meditation. but when sikhs come to meat eating it is advised to keep away from meats slaughtered via ritualistic methods. (a) if sikh wants to eat meat he should slaughter it himself or in front of his eyes so that no one can cheat him by either providing sick animal or by handing over ritualistic meat. so here we can see the scope of getting a sick or diseased animal is properly dealt with. also we can see there is no connection of pleasing god by slaughtering animal.
5. the most important question--blood remains in jatka: every coin have two sides or we can say there are pros also and cons also...scientifically halal (not islamic halal, thats another thing that now they relate it to science to proove themself more scientific) is better becoz. it increases keeping life or shelf life of meat. but a sikh is always supposed to slaughter animal quickly and cook it in shortest possible time without storing it. imagine at times when there were no refrigerators what did muslims did to boast their claim that halal is more better???in those times also it was advised to eat meat as soon as possible and in present time also science says consume meat as soon as possible and avoid prepacked and frozen meat. Issue of blood:: on one hand you are taking life of a animal to gain some nutrients, do you think it is intelligible enough to waste a huge percentage of proteins which are present in blood of a healthy animal???? yes my dear islamic scholars why you forget that blood is rich is proteins. and if blood is infected with any disease it is not possible for that disease is not present in muscles of that animal. so by saying that blood is drained to avoid any disease condition and muscle of same animal is readily eaten, i think that is totally a blunder.
so if we compare islamic halal with sikh jatka it is clear that:
- sikhs enjoy more good nutrition gains as compared to muslims and also sikhs are exposed less to get infected with meat borne diseases becoz. they are supposed to get the animal slaughterd by themself or infront of them so that no one can cheat them by providing a sick animal's meat.
- as sikhs are supposed to cook and eat meat as soon as possible after slaughtering there is no issue of meat getting deteriorated but instead they are getting more nutrious meat.
so you muslims can go to any shop and get the stored/ frozen meat which is halal certified and leave the rest hygenic issues to the certifying company....but as sikhs we are only allowed to eat meat which is certified by no one else but by our own eyes and hands...

Hope the misconceptions created by islamic scholars and islamic people regarding not only jatka but also halal (whether scientific halal or islamic halal) are cleared.

and lastly i remembered one thing which amused me much: once surfing internet i came through site of islamic research foundation (IRF) headed by Zakir Naik. there on the issue of halal and jatka he writes that "muslims do halal becoz. they are not cowards like sikhs and kill animal from front". can he tell me where in sikhism there is any importance given to back or front while slaughtering an animal??? moreover animals have got two eyes on each side and jugular is placed on ventral part of neck and no one can see his/her/its jugular via direct eyes( jugular is beyond the vision angle of ones eye). so how comes muslims became more bold by doing halal??? and also in one sense he is very right that muslims are more brave..........they show their bravery by slaughtering animals.........zakir naik you are great...


Aug 11, 2012
I dont want to jump into an argument. Just want to inform in case there is lack of clarity. Of course people are entitled to their beliefs. Evidence from scientific methods only informs us to some extent and often is not always conclusive in many areas. Agreed a veterinarian may know more than an ordinary person about slaughter but is not a expert in pain or intensity etc of it unless he/she specialises in the issue. In a nutshell a veterinarian will equally rely on written reports just as a layman might(Unless he is a researcher in the topic of neural pain). But our faith often informs our outlook so there is no harm holding a view which resonates with ones faith. Each to his own way. There are some points which are observed by Muslims while slaughtering an Animal. The two most important ones uttering Bismillah and cutting in one to one and half stroke the throat and the two major arteries without severing the spinal chord. Bismillah translates into in the name of Allah. It is used by muslims for any major or minor task. It really means various things in context. It could mean acknowledging the supremacy of the creator. It could mean I do this task as I have been permitted by the creator to do it. It could mean I do this task for the sake of obedience of the creator. I do this task seeking the help of the creator. A devout muslim will utter bismillah even while stepping out/into the house. While starting to drive/eat food etc any important or mundane task. The one to one and half stroke with a sharp knife is recommended but if it takes more it still would be ok. Draining out blood is also important. Facing the creature towards Kaaba in Mecca is recommended but not mandatory. Slaughtering an animal is not something that is to be taken lightly by a muslim as it involves talking a life. Only permitted animal, who are healthy, not stressed or starving are not ones pets are allowed. Animals which have been starved as is often during travel are recommended not to be slaughtered till they are rested and stress free. Hunting for sport is prohibited whether animal is permitted or not. Similarly even keeping pets for amusement is discouraged. However animals for use in riding, agriculture etc are permitted. Killing of animal is obviously painful to the animal there are no two ways about it. Recommendation to use sharp knife and use one to one and one and half stroke causes some what less stress to the animal but we are ultimately killing it. Keeping the spinal chord intact enables the heart to be still functioning thus pumping out the blood. It is well known both among the butchers and in the scientific community that if blood is not drained meat spoils faster. Perhaps that is why the Sikhs are required to eat it quickly. I was quite surprised to find that I was asked by many hindus in US where to get Halal meat. Upon inquiring they told that they find the taste better compared to Jhatka meat. Even those who never knew what meat/chicken they were eating in India have told me that they found meat better from my house even though they are normally good cooks. I told them about the experience of other hindus with Halal and suggested they give it a try so they did and they did say it tasted better to them. Of course taste is subjective to ones cultural origin also so they might be finding a familiar flavor that they used to have back home. Some one who grew up in the west and never ate halal might have a different experience. The whole thing is just my experience and usually I dont attach much importance to anecdotal evidence. Just wanted to inform you about the experiences/reponses of some people.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Pervez Ji..
Guru nanak ji Sahib also met many such "Hindus who demand Hallal.." and He mentions them in Asa di Vaar.....as..."There are many who WEAR BLUE CLOTHES (Muslim colour as compared to ORANGE the Hindu colour), in order to please their Muslim MASTERS, they consume HALLAL MEAT in the Privacy of their Homes..but when OUTSIDE they hold their noses at Butcher Shops exclaiming..we are Vegetarians,,we are Hindus..they Speak the Mallechh Language (F{censored}e Arabic as it was ECONOMICALLY productive to get Govt JOBS, calling it LOWLY Language/filthy language in Private while extolling the virtues of Sanskrit as Language of the Gods...and yet stepping over each other to speak f{censored}e etc again in attempts to please the Muslim Masters.

Sikhs and Gurmatt has nothing personal against any religion....we simply REFUSE to be cowed down, submit to tyranny (political as well a s physical..psychological as well a s practical..)..so IF a RULER/GOVT ordains that ALL must consume ONLY Hallal..then SIKHS WILL OPPOSE this ordinance as against Human Rights..IF a Ruler ordains that all must remove the Juneau..Guru teg bahdur Ji gave his head to Protect the Human Right to religion by janeau wearing Hindus although SIKHS dont wear the Juneau. HALLAL was ORDAINED as the ONLY LAWFUL MEAT in MUghal Times..a non Muslim couldnt even possess a KNIFE..the KAZI was to be contacted for meat..Guru Ji Ordained that a SIKH will Keep a 3ft sword..will ride a horse, ( Non Muslims were banned form riding horses unless by special permission) will not eat hallal......etc etc all these being INSTRUMENTS of CONTROL..a SIKH only bows to Control of The Creator..none else. THUS even "JHATKA" goat meat gifted as Chharrawa or SACRIFICE to the Godess Kali Mata etc is NOT ALLOWED to a SIKH...so its not a question of how the animal is killed..its a question of ETHICS..we DONT SUBMIT to any except the CREATOR.
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